26,145 research outputs found

    Sensor Selection and Random Field Reconstruction for Robust and Cost-effective Heterogeneous Weather Sensor Networks for the Developing World

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    We address the two fundamental problems of spatial field reconstruction and sensor selection in heterogeneous sensor networks: (i) how to efficiently perform spatial field reconstruction based on measurements obtained simultaneously from networks with both high and low quality sensors; and (ii) how to perform query based sensor set selection with predictive MSE performance guarantee. For the first problem, we developed a low complexity algorithm based on the spatial best linear unbiased estimator (S-BLUE). Next, building on the S-BLUE, we address the second problem, and develop an efficient algorithm for query based sensor set selection with performance guarantee. Our algorithm is based on the Cross Entropy method which solves the combinatorial optimization problem in an efficient manner.Comment: Presented at NIPS 2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for the Developing Worl

    Online Distributed Sensor Selection

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    A key problem in sensor networks is to decide which sensors to query when, in order to obtain the most useful information (e.g., for performing accurate prediction), subject to constraints (e.g., on power and bandwidth). In many applications the utility function is not known a priori, must be learned from data, and can even change over time. Furthermore for large sensor networks solving a centralized optimization problem to select sensors is not feasible, and thus we seek a fully distributed solution. In this paper, we present Distributed Online Greedy (DOG), an efficient, distributed algorithm for repeatedly selecting sensors online, only receiving feedback about the utility of the selected sensors. We prove very strong theoretical no-regret guarantees that apply whenever the (unknown) utility function satisfies a natural diminishing returns property called submodularity. Our algorithm has extremely low communication requirements, and scales well to large sensor deployments. We extend DOG to allow observation-dependent sensor selection. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on several real-world sensing tasks

    Progressive Processing of Continuous Range Queries in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we study the problem of processing continuous range queries in a hierarchical wireless sensor network. Contrasted with the traditional approach of building networks in a "flat" structure using sensor devices of the same capability, the hierarchical approach deploys devices of higher capability in a higher tier, i.e., a tier closer to the server. While query processing in flat sensor networks has been widely studied, the study on query processing in hierarchical sensor networks has been inadequate. In wireless sensor networks, the main costs that should be considered are the energy for sending data and the storage for storing queries. There is a trade-off between these two costs. Based on this, we first propose a progressive processing method that effectively processes a large number of continuous range queries in hierarchical sensor networks. The proposed method uses the query merging technique proposed by Xiang et al. as the basis and additionally considers the trade-off between the two costs. More specifically, it works toward reducing the storage cost at lower-tier nodes by merging more queries, and toward reducing the energy cost at higher-tier nodes by merging fewer queries (thereby reducing "false alarms"). We then present how to build a hierarchical sensor network that is optimal with respect to the weighted sum of the two costs. It allows for a cost-based systematic control of the trade-off based on the relative importance between the storage and energy in a given network environment and application. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a near-optimal control between the storage and energy and reduces the cost by 0.989~84.995 times compared with the cost achieved using the flat (i.e., non-hierarchical) setup as in the work by Xiang et al.Comment: 41 pages, 20 figure


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    This dissertation is concerned with the modeling, analysis, and optimization of large-scale, query-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It addresses issues related to the time sensitivity of information retrieval and dissemination, network lifetime maximization, and optimal clustering of sensor nodes in mobile WSNs. First, a queueing-theoretic framework is proposed to evaluate the performance of such networks whose nodes detect and advertise significant events that are useful for only a limited time; queries generated by sensor nodes are also time-limited. The main performance parameter is the steady state proportion of generated queries that fail to be answered on time. A scalable approximation for this parameter is first derived assuming the transmission range of sensors is unlimited. Subsequently, the proportion of failed queries is approximated using a finite transmission range. The latter approximation is remarkably accurate, even when key model assumptions related to event and query lifetime distributions and network topology are violated. Second, optimization models are proposed to maximize the lifetime of a query-based WSN by selecting the transmission range for all of the sensor nodes, the resource replication level (or time-to-live counter) and the active/sleep schedule of nodes, subject to connectivity and quality-of-service constraints. An improved lower bound is provided for the minimum transmission range needed to ensure no network nodes are isolated with high probability. The optimization models select the optimal operating parameters in each period of a finite planning horizon, and computational results indicate that the maximum lifetime can be significantly extended by adjusting the key operating parameters as sensors fail over time due to energy depletion. Finally, optimization models are proposed to maximize the demand coverage and minimize the costs of locating, and relocating, cluster heads in mobile WSNs. In these models, the locations of mobile sensor nodes evolve randomly so that each sensor must be optimally assigned to a cluster head during each period of a finite planning horizon. Additionally, these models prescribe the optimal times at which to update the sensor locations to improve coverage. Computational experiments illustrate the usefulness of dynamically updating cluster head locations and sensor location information over time

