6,685 research outputs found

    AGMAAS: a GIS integrated tool for modelling wind-borne spreading of FMD virus

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    The aim of our work was to develop a tool integrated into Quantum GIS (QGIS) that can help
the user estimate and visualize the possible infective areas around an outbreak based on HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model


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    ABSTRAK BTS (Base Transceiver Station) berfungsi sebagai jembatan perangkat komunikasi pengguna dengan jaringan menuju jaringan lain. Satu cakupan pancaran BTS dapat disebut cell. Sistem Informasi Geografis merupakan suatu sistem yang digunakan sebagai media penampil keadaan topografi suatu wilayah. Sistem Informasi Geografis tidak lepas dari data spasial, yang merupakan sebuah data yang mengacu pada posisi obyek dan hubungan diantaranya dalam ruang bumi. Data spasial merupakan salah satu item dari informasi dimana didalamnya terdapat informasi mengenai bumi termasuk permukaan bumi, dibawah permukaan bumi, perairan, kelautan dan bawah atmosfer. Pada proyek akhir ini akan dirancang sistem informasi geografis pemetaan tower BTS dan infrastruktur sekitar BTS dengan menggunakan software Quantum GIS. Quantum GIS merupakan aplikasi open source, disini Quantum GIS digunakan untuk mendigitasi peta yaitu lokasi tower BTS dan infrastruktur sekitar tower. Informasi yang disajikan meliputi nama, alamat, dan wilayah. Hasil yang diharapkan dalam pembuatan proyek akhir ini yaitu dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi geografis mengenai lokasi tower BTS ini memudahkan untuk mengetahui dimana posisi BTS, dan juga memudahkan dalam memperbarui peta lokasi tower BTS. Kata kunci : BTS, Sistem Informasi geografis, Quantum Gis, Data Spasia

    Updating the bathymetry of the Maltese Islands : a national-scale marine survey employing interferometric sonar

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    Chapter 8The ERDF project detailed a requirment for the scanning of an extensive area of 415 square kilometers employing an interferometric sonar. The process, though hampered by high wind and adverse sea conditions was completed as per contract requirements, yielding interesting new information of the bathymetric landscapes of the Maltese Islands. Survey design: The campaign for the bathymetric survey of the Maltese islands, carried out during the summers of 2012 and 2013, summed total area of about 415 square kilometres and covered depths between 15 and 200 m. Th e total survey area was divided into 28 survey blocks, laid out so each one was completed during a full day of work. This rule applied to all the blocks except for blocks 16 and 17 which were completed over the course of two days each. Each survey block was completed by running survey lines parallel to the blocks’ longitudinal axis. During rough weather, lines were run parallel to predominant wave direction to minimise vessel roll. Line spacing ranged from 50 to 300 metres and was decided by a combination of the sensor’s accuracy at increasing horizontal range, depth, seabed type and sea state. Crosslines were also run for each block, usually on the boundary, to allow for additional data checks between neighbouring blockspeer-reviewe


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    Teknologi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) atau Geographic Infromation System (GIS) merupakan suatu teknologi mengenai informasi geografis yang telah sangat berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini, menghasilkan SIG dengan visualisasi data special yang berisi informasi masyarakat probolinggo yang mengalami putus sekolah. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis ini menggunakan quantum GIS dengan menggunakan data yang telah diperoleh dari BAPPEDA (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah) Kabupaten Probolinggo yang memiliki 24 kecamatan dan 328 desa dengan data masyarakat putus sekolah tingkat SD, SLTP dan SLTA. Implementasi penelitian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan aplikasi Quantum GIS, Map Server, dan Postgre SQL/Post GIS. Sedangkan bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah PHP, HTML. Sedangkan model perancangan sistem yang digunakan mencakup use case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Squance Diagram dan Class Diagram.&nbsp

    Uso de sistemas de informações geográficas para elaboração de banco de dados utilizando software livre.

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    Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a consistência dos dados vetoriais existentes nos estados da Amazônia Legal e inseri-los em um banco de dados utilizando o software livre Quantum GIS, versão 1,8

    Development of a new GIS-based method to detect high natural value farmlands. A case study in central Italy

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    An original method for the identification of High Natural Value farmlands is presented. Gathering information about land use (CORINE Land Cover), geomorphology (elevation and Terrain Ruggedness Index) and remote sensing data in a GIS environment we were able to develop a new detection process; its application to a wide sector of central Italy, in areas characterized by high biodiversity and relevant agronomic and cultural value, is presented. Thus, a new tool for diminishing sampling efforts and economic and time wastes in territorial studies is provided

    Coastal urbanization leads to remarkable seaweed species loss and community shifts along the SW Atlantic

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    Coastal urbanization is rapidly expanding worldwide while its impacts on seaweed communities remain poorly understood. We assessed the impact of urbanization along an extensive latitudinal gradient encompassing three phycogeographical regions in the SW Atlantic. Human population density, number of dwellings, and terrestrial vegetation cover were determined for each survey area and correlated with diversity indices calculated from seaweed percent cover data. Urban areas had significantly lower calcareous algal cover (-38%), and there was significantly less carbonate in the sediment off urban areas than off reference areas. Seaweed richness averaged 26% less in urban areas than in areas with higher vegetation cover. We observed a remarkable decline in Phaeophyceae and a substantial increase of Chlorophyta in urban areas across a wide latitudinal gradient. Our data show that coastal urbanization is causing substantial loss of seaweed biodiversity in the SW Atlantic, and is considerably changing seaweed assemblages

    Discriminating between nesting and non-nesting habitat in a vulnerable bird species: Implications for behavioural ecology

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    Nowadays, partitioning amongst nesting and non-nesting habitats is not much studied. Here, I investigate whether or not the turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) nesting habitats overlap with those used for other purposes in a North African agroforestry system. A total of 33 nest points and 33 turtle dove presence points were considered. The study, conducted in May to June 2017, attempted to determine the factors that may play a role in discriminating between the nesting habitats and non-nesting habitats. I used a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to test the relevance of proximity of food resources, forest edge and human presence variables in the distribution of the species. The results show substantial segregation in the habitats selected for nesting and those selected for other uses [average distance was 1129.69 ± 169.40 m (n = 66) with a maximum of 1518.6 m and a minimum of 617.72 m], with selection depending primarily on the proximity to forest edge and feeding areas. I discuss these findings and their implications on behavioural ecology and future researches of this vulnerable species. I suggest guidelines for future studies that will seek to better understand the behavioural dynamics of turtle doves in the Mediterranean agroforestry systems. This can only be done when disturbance covariates, such as: (i) forest logging, (ii) cereal harvesting and (iii) hunting and predation pressures, were imperatively taken into account