10,591 research outputs found

    Global Numerical Constraints on Trees

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    We introduce a logical foundation to reason on tree structures with constraints on the number of node occurrences. Related formalisms are limited to express occurrence constraints on particular tree regions, as for instance the children of a given node. By contrast, the logic introduced in the present work can concisely express numerical bounds on any region, descendants or ancestors for instance. We prove that the logic is decidable in single exponential time even if the numerical constraints are in binary form. We also illustrate the usage of the logic in the description of numerical constraints on multi-directional path queries on XML documents. Furthermore, numerical restrictions on regular languages (XML schemas) can also be concisely described by the logic. This implies a characterization of decidable counting extensions of XPath queries and XML schemas. Moreover, as the logic is closed under negation, it can thus be used as an optimal reasoning framework for testing emptiness, containment and equivalence

    A Trichotomy for Regular Trail Queries

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    Regular path queries (RPQs) are an essential component of graph query languages. Such queries consider a regular expression r and a directed edge-labeled graph G and search for paths in G for which the sequence of labels is in the language of r. In order to avoid having to consider infinitely many paths, some database engines restrict such paths to be trails, that is, they only consider paths without repeated edges. In this paper we consider the evaluation problem for RPQs under trail semantics, in the case where the expression is fixed. We show that, in this setting, there exists a trichotomy. More precisely, the complexity of RPQ evaluation divides the regular languages into the finite languages, the class T_tract (for which the problem is tractable), and the rest. Interestingly, the tractable class in the trichotomy is larger than for the trichotomy for simple paths, discovered by Bagan et al. [Bagan et al., 2013]. In addition to this trichotomy result, we also study characterizations of the tractable class, its expressivity, the recognition problem, closure properties, and show how the decision problem can be extended to the enumeration problem, which is relevant to practice

    On the Size Complexity of Non-Returning Context-Free PC Grammar Systems

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    Improving the previously known best bound, we show that any recursively enumerable language can be generated with a non-returning parallel communicating (PC) grammar system having six context-free components. We also present a non-returning universal PC grammar system generating unary languages, that is, a system where not only the number of components, but also the number of productions and the number of nonterminals are limited by certain constants, and these size parameters do not depend on the generated language

    Bit-Vector Model Counting using Statistical Estimation

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    Approximate model counting for bit-vector SMT formulas (generalizing \#SAT) has many applications such as probabilistic inference and quantitative information-flow security, but it is computationally difficult. Adding random parity constraints (XOR streamlining) and then checking satisfiability is an effective approximation technique, but it requires a prior hypothesis about the model count to produce useful results. We propose an approach inspired by statistical estimation to continually refine a probabilistic estimate of the model count for a formula, so that each XOR-streamlined query yields as much information as possible. We implement this approach, with an approximate probability model, as a wrapper around an off-the-shelf SMT solver or SAT solver. Experimental results show that the implementation is faster than the most similar previous approaches which used simpler refinement strategies. The technique also lets us model count formulas over floating-point constraints, which we demonstrate with an application to a vulnerability in differential privacy mechanisms

    Expressive Path Queries on Graph with Data

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    Graph data models have recently become popular owing to their applications, e.g., in social networks and the semantic web. Typical navigational query languages over graph databases - such as Conjunctive Regular Path Queries (CRPQs) - cannot express relevant properties of the interaction between the underlying data and the topology. Two languages have been recently proposed to overcome this problem: walk logic (WL) and regular expressions with memory (REM). In this paper, we begin by investigating fundamental properties of WL and REM, i.e., complexity of evaluation problems and expressive power. We first show that the data complexity of WL is nonelementary, which rules out its practicality. On the other hand, while REM has low data complexity, we point out that many natural data/topology properties of graphs expressible in WL cannot be expressed in REM. To this end, we propose register logic, an extension of REM, which we show to be able to express many natural graph properties expressible in WL, while at the same time preserving the elementariness of data complexity of REMs. It is also incomparable to WL in terms of expressive power.Comment: 39 page

    Streamability of nested word transductions

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    We consider the problem of evaluating in streaming (i.e., in a single left-to-right pass) a nested word transduction with a limited amount of memory. A transduction T is said to be height bounded memory (HBM) if it can be evaluated with a memory that depends only on the size of T and on the height of the input word. We show that it is decidable in coNPTime for a nested word transduction defined by a visibly pushdown transducer (VPT), if it is HBM. In this case, the required amount of memory may depend exponentially on the height of the word. We exhibit a sufficient, decidable condition for a VPT to be evaluated with a memory that depends quadratically on the height of the word. This condition defines a class of transductions that strictly contains all determinizable VPTs