    Query DAGs: A Practical Paradigm for Implementing Belief-Network Inference

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    We describe a new paradigm for implementing inference in belief networks, which consists of two steps: (1) compiling a belief network into an arithmetic expression called a Query DAG (Q-DAG); and (2) answering queries using a simple evaluation algorithm. Each node of a Q-DAG represents a numeric operation, a number, or a symbol for evidence. Each leaf node of a Q-DAG represents the answer to a network query, that is, the probability of some event of interest. It appears that Q-DAGs can be generated using any of the standard algorithms for exact inference in belief networks (we show how they can be generated using clustering and conditioning algorithms). The time and space complexity of a Q-DAG generation algorithm is no worse than the time complexity of the inference algorithm on which it is based. The complexity of a Q-DAG evaluation algorithm is linear in the size of the Q-DAG, and such inference amounts to a standard evaluation of the arithmetic expression it represents. The intended value of Q-DAGs is in reducing the software and hardware resources required to utilize belief networks in on-line, real-world applications. The proposed framework also facilitates the development of on-line inference on different software and hardware platforms due to the simplicity of the Q-DAG evaluation algorithm. Interestingly enough, Q-DAGs were found to serve other purposes: simple techniques for reducing Q-DAGs tend to subsume relatively complex optimization techniques for belief-network inference, such as network-pruning and computation-caching.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    A network-aware framework for energy-efficient data acquisition in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks enable users to monitor the physical world at an extremely high fidelity. In order to collect the data generated by these tiny-scale devices, the data management community has proposed the utilization of declarative data-acquisition frameworks. While these frameworks have facilitated the energy-efficient retrieval of data from the physical environment, they were agnostic of the underlying network topology and also did not support advanced query processing semantics. In this paper we present KSpot+, a distributed network-aware framework that optimizes network efficiency by combining three components: (i) the tree balancing module, which balances the workload of each sensor node by constructing efficient network topologies; (ii) the workload balancing module, which minimizes data reception inefficiencies by synchronizing the sensor network activity intervals; and (iii) the query processing module, which supports advanced query processing semantics. In order to validate the efficiency of our approach, we have developed a prototype implementation of KSpot+ in nesC and JAVA. In our experimental evaluation, we thoroughly assess the performance of KSpot+ using real datasets and show that KSpot+ provides significant energy reductions under a variety of conditions, thus significantly prolonging the longevity of a WSN

    Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks: Algorithms, Strategies, and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks monitor dynamic environments that change rapidly over time. This dynamic behavior is either caused by external factors or initiated by the system designers themselves. To adapt to such conditions, sensor networks often adopt machine learning techniques to eliminate the need for unnecessary redesign. Machine learning also inspires many practical solutions that maximize resource utilization and prolong the lifespan of the network. In this paper, we present an extensive literature review over the period 2002-2013 of machine learning methods that were used to address common issues in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The advantages and disadvantages of each proposed algorithm are evaluated against the corresponding problem. We also provide a comparative guide to aid WSN designers in developing suitable machine learning solutions for their specific application challenges.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Inference Optimization using Relational Algebra

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    Exact inference procedures in Bayesian networks can be expressed using relational algebra; this provides a common ground for optimizations from the AI and database communities. Specifically, the ability to accomodate sparse representations of probability distributions opens up the way to optimize for their cardinality instead of the dimensionality; we apply this in a sensor data model.\u
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