576 research outputs found

    Reproducibility and Feasibility of Classification and National Guidelines for Histological Diagnosis of Canine Mammary Gland Tumours: A Multi-Institutional Ring Study

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    Histological diagnosis of Canine Mammary Tumours (CMTs) provides the basis for proper treatment and follow-up. Nowadays, its accuracy is poorly understood and variable interpretation of histological criteria leads to a lack of standardisation and impossibility to compare studies. This study aimed to quantify the reproducibility of histological diagnosis and grading in CMTs. A blinded ring test on 36 CMTs was performed by 15 veterinary pathologists with different levels of education, after discussion of critical points on the Davis-Thompson Foundation Classification and providing consensus guidelines. Kappa statistics were used to compare the interobserver variability. The overall concordance rate of diagnostic interpretations of WP on identification of hyperplasia-dysplasia/benign/malignant lesions showed a substantial agreement (average k ranging from 0.66 to 0.82, with a k-combined of 0.76). Instead, outcomes on ICD-O-3.2 morphological code /diagnosis of histotype had only a moderate agreement (average k ranging from 0.44 and 0.64, with a k-combined of 0.54). The results demonstrated that standardised classification and consensus guidelines can produce moderate to substantial agreement; however, further efforts are needed to increase this agreement in distinguishing benign versus malignant lesions and in histological grading. View Full-Tex

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field

    Efficient interaction with large medical imaging databases

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    Everyday, a wide quantity of hospitals and medical centers around the world are producing large amounts of imaging content to support clinical decisions, medical research, and education. With the current trend towards Evidence-based medicine, there is an increasing need of strategies that allow pathologists to properly interact with the valuable information such imaging repositories host and extract relevant content for supporting decision making. Unfortunately, current systems are very limited at providing access to content and extracting information from it because of different semantic and computational challenges. This thesis presents a whole pipeline, comprising 3 building blocks, that aims to to improve the way pathologists and systems interact. The first building block consists in an adaptable strategy oriented to ease the access and visualization of histopathology imaging content. The second block explores the extraction of relevant information from such imaging content by exploiting low- and mid-level information obtained from from morphology and architecture of cell nuclei. The third block aims to integrate high-level information from the expert in the process of identifying relevant information in the imaging content. This final block not only attempts to deal with the semantic gap but also to present an alternative to manual annotation, a time consuming and prone-to-error task. Different experiments were carried out and demonstrated that the introduced pipeline not only allows pathologist to navigate and visualize images but also to extract diagnostic and prognostic information that potentially could support clinical decisions.Resumen: Diariamente, gran cantidad de hospitales y centros médicos de todo el mundo producen grandes cantidades de imágenes diagnósticas para respaldar decisiones clínicas y apoyar labores de investigación y educación. Con la tendencia actual hacia la medicina basada en evidencia, existe una creciente necesidad de estrategias que permitan a los médicos patólogos interactuar adecuadamente con la información que albergan dichos repositorios de imágenes y extraer contenido relevante que pueda ser empleado para respaldar la toma de decisiones. Desafortunadamente, los sistemas actuales son muy limitados en cuanto al acceso y extracción de contenido de las imágenes debido a diferentes desafíos semánticos y computacionales. Esta tesis presenta un marco de trabajo completo para patología, el cual se compone de 3 bloques y tiene como objetivo mejorar la forma en que interactúan los patólogos y los sistemas. El primer bloque de construcción consiste en una estrategia adaptable orientada a facilitar el acceso y la visualización del contenido de imágenes histopatológicas. El segundo bloque explora la extracción de información relevante de las imágenes mediante la explotación de información de características visuales y estructurales de la morfología y la arquitectura de los núcleos celulares. El tercer bloque apunta a integrar información de alto nivel del experto en el proceso de identificación de información relevante en las imágenes. Este bloque final no solo intenta lidiar con la brecha semántica, sino que también presenta una alternativa a la anotación manual, una tarea que demanda mucho tiempo y es propensa a errores. Se llevaron a cabo diferentes experimentos que demostraron que el marco de trabajo presentado no solo permite que el patólogo navegue y visualice imágenes, sino que también extraiga información de diagnóstico y pronóstico que potencialmente podría respaldar decisiones clínicas.Doctorad

