13 research outputs found

    A Metadirectory of Web Components for Mashup Composition

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    Because of the growing availability of third-party APIs, services, widgets and any other reusable web component, mashup developers now face a vast amount of candidate components for their developments. Moreover, these components quite often are scattered in many different repositories and web sites, which makes difficult their selection or discovery. In this paper, we discuss the problem of component selection in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Mashup-Driven Development, and introduce the Linked Mashups Ontology (LiMOn), a model that allows describing mashups and their components for integrating and sharing mashup information such as categorization or dependencies. The model has allowed the building of an integrated, centralized metadirectory of web components for query and selection, which has served to evaluate the model. The metadirectory allows accessing various heterogeneous repositories of mashups and web components while using external information from the Linked Data cloud, helping mashup development

    WeSSQoS: a configurable SOA system for quality-aware web service selection

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    Web Services (WS) have become one the most used technologies nowadays in software systems. Among the challenges when integrating WS in a given system, requirements-driven selection occupies a prominent place. A comprehensive selection process needs to check compliance of Non-Functional Requirements (NFR), which can be assessed by analysing WS Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, we describe the WeSSQoS system that aims at ranking available WS based on the comparison of their QoS and the stated NFRs. WeSSQoS is designed as an open service-oriented architecture that hosts a configurable portfolio of normalization and ranking algorithms that can be selected by the engineer when starting a selection process. WS’ QoS can be obtained either from a static, WSDL-like description, or computed dynamically through monitoring techniques. WeSSQoS is designed to work over multiple WS repositories and QoS sources. The impact of having a portfolio of different normalization and ranking algorithms is illustrated with an example.Preprin

    WeSSQoS: Un sistema SOA para la selección de servicios web según su calidad

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    Los Servicios Web (WS) se han convertido en una tecnología altamente utilizada en el desarrollo de sistemas software. Una de sus problemáticas más importantes es la selección de los WS más apropiados para satisfacer los requisitos de dichos sistemas. Si consideramos los requisitos no funcionales (NFR), la calidad de servicio de los WS contiene la información necesaria para analizar dicha satisfacción. En este artículo se describe el sistema WeSSQoS para la ordenación de WS según su grado de satisfacción de los NFR, calculable a partir de la calidad de servicio de dichos WS, que puede declararse en el WSDL mismo o bien calcularse dinámicamente mediante monitorización. Esta información acerca de la calidad puede provenir de diversas fuentes (diferentes repositorios WSDL, diferentes monitores, etc.). La arquitectura de WeSSQoS permite la coexistencia de diversos algoritmos de ordenación de los WS, si bien en este artículo nos centramos en uno de ellos que usa la distancia euclidiana como criterio de ordenación.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Monitoring the quality of service to support the service based system lifecycle

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    Service Oriented Computing (SOC) has been established in the last recent years as a successful paradigm in Software Engineering. The systems built under this paradigm, known as Service Based System (SBS), are composed of several services, which are usually third-party software run by external service providers. SBS rely on these service providers to ensure that their services comply with the agreed Quality of Service (QoS). In contrast to other systems, the dynamic behaviour of SBS requires up-to-date QoS information for its proper management in the different stages of its lifecycle, from their initial construction until their decommission. Providing such QoS information has resulted in different technological solutions built around a monitor. Nonetheless, several research challenges in the field remain still open, ranging from theoretical aspects of quality assurance to architectonical challenges in decentralized monitoring. Based on the current research challenges for service monitoring, the research gaps in which we aim to contribute are twofold: - To investigate on the definition and structure of the different quality factors of services, and provide a framework of common understanding for the definition of what to monitor. - To investigate on the different features required to support the activities of the whole SBS lifecycle (i.e. how to monitor), and develop a monitoring framework that accomplishes such features. As a result of this thesis, we provide: What to monitor - A distribution of the quality models along the time dimension and the identification of their relationships. - An analysis of the size and definition coverage of the proposed quality models. - A quantified coverage of the different ISO/IEC 25010 quality factors given by the proposals. - The identification of the most used quality factors, and provided the most consolidated definitions for them. How to monitor - The elicitation of the requirements of the different activities in the SBS lifecycle. - The definition of the set of features that supports the elicited requirements. - A modular service-oriented monitoring framework, named SALMon, implementing the defined features. SALMon has been validated by including it in several frameworks supporting the different activities of the SBS lifecycle. Finally, we have conducted a performance evaluation of SALMon over real web services.La Computació Orientada a Serveis (SOC) ha esdevingut en els darrers anys un paradigma exitós en el camp de l'Enginyeria del Software. Els sistemes construïts sota aquest paradigma, coneguts com Sistemes Basats en Serveis (SBS), estan composats de diversos serveis, que són, usualment, programari de tercers executats per proveïdors de serveis externs. Els SBS depenen dels proveïdors dels serveis per garantir que els serveis compleixen amb la Qualitat del Servei (QoS) acordada. En contrast amb altres sistemes, el comportament dinàmic dels SBS requereix d'informació actualitzada del QoS per a la correcta administració de les diferents etapes del cicle de vida dels SBS: des de la seva construcció inicial fins a la seva clausura. Proveir d'aquesta informació de QoS ha resultat en diferents solucions tecnològiques construïdes al voltant d'un monitor. Malgrat això, diversos reptes de recerca en el camp encara romanen obertes, des d'aspectes teòrics de l'assegurança de qualitat, a reptes arquitectònics en la monitorització descentralitzada. Basat en els reptes de recerca actuals per a la monitorització de serveis, els forats de recerca en els que pretenem contribuir són dobles: - Investigar en la definició i estructura dels diferents factors de qualitat dels serveis, i proveir un marc de treball d'entesa comuna per a la definició de què monitoritzar. - Investigar en les diferents característiques requerides per donar suport a les activitats de tot el cicle de vida dels SBS (i.e. com monitoritzar), i desenvolupar una plataforma de monitorització que acompleixi aquestes característiques. Com a resultats de la tesis, proveïm: Què monitoritzar - Una distribució dels models de qualitat al llarg de la dimensió temporal i la identificació de les seves interrelacions. - Un anàlisi de la mida i definició de la cobertura dels models de qualitat proposats. - Una cobertura quantificada dels diferents factors de qualitat ISO/IEC 25010 donat en les diferents propostes. - La identificació dels factors de qualitat més utilitzats, i la definició dels termes més consolidats. Com monitoritzar - L'elicitació dels requeriments per a les diferents activitats en el cicle de vida dels SBS. - La definició del conjunt de característiques que donen suport als requeriments elicitats. - Una platforma modular orientada a serveis, anomenat SALMon, que implementa les característiques definides. SALMon ha estatvalidat incloent la plataforma en diversos marcs de treball donant suport a les diferents activitat

