16 research outputs found

    Comparing global optimization and default settings of stream-based joins

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    One problem encountered in real-time data integration is the join of a continuous incoming data stream with a disk-based relation. In this paper we investigate a stream-based join algorithm, called mesh join (MESHJOIN), and focus on a critical component in the algorithm, called the disk-buffer. In MESHJOIN the size of disk-buffer varies with a change in total memory budget and tuning is required to get the maximum service rate within limited available memory. Until now there was little data on the position of the optimum value depending on the memory size, and no performance comparison has been carried out between the optimum and reasonable default sizes for the disk-buffer. To avoid tuning, we propose a reasonable default value for the disk-buffer size with a small and acceptable performance loss. The experimental results validate our arguments

    HYBRIDJOIN for near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    An important component of near-real-time data warehouses is the near-real-time integration layer. One important element in near-real-time data integration is the join of a continuous input data stream with a diskbased relation. For high-throughput streams, stream-based algorithms, such as Mesh Join (MESHJOIN), can be used. However, in MESHJOIN the performance of the algorithm is inversely proportional to the size of disk-based relation. The Index Nested Loop Join (INLJ) can be set up so that it processes stream input, and can deal with intermittences in the update stream but it has low throughput. This paper introduces a robust stream-based join algorithm called Hybrid Join (HYBRIDJOIN), which combines the two approaches. A theoretical result shows that HYBRIDJOIN is asymptotically as fast as the fastest of both algorithms. The authors present performance measurements of the implementation. In experiments using synthetic data based on a Zipfian distribution, HYBRIDJOIN performs significantly better for typical parameters of the Zipfian distribution, and in general performs in accordance with the theoretical model while the other two algorithms are unacceptably slow under different settings

    Optimising HYBRIDJOIN to Process Semi-Stream Data in Near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    Near-real-time data warehousing plays an essential role for decision making in organizations where latest data is to be fed from various data sources on near-real-time basis. The stream of sales data coming from data sources needs to be transformed to the data warehouse format using disk-based master data. This transformation process is a challenging task due to slow disk access rate as compare to the fast stream data. For this purpose, an adaptive semi-stream join algorithm called HYBRIDJOIN (Hybrid Join) is presented in the literature. The algorithm uses a single buffer to load partitions from the master data. Therefore, the algorithm has to wait until the next disk partition overwrites the existing partition in the buffer. As the cost of loading the disk partition into the buffer is a major cost in the total algorithm’s processing cost, this leaves the performance of the algorithm sub-optimal. This paper presents optimisation of existing HYBRIDJOIN by introducing another buffer. This enables the algorithm to load the second buffer while the first one is under join execution. This reduces the time that the algorithm wait for loading of master data partition and consequently, this improves the performance of the algorithm significantly

    Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN for Near-real-time Data Warehousing

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    Near-real-time data warehousing defines how updates from data sources are combined and transformed for storage in a data warehouse as soon as the updates occur. Since these updates are not in warehouse format, they need to be transformed and a join operator is usually required to implement this transformation. A stream-based algorithm called X-HYBRIDJOIN (Extended Hybrid Join), with a favorable asymptotic runtime behavior, was previously proposed. However, X-HYBRIDJOIN does not tune its components under limited available memory resources and without assigning an optimal division of memory to each join component the performance of the algorithm can be suboptimal. This paper presents a variant of X-HYBRIDJOIN called Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN. The paper shows that after proper tuning the algorithm performs significantly better than that of the previous X-HYBRIDJOIN, and also better as other join operators proposed for this application found in the literature. The tuning approach has been presented, based on measurement techniques and a revised cost model. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of Tuned X-HYBRIDJOIN

    Parallelisation of a cache-based stream-relation join for a near-real-time data warehouse

