202 research outputs found

    Logic Synthesis as an Efficient Means of Minimal Model Discovery from Multivariable Medical Datasets

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    In this paper we review the application of logic synthesis methods for uncovering minimal structures in observational/medical datasets. Traditionally used in digital circuit design, logic synthesis has taken major strides in the past few decades and forms the foundation of some of the most powerful concepts in computer science and data mining. Here we provide a review of current state of research in application of logic synthesis methods for data analysis and provide a demonstrative example for systematic application and reasoning based on these methods

    Three-Valued Modal Logic for Qualitative Comparative Policy Analysis with Crisp-Set QCA

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    Contradictory and missing outcomes are problems common to many qualitative comparative studies, based on the methodology of crisp-set QCA. They also occur in public policy analyses, e.g. if important background variables are omitted or outcomes of new policies are technically censored. As a new solution to these problems, this article proposes the use of three-valued modal logic, originally introduced by the Polish philosopher Jan Lukasiewicz (1970). In addition to true and false, indeterminate is the third truth-value in this alternative approach, which serves to code missing or contradictory data. Moreover, modal operators allow a differentiation between strict and possible triggers and inhibitors of policy outcomes. The advantages of three-valued modal logic in crisp-set QCA are illustrated by an empirical example from comparative welfare policy analysis. Its conclusions allow comparisons with the corresponding results from a conventional crisp-set QCA of the same data-set

    Digi Island: A Serious Game for Teaching and Learning Digital Circuit Optimization

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    Karnaugh maps, also known as K-maps, are a tool used to optimize or simplify digital logic circuits. A K-map is a graphical display of a logic circuit. K-map optimization is essentially the process of finding a minimum number of maximal aggregations of K-map cells. with values of 1 according to a set of rules. The Digi Island is a serious game designed for aiding students to learn K-map optimization. The game takes place on an exotic island (called Digi Island) in the Pacific Ocean . The player is an adventurer to the Digi Island and will transform it into a tourist attraction by developing real estates, such as amusement parks.and hotels. The Digi Island game elegantly converts boring 1s and Os in digital circuits into usable and unusable spaces on a beautiful island and transforms K-map optimization into real estate development, an activity with which many students are familiar and also interested in. This paper discusses the design, development, and some preliminary results of the Digi Island game

    Uncovering deterministic causal structures: a Boolean approach

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    While standard procedures of causal reasoning as procedures analyzing causal Bayesian networks are custom-built for (non-deterministic) probabilistic structures, this paper introduces a Boolean procedure that uncovers deterministic causal structures. Contrary to existing Boolean methodologies, the procedure advanced here successfully analyzes structures of arbitrary complexity. It roughly involves three parts: first, deterministic dependencies are identified in the data; second, these dependencies are suitably minimalized in order to eliminate redundancies; and third, one or—in case of ambiguities—more than one causal structure is assigned to the minimalized deterministic dependencie

    Polynomial-time algorithms for generation of prime implicants

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    AbstractA notion of a neighborhood cube of a term of a Boolean function represented in the canonical disjunctive normal form is introduced. A relation between neighborhood cubes and prime implicants of a Boolean function is established. Various aspects of the problem of prime implicants generation are identified and neighborhood cube-based algorithms for their solution are developed. The correctness of algorithms is proven and their time complexity is analyzed. It is shown that all presented algorithms are polynomial in the number of minterms occurring in the canonical disjunctive normal form representation of a Boolean function. A summary of the known approaches to the solution of the problem of the generation of prime implicants is also included

    A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Publications on the Fuzzy Sets Theory

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    [EN] The publication opportunities in science require knowing the existing gaps in the academic debate. In recent decades, scholars specializing in fuzzy theory and applied methodologies have experienced an unprecedented evolution of the field. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have shaped the way socio-technical transitions use fuzzy methodologies to solve environmental problems. This study conducts a systematic literature review of articles published in the Journal Citations Report on these specific fields. The Web of Science (Core Collection) was used and a database was assembled (N = 1956) that allowed the evaluation of the evolution of the research agenda and detecting high-impact publication opportunities. A model of analysis of successful strategies in academic influence is proposed. The model is tested with a configurational methodology through fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). The conditions used are: number of authors, underlying interest of the researchers, standardized citations per year, age of the articles and link of the research with sustainability. The results are solid and inform five paths that ensure the success of academic publications in high-impact journals. The robustness of the model allows its extrapolation to other fields of research. The contribution of this article allows knowledge of the academic conversation and its research opportunities. In addition, it clarifies the different paths that guarantee high impact research articles. This article offers important recommendations for academics and journal editors, allowing them to guide and advise academic production in the scholarly debate of the future.This research was funded by ESIC Business and Marketing School under grant number 1-V-2021 and is part of the SEDDeS Research Group (Society, Digital Economy and Sustainable Development).Castello-Sirvent, F. (2022). A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Publications on the Fuzzy Sets Theory. Mathematics. 10(8):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/math1008132212310

    A New Case for Image Compression Using Logic Function Minimization

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    Optimizations of Cisco’s Embedded Logic Analyzer Module

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    Cisco’s embedded logic analyzer module (ELAM) is a debugging device used for many of Cisco’s application specific integrated chips (ASICs). The ELAM is used to capture data of interest to the user and stored for analysis purposes. The user enters a trigger expression containing data fields of interest in the form of a logical equation. The data fields associated with the trigger expression are stored in a set of Match and Mask (MM) registers. Incoming data packets are matched against these registers, and if the user-specified data pattern is detected, the ELAM triggers and begins a countdown sequence to stop data capture. The current ELAM implementation is restricted in the form of trigger expressions that are allowed and in the allocation of resources. Currently, data fields in the trigger expression can only be logically ANDed together, Match and Mask registers are inefficiently utilized, and a static state machine exists in the ELAM trigger logic. To optimize the usage of the ELAM, a trigger expression is first treated as a Boolean expression so that minimization algorithms can be run. Next, the data stored in the Match and Mask registers is analyzed for redundancies. Finally, a dynamic state machine is programmed with a distinct set of states generated from the trigger expression. This set of states is further minimized. A feasibility study is done to analyze the validity of the results

    Automatic Design of Switching Networks

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    This thesis develops a method for automatically selecting an optimum set of prime implicants of a Boolean function. The optimization algorithm is based on a minimum cost of mechanization of the simplified function. A FORTRAN IV computer program to implement this approach was written and is included as part of this thesis. This program was developed within the framework of an overall theory for the automation of the design of switching networks. A programing structure as well as the theory for the automation of design is given. Also included is an outline of further areas of study which would be worth exploring as an extension of the present work