8 research outputs found

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We consider the quantitative analysis problem for interprocedural control-flow graphs (ICFGs). The input consists of an ICFG, a positive weight function that assigns every transition a positive integer-valued number, and a labelling of the transitions (events) as good, bad, and neutral events. The weight function assigns to each transition a numerical value that represents ameasure of how good or bad an event is. The quantitative analysis problem asks whether there is a run of the ICFG where the ratio of the sum of the numerical weights of good events versus the sum of weights of bad events in the long-run is at least a given threshold (or equivalently, to compute the maximal ratio among all valid paths in the ICFG). The quantitative analysis problem for ICFGs can be solved in polynomial time, and we present an efficient and practical algorithm for the problem. We show that several problems relevant for static program analysis, such as estimating the worst-case execution time of a program or the average energy consumption of a mobile application, can be modeled in our framework. We have implemented our algorithm as a tool in the Java Soot framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with two case studies. First, we show that our framework provides a sound approach (no false positives) for the analysis of inefficiently-used containers. Second, we show that our approach can also be used for static profiling of programs which reasons about methods that are frequently invoked. Our experimental results show that our tool scales to relatively large benchmarks, and discovers relevant and useful information that can be used to optimize performance of the programs

    IST Austria Thesis

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    This dissertation focuses on algorithmic aspects of program verification, and presents modeling and complexity advances on several problems related to the static analysis of programs, the stateless model checking of concurrent programs, and the competitive analysis of real-time scheduling algorithms. Our contributions can be broadly grouped into five categories. Our first contribution is a set of new algorithms and data structures for the quantitative and data-flow analysis of programs, based on the graph-theoretic notion of treewidth. It has been observed that the control-flow graphs of typical programs have special structure, and are characterized as graphs of small treewidth. We utilize this structural property to provide faster algorithms for the quantitative and data-flow analysis of recursive and concurrent programs. In most cases we make an algebraic treatment of the considered problem, where several interesting analyses, such as the reachability, shortest path, and certain kind of data-flow analysis problems follow as special cases. We exploit the constant-treewidth property to obtain algorithmic improvements for on-demand versions of the problems, and provide data structures with various tradeoffs between the resources spent in the preprocessing and querying phase. We also improve on the algorithmic complexity of quantitative problems outside the algebraic path framework, namely of the minimum mean-payoff, minimum ratio, and minimum initial credit for energy problems. Our second contribution is a set of algorithms for Dyck reachability with applications to data-dependence analysis and alias analysis. In particular, we develop an optimal algorithm for Dyck reachability on bidirected graphs, which are ubiquitous in context-insensitive, field-sensitive points-to analysis. Additionally, we develop an efficient algorithm for context-sensitive data-dependence analysis via Dyck reachability, where the task is to obtain analysis summaries of library code in the presence of callbacks. Our algorithm preprocesses libraries in almost linear time, after which the contribution of the library in the complexity of the client analysis is (i)~linear in the number of call sites and (ii)~only logarithmic in the size of the whole library, as opposed to linear in the size of the whole library. Finally, we prove that Dyck reachability is Boolean Matrix Multiplication-hard in general, and the hardness also holds for graphs of constant treewidth. This hardness result strongly indicates that there exist no combinatorial algorithms for Dyck reachability with truly subcubic complexity. Our third contribution is the formalization and algorithmic treatment of the Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis framework. In this framework, the transitions of a recursive program are annotated as good, bad or neutral, and receive a weight which measures the magnitude of their respective effect. The Quantitative Interprocedural Analysis problem asks to determine whether there exists an infinite run of the program where the long-run ratio of the bad weights over the good weights is above a given threshold. We illustrate how several quantitative problems related to static analysis of recursive programs can be instantiated in this framework, and present some case studies to this direction. Our fourth contribution is a new dynamic partial-order reduction for the stateless model checking of concurrent programs. Traditional approaches rely on the standard Mazurkiewicz equivalence between traces, by means of partitioning the trace space into equivalence classes, and attempting to explore a few representatives from each class. We present a new dynamic partial-order reduction method called the Data-centric Partial Order Reduction (DC-DPOR). Our algorithm is based on a new equivalence between traces, called the observation equivalence. DC-DPOR explores a coarser partitioning of the trace space than any exploration method based on the standard Mazurkiewicz equivalence. Depending on the program, the new partitioning can be even exponentially coarser. Additionally, DC-DPOR spends only polynomial time in each explored class. Our fifth contribution is the use of automata and game-theoretic verification techniques in the competitive analysis and synthesis of real-time scheduling algorithms for firm-deadline tasks. On the analysis side, we leverage automata on infinite words to compute the competitive ratio of real-time schedulers subject to various environmental constraints. On the synthesis side, we introduce a new instance of two-player mean-payoff partial-information games, and show how the synthesis of an optimal real-time scheduler can be reduced to computing winning strategies in this new type of games

    Faster Algorithms for Dynamic Algebraic Queries in Basic RSMs with Constant Treewidth