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    Near real-time data warehousing is an important area of research, as business organisations want to analyse their businesses sales with minimal latency. Therefore, sales data generated by data sources need to reflect immediately in the data warehouse. This requires near-real-time transformation of the stream of sales data with a disk-based relation called master data in the staging area. For this purpose, a stream-relation join is required. The main problem in stream-relation joins is the different nature of inputs; stream data is fast and bursty, whereas the disk-based relation is slow due to high disk I/O cost. To resolve this problem, a famous algorithm CACHEJOIN (cache join) was published in the literature. The algorithm has two phases, the disk-probing phase and the stream-probing phase. These two phases execute sequentially; that means stream tuples wait unnecessarily due to the sequential execution of both phases. This limits the algorithm to exploiting CPU resources optimally. In this paper, we address this issue by presenting a robust algorithm called PCSRJ (parallelised cache-based stream relation join). The new algorithm enables the execution of both disk-probing and stream-probing phases of CACHEJOIN in parallel. The algorithm distributes the disk-based relation on two separate nodes and enables parallel execution of CACHEJOIN on each node. The algorithm also implements a strategy of splitting the stream data on each node depending on the relevant part of the relation. We developed a cost model for PCSRJ and validated it empirically. We compared the service rates of both algorithms using a synthetic dataset. Our experiments showed that PCSRJ significantly outperforms CACHEJOIN

    Big data velocity management-from stream to warehouse via high performance memory optimized index join

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    Efficient resource optimization is critical to manage the velocity and volume of real-time streaming data in near-real-time data warehousing and business intelligence. This article presents a memory optimisation algorithm for rapidly joining streaming data with persistent master data in order to reduce data latency. Typically during the transformation phase of ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) a stream of transactional data needs to be joined with master data stored on disk. To implement this process, a semi-stream join operator is commonly used. Most semi-stream join operators cache frequent parts of the master data to improve their performance, this process requires careful distribution of allocated memory among the components of the join operator. This article presents a cache inequality approach to optimise cache size and memory. To test this approach, we present a novel Memory Optimal Index-based Join (MOIJ) algorithm. MOIJ supports many-to-many types of joins and adapts to dynamic streaming data. We also present a cost model for MOIJ and compare the performance with existing algorithms empirically as well as analytically. We envisage the enhanced ability of processing near-real-time streaming data using minimal memory will reduce latency in processing big data and will contribute to the development of highperformance real-time business intelligence systems

    A Memory-Optimal Many-To-Many Semi-Stream Join

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    Semi-stream join algorithms join a fast stream input with a disk-based master data relation. A common class of these algorithms is derived from hash joins: they use the stream as build input for a main hash table, and also include a cache for frequent master data. The composition of the cache is very important for performance; however, the decision of which master data to cache has so far been solely based on heuristics. We present the first formal criterion, a cache inequality that leads to a provably optimal composition of the cache in a semi-stream many-to-many equijoin algorithm. We propose a novel algorithm, Semi-Stream Balanced Join (SSBJ), which exploits this cache inequality to achieve a given service rate with a provably minimal amount of memory for all stream distributions. We present a cost model for SSBJ and compare its service rate empirically and analytically with other related approaches.<br/

    MESHJOIN*: An Algorithm Supporting Streaming Updates in a Real-time Data Warehouse

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    的方法和基于模式图的方法,并详细介绍了各种方法的原理以及各自的优缺点;最后展望了未来的研究方向.The National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.50604012 (国家自然科学基金

    MESHJOIN*:An Algorithm Supporting Streaming Updates in a Real-time Data Warehouse

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    提出了一种新的实时数据仓库环境下的数据流更新算法——MESHJOIn*算法。算法的特性有:(1)关系r采用了分块和散列的组织形式,尽可能避免对当前连接无效元组的读取,减少连接操作所涉及元组的数量,从而提高连接算法的效率;(2)采用了多线程并发连接技术,并根据工程学原理,实现了连接操作和关系r读取操作的最佳调度,保证了连接算法效率的最大化;(3)根据当前系统的服务率和数据流元组的到达率之间的关系,合理调度实时元组和准实时元组的执行,保证了系统对实时元组的处理要求。实验结果表明,MESHJOIn*算法可以取得比MESHJOIn算法更好的性能。A new algorithm called MESHJOIN* is proposed to support streaming updates under real-time data warehouse environment.It has the following distinct features:(1) Relation R is organized in blocks and hashes so as to avoid the reading of unusable tuples for the current join operation as much as possible,through which the amount of tuples involved in a join is much reduced,thus enhancing the efficiency of the join operation;(2) Multi-thread parallel execution technology is adopted here,and the order of read operation and join operation is optimized according to engineering theory so as to maximize the efficiency of join algorithm;(3) Reasonable scheduling of real-time tuples and near-real-time tuples is achieved according to the relationship between the current system service rate and the tuples arriving rate,so that the requirement for the processing of real-time tuples is satisfied.Experimental results show that MESHJOIN* can achieve much better performance than MESHJOIN.国家自然科学基金No.50604012---