56,163 research outputs found

    Towards a Common Language of Infrastructure Interdependency

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    Infrastructure systems can exist interdependently with one another either by design, necessity or evolution. There is evidence that interdependencies can be the source of emergent benefits and hazards, and therefore there is value in their identification and management. Achieving this requires collaboration and communication between infrastructure stakeholders across all relevant sectors. Recognising, developing and sharing multiple understandings of infrastructure interdependency and dependency will facilitate a wide range of multi-disciplinary and cross-sectorial work and support productive stakeholder dialogues. This paper therefore aims to initiate discussion around the nature of infrastructure interdependency and dependency in order to establish the basis of a useful, coherent and complete conceptual taxonomy. It sets out an approach for locating this taxonomy and language within a framework of commonplace stakeholder viewpoints. The paper looks at the potential structural arrangements of infrastructure interdependencies before exploring the qualitative ways in which the relationships can be characterised. This builds on the existing body of knowledge as well as experience through case studies in developing an Interdependency Planning and Management Framework for Infrastructure

    Coordinating Local Adaptive Strategies through a Network-Based Approach

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    As the impacts of climate change become increasingly destructive and pervasive, climate adaptation has received greater political and academic attention. The traditional top-down model for mitigating climate change, however, is ill-suited to implementing effective adaptation strategies. Yet, local communities most impacted by climate change seldom have the tools and resources to develop effective adaptive strategies on their own. This note argues that a bottom-up, network-based approach could be a promising paradigm towards implementing effective adaptive strategies and empowering affected communities

    Optimized synergy in FTTH infrastructure deployment: pragmatic as well as structural approaches

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    Underground installation of utility infrastructures such as energy and telecoms is prevalent in large parts of Europe. As this labor-intensive trenching comprises 70% - 80% of deployment cost, the overall investment for Fiber-to-the-Home installations can be significant. Important reductions in these costs are possible by performing road works in synergy. With the increased level of detail in the geographical information bases containing all information on the installation per operator, opportunities for synergies are easier to spot and could lead to very important reductions in the operators' costs. Policy measures recently also give a lot of focus in facilitating the rollout of high-speed broadband networks and cross-utility coordination. Several approaches can be considered to really capture potential savings and benefits in the deployment phase. This paper discusses pragmatic as well as structural approaches towards deployment cost optimization based on synergetic rollout schemes

    The evaluation of E-business related technologies in the Railway Industry

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    For the purposes of this paper, e-business is defined as: "the performance, automisation and organisation of transactions, or chains of them, and the gathering and publishing of data, electronically over a communication protocol" Little research has been conducted either into how e-business technology can be successfully evaluated, or into the associated costs and benefits specifically related to the transportation and railway industries. Based upon a review of the current literature and a series of interviews held with railway operators, track managers and transportation customers from the Australian Fortune 100, the paper puts forward a framework for the evaluation of e-business investments within the railway industry. The research reported here is aimed at developing a flexible interface that enables the decision maker to assess and evaluate a wide variety of complex interacting variables. The proposed approach uses a variety of evaluation methods, as opposed to searching for a single "best" approach. Additionally, an attempt is being made to include the complex interaction between the implementation of the new technology and the changing organisational setting. A model is proposed using fuzzy logic to handle incomplete and uncertain knowledge; as well as to combine criteria within a conceptual model from which "real-worth" evaluations can be performed. This model provides a systematic approach to guide the decision maker in the deployment of e-business and emerging technologies in the industry. After discussing the main findings from a literature review on the use of evaluation frameworks in IT related projects, the paper deals with the proposed framework in detail. The use of empirical data, which was obtained transportation customers to help define the main framework factors, is also discussed. Finally, the paper summarises the main implications for rail freight of customers’s perceptions and stated needs in the e-business domain

    Applying Real Options Thinking to Information Security in Networked Organizations

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    An information security strategy of an organization participating in a networked business sets out the plans for designing a variety of actions that ensure confidentiality, availability, and integrity of company’s key information assets. The actions are concerned with authentication and nonrepudiation of authorized users of these assets. We assume that the primary objective of security efforts in a company is improving and sustaining resiliency, which means security contributes to the ability of an organization to withstand discontinuities and disruptive events, to get back to its normal operating state, and to adapt to ever changing risk environments. When companies collaborating in a value web view security as a business issue, risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis techniques are necessary and explicit part of their process of resource allocation and budgeting, no matter if security spendings are treated as capital investment or operating expenditures. This paper contributes to the application of quantitative approaches to assessing risks, costs, and benefits associated with the various components making up the security strategy of a company participating in value networks. We take a risk-based approach to determining what types of security a strategy should include and how much of each type is enough. We adopt a real-options-based perspective of security and make a proposal to value the extent to which alternative components in a security strategy contribute to organizational resiliency and protect key information assets from being impeded, disrupted, or destroyed

    Executive Summary

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    Eco-innovation opportunities in the waste management sector in Scotland

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    Creating more circular economies that retain and recirculate the value of resources within an economy is gaining significant attention, with the concept of industrial symbiosis assisting businesses to reduce resource leakage from local economies. An eco-industrial park applies industrial symbiosis on the scale of an industrial park and may incorporate additional features such as shared infrastructure and services that assist in reducing environmental impacts and improving resource efficiency. This paper provides an overview of the application of the industrial symbiosis concept in Scotland and presents findings of the ACE Eco-Partnerships project, which attempted to identify and develop opportunities for industrial symbiosis in the Tayside and Fife region of Scotland, particularly on the scale of eco-industrial parks. The paper provides reflection on some of the barriers to eco-industrial park development, with specific reference to “retrofitting” industrial symbiosis onto existing industrial parks versus developing new eco-industrial parks

    Gaining Depth: State of Watershed Investment 2014

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    Last year, governments, businesses, and donors channeled $12.3 billion (B) toward nature-based solutions to the global water crisis. Water users and public funders were paying land managers to repair and protect forests, wetlands, and other natural systems as a flexible, costeffective strategy to ensure clean and reliable water supplies, resilience to natural disasters, and sustainable livelihoods. These deals paid for watershed protection and restoration across more than 365 million (M) hectares (ha) worldwide in 2013, an area larger than India.The value of investment in watershed services1 (IWS) - referring to funding for watershed restoration or protection that delivers benefits to society like aquifer recharge or erosion control - has been growing at anaverage rate of 12% per year. The number of operational programs grew by two thirds between 2011 and 2013, expanding in both scale and sophistication as program developers introduced new tools to track returns on watershed investment, coordinated efforts across political boundaries, and delivered additional benefits like sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity protection
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