9 research outputs found

    Trajectory tracking of a quadrotor with disturbance rejection using extended state observer

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    The presence of external disturbances such as wind may affect the stability of a quadrotor during flight. This paper proposes a robust autonomous flight control of a feedback linearized quadrotor model with the presence of external disturbances by using the active anti-disturbance control (AADC) technique. In the inner-loop control, the feedback linearization technique is used to simplify the nonlinear and under-actuated quadrotor dynamics into the corresponding linear representation. In the outer-loop control, the AADC technique using extended state observer (ESO) and state feedback is proposed for trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection control of the quadrotor, respectively. Here, ESO estimates the external disturbances by using only the output of the system. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, simulations of the quadrotor were carried in which the results obtained show the advantage of the proposed control algorithm for hovering and trajectory tracking of the quadrotor

    Robótica Educativa: Drones e Novas Perspectivas

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    Este trabalho, apresenta um levantamento realizado visando identificar o uso de drones em atividades de robótica educativa em disciplinas STEM. Após ampla pesquisa bibliográfica, compreendendo estudos publicados de 2014 até 2018, confirmouse a quase ausência do uso dessa tecnologia na área pedagógica, limitando-se, na maioria dos casos, ao uso de drones como ferramentas para captura de imagens ou vídeos para subsidiar temas de disciplinas diversas, ou para ensino específico sobre drones. Contudo, verificou-se que a área comercial já detectou esse nicho e oferta algumas plataformas com drones contendo recursos interessantes, cabendo à área acadêmica desenvolver estudos que comprovem a viabilidade do uso pedagógico desses equipamentos bem como suas reais potencialidades e possibilidades

    Flat trajectory design and tracking with saturation guarantees: a nano-drone application

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the problem of trajectory planning and tracking of a quadcopter system based on the property of differential flatness. First, B-spline characterisations of the flat output allow for optimal trajectory generation subject to waypoint constraints, thrust and angle constraints while minimising the trajectory length. Second, the proposed tracking control strategy combines feedback linearisation and nested saturation control via flatness. The control strategy provides bounded inputs (thrust, roll and pitch angles) while ensuring the overall stability of the tracking error dynamics. The control parameters are chosen based on the information of the a priori given reference trajectory. Moreover, conditions for the existence of these parameters are presented. The effectiveness of the trajectory planning and the tracking control design is analysed and validated through simulation and experimental results over a real nano-quadcopter platform, the Crazyflie 2.0

    Real-time interval type-2 fuzzy control of an unmanned aerial vehicle with flexible cable-connected payload

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    This study presents the design and real-time applications of an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy PID (IT2-FPID) control system on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a flexible cable-connected payload in comparison to the PID and Type-1 Fuzzy PID (T1-FPID) counterparts. The IT2-FPID control has significant stability, disturbance rejection, and response time advantages. To prove and show these advantages, the DJI Tello, a commercial UAV, is used with a flexible cable-connected payload to test the robustness of PID, T1-FPID, and IT2-FPID controllers. First, the optimal coefficients of the compared controllers are found using the Big Bang–Big Crunch algorithm via the nonlinear UAV model without the payload. Second, once optimised, the controllers are tested using several scenarios, including disturbing the payload and the coverage path planning area to examine their robustness. Third, the controller performance results are evaluated according to reference achievement and point-based tracking under disturbances. Finally, the superiority of the IT2-FPID controller is shown via simulations and real-time experiments with a better overshoot, a faster settling time, and good properties of disturbance rejection compared with the PID and the T1-FPID controllers

    Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Quadcopter)With Real-Time Object Tracking

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    In the previous decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have turned into a subject of enthusiasm for some exploration associations. UAVs are discovering applications in different regions going from military applications to activity reconnaissance. This thesis is an overview of a particular sort of UAV called quadrotor or quadcopter. Scientists are often picking quadrotors for their exploration because a quadrotor can precisely and productively perform assignments that future of high hazard for a human pilot to perform. This thesis includes the dynamic models of a quadrotor and model-autonomous control systems. It also explains the complete description of developed quadcopter used for surveillance purpose with real-time object detection. In the present time, the focus has moved to outlining autonomous quadrotors. Ultimately, it examines the potential applications of quadrotors and their part in multi-operators frameworks. The Unmanned aerial vehicle (Quadcopter) has been developed that could be used for search and surveillance purpose. This project comprised of both hardware and software part. The hