26 research outputs found

    Enabling the Possibility of creating a New Smart Resilient City in the Post-Pandemic Period

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    Beginning in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the globe. Despite the full lockdowns are being released deliberately and gradually in most parts of the world, social distancing is still needed in short-term and medium-term to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. These disruptive changes of life and work landscape bring the needs to reset the way how we use our cities and the opportunities to reshape the way how we manage our cities, which directly impact on the wellbeing during the post-pandemic period. For previous developed smart cities, it remains to be checked whether the historical data and the existing solutions during pre-pandemic still works in the post-pandemic situations. Faced with the post-pandemic situation that we have never seen before, the effectiveness of developed smart city solutions along with the applicability of adopted historical data must be re-evaluated and re-verified timely. This paper aims at providing a start point of enabling a future of resilient cities from the pre-pandemic to post-pandemic. Firstly, behaviour changes will be discussed. Then, the framework of the bidirectional interaction between human and cities will be established in this paper, and the mitigation measures based on digital innovation will be further provided that could guarantee the smart cities from the insufficient post-pandemic data. Future works and challenges will also be discussed. With the pervasive digital transformation of cities, the possibility of creating a more robust and smart resilient city is provided to maximally unleash the value of data, historical or recent, under a people-focused view


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    Smart city represents an emerging topic because efficient city management is beneficial for both government and private sector businesses. IoT envisions to connect billions of sensors to the Internet and expects to use them for efficient and effective resource management in Smart Cities. An organisation collects data analyses it and uses the results as an input for decision making processes. The paper provides an overview of the smart city concept relying on IoT and Big Data technologies, an overview on Smart City development in Romania and describes four Smart City national solutions. Their benefits are efficient resource utilization, increased quality of life, higher levels of transparency and openness towards citizens. A smart city uses digital technologies or information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance quality and performance of urban services to make lives of citizens better. It becomes easier to navigate for visitors, and more serendipitous for locals. City officials and municipal governments are provided with a completely new way to connect with citizens and visitors and a city that is more connected to its people works and feels better

    A Typology of Temporal Data Imperfection

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    International audienceTemporal data may be subject to several types of imperfection (e.g., uncertainty, imprecision..). In this context, several typologies of data imperfections have been already proposed. However, these typologies cannot be applied to temporal data because of the complexity of this type of data and the specificity that it contains. Besides, to the best of our knowledge, there is no typology of temporal data imperfections. In this paper, we propose a typology of temporal data imperfections. Our typology is divided into direct imperfections of both numeric temporal data and natural language based temporal data, indirect imperfections that can be deduced from the direct ones and granularity (i.e., context - dependent temporal data) which is related to several factors that can interfer in specifying the imperfection type such as person’s profile and multiculturalism. We finish by representing an example of imprecise temporal data in PersonLink ontology

    A proposal and potential use-case for the transition from Gig City to Smart City

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    Over the past decade, smart city concepts have been gaining attention from scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers in both developed and developing nations. A recent proliferation of publications has involved a multitude of disciplines, but have focused almost entirely on the potential for smart cities to change the way cities are managed, operated, and planned. However, there has been little published on the tangible benefits of a specific smart city initiative, nor many use-case studies following smart city initiatives. This paper aims to propose a transition from Gig City to smart city via technological advancement in the form of ICT to monitor, assess, and improve one of Chattanooga\u27s most inefficient urban systems – the city curbside garbage and recycling services. The findings and projections produce implications for city planners and managers, as well as, academics and policy-makers focused on improving urban functions and systems and making urban lifestyles more sustainable

    A survey on big multimedia data processing and management in smart cities

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    © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. All rights reserved. Integration of embedded multimedia devices with powerful computing platforms, e.g., machine learning platforms, helps to build smart cities and transforms the concept of Internet of Things into Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT). To provide different services to the residents of smart cities, the IoMT technology generates big multimedia data. The management of big multimedia data is a challenging task for IoMT technology. Without proper management, it is hard to maintain consistency, reusability, and reconcilability of generated big multimedia data in smart cities. Various machine learning techniques can be used for automatic classification of raw multimedia data and to allow machines to learn features and perform specific tasks. In this survey, we focus on various machine learning platforms that can be used to process and manage big multimedia data generated by different applications in smart cities. We also highlight various limitations and research challenges that need to be considered when processing big multimedia data in real-time

    Towards a secure service provisioning framework in a Smart city environment

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Over the past few years the concept of Smart cities has emerged to transform urban areas into connected and well informed spaces. Services that make smart cities “smart” are curated by using data streams of smart cities i.e., inhabitants’ location information, digital engagement, transportation, environment and local government data. Accumulating and processing of these data streams raise security and privacy concerns at individual and community levels. Sizeable attempts have been made to ensure the security and privacy of inhabitants’ data. However, the security and privacy issues of smart cities are not only confined to inhabitants; service providers and local governments have their own reservations — service provider trust, reliability of the sensed data, and data ownership, to name a few. In this research we identified a comprehensive list of stakeholders and modelled their involvement in smart cities by using the Onion Model approach. Based on the model we present a security and privacy-aware framework for service provisioning in smart cities, namely the ‘Smart Secure Service Provisioning’ (SSServProv) Framework. Unlike previous attempts, our framework provides end-to-end security and privacy features for trustable data acquisition, transmission, processing and legitimate service provisioning. The proposed framework ensures inhabitants’ privacy, and also guarantees integrity of services. It also ensures that public data is never misused by malicious service providers. To demonstrate the efficacy of SSServProv we developed and tested core functionalities of authentication, authorisation and lightweight secure communication protocol for data acquisition and service provisioning. For various smart cities service provisioning scenarios we verified these protocols by an automated security verification tool called Scyther

