234 research outputs found

    Agile load transportation systems using aerial robots

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    In this dissertation, we address problems that can occur during load transport using aerial robots, i.e., small scale quadrotors. First, detailed models of such transportation system are derived. These models include nonlinear models of a quadrotor, a model of a quadrotor carrying a fixed load and a model of a quadrotor carrying a suspended load. Second, the problem of quadrotor stabilization and trajectory tracking with changes of the center of gravity of the transportation system is addressed. This problem is solved using model reference adaptive control based on output feedback linearization that compensates for dynamical changes in the center of gravity of the quadrotor. The third problem we address is a problem of a swing-free transport of suspended load using quadrotors. Flying with a suspended load can be a very challenging and sometimes hazardous task as the suspended load significantly alters the flight characteristics of the quadrotor. In order to deal with suspended load flight, we present a method based on dynamic programming which is a model based offline method. The second investigated method we use is based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm which is an optimization technique used for nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. This method is model free and it can be used for offline or online generation of the swing-free trajectories for the suspended load. Besides the swing-free maneuvers with suspended load, load trajectory tracking is another problem we solve in this dissertation. In order to solve this problem we use a Nelder-Mead based algorithm. In addition, we use an online least square policy iteration algorithm. At the end, we propose a high level algorithm for navigation in cluttered environments considering a quadrotor with suspended load. Furthermore, distributed control of multiple quadrotors with suspended load is addressed too. The proposed hierarchical architecture presented in this doctoral dissertation is an important step towards developing the next generation of agile autonomous aerial vehicles. These control algorithms enable quadrotors to display agile maneuvers while reconfiguring in real time whenever a change in the center of gravity occurs. This enables a swing-free load transport or trajectory tracking of the load in urban environments in a decentralized fashion

    Constrained Consensus in Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems

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    Since the consensus problem is getting popular in recent researches and the applications based on it are expanding in current years! the consensus problem under the condition that constraints exist on agents’ state in continuous-time in a multi-agent system has been studied here. This work combines the projection operator method in a general consensus algorithm to avoid the violation of state on its individual constraint set. When the projection operator works in the general consensus algorithm, the constraint region is divided into the projection-operator working region and the non-projection region. The boundary between these two regions is a circular line. Once the state of the correspond agent cross this line, the projection operator starts to work when the state is going out from the non-projection region and moves towards to its constraint boundary. The boundary of the starting circle for projection opera- tor has the same shape with the constraint set boundary. The difference is it has a smaller area with a certain ratio. With a one dimensional projection-based consensus algorithm, we analyzed the projection-based consensus algorithm on the expected-to- arrival (ETA) requirement which is always the problem at the simultaneous arrival task on multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) system. The stability and con- vergence rate of the proposed algorithm has been analyzed. Based on the stability and convergence rate, the conditions to guarantee the feasibility of the simultaneous arrival task has also been presented. Then the analysis for projection-based consensus algorithm has been extended in a high dimensions, in this case, the agents can only exchange their state information in continuous time in a connected and undirected communication network topology. The result is proven that since the intersection set of every state constraint is non-empty, the global consensus will eventually be achieved. At last, the projection-based algorithm has been applied on a UAV module, with the UAV dynamics, the algorithm makes a multi-UAV system with different ability in flying reach the global spatial consensus achievement for simultaneous arrival task

