151,421 research outputs found


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    This undergraduate thesis analyzes about giving reinforcement by teacher to motivate students in learning English. Language learning is not a set of easy steps that can be programmed in a quick do-it-yourself kit. People achieve fluency in a foreign language solely within the activity in the classroom. Process in the classroom become the important part to transfer knowledge so the result of the learning process will be maximal. Reinforcement is one of the important steps in learning, can be functioned to motivate students in learning process.There are three problems of this study, (1) Does teacher give reinforcement to motivate the students in learning English ? (2) What is the effect of reinforcement toward the students’ motivation in learning English? (3) What factors cause the unmotivated students in learning English? This research is designed as a qualitative research and conducted in odd semester at the Eight B grade of SMP Muhammadiyah I Way Jepara East Lampung Academic Year 2012/2013. As a source of data, the writer utilized two instruments  to get the data by using observation and questionnaires. The analysis of the data used comparative method enclose reduction the data, categorization and synthesizing the data.The result of this analysis are (1) the teacher have given reinforcement in learning English, it can be proven by seeing percentage of the analysis result that 75 % teacher often use reinforcement in learning English and 25 % teacher rare use some activities that indicated the teacher have given reinforcement in learning English.(2) the students are motivated after getting reinforcement in Learning English. (3) some activities that cause students are unmotivated in Learning English.By studying and analyzing giving reinforcement in learning English, the writer expects an English teacher should give reinforcement in all learning process especially learning English and should avoid some factors that cause the students are unmotivated in learning English because by giving reinforcement in learning the students are motivated in learning English. It means that giving reinforcement by teacher can motivate students in learning English.

    D4.2 Intelligent D-Band wireless systems and networks initial designs

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    This deliverable gives the results of the ARIADNE project's Task 4.2: Machine Learning based network intelligence. It presents the work conducted on various aspects of network management to deliver system level, qualitative solutions that leverage diverse machine learning techniques. The different chapters present system level, simulation and algorithmic models based on multi-agent reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning, learning automata for complex event forecasting, system level model for proactive handovers and resource allocation, model-driven deep learning-based channel estimation and feedbacks as well as strategies for deployment of machine learning based solutions. In short, the D4.2 provides results on promising AI and ML based methods along with their limitations and potentials that have been investigated in the ARIADNE project

    Strategi Keterampilan Penguatan Guru dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Anak Usia Dini

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    This research aims to see the results of implementing strengthening Islamic religious education learning with a strategy of strengthening teacher skills in learning Islamic religious education for early childhood at Pertiwi 1 Kindergarten, Bengkulu City. The method used is a qualitative descriptive research method, while the type of data used in this research is through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the strategy for strengthening teacher skills in Islamic religious education learning uses Skinner's Operant Conditioning theory. Teachers provide verbal reinforcement in using words and sentences to praise, encourage, motivate, persuade, advise and reprimand children. Meanwhile, nonverbal reinforcement takes the form of gestures, touching, approaching, giving signs or symbols, and through Islamic religious education learning activities. This research proves that the implementation of teacher strengthening skills in learning Islamic religious education in early childhood is contained in the RPPH and teaching modules which are carried out by providing verbal reinforcement in using words and sentences, while non-verbal is in the form of gestures, touching, approaching, giving signs or symbols, and through activities for children so that children will be motivated in the good things they do.   Keywords: Early Childhood, Reinforcement Skills, Islamic Education


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    This research aims to describe democratic character reinforcement strategy and democratic character which is shown by students as the impact of the implementation of project based civic education learning. This study uses qualitative method with descriptive qualitative approach. Data source of this research involves informant (civic education teachers, class XI students and alumnus of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat), project based civic education learning activities and documents (Lesson plan, score list, and Project based civic education learning product result). Sampling technique uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data collection uses participatory observation technique, document analysis and deep interview directly. Validity test technique uses triangulation of methods and data sources. Data analysis uses interactive analysis technique. Research results is democratic character reinforcement strategy which is done by civic education teachers through project based civic education learning with provide exemplary democratic character values in every steps of project based civic education learning accordance with the material Beware of Threats Against the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Democratic character which is evidenced by the attitude of studentswho obey the rules and regulations at school and do every assignmentgiven by the teacher, both individually and in groups of project based civic education learning
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