9 research outputs found

    Definición y evaluación de un modelo de calidad en uso para la agenda de la intranet de la Universidad Lim-Rho basado en la familia de normas ISO/IEC 25000

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    En la actualidad, el uso de software es una necesidad para la operación y gestión de cualquier organización y su sostenimiento en el tiempo, siendo una de sus aplicaciones la automatización de parte o la totalidad de sus procesos. Además, la falta o mala calidad del mismo, puede impactar de manera negativa a toda la empresa con efectos como la pérdida de recursos, tiempos, dinero e incluso vidas. Un ejemplo conocido de la mala calidad es el del Therac-25, un equipo de radiación computarizada, que de forma recurrente dio una dosis de radiación mayor al menos 6 veces entre junio de 1985 y enero de 1987. El ejemplo indicado, demuestra la importancia de la calidad de software para las diversas organizaciones. El presente proyecto de fin de carrera comprende la evaluación y análisis de un modelo de calidad en uso para la intranet de la universidad Lim-Rho (ULR) basado en la familia de normas ISO/IEC 25000. La intranet, es un componente frecuentemente usado por la mayoría de estudiantes, y, al fallar, podría llevar a consecuencias, como la pérdida de clases, o incluso pérdida de exámenes decisivos para los estudiantes. Para el desarrollo del presente proyecto, se tomó en consideración todas las recomendaciones de la familia de normas ISO/IEC 25000. Se inició delimitando y explorando todas las funcionalidades que iban a ser evaluadas. Luego, se definió las características y subcaracterísticas más apreciadas por los usuarios, a partir de lo establecido en la ISO/IEC 25000. A continuación, se procedió a seleccionar las métricas a usar para cuantificar dichas subcaracterísticas. Y finalmente, con el modelo ya definido, se procedió a realizar la evaluación con diferentes usuarios, en un ambiente de laboratorio controlado. Al finalizar el desarrollo y evaluación del modelo de calidad en uso sobre la intranet de la Universidad Lim-Rho, se logró observar que las características de eficiencia, eficacia, satisfacción, utilidad y confianza fueron las más valoradas por los usuarios. Así mismo, se evidenció la complejidad que tienen los usuarios para realizar algunas actividades dentro de la intranet. En síntesis, este trabajo presenta la evaluación y análisis de un modelo de calidad en uso para la agenda de la intranet de la Universidad Lim-Rho basado en la familia de normas ISO/IEC 25000

    An application of the ISO/IEC 25010 standard in the quality-in-use assessment of an online health awareness system

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    Research studies show that there is an upsurge in the number of users surfing the Internet for online health related information.This increase in information seeking behavior on the Web gives rise to the need to ensure that Web based portals meet basic quality in use standards.The ISO/IEC 25010 standard was developed as a model for evaluating such quality in user expectations.In this paper, this standard was used to assess the quality in use of e-Ebola Awareness System, an online health awareness portal. The results provide some insights into the quality into the use of the online portal and also pointing to some issues that impact negatively on the quality in use of the portal, demanding attention and improvement

    An application of the ISO/IEC 25010 standard in the quality-in use assessment of an online health awareness system

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    Research studies show that there is an upsurge in the number of users surfing the Internet for online health related information. This increase in information seeking behavior on the Web gives rise to the need to ensure that Web based portals meet basic quality in use standards. The ISO/IEC 25010 standard was developed as a model for evaluating such quality in user expectations.In this paper, this standard was used to assess the quality in use of e-Ebola Awareness System, an online health awareness portal. The results provide some insights into the quality into the use of the online portal and also pointing to some issues that impact negatively on the quality in use of the portal, demanding attention and improvement

    Application of Recommender Systems on Web Portals to Increase User's Visit Statistics

