54 research outputs found

    Smart manufacturing for industry 4.0 using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology

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    Industry 4.0 (I4.0) presents a unique challenge of efficiently transforming traditional manufacturing to smart and autonomous systems.Integrating manufacturing systems, materials, machinery, operators, products and consumers, improve interconnectivity and traceability across the entire product life cycle in order to ensure the horizontal and vertical integration of networked Smart Manufacturing (SM) systems. Manufacturing functions of Material Handling (MH)-control, storage, protection and transport of raw materials, work in process (WIP) and finished products- throughout a manufacturing and distribution process will need a revamp in ways they are currently being carried in order to transition them into the SM era. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), an Automated Identification Data Capture (AIDC) technology increasingly being used to enhance MH functions in the (SM) industry, due to opportunities it presents for item tracking, out of sight data capturing, navigation and space mapping abilities. The technology readiness level of RFID has presented many implementation challenges as progress is being made to fully integrate the technology into the preexisting MH functions. Recently, many researchers in academia and industry have described various methods of using RFID for improving and efficiently carrying out MH functions as a gradual transition is being made into I4.0 era. This paper reviews and categorize research finding regarding RFID application developments according to various MH functions in SM, tabulates how various I4.0 enablers are needed to transform various traditional manufacturing functions into SM. It aims to let more experts know the current research status of RFID technology and provide some guidance for future research


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    Recycling of ICT and other electronic products is gaining in importance due to both ecological and economic reasons such as the shortage of resources contained in electronic devices. European legislation has handed the responsibility for recycling electronic products to the producers. However, the WEEE directive (waste electrical and electronic equipment) and its national transpositions have been criticized for failing to reach the original goal of promoting design for recycling. In this paper we analyze how detailed object-related information can support recycling processes. We propose a distributed RFID-based waste management information system for electronic devices which enables individualizing producer responsibility but also supports other goals of waste management by providing detailed object-related information. We first analyze deficiencies in current practice and then conduct a requirements analysis for the proposed system. Based on this we create a system design model, consisting of data and object model and system architectur

    Review of sustainable service-based business models in the Chinese truck sector

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    Growth of global sales of new trucks in emerging economies is substantial however, in China the growth of sales is expected to be only 1% for 2014–2024. The limited sales growth forecast and an intense market competition make it imperative for truck manufacturers in China to diversify their revenue earnings through service-based business models for the Chinese market. Typically, Chinese service based business models need to be sustainable by considering environmental and social factors in the manufacturer’s business model. This paper reviews existing product–service systems (PSS) and service-based business models in the automotive sector to identify how truck manufacturers could reorient their current business model with respect to the Chinese context to enhance customer satisfaction, profitability and sustainability. The analysis indicates that most of the studies in the automotive sector have focused on product-oriented or use-oriented business models with respect to car segment specifically in the developed markets. Besides, sustainability issues related to vehicle end-of-life management are rarely considered. Our findings suggest that the Chinese truck sector needs an integrated result-oriented PSS business model which could be implemented in other developing countries

    Leveraged Buyouts

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    This study comprehensively reviews theoretical and empirical literature pertaining to leveraged buyouts. An agency theory framework best describes the source of LBO value creation. Agency conflicts are mitigated through extensive utilisation of debt capital and concentrated equity ownership, which are functions of asset and organisation structures. The evidence generally supports the hypothesis that economic wealth is created by leveraged buyouts, rather than merely redistributed among stakeholders. This thesis uses a multiple case design to examine leveraged buyouts in Australia. It compiles data from a broad range of public and private sources, and conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis on six (6) leveraged buyouts. Case results indicate that industry and business attributes synonymous with US and UK buyouts are important determinants of Australian leveraged buyouts. Business attributes are the primary motivating farces. Ownership structures comply with foreign expectations, and capital structures are more closely aligned with those reported in UK research. Industry adjusted performance was analysed for a subset of three (3) leveraged buyouts with post-buyout periods of sufficient duration. Profit margins and capital utilisation exceeded industry medians in each post-buyout year, for each leveraged buyout. Cost control, rather than increased sales, accounted for most gains. Australian buyouts did not manage working capital effectively, a result which contrasts markedly with US and UK leveraged buyouts. The evidence from the Australian leveraged buyouts analysed in this thesis is consistent with an agency theory framework

    A business process reengineering framework using the analytic hierarchy process to select a traceability technology for spare parts management in capital-intensive industries