    An Integrated Big and Fast Data Analytics Platform for Smart Urban Transportation Management

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    (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] Smart urban transportation management can be considered as a multifaceted big data challenge. It strongly relies on the information collected into multiple, widespread, and heterogeneous data sources as well as on the ability to extract actionable insights from them. Besides data, full stack (from platform to services and applications) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions need to be specifically adopted to address smart cities challenges. Smart urban transportation management is one of the key use cases addressed in the context of the EUBra-BIGSEA (Europe-Brazil Collaboration of Big Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications) project. This paper specifically focuses on the City Administration Dashboard, a public transport analytics application that has been developed on top of the EUBra-BIGSEA platform and used by the Municipality stakeholders of Curitiba, Brazil, to tackle urban traffic data analysis and planning challenges. The solution proposed in this paper joins together a scalable big and fast data analytics platform, a flexible and dynamic cloud infrastructure, data quality and entity matching algorithms as well as security and privacy techniques. By exploiting an interoperable programming framework based on Python Application Programming Interface (API), it allows an easy, rapid and transparent development of smart cities applications.This work was supported by the European Commission through the Cooperation Programme under EUBra-BIGSEA Horizon 2020 Grant [Este projeto e resultante da 3a Chamada Coordenada BR-UE em Tecnologias da Informacao e Comunicacao (TIC), anunciada pelo Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao (MCTI)] under Grant 690116.Fiore, S.; Elia, D.; Pires, CE.; Mestre, DG.; Cappiello, C.; Vitali, M.; Andrade, N.... (2019). An Integrated Big and Fast Data Analytics Platform for Smart Urban Transportation Management. IEEE Access. 7:117652-117677. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2936941S117652117677


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    U svijetu gdje je sve povezano, razvoj Smart City rješenja postaje neizbježan. Građani teže lakšem i jednostavnijem životu te od mjesta u kojima žive očekuju da im taj život olakšavaju i bude potpora, stoga dolazi do ubrzanog razvoja takvih rješenja. Međutim, takvi projekti su iznimno kompleksni i teško održivi te jedno od glavnih pitanja koje se nameće je povezivost takvih rješenja te dijeljenje i korištenje podataka koje ono stvara. Jedno od očitih i najpredlagavanije solucije za taj problem je korištenje i otvaranje Web API-ja. U ovom radu opisuju se prednosti korištenja API-ja kod Smart City rješenja te daju primjeri uspješnih praksi. Na kraju se provodi istraživanje s dvije skupine ispitanika, s korisnicima i programerima. S potencijalnim korisnicima se provodi anketa kako bi se saznale njihove preferencije i karakteristike kod Smart City rješenja, dok s programerima se provodi intervju gdje se žele saznati njihovo gledište na razvoj Smart City rješenja i bitna karakteristikeIn a world where everything is connect, the development of Smart Cities becomes inevitable. Citizens tend to easier and simpler life and expect from their living surrounding to be the support for that, so there is a rapid increase of Smart City solutions. However, those projects are complex and hardly sustainable, and the main problem that emerges is the connectivity of those solutions and usage of data that it creates. One of the obvious and most proposed solution is usage of Web APIs. In this paper the advantages of using Web APIs in Smart City solutions are described and examples of already done solutions are listed. In the end, a research is conducted with two groups, users and developers. A survey is carried out with the potential users to find out their preferences and characteristics of Smart City solutions, while on the other hand, an interview is conducted with developers to find out their thoughts on development of Smart City soltuions and important characteristics

    Electric Vehicle Mobility-as-a-Service: Exploring the “Tri-Opt” of Novel Private Transport Business Models

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    Three distinct trends have emerged that have disrupted the dominance of privately- owned, combustion-powered car transport in the UK. First, the electric powertrain has emerged as an affordable means of transport; the second is the development of new hire models of car ownership: third, the growth of `smart city thinking' emphasises capitalising on increased connectivity and data availability to create value. We define the combination of these three trends as the 'tri-opt' of private transport -- three disruptors that should not be considered in isolation but as interacting -- an inflection of the`Energy Trilemma'."br/"In this paper, we apply systems thinking and a mixed methodology of workshops, interviews and systems modelling to the UK city of Bristol's Smart EV Transport Hub project to identify concepts that positively combine two or more of these three `Opts'. We demonstrate that there are many synergistic overlaps and that combinations potentially create significant value. Our data highlights that of the greatest value are those use cases that the current literature base has explored the least, and can be characterised as requiring significant public and private sector collaboration. Document type: Articl