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    In today's competitive world, the rapid advancement of technology, Internet and electronic commerce raise demand for existence of a mechanism which can predict user’s requirements and requests. These mechanisms can lead us to outsource our competitors. The main issue is that we encounter large amount of information in web portals which are mostly heterogeneous and unrelated, therefore with no proper strategies of categorizing data and information preparation, users get involved in confusion accessing correct content. The most important challenges are reaching most relevant information in order to provide users. As a matter of fact, this problem could get solved by using domain of recommender systems which can help us finding and selecting related information according to user needs. Although, recommender systems help people dealing with massive data, these systems are less employed on Web portals. Certainly, the application of these types of systems on web portals will bring decent improvements to users. The study, uses MovieLens20m dataset that includes ratings and user labels for movies. User ratings and movie rating relationships are used in order to make an appropriate recommendation for users. labels which users considered for the movies are also employed in extraction phase. Finally, a combination of these two categories is offered as a recommendation to user. Keywords: Recommender Systems, Web Portals, User Visits, MovieLens DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-3-03 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Sharing Video Emotional Information in the Web

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    Video growth over the Internet changed the way users search, browse and view video content. Watching movies over the Internet is increasing and becoming a pastime. The possibility of streaming Internet content to TV, advances in video compression techniques and video streaming have turned this recent modality of watching movies easy and doable. Web portals as a worldwide mean of multimedia data access need to have their contents properly classified in order to meet users’ needs and expectations. The authors propose a set of semantic descriptors based on both user physiological signals, captured while watching videos, and on video low-level features extraction. These XML based descriptors contribute to the creation of automatic affective meta-information that will not only enhance a web-based video recommendation system based in emotional information, but also enhance search and retrieval of videos affective content from both users’ personal classifications and content classifications in the context of a web portal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Методология Оценки Качества Веб-Сайта Универсальная Звезда: первая вершина – «Содержание»

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    The Internet continues to grow at a fast pace with over 1.5 billion websites in 2019 as compared with only one in 1991. The emergence of enormous websites of various complexities and types makes assessing the quality of these sites a vastly important, difficult and complicated task. With this concern, the current paper proposes a novel approach for website assessment by developing a new Website Quality Evaluation Methodology Universal Star (WQEMUS) with a theoretical and empirical basis. It became possible through the employment of the  grounded  theory  methodology  that  enables  relevant  concepts  to  emerge  from  data. To improve the reliability and validity of the findings, an extensive literature review, in-depth and qualitative interviews, and a user evaluation survey were conducted and associated together. In this way, the study presents the results of the selection and categorization of generic quality attributes for WQEMUS with a three-tier structure, consisting of top-level quality criteria, sub-criteria and indicators. These quality dimensions are grounded on a combination of subjective and objective indicators. Consequently, WQEMUS becomes capable of estimating a wide range of different websites irrespective of domain affiliation and services they provide, including Web 3.0 sites.Интернет продолжает расти быстрыми темпами, более чем 1,5 млрд веб-сайтов в2019 г. по сравнению только с одним в1991 г. Появление огромных веб-сайтов различной сложности и типов делает оценку качества этих сайтов чрезвычайно важной и трудной задачей. В связи с этим в статье представлен новый подход к оценке веб-сайтов путем разработки новой Методологии Оценки Качества Веб-Сайтов Универсальная Звезда (МОКВУЗ) на теоретической и эмпирической основе. Чтобы повысить надежность и достоверность результатов исследования, были приведены обширный обзор литературы, углубленные и качественные интервью и оценки пользователей. Таким образом, в статье представлены результаты отбора и  категоризации общих  атрибутов качества для МОКВУЗ с трехуровневой структурой, состоящей из критериев качества высшего уровня, субкритериев и показателей. Эти аспекты качества основаны на сочетании субъективных и объективных показателей. Следовательно, МОКВУЗ становится способной оценивать широкий спектр различных веб-сайтов независимо от принадлежности к домену и предоставляемых ими услуг, включая сайты Веб 3.0