    Outdoor operations of multiple quadrotors in windy environment

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    Coordinated multiple small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAVs) offer several advantages over a single sUAV platform. These advantages include improved task efficiency, reduced task completion time, improved fault tolerance, and higher task flexibility. However, their deployment in an outdoor environment is challenging due to the presence of wind gusts. The coordinated motion of a multi-sUAV system in the presence of wind disturbances is a challenging problem when considering collision avoidance (safety), scalability, and communication connectivity. Performing wind-agnostic motion planning for sUAVs may produce a sizeable cross-track error if the wind on the planned route leads to actuator saturation. In a multi-sUAV system, each sUAV has to locally counter the wind disturbance while maintaining the safety of the system. Such continuous manipulation of the control effort for multiple sUAVs under uncertain environmental conditions is computationally taxing and can lead to reduced efficiency and safety concerns. Additionally, modern day sUAV systems are susceptible to cyberattacks due to their use of commercial wireless communication infrastructure. This dissertation aims to address these multi-faceted challenges related to the operation of outdoor rotor-based multi-sUAV systems. A comprehensive review of four representative techniques to measure and estimate wind speed and direction using rotor-based sUAVs is discussed. After developing a clear understanding of the role wind gusts play in quadrotor motion, two decentralized motion planners for a multi-quadrotor system are implemented and experimentally evaluated in the presence of wind disturbances. The first planner is rooted in the reinforcement learning (RL) technique of state-action-reward-state-action (SARSA) to provide generalized path plans in the presence of wind disturbances. While this planner provides feasible trajectories for the quadrotors, it does not provide guarantees of collision avoidance. The second planner implements a receding horizon (RH) mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model that is integrated with control barrier functions (CBFs) to guarantee collision-free transit of the multiple quadrotors in the presence of wind disturbances. Finally, a novel communication protocol using Ethereum blockchain-based smart contracts is presented to address the challenge of secure wireless communication. The U.S. sUAV market is expected to be worth $92 Billion by 2030. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) noted in its seminal economic report that UAVs would be responsible for creating 100,000 jobs by 2025 in the U.S. The rapid proliferation of drone technology in various applications has led to an increasing need for professionals skilled in sUAV piloting, designing, fabricating, repairing, and programming. Engineering educators have recognized this demand for certified sUAV professionals. This dissertation aims to address this growing sUAV-market need by evaluating two active learning-based instructional approaches designed for undergraduate sUAV education. The two approaches leverages the interactive-constructive-active-passive (ICAP) framework of engagement and explores the use of Competition based Learning (CBL) and Project based Learning (PBL). The CBL approach is implemented through a drone building and piloting competition that featured 97 students from undergraduate and graduate programs at NJIT. The competition focused on 1) drone assembly, testing, and validation using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts, 2) simulation of drone flight missions, and 3) manual and semi-autonomous drone piloting were implemented. The effective student learning experience from this competition served as the basis of a new undergraduate course on drone science fundamentals at NJIT. This undergraduate course focused on the three foundational pillars of drone careers: 1) drone programming using Python, 2) designing and fabricating drones using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and rapid prototyping, and 3) the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 Commercial small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (sUAVs) pilot test. Multiple assessment methods are applied to examine the students’ gains in sUAV skills and knowledge and student attitudes towards an active learning-based approach for sUAV education. The use of active learning techniques to address these challenges lead to meaningful student engagement and positive gains in the learning outcomes as indicated by quantitative and qualitative assessments

    Algoritmo bioinspirado a redes de robots para la asistencia en operaciones de busqueda y rescate