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    Interprocedural analysis is at the heart of numerous applications in programming languages, such as alias analysis, constant propagation, and so on. Recursive state machines (RSMs) are standard models for interprocedural analysis. We consider a general framework with RSMs where the transitions are labeled from a semiring and path properties are algebraic with semiring operations. RSMs with algebraic path properties can model interprocedural dataflow analysis problems, the shortest path problem, the most probable path problem, and so on. The traditional algorithms for interprocedural analysis focus on path properties where the starting point is fixed as the entry point of a specific method. In this work, we consider possible multiple queries as required in many applications such as in alias analysis. The study of multiple queries allows us to bring in an important algorithmic distinction between the resource usage of the one-time preprocessing vs for each individual query. The second aspect we consider is that the control flow graphs for most programs have constant treewidth. Our main contributions are simple and implementable algorithms that support multiple queries for algebraic path properties for RSMs that have constant treewidth. Our theoretical results show that our algorithms have small additional one-time preprocessing but can answer subsequent queries significantly faster as compared to the current algorithmic solutions for interprocedural dataflow analysis. We have also implemented our algorithms and evaluated their performance for performing on-demand interprocedural dataflow analysis on various domains, such as for live variable analysis and reaching definitions, on a standard benchmark set. Our experimental results align with our theoretical statements and show that after a lightweight preprocessing, on-demand queries are answered much faster than the standard existing algorithmic approaches

    Ergodic mean-payo games for the analysis of attacks in crypto-currencies

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    Crypto-currencies are digital assets designed to work as a medium of exchange, e.g., Bitcoin, but they are susceptible to attacks (dishonest behavior of participants). A framework for the analysis of attacks in crypto-currencies requires (a) modeling of game-theoretic aspects to analyze incentives for deviation from honest behavior; (b) concurrent interactions between participants; and (c) analysis of long-term monetary gains. Traditional game-theoretic approaches for the analysis of security protocols consider either qualitative temporal properties such as safety and termination, or the very special class of one-shot (stateless) games. However, to analyze general attacks on protocols for crypto-currencies, both stateful analysis and quantitative objectives are necessary. In this work our main contributions are as follows: (a) we show how a class of concurrent mean-payo games, namely ergodic games, can model various attacks that arise naturally in crypto-currencies; (b) we present the first practical implementation of algorithms for ergodic games that scales to model realistic problems for crypto-currencies; and (c) we present experimental results showing that our framework can handle games with thousands of states and millions of transitions

    Quantitative Verification on Product Graphs of Small Treewidth

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    Product graphs arise naturally in formal verification and program analysis. For example, the analysis of two concurrent threads requires the product of two component control-flow graphs, and for language inclusion of deterministic automata the product of two automata is constructed. In many cases, the component graphs have constant treewidth, e.g., when the input contains control-flow graphs of programs. We consider the algorithmic analysis of products of two constant-treewidth graphs with respect to three classic specification languages, namely, (a) algebraic properties, (b) mean-payoff properties, and (c) initial credit for energy properties. Our main contributions are as follows. Consider a graph G that is the product of two constant-treewidth graphs of size n each. First, given an idempotent semiring, we present an algorithm that computes the semiring transitive closure of G in time Õ(n4). Since the output has size Θ(n4), our algorithm is optimal (up to polylog factors). Second, given a mean-payoff objective, we present an O(n3)-time algorithm for deciding whether the value of a starting state is non-negative, improving the previously known O(n4) bound. Third, given an initial credit for energy objective, we present an O(n5)-time algorithm for computing the minimum initial credit for all nodes of G, improving the previously known O(n8) bound. At the heart of our approach lies an algorithm for the efficient construction of strongly-balanced tree decompositions of constant-treewidth graphs. Given a constant-treewidth graph G′ of n nodes and a positive integer λ, our algorithm constructs a binary tree decomposition of G′ of width O(λ) with the property that the size of each subtree decreases geometrically with rate (1/2 + 2-λ)

    Quantitative interprocedural analysis

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    We consider the quantitative analysis problem for interprocedural control-flow graphs (ICFGs). The input consists of an ICFG, a positive weight function that assigns every transition a positive integer-valued number, and a labelling of the transitions (events) as good, bad, and neutral events. The weight function assigns to each transition a numerical value that represents ameasure of how good or bad an event is. The quantitative analysis problem asks whether there is a run of the ICFG where the ratio of the sum of the numerical weights of good events versus the sum of weights of bad events in the long-run is at least a given threshold (or equivalently, to compute the maximal ratio among all valid paths in the ICFG). The quantitative analysis problem for ICFGs can be solved in polynomial time, and we present an efficient and practical algorithm for the problem. We show that several problems relevant for static program analysis, such as estimating the worst-case execution time of a program or the average energy consumption of a mobile application, can be modeled in our framework. We have implemented our algorithm as a tool in the Java Soot framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with two case studies. First, we show that our framework provides a sound approach (no false positives) for the analysis of inefficiently-used containers. Second, we show that our approach can also be used for static profiling of programs which reasons about methods that are frequently invoked. Our experimental results show that our tool scales to relatively large benchmarks, and discovers relevant and useful information that can be used to optimize performance of the programs