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: demand forecasting for spare parts; and inventory warehousing management. Various aspects (including 29 best practices) of BPR are described in order to support the proposed framework. These include criteria for selecting processes to redesign, the role of Information Technology in BPR and typical barriers to eff ective implementation of BPR. The AHP (a multi-criteria decision-making method) is explained in detail, as it facilitates the selection of asset traceability technology. An overview of asset traceability technologies (speci fically barcode technology, Radio Frequency Identi cation (RFID) technology and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology) is also provided, including the description of certain characteristics of each technology. The proposed framework, based on the literature review, serves as a structured guide and consists of two primary parallel elements (referred to as streams), namely the BPR stream and the Change Management stream. The BPR stream encompasses six phases of BPR (Contextualise SPM, Business Process Redesign, Asset Traceability Technology, Decision-Making, Implement, and Monitor and Evaluate) while the Change Management stream consists of three stages (Unfreeze State, Change State and Refreeze State). The framework is validated through face validation via semi-structured interviews with participants forming a panel of experts involved in and familiar with SPM and asset traceability technology. According to the expert panel, the proposed framework satisfies achievement of the desired framework attributes, namely (i) Generic and adaptable, (ii) Holistic and comprehensive, (iii) Structured and objective- or outcome-oriented and (iv) Practical. In addition, the expert panel perceived the framework to be useful, easy to use and understandable. However, recommendations were proposed to further improve the framework, including the addition of a scoping and objectives section and the expansion of the Change Management element.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderdele is noodsaaklik vir die e ektiewe bedryf van 'n kapitaal-intensiewe organisasie en maak, tesame met materiaalverbruik, ongeveer 50% uit van 'n tipiese instandhoudingsbegroting. Ten spyte van die relatief groot hoeveelheid literatuur beskikbaar oor onderdele, pas min maatskappye egter ordentlike strukturele, feitlike en kwantitatiewe Onderdelebestuur toe. Geïntegreerde benaderings om onderdele te bestuur, sowel as om teoretiese modelle te ondersteun met praktiese riglyne, word benodig ten einde die gaping tussen navorsing en praktyk te oorbrug. Die studie het voortgevloei uit 'n geleentheid geïdenti seer om prosesse binne Onderdelebestuur te verbeter, spesi ek deur die gebruik van bate opspoorbaarheidstegnologie. 'n Raamwerk word voorgestel wat (i) die Besigheidsproses Hersiening lei deur prosesse binne Onderdelebestuur, met die inagneming van elemente van Veranderingsbestuur, en (ii) die keuse van opspoorbaarheidstegnologie lei vir integrasie binne Onderdelebestuur by kapitaal-intensiewe organisasies (deur die gebruik van die Analitiese Hiërargie Proses). Die navorsing bestaan uit 'n bespreking van Batebestuur, insluitend PAS 55 en ISO 55000 (twee belangrike Batebestuur dokumentreekse) en Veranderings-bestuur, wat 'n noodsaaklike aspek vir implementering is. Vervolgens word Onderdelebestuur, 'n onderafdeling van Batebestuur wat verband hou met onderdele en die fokuspunt van die studie is, aangespreek. Die volgende Onderdelebestuur aspekte word onder andere aangespreek: eienskappe van onderdele en hoe onderdele van ander algemene voorraad verskil; klassi seringskriteria en klassi seringstegnieke; vooruitskatting van die vraag na onderdele; en die bestuur van voorraadvlakke. Verskeie aspekte (insluitend 29 beste praktyke) van Besigheidsproses Hersiening word beskryf ten einde die voorgestelde raamwerk te ondersteun. Dit sluit kriteria in vir die keuse van herontwerpsprosesse, die rol van Inligtingstegnologie in Besigheidsproses Hersiening en tipiese struikelblokke vir die e ektiewe implementering van Besigheidsproses Hersiening. Die Analitiese Hiërargie Proses ('n multi-kriteria besluitnemingsmetode) word in detail verduidelik, aangesien dit die keuse van 'n bate opspoorbaarheidstegnolgie moet fasiliteer. 'n Oorsig van bate pspoorbaarheidstegnolgieë (spesi ek strepieskode tegnologie, Radiofrekwensie Identi kasie (RFID) tegnologie en Globale Posisioneringstelsel (GPS) tegnologie) word ook verskaf, insluitend die beskrywing van sekere eienskappe van elke tegnolgie. Die voorgestelde raamwerk, gebasseer op die literatuurstudie, dien as 'n gestruktureerde gids en bestaan uit twee primêre parallele elemente (wat na verwys word as strome), naamlik die Besigheidsproses Hersiening stroom en die Veranderingsbestuur stroom. Die Besigheidsproses Hersiening stroom vervat ses fases van Besigheidsproses Hersiening (Kontekstualiseer Onderdelebestuur, Besigheidsproses Hersiening, Bate Opspoorbaarheidstegnolgie, Besluitneming, Implementeer, en Monitor en Evalueer) terwyl die Veranderingsbestuur stroom bestaan uit drie stadiums (Ontvries Stadium, Verander Stadium en Hervries Stadium). Die voorgestelde raamwerk word bekragtig deur sigwaarde bekragtiging via semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met deelnemers wat 'n paneel van deskundiges vorm wat betrokke en vertroud is met Onderdelebestuur en Bate Opspoorbaarheidstegnolgie. Volgens die paneel van deskundiges slaag die voorgestelde raamwerk daarin om die vereiste raamwerk kenmerke te bereik, naamlik (i) Generies en aanpasbaar, (ii) Holisties en omvattend, (iii) Gestruktureerd en doelof uitkomsgeöriënteerd en (iv) Prakties. Boonop het die paneel van deskundiges die raamwerk gesien as nuttig, maklik om te gebruik en verstaanbaar. Aanbevelings was egter voorgestel om die raamwerk verder te verbeter, insluitend die byvoeging van 'n bestek en doelwitte afdeling en die uitbreiding van die Veranderingsbestuur element