    Análisis y evaluación de la calidad del sitio web de la Universidad del Azuay

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    [ES] Cada día las universidades se preocupan por analizar y evaluar la calidad de sus sitios web debido a los beneficios que pueden obtener. Un sitio web atractivo, fácil de usar y que permita transmitir la información que la institución considere necesario a su público de interés es fundamental para la generación de prestigio, tener visibilidad, atraer potenciales estudiantes, colaboradores, etc., y ante esta necesidad se justifica la creación de un modelo conceptual de evaluación de calidad orientado a la visibilidad, proponiendo el diseño de un modelo específico. Como estrategia se propone crear un modelo que evalúa tres criterios principales que son Usabilidad, Visibilidad y Tráfico, cada criterio tiene categorías, subcategorías e indicadores que permiten evaluar estos criterios. Con el fin de testear este modelo se aplica a una universidad real como es la Universidad del Azuay ubicada en Cuenca (Ecuador). Se obtienen los primeros resultados observando que es adecuada en temas de navegación, velocidad, se detecta también que existen algunos aspectos mejorables en temas de accesibilidad, atención al usuario, interfaz, redes sociales como es el caso de YouTube y LinkedIn, tráfico como el Trust Flow en el que se observa que el porcentaje es bajo, entre otros. Por ello, se proponen mejoras que se podrían implementar en el futuro en caso de que la institución lo considere necesario para lo cual se realiza una pequeña comparativa con dos sitios web de universidades internacionales como lo es la Universidad de Harvard y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.[EN] Every day the universities are concerned for analyzing and evaluating the quality of their websites for the benefits they can obtain. An attractive website, easy to use and that allows transmitting the information that the institution considers necessary to the public of interest is fundamental for the generation of prestige, visibility, to attract potential students, collaborators, etc. This need justified the creation of a conceptual model of quality evaluation oriented to visibility, proposing the design of a specific model. As a strategy, it is proposed to create a model that evaluates three main criteria that are Usability, Visibility and Traffic; each criterion has categories, sub-categories and indicators that allow evaluating these criteria. For testing this model is applied to a real university such as the University of Azuay located in Cuenca (Ecuador). The first results are obtained observing that it is good in navigation, speed. In this model is detected that there are some aspects that can be improved in accessibility, user attention, interface, social networks such as YouTube and LinkedIn, traffic as the Trust Flow in which it is observed that the percentage is low, and others. For this reason, in the model there are improvements that could be implemented in the future if the institution considere necessary. The comparison is made with two websites of international universities.Guamán Barbecho, EP. (2019). Análisis y evaluación de la calidad del sitio web de la Universidad del Azuay. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125999TFG

    Development and validation of an integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of Web-based applications in the context of a University web portal

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    Text in EnglishDevelopments in Internet technology and pervasive computing over the past two and half decades have resulted in a variety of Web-based applications (WBAs) that provide products and services to online users or customers. The Internet is used not only to transfer information via the web but is increasingly used to provide electronic services including business transactions, information-delivery and social networking, as well as e-government, e-health and e-learning. For such organisations, e-service quality, usability and user experience are considered to be critical determinants of their products’ or services’ success. Many studies to model these three concepts separately have been undertaken as part of broader studies of software quality or service quality modelling. However, to the current researcher’s knowledge, none of the studies have focussed on proposing an evaluation model that integrates and combines the three of them. This research is an effort to fill that gap. The primary purpose of this mixed-methods research was to develop a conceptual integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of WBAs and then contextualise it to evaluation of a University web portal (UWP). This was undertaken using an exploratory sequential research design. During a qualitative phase, an extensive extensive systematic literature review of 264 relevant sources relating to dimensions of e-service quality, usability and user experience, was undertaken to derive an integrated conceptual e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) Model for evaluating WBAs. The model was then empirically refined through a sequential series of validations, thus developing various versions of the e-SQUUX Model. First, it was content validated by a set of four expert reviewers. Second, during the quantitative phase, in the context of a University web portal, a questionnaire survey was conducted that included a comprehensive pilot study with 29 partipants, prior to the main survey. The main survey data from 174 particiapants was used to determine a validated model, using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), followed by producing a structural model, using partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). This version consisted of the components of the final e-SQUUX Model. Consequently, the research enriches the body of knowledge on IS and HCI by providing the e-SQUUX Model as an evaluation tool. For designers, developers and managers of UWPs, the model serves as a customisable set of evaluation criteria and also provides specific recommendations for design. In line with the Exploratory sequential design of mixed methods research, the findings of the qualitative work in this research influenced the subsequent quantitative study, since the potential Likert-scale questionnaire items were derived from the definitions and meanings of the components that emanated from the qualitative phase of the study. Consequently, this research is an exemplar for developing an integrated evaluation model for specific facets or domains, and of its application in a particular context, in this case, a University web portal. Keywords: e-service quality, usability, user experience, evaluation model, integrated model, exploratory factor analysis, partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), mixed methods research, Exploratory sequential design, quantitative study, qualitative study, validation, Web-based applications, University web portalInformation SystemPh D. (Information Systems