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    ilustraciones, diagramas, fotografíasThis thesis proposes a bio-inspired algorithm for robot networks assisting in the operations of search and rescue scenarios. We consider ants as social animals to study and abstract beha- viors that can be useful in the framework of search and rescue using robots. We consider three main topics to address when using robots to assist rescuers. First, the exploration and mapping of the disaster zones. For this, we consider the mecha- nisms and interactions of ants to explore their environment, look for food, avoid predators, and explore better places to establish a nest. Then, we deploy robots to explore the en- vironment and discourage robots from entering regions other robots have explored using pheromones as markers for the robots. We also abstract the randomness ants use to explore and implement a Q-learning algorithm that allows robots to explore unvisited regions. Second, the navigation and victim detection. Once the environment has been explored, we vi use Reynolds rules to allow the navigation of robots to create cohesion, attraction to target goals, and repulsion to obstacles and inter-agent collisions. Then, we use a neural network to determine whether what robots are detecting is a victim. Lastly, we use a consensus-like approach to classify victims or no victims based on distributed information. Lastly, ants have been famous for carrying loads that surpass their size and payload capacity by cooperating. We consider quadrotors to carry loads cooperatively that can be medical supplies or victims in search and rescue (Texto tomado de la fuente)Esta tesis propone un algoritmo bioinspirado para redes de robots que asisten en las operaciones de escenarios de busqueda y rescate. Consideramos a las hormigas como animales sociales para estudiar y abstraer comportamientos que pueden ser utiles en el marco de la busqueda y rescate mediante robots. Consideramos tres temas principales para abordar cuando se utilizan robots para ayudar a los rescatistas. Primero, la exploracion y mapeo de las zonas de desastre. Para esto, consideramos los mecanismos e interacciones de las hormigas para explorar su entorno, buscar comida, evitar depredadores y explorar mejores lugares para establecer un nido. Luego, desplegamos robots para explorar el entorno y disuadimos a los robots de ingresar a regiones que otros robots han explorado usando feromonas como marcadores para los robots. Tambien abstraemos la aleatoriedad que usan las hormigas para explorar e implementar un algoritmo Q-learning que permite a los robots explorar regiones no visitadas. En segundo lugar, la navegacion y deteccion de vıctimas. Una vez que se ha explorado el entorno, usamos las reglas de Reynolds para permitir que la navegacion de los robots cree cohesion, atraccion hacia los objetivos y repulsion hacia los obstaculos y las colisiones entre agentes. Luego, usamos una red neuronal para determinar si lo que detectan los robots es una vıctima. Por ultimo, utilizamos un enfoque de consenso para clasificar a las vıctimas o no vıctimas en funcion de la informacion distribuida. Por ultimo, las hormigas han sido famosas por llevar cargas que superan su tamano y capacidad de carga al cooperar. Consideramos quadrotors para transportar cargas de manera cooperativa que pueden ser suministros medicos o vıctimas en busqueda y rescate.MaestríaMagister en Ingenieria - Automatizacion IndustrialRobotic

    Robust Distributed Formation Control of UAVs with Higher-Order Dynamics

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    In this thesis, we introduce distributed formation control strategies to reach an intended linear formation for agents with a diverse array of dynamics. The suggested technique is distributed entirely, does not include inter-agent cooperation or a barrier of orientation, and can be applied using relative location information gained by agents in their local cooperation frames. We illustrate how the control optimized for agents with the simpler dynamic model, i.e., the dynamics of the single integrator, can be expanded to holonomic agents with higher dynamics such as quadrotors and non-holonomic agents such as unicycles and cars. Our suggested approach makes feedback saturations, unmodelled dynamics, and switches stable in the sensing topology. We also indicate that the control is relaxed as agents will travel along with a rotated and scaled control direction without disrupting the convergence to the desired formation. We can implement this observation to design a distributed strategy for preventing collisions. In simulations, we explain the suggested solution and further introduce a distributed robotic framework to experimentally validate the technique. Our experimental platform is made up of off-the-shelf devices that can be used to evaluate other multi-agent algorithms and verify them

    Synchronization of multiple rigid body systems: a survey

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    The multi-agent system has been a hot topic in the past few decades owing to its lower cost, higher robustness, and higher flexibility. As a particular multi-agent system, the multiple rigid body system received a growing interest since its wide applications in transportation, aerospace, and ocean exploration. Due to the non-Euclidean configuration space of attitudes and the inherent nonlinearity of the dynamics of rigid body systems, synchronization of multiple rigid body systems is quite challenging. This paper aims to present an overview of the recent progress in synchronization of multiple rigid body systems from the view of two fundamental problems. The first problem focuses on attitude synchronization, while the second one focuses on cooperative motion control in that rotation and translation dynamics are coupled. Finally, a summary and future directions are given in the conclusion

    A distributed optimization framework for localization and formation control: applications to vision-based measurements

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    Multiagent systems have been a major area of research for the last 15 years. This interest has been motivated by tasks that can be executed more rapidly in a collaborative manner or that are nearly impossible to carry out otherwise. To be effective, the agents need to have the notion of a common goal shared by the entire network (for instance, a desired formation) and individual control laws to realize the goal. The common goal is typically centralized, in the sense that it involves the state of all the agents at the same time. On the other hand, it is often desirable to have individual control laws that are distributed, in the sense that the desired action of an agent depends only on the measurements and states available at the node and at a small number of neighbors. This is an attractive quality because it implies an overall system that is modular and intrinsically more robust to communication delays and node failures

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas
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