410 research outputs found

    Designing fuzzy FMEA risk ,management AT production departement PT.Charoen Pokphand Tbk- poultry feed Krian, Sidoarjo

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    PT. Charoen Pokphand adalah perusahaan manufaktur pembuatan pakan ternak terbesar di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memproduksi pakan ternak, bibit ayam, dan aneka olahan makanan berbahan daging ayam. Melihat permintaan dari pakan ternak yang tinggi dari tahun ke tahun, perusahaan harus mendorong dirinya untuk berinovasi dan menungkatkan kualitas dan performansi dari bisnis proses. Bisnis proses yang dominan dimiliki perusahaan ini adalah pembuatan pakan ternak. Departemen produksi dalam hal ini memiliki wewenang untuk mengatur seluruh proses produksi pakan ternak. Beberapa aktivitas didalam departemen ini memiliki banyak kondisi ketidakpastian yang dapat terjadi di lantai produksi. Ketidakpastian ini dapat mengganggu tujuan strategis dari perusahaan. Semua hal yang dapat menghambat ketercapaian tujuan dari bisnis proses dapat dikatakan sebagai risiko. Saat ini perusahaan belum memiliki data risiko secara detail. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi risiko apa saja yang dapat menganggu berjalannya bisnis proses produksi pada PT. Charoen Pokphand. Identifikasi risiko menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis. FTA digunakan untuk mendapatkan akar permasalahan dalam sebuah aktivitas. Penilaian risiko menggunakan metode Fuzzy FMEA. Metode ini dipalikasikan untuk mengurangi tingkat subjektifitas dari para ahli dalam memberikan skor pada setiap risikonya. Output dari penelitian ini yaitu dashboard risiko yang menggunakan makro excel. Output ini dapat membantu user dalam mengakses risiko bisnis proses perusahaan dengan mudah. ========================================================================================================= PT. Charoen Pokphand is the largest poultry feed manufacturing company in Indonesia. It produces animal feed, day-old chick, and chicken processing products. Seeing the demand of poultry feed is increasingly higher by year, this company should push itself to innovate and improve its business process and performance. The biggest business process of this company is poultry feed production. Production department is authorized department that manage the whole production process. Some activities inside will bring a lot of uncertainties that will be occured on the production floor. These uncertainties may block the strategy objectives. All things that can interfere the success of business objectives can be considered as a risk. Currently, they do not have risk data in detail. Therefore, this research will identify risks that may be a failure cause of activity in PT. Charoen Pokphand. The risk identification method is done by using Fault Tree Analysis. FTA is used to obtain root cause problems in each activities. The risk assessment method is done by using Fuzzy FMEA. This method is applied to reduce the expert subjectivity in giving risk score. The output of this research is risk dashboard using Macro Excel. This tool helps user to access the business process risk of PT. Charoen Pokphand

    Genome analysis and genome-wide proteomics of Thermococcus gammatolerans, the most radioresistant organism known amongst the Archaea

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    The genome sequence of Thermococcus gammatolerans, a radioresistant archaeon, is described; a proteomic analysis reveals that radioresistance may be due to unknown DNA repair enzymes

    Konstruiranje značenja u staroengleskim zagonetkama

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    This paper deals with the meaning construal in the Exeter Book Riddles, investigating riddles through a linguistic analysis of form and content, in an attempt to explore and describe their complexity from the primarily linguistic perspective, with an occasional comment on literary, and some historical, cultural and philosophical aspects. The analysis of formal categories revealed the following: a strong rule of alliteration and frequent occurrence of anacrusis as fundamental features of half-lines, several metrical patterns with a clear predominance of a single pattern, three different narrative principles expressing different viewpoints (I-am, I-saw and There-is), variations in opening and closing structures (X+VERB(+COMPLEMENT); imperative structure, ø – ending), a flexibility of word order, an extensive vocabulary, some prominent syntactic structures (three different S-V positions, prepositional and infinitive construction, negative particle construction, X-link-Y) and metastructures. The analysis of content discusses riddle solutions (the majority of which turn out to be objects), particular themes (such as power, independence, conquest) and motifs (such as nature, or human hands), figurative language (personification, metonymy and the kenning), and other poetic devices (namely vivid imagery, oppositions, and the servant-master paradox)

    Reliability Abstracts and Technical Reviews January - December 1970

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    Reliability Abstracts and Technical Reviews is an abstract and critical analysis service covering published and report literature on reliability. The service is designed to provide information on theory and practice of reliability as applied to aerospace and an objective appraisal of the quality, significance, and applicability of the literature abstracted

    Proceedings of the 2009 Coal Operators\u27 Conference

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    Proceedings of the 2009 Coal Operators\u27 Conference. All papers in these proceedings are peer reviewed. ISBN: 978 1 920806 95 8

    Utah Farmers Market Manager Handbook

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    Welcome to the Utah Farmers Market Manager Handbook, designed by the Utah Farmers Market Network for market managers like you! We’re thrilled to support you in your job as a market manager by providing this Handbook of information and tools you’ll need to start a market from scratch or to grow your market, along with helpful links and resources, tips, and best practices for running a successful market

    Altered developmental programming of the mouse mammary gland in female offspring following perinatal dietary exposures : a systems-biology perspective.

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    Mishaps in prenatal development can influence mammary gland development and, ultimately, affect susceptibility to factors that cause breast cancer. This research was based on the underlying hypothesis that maternal dietary composition during pregnancy can alter developmental (fetal) programming of the mammary gland. We used a computational systems-biology approach and Bayesian-based stochastic search variable selection algorithm (SSVS) to identify differentially expressed genes and biological themes and pathways. Postnatal growth trajectories and gene expression in the mammary gland at 10-weeks of age in female mice were investigated following different maternal diet exposures during prenatal-lactational-early-juvenile development. This correlated a decrease in expression of energy pathways with a reciprocal increase in cytokine and inflammatory-signaling pathways. These findings suggest maternal dietary fat exposure significantly influences postnatal growth trajectories, metabolic programming, and signaling networks in the mammary gland of female offspring. In addition, the adipocytokine pathway may be a sensitive trigger to dietary changes and may influence or enhance activation of an immune response, a key event in cancer development