167,556 research outputs found

    Effects of six sigma initiatives in Malaysian private hospitals

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    Purpose – This study aims to investigate applications of Six Sigma methodology in Malaysian private hospitals. It measures Six Sigma initiatives of the private hospitals based on demographics such as gender, position and working experience. Design/methodology/approach – The present study measures Six Sigma initiatives of private hospitals and used stratified random sampling to collect data from eight selected hospitals in Peninsular Malaysia. The respondents of the study include doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical laboratory technologists. In this study, 520 questionnaires were distributed to respondents who are working in Malaysian private hospitals. In total, 251 responses were received (48.27 per cent response rate). The descriptive analysis, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were undertaken using SPSS version 23. Findings – The findings of this study indicate that male respondents have better perception on four aspects of Six Sigma applications such as process improvement tools, process improvement methods, manage quality improvement activities and formal planning process compared to female respondents. The research findings also indicate that doctors have better perception regarding process improvement tools to measure quality improvement process, leadership to continuous improvement processes, training in process improvement tools for employees’ skill improvement compared to nurses, pharmacists, medical laboratory technologists. Research limitations/implications – The present research focussed solely on the Malaysian private hospitals, and thus the results might not be applicable to other countries. This study focussed on Six Sigma initiatives of private hospitals in Malaysia, while the future research may consider investigating the difference or conformance between private and public hospitals on Six Sigma initiatives and its relationship with quality performance. In addition, present study findings are expected to provide guidelines to enhance the applications of Six Sigma methodology in private hospitals in Malaysia as well as other countries. Originality/value – This research provides theoretical and practical contributions for the Six Sigma initiatives in private hospitals. Most of the past studies of Six Sigma initiatives are centred on manufacturing sector, but few empirical studies have been conducted on the health-care organisation. Thus, findings of the present study on the health-care sector contribute to the on-going pursuit of knowledge in the area of Six Sigma by using the strength of related theories and parent disciplines


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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how business environment and performance can be improved in an organization that used and implement Lean Six Sigma methodology and who create an organizational framework auspicious for theirs employees. Lean Six Sigma can be a management approach of an organization focused on quality and continuous improvement, based on the participation of all it's employees which aims to ensure long term success. It's very important for a organization to believe in the capacity of work and intellect of their employees, to invest in them, so in this way they will feel useful and will became more self confident and will help the company to move one step ahead in this very competitive market we are facing today.Lean, Six Sigma, knowledge management, business transformation, organisational creativity, innovation

    A realist evaluation of the contribution of Lean Six Sigma to person-centred cultures in a university hospital

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    Background: Lean Six Sigma, a quality improvement methodology, has been used in healthcare since 2001. Person-centred approaches to healthcare improvement are now widely advocated in political, policy and practice discourse. Literature shows quality improvement practitioners are often unaware of or pay little attention to Lean Six Sigma’s philosophical roots, seeing it less as an organisational philosophy but more as a quality improvement tool for continuous improvement. A lack of fidelity to Lean Six Sigma’s philosophical roots can create a division between person-centred approaches to transforming care experiences and services, and quality improvement methods focusing solely on efficiency and clinical outcomes. There is little research into, and a poor understanding of, the mechanisms and processes through which Lean Six Sigma education influences healthcare staff’s person-centred practice. Aim: To address the question: whether, to what extent and in what ways, Lean and Six Sigma in healthcare contribute to person-centred care and cultures. Design and methods: Realist review identified three potential Context, Mechanism, Outcome configurations (CMOcs) that explained how Lean Six Sigma influenced practice, relating to staff, patients and organisational influences. A realist evaluation explored how staff interacted with a Lean Six Sigma education programme (the intervention). Specifically, the CMOc relating to staff was adjudicated by study participants to determine whether, to what extent and in what ways it influenced person-centred care and cultures. Data collection was informed by person-centred principles and took place through a series of workshops and semi-structured interviews, followed by a review of research participants’ improvement projects outcomes. Findings: Three focused CMOcs, Aspects of Organisational Culture, the Organisation’s Receptivity and Participants’ Self-perception, emerged from the adjudication of the CMOc relating to staff, illuminating the contextual factors (C) that facilitated the outcomes (O) that arose from the underlying mechanisms (M) that were active when the contextual factors (C) were present. Synergies (respect for persons, voice of the customer, staff empowerment and observational studies), an influencer (quality) and divergences (core values, standardisation and first principles) between participants’ Lean Six Sigma practice and person-centred care and cultures were also revealed. Discussion: A return to Lean Six Sigma’s philosophical roots facilitates coherence in the philosophy, intention, methods and outcomes between Lean Six Sigma and person-centred approaches. Their combined use is not only possible but may also be desirable, enabling Lean Six Sigma practitioners to work in ways that support the development of quality, person-centred care that takes account of the outcomes for, and experiences of, patients, their families and staff. Incorporating person-centred principles into the research design, whilst adhering to the principles and rigour of realist evaluation, resulted in a new way of adjudicating CMOcs and novel methods of working with research participants. This study contributes to the evidence base on the study of quality improvement beyond the effectiveness of interventions alone. The findings will be of interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners globally. Keywords: Lean, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Process improvement, Person-centredness, Person-centred care, Person-centred cultures, Kaizen


