210,465 research outputs found

    Reverse engineering of a fixed wing unmanned aircraft 6-DoF model based on laser scanner measurements

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    This paper describes a method for deriving sixdegree- of-freedom (6-DoF) aircraft dynamics parameters adopting reverse engineering techniques from three dimensional (3D) laser scanner measurements. In particular, the mass and aerodynamic properties of the JAVELIN Unmanned Aircraft (UA) are determined using accurate measurements from the 3D scanner and successive CAD processing of the geometric data. In order to qualitatively assess the calculated 6-DoF, the trajectory for the spiral mode excited by the engine torque of this UA is simulated and compared to that of a published 6-DoF of the popular AEROSONDE UA which has very similar geometry. Additionally, to further confirm the validity of the approach, the reverse engineering procedure is applied to a published CAD model of the AEROSONDE UA and the associated 6-DoF parameters are calculated. Using these parameters, a spiral descent trajectory is generated using both the published and calculated parameters. The trajectories match closely, providing a good qualitative verification of the reverse engineering method. In future research, the accurate knowledge of the 6-DoF dynamics will enable the development of an Aircraft Dynamics Model (ADM) virtual sensor to augment the UA navigation system in case of primary navigation sensor outages. Additionally, further refinement of the calculated 6-DoF will involve wind tunnel and flight testing activities

    Peran aktivitas reverse engineering pada Jurusan Teknik dan Desain di perguruan tinggi

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    Product design is a complex activity because it is a cross of various fields. Lecturing this activity in universities is also a challenge for lecturers because these activities require not only knowledge but also experience. On the other hand, the industry expects human resources that are compatible with industrial standards. The Reverse Engineering (RE) method is one solution to this problem. This qualitative-descriptive research with the literature study method aims to determine the role of reverse engineering in engineering and design education, especially in product design subject. The author conducted the study from the book and science journal source to define the aspect related to RE activity in engineering and design education. According to this research, it can be concluded that the RE method has a role in providing knowledge about various aspects of the design of some products through the practice of disassembling and evaluating existing products. Then this method also has a role in providing knowledge through practice in designing a product. Various equipment, both hardware and software are required in this method. The challenges that arise are related to the limited cost of procuring sample products and workshop facilities and limited lecture time


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Perancangan Model Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) untuk Proses Reverse Engineering. Penelitian dilatar belakangi oleh tuntutan dalam dunia software development mengenai teknologi reverse engineering, model konvensional dinilai kurang efektif dalam melakukan proses reverse engineering terutama untuk mengatasi sistem software yang lebih kompleks dan juga pendekatan konvensional cenderung lebih menekankan pemodelan requirements dalam bentuk low-level data. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun model pendekatan sebagai alat bantu dalam proses reverse engineering yaitu GORE dengan metode Goal-Skill-Preferences (GSP). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan reverse engineering pada sistem aplikasi siap pakai untuk merancang model reverse engineering. Penelitian dilakukan di laboraturium komputer Jurusan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta dari bulan Agustus 2015 sampai Desember 2015. Adapun hasil penelitian merupakan model GORE dengan metode GSP yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk diagram yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah untuk melakukan reverse. Berikut langkah-langkah model GORE dengan metode GSP untuk proses reverse engineering, yaitu: (1) Mengambil main goal dari tampilan sistem aplikasi; (2) Merepresentasikan goal dalam bentuk goal graph; (3) Mengembangkan goal menjadi subgoal; (4) Membuat set of alternatives dari subgoal; dan (5) Mengambil requirements dari setiap alternatives. Setelah dibandingkan dengan hasil reverse konvensional, maka dapat dibuktikan bahwa model GORE dengan metode GSP dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk melakukan reverse engineering *This research entitled Design Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) Model for Reverse Engineering Process. The research is motivated by the demands of the world of software development about reverse engineering technology, the conventional model is considered less effictive in the process of reverse engineering, especially to cope with more complex software systems and also a conventional approach is more tend to more emphasis on requirements modeling in the form of low-level data. This research aims to develop an approach model as a tool in the process of reverse engineering that is GORE with GoalSkill-Preferences (GSP) method. The research method that use is qualitative method by doing reverse engineering on the already use application for designing the reverse engineering model. The research was conducted in a computer lab Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta from August 2015 till December 2015. The research results are GORE model with GSP method which represented in the form of a diagram that explains steps to do the reverse. Here are the steps of GORE model with GSP method for reverse engineering process, namely: (1) Take the main goal from the system application interface; (2) Represents a goal in the form of a goal graph; (3) Develop goal into subgoal; (4) Makes set of alternatives from the subgoal; and (5) Take the requirements from each of alternatives. After compared with results of the conventional reverse, it can be proved that the GORE with GSP method model can be used as a tool for reverse engineering

    Considering Student Voices: Examining the Experiences of Underrepresented Students in Intervention Programs

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    Qualitative studies that examine the experiences of underrepresented minority students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields are comparatively few. This study explores the self-reported experiences of underrepresented graduate students in the biomedical sciences of a large, midwestern, urban university. Document analysis of interview transcripts from program evaluations capture firsthand accounts of student experiences and reveal the need for a critical examination of current intervention programs designed to reverse the trend of underrepresentation in the biomedical sciences. Findings point to themes aligned around the benefits and challenges of program components, issues of social adjustment, the utility of supportive relationships, and environmental impacts
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