    The knowledge management in small and medium enterprises and the quality management approaches in service-oriented architecture

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    The thesis is organized into two different sections: the first one deals with the knowledge management (KM) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the second one deals with the quality management approaches in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The first research topic arises from the awareness that knowledge fertilization is crucial for SMEs competitiveness and to improve network collaboration. Nevertheless, while there is an abundance of studies describing how large companies are successfully exploiting knowledge management practices, regarding SMEs the framework is still fragmented. The Ph.D. program has been aimed at publishing two journal articles: the first one is a literature review, which provides the state of art of KM in SMEs and the second one is an empirical paper, which addresses the research questions emerging from the analysis of the literature review. The research questions concern the barriers hindering the spread of KM practices in SMEs, the main knowledge management systems (KMSs) adopted by SMEs and the impact of the use of KM practices on SME performance; they were subsequently addressed through a field analysis conducted on a sample of SMEs, adopting fuzzy set theory as methodology. Therefore the first section of this thesis is structured as a collection of these two published articles. The second section deals with the quality management approaches in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), this research topic arises from the needs to investigate services quality techniques since there is a vast literature concerning the software quality metrics within an object-oriented environment, but this framework cannot be applied to SOA systems. This study attempted to fill this gap presenting the results of a literature review on this topic; the outcomes of the review provide a valuable understanding of the best researched areas and the areas of SOA quality which are poorly investigated. In order to give an answer to one of the retrieved research questions emerging from the analysis of the literature review and concerning the lack of case studies, an empirical analysis on SOA services performance has been carried out in an important telecommunications company by an efficiency analysis. Finally the work’ conclusions are presented which sum up both the knowledge management prospect that the SOA prospect

    Proceedings of the 1st WSEAS International Conference on "Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG'08)"

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 1st WSEAS International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG'08) which was held in Malta, September 11-13, 2008. This conference aims to disseminate the latest research and applications in Renewable Energy, Mineral Resources, Natural Hazards and Risks, Environmental Impact Assessment, Urban and Regional Planning Issues, Remote Sensing and GIS, and other relevant topics and applications. The friendliness and openness of the WSEAS conferences, adds to their ability to grow by constantly attracting young researchers. The WSEAS Conferences attract a large number of well-established and leading researchers in various areas of Science and Engineering as you can see from http://www.wseas.org/reports. Your feedback encourages the society to go ahead as you can see in http://www.worldses.org/feedback.htm The contents of this Book are also published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference. Both will be sent to the WSEAS collaborating indices after the conference: www.worldses.org/indexes In addition, papers of this book are permanently available to all the scientific community via the WSEAS E-Library. Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in this conference proceedings are also going to be considered for possible publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, ACM, Compendex, INSPEC, CSA .... see: www.worldses.org/indexes) these papers must be of high-quality (break-through work) and a new round of a very strict review will follow. (No additional fee will be required for the publication of the extended version in a journal). WSEAS has also collaboration with several other international publishers and all these excellent papers of this volume could be further improved, could be extended and could be enhanced for possible additional evaluation in one of the editions of these international publishers. Finally, we cordially thank all the people of WSEAS for their efforts to maintain the high scientific level of conferences, proceedings and journals

    Using information visualization techniques to support web service discovery

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    The increasing number of web services published over the Web highlights the need for an effective method for users to find appropriate web services. Existing web service discovery methods do not effectively aid a user in finding suitable web services. The current methods provide textual lists of web services that the user is required to explore and manually evaluate. Thus, these methods lead to time-consuming and ineffective web service discovery. The aim of this research was to investigate using information visualization (IV) techniques to effectively support web service discovery. The node-and-link network IV technique was selected as the most appropriate IV technique to visualize web service collections. A prototype, called SerViz, was developed as a tool for interactive visualization of web service collections incorporating the node-and-link IV technique and an alphabetical list-based technique. SerViz used the Programmable Web web service collection as the sample web service collection. A usability evaluation was conducted to compare these techniques. Ninety percent of participants preferred the network IV technique for visualizing web service collections. The network IV technique was also faster for browsing. Several usability problems were identified with the network IV technique. This motivated a need for implementing an alternative IV technique in SerViz. The node-and-link tree IV technique was selected as it was more structured than the network IV technique. A usability evaluation was conducted to compare the network and tree IV techniques. Participants slightly preferred the tree IV technique as the technique to visualize web service collections. The tree IV technique was faster for browsing the web service collection while the network IV technique was faster for searching and filtering. This research has determined that IV techniques can be used to effectively support web service discovery. Future work will involve using IV techniques to support collaborative web service discovery. Keywords: Web Service Discovery, Information Visualization, Web Service Collections, Information Visualization Techniques