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    This paper presents tools of Six Sigma for Telecom Industries; these can achieve powerful operational improvements that produce sustainable business benefits. Six Sigma Qualtec’s dedicated Six Sigma for Telecom practice is specifically designed to help traditional and modern telecommunications providers, become more efficient in their operating procedures. By learning and implementing improvements such as Voice of the Customer (VOC), Six Sigma, Business Process Management Design for Six Sigma and Lean Enterprise principles, those companies will be able to dramatically improve the way they do business thus attracting and keeping customers in this hyper-competitive industry. This paper maps some of the changes in the telecom markets that resulted from competitive entry and gives an insight into the dynamics of competitive markets in relation to quality improvement. Additionally, the presentation seeks to demonstrate that in the quest for the particular competitive outcome via independent and transparent regulation

    Framework for continuous improvement of production processes

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    This research introduces a new approach of using Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) methodology. This approach integrates various tools and methods into a single framework, which consists of five steps. In the Define step, problems and main Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are identified. In the Measure step, the modified Failure Classifier (FC), i.e. DOE-NE-STD-1004-92 is applied, which enables to specify the types of failures for each operation during the production process. Also, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is used to measure the weight of failures by calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN) value. In order to indicate the quality level of process/product the Process/Product Sigma Performance Level (PSPL) is calculated based on the FMEA results. Using the RPN values from FMEA the variability of process by failures, operations and work centres are observed. In addition, costs of the components are calculated, which enable to measure the impact of failures on the final product cost. A new method of analysis is introduced, in which various charts created in the Measure step are compared. Analysis step facilitates the subsequent Improve and Control steps, where appropriate changes in the manufacturing process are implemented and sustained. The objective of the new framework is to perform continuous improvement of production processes in the way that enables engineers to discover the critical problems that have financial impact on the final product. This framework provides new ways of monitoring and eliminating failures for production processes continuous improvement, by focusing on the KPIs important for business success. In this paper, the background and the key concepts of Six Sigma are described and the proposed Six Sigma DMAIC framework is explained. The implementation of this framework is verified by computational experiment followed by conclusion section


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    The importance of quality to maintain market share/customer on a tight industrial competition today, it would require quality improvement continuously by reducing variation in the process output. Improving quality with Six Sigma method is very appropriate to be applied to reducing output variation process YNA in PT. AO. With the concept of Six Sigma by approach define, measure, analyze, improvement, and control (DMAIC), obtained CTQ’s which became the cause of defective components opportunity YNA. There are ten (10) opportunity quality characteristic: body edge is not rough, body is not crack, body lips are not curve, body texture shall symmetric, handhold is not crack, handhold is cut straight, head of handhold is not curve, edge of bracket not rough, holes at bracket not too large. The value of Six Sigma capability in that Company is 3,86, with the value of DPMO, 9,12 this indicating that company is for from word class company peat reach capability five to Six Sigma. Process Improvement DMAIC approach are done by exact time and right way, by road map PDCA concept and by, application of control chart (SPC). Keywords: Improved quality of Six Sigma, machining Processes, DMAIC, FMEA

    Analisis Kualitas Produk Teh Hijau dengan Menggunakan Metodologi Six Sigma (Dmaic) di PT. Mitra Kerinci