    Improving biomarker assessment in breast pathology

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    The accuracy of prognostic and therapy-predictive biomarker assessment in breast tumours is crucial for management and therapy decision in patients with breast cancer. In this thesis, biomarkers used in clinical practice with emphasise on Ki67 and HER2 were studied using several methods including immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridisation, gene expression assays and digital image analysis, with the overall aim to improve routine biomarker evaluation and clarify the prognostic potential in early breast cancer. In paper I, we reported discordances in biomarker status from aspiration cytology and paired surgical specimens from breast tumours. The limited prognostic potential of immunocytochemistry-based Ki67 scoring demonstrated that immunohistochemistry on resected specimens is the superior method for Ki67 evaluation. In addition, neither of the methods were sufficient to predict molecular subtype. Following this in paper II, biomarker agreement between core needle biopsies and subsequent specimens was investigated, both in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant setting. Discordances in Ki67 and HER2 status between core biopsies and paired specimens suggested that these biomarkers should be re-tested on all surgical breast cancer specimens. In paper III, digital image analysis using a virtual double staining software was used to compare methods for assessment of proliferative activity, including mitotic counts, Ki67 and the alternative marker PHH3, in different tumour regions (hot spot, invasive edge and whole section). Digital image analysis using virtual double staining of hot spot Ki67 outperformed the alternative markers of proliferation, especially in discriminating luminal B from luminal A tumours. Replacing mitosis in histological grade with hot spot-scored Ki67 added significant prognostic information. Following these findings, the optimal definition of a hot spot for Ki67 scoring using virtual double staining in relation to molecular subtype and outcome was investigated in paper IV. With the growing evidence of global scoring as a superior method to improve reproducibility of Ki67 scoring, a different digital image analysis software (QuPath) was also used for comparison. Altogether, we found that automated global scoring of Ki67 using QuPath had independent prognostic potential compared to even the best virtual double staining hot spot algorithm, and is also a practical method for routine Ki67 scoring in breast pathology. In paper V, the clinical value of HER2 status was investigated in a unique trastuzumab-treated HER2-positive cohort, on the protein, mRNA and DNA levels. The results demonstrated that low levels of ERBB2 mRNA but neither HER2 copy numbers, HER2 ratio nor ER status, was associated with risk of recurrence among anti-HER2 treated breast cancer patients. In conclusion, we have identified important clinical aspects of Ki67 and HER2 evaluation and provided methods to improve the prognostic potential of Ki67 using digital image analysis. In addition to protein expression of routine biomarkers, mRNA levels by targeted gene expression assays may add further prognostic value in early breast cance

    Artificial Intelligence for Digital and Computational Pathology

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    Advances in digitizing tissue slides and the fast-paced progress in artificial intelligence, including deep learning, have boosted the field of computational pathology. This field holds tremendous potential to automate clinical diagnosis, predict patient prognosis and response to therapy, and discover new morphological biomarkers from tissue images. Some of these artificial intelligence-based systems are now getting approved to assist clinical diagnosis; however, technical barriers remain for their widespread clinical adoption and integration as a research tool. This Review consolidates recent methodological advances in computational pathology for predicting clinical end points in whole-slide images and highlights how these developments enable the automation of clinical practice and the discovery of new biomarkers. We then provide future perspectives as the field expands into a broader range of clinical and research tasks with increasingly diverse modalities of clinical data

    The impact of pre- and post-image processing techniques on deep learning frameworks: A comprehensive review for digital pathology image analysis.

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    Recently, deep learning frameworks have rapidly become the main methodology for analyzing medical images. Due to their powerful learning ability and advantages in dealing with complex patterns, deep learning algorithms are ideal for image analysis challenges, particularly in the field of digital pathology. The variety of image analysis tasks in the context of deep learning includes classification (e.g., healthy vs. cancerous tissue), detection (e.g., lymphocytes and mitosis counting), and segmentation (e.g., nuclei and glands segmentation). The majority of recent machine learning methods in digital pathology have a pre- and/or post-processing stage which is integrated with a deep neural network. These stages, based on traditional image processing methods, are employed to make the subsequent classification, detection, or segmentation problem easier to solve. Several studies have shown how the integration of pre- and post-processing methods within a deep learning pipeline can further increase the model's performance when compared to the network by itself. The aim of this review is to provide an overview on the types of methods that are used within deep learning frameworks either to optimally prepare the input (pre-processing) or to improve the results of the network output (post-processing), focusing on digital pathology image analysis. Many of the techniques presented here, especially the post-processing methods, are not limited to digital pathology but can be extended to almost any image analysis field