    Razvoj sveobuhvatne metode evaluacije upotrebljivosti web zasnovanih geografskih informacionih sistema za specijalne namene

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    Today, many various kinds of GIS applications are in everyday use. GIS is defined as a set of tools used to collect, store, retrieve, transform and display spatial data from the real world. Today, Web browser is used as a general multi-purpose client application and it provides “well-known” user environment because people are used to use Internet so they know how to work with a web browser. The users of Web-based geographic information systems (Web GIS) are mostly casual end users who have only a very low computer literacy and limited knowledge of GIS technologies. This is why Web-based GIS applications should be designed very carefully and with a strong focus on their usability. Usability is one relevant factor of the quality of Web applications. Recently, it has been receiving great attention, being recognized as a fundamental property for the success of Web applications. Determining the degree of usability is a process in which systems are evaluated in order to determine success product using methods available to the evaluator. One of the current goals of the Web engineering research is defining methods for ensuring usability. Usability as a quality characteristics is defined by many authors and several ISO standards. Many various methods of usability evaluation have been developed. These studies are certainly important as that would further deepen our understanding on factors that contributes towards the usability of Web GIS applications. One important success factor is, therefore, the need to warranty the levels of quality of the Web GIS as software products. High-quality software products are essential to provide value, and avoid potential negative consequences, for the stakeholders. Assessing the quality in use will allow Web GIS application owners to estimate how usable a Web GIS application might be and the user’s satisfaction. User characteristics are also important determinants of usability. The term 'context' includes the characteristics of the users and the work goals they are seeking to achieve, as well as the technical, physical and organizational environments in which they work. Therefore, this PhD thesis describes a practical method for identifying contextual aspects of usability in software systems, and for helping ensure that usability evaluations reflect the context of use and give data with acceptable validity. Attempts to objectively evaluate usability of information systems are old. In order to evaluate the quality of developed systems, a set of quality characteristics and criteria are required as a basis to describe the system quality. During the decades, different literature described various models and attributes of usability. Many usability models have been proposed to allow software usability evaluation. The main purpose of the software product usability model is to specify and assess the level of usability of a product through internal measures of inherent properties of the software, and through external measures of the behavior of the system of which the software is part. Aim of the PhD thesis is to propose a suitable usability model for evaluating the usability of Web-based GIS applications. Researchers have not developed yet any model that precisely describes usability definition and all its attributes that takes into account the varying aspects of usability. It developes a new more comprehensive definition of quality in use, which has usability in use, flexibility in use, satisfaction in use and safety in use as characteristics that can be quantified from the perspectives of different stakeholders, including users, managers and maintainers. Since all of the usability factors do not have the same importance in the overall usability assessment of the WebGIS applications, the proposed factors have been weighted by adopting AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) approach. The main goal of this PhD thesis is to propose a comprehensive methodology for usability evaluation and identify the most serious usability problems of special purpose Web-based geographic information system. Usability evaluation can increase software quality and its capability to satisfy users and their needs. The proposed methodology should lead to decreasing time necessary for evaluation of applications and results processing