    Accurate modeling techniques for power delivery

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    “Power delivery is essential in electronic systems to provide reliable power from voltage sources to load devices. Driven by the ambitious user demands and technology evolutions, the power delivery design is posed serious challenges. In this work, we focus on modeling two types of power delivery paths: the power distribution network (PDN) and the wireless power transfer (WPT) system. For the modeling of PDN, a novel pattern-based analytical method is proposed for PCB-level PDN impedance calculations, which constructs an equivalent circuit with one-to-one correspondences to the PCB’s physical structure. A practical modeling methodology is also introduced to optimize the PDN design. In addition, a topology-based behavior model is developed for the current-mode voltage regulator module (VRM). This model includes all the critical components in the power stage, the voltage control loop, and the current control loop of a VRM device. A novel method is also proposed to unify the modeling of the continuous and discontinuous conduction modes for transient load responses. Cascading the proposed VRM model with the PCB-level PDN model enables a combined PDN analysis, which is much needed for modern PDN designs. For the modeling of WPT system, a system-level model is developed for both efficiency and power loss of all the blocks in WPT systems. A rectifier characterization method is also proposed to obtain the accurate load impedance. This model is capable of deriving the power capabilities for both the fundamental and higher order harmonics. Based on the system model, a practical design methodology is introduced to simultaneously optimize multiple system parameters, which greatly accelerates the design process”--Abstract, page iv

    Étude des phases en amont des projets d'adoption des technologies RFID pour l'amélioration des chaînes d'approvisionnement

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    Problématique et objectifs de recherche -- Les technologies RFID et le réseau EPC -- Cadre conceptuel et contexte d'innovation -- University-based living lab for managing the front-end of innovation : the case of RFID implementation -- The potential of RFID in warehousing activities in a retail industry supply chain -- Key performance indicators for the evaluation of RFID enabled B-TO-B ecommerce applications : the case of fivelayer supply chain

    Workplace values in the Japanese public sector: a constraining factor in the drive for continuous improvement

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    Exploring the potential of using radio frequency identification technology in retail supply chains - A Packaging Logistics perspective

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    In recent years RFID technology has attracted interest from the retail industry where it is being presented as a possible key to creating more efficient and effective retail supply chains. If RFID technology is to be implemented in packaging throughout retail supply chains, there is a need to develop an understanding of how and why the technology affects activities and processes within retail supply chains. Accordingly, the overall purpose of this licentiate thesis is to explore how the application of RFID technology to packaging could affect packaging logistics activities in retail supply chains. The packaging logistics activities discussed in this licentiate thesis are those related to ambient fast-moving consumer goods, from the product-filling point at the manufacturer’s, where the product is merged with the primary packaging, to the point of sale at retail outlets, where the products are sold to the end consumer. This thesis is based on multiple research strategies; a case study and a modelling and simulation study. The case study was conducted to describe and gain an in-depth understanding of and insight into existing packaging logistics activities in retail supply chains. A Dutch retail supply chain was chosen as a single-case study. The single-case study was both data-triangulated and investigator-triangulated with three Swedish case studies to further broaden the understanding of packaging logistics activities in retail supply chains. The case study resulted in a framework of packaging logistics activities in retail supply chains. The modelling and simulation study was conducted to describe what, how and why packaging logistics activities are affected when RFID technology is applied to packaging. A conceptual model and a simulation model were developed in the modelling and simulation study. The conceptual model describes and analyses “could-be” processes and activities in retail supply chains, whereas the simulation model primarily describes and anal
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