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    PT. Mitra Kerinci merupakan salah satu Perusahaan teh di Indonesia yang memproduksi teh dalam kemasan dan pemasok untuk Perusahaan minuman teh domestik maupun Internasional. Dalam perkembangan bisnisnya, Perusahaan selalu berupaya mengatasi permasalahan produk yang di luar spesifikasi. Untuk itu perlu peningkatan kualitas dalam mengurangi variasi yang timbul disetiap proses untuk menurunkan jumlah produk yang di luar spesifikasi. Dalam penelitian ini, metodologi Six Sigma digunakan sebagai upaya perbaikan dan pengendalian kualitas untuk menganalisis kualitas produk dan kinerja proses di PT. Mitra Kerinci. Dengan penerapan metodologi ini, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk dan memperbaiki kinerja proses sehingga mencapai tingkat kinerja kualitas 6 sigma. Kata Kunci: kualitas dan metodologi Six Sigma. PT. Mitra Kerinci is one tea company in Indonesia to produce tea in packaging and suppliers for the company's domestic and International tea drinks. In the development of its business, the company is always working to resolve problems of the product out of the specifications. Therefore the company need to improve the quality in reducing the variations that arise in every process to reducing the amount of products out of the specifications. In this study, the Six Sigma methodology used as a corrective tool and a quality control tool for analyzing the quality of product and process performance in PT. Mitra Kerinci. By applying this methodology, the process and product performance of the company expected to increase and achieve the level of performance quality of 6 sigma. Keywords: quality and Six Sigma methodology.DAFTAR PUSTAKA Assauri, S. (1998). Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi (Revisi ed.). Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Desai, D. A. (2006). "Improving customer delivery commitments the six sigma way: Case study of an Indian small scale industry". 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"Usulan Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Produksi di Industri Berbasis Hasil Laut". Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems , 7 (2), 148-163. Kistimaryani, M., & Wibawati. (2014). Proses Pengendalian Produksi Produk Z di PT "PQR". Kumar, G., Jawalkar, C. S., & Vaishya, R. O. (2014). "Six Sigma-An Innovative Approach for Improving Sigma Level: A Case Study of a Brick Company". International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) , 3 (8). Liu, J. (2011). "Application of six sigma methodology in forging manufacturing plants: An example study Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE)". 2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on , 2, 354-357. Pakki, G., Soenoko, R., & Santoso, P. B. (2014). "Usulan Penerapan Metode Six Sigma Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Klongsong (Studi Kasus Industri Senjata)". JEMIS , 2 (1), 10-18. Pande, e. a. (2002). The Six Sigma Way team Fieldbook: An Implementation for Project Improvement Teams. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. 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    Concise process improvement definition with case studies

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficiency and objectivity of current Six Sigma practices when at the measure/analyse phase of the DMAIC quality improvement cycle. Design/methodology/approach – A new method, named process variation diagnostic tool (PROVADT), demonstrates how tools from other quality disciplines can be used within the Six Sigma framework to strengthen the overall approach by means of improved objectivity and efficient selection of samples. Findings – From a structured sample of 20 products, PROVADT was able to apply a Gage R&R and provisional process capability study fulfilling the pre-requisites of the measure and early analyse phases of the DMAIC quality improvement cycle. From the same sample, Shainin multi-vari and isoplot studies were conducted in order to further the analysis without the need of additional samples. Practical implications – The method was tested in three different industrial situations. In all cases PROVADT’s effectiveness was shown at driving forward a quality initiative with a relatively small number of samples. Particularly in the third case, it lead to the resolution of a long standing complex quality problem without the need for active experimentation on the process. Originality/value – This work demonstrates the need to provide industry with new statistical tools which are practical and give users efficient insight into potential causes of a process problem. PROVADT makes use of data needed by quality standards and Six Sigma initiatives to fulfil their requirements but structures data collection in a novel way to gain more information


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    To meet the market needs a manufacturing industry is required to continue to improve the quality of production through improvements in the production process. One way that can be used is the analysis of quality improvement with Six Sigma methods. This research aim to reduce the number of defects that can increase the value of sigma production. Based on the analysis results obtained sigma value of its current production of 3.42 with DPMO value 27429. The final result may boost the improvement recommendations sigma value to 3.50 and decrease the number of defects from 54.94 grams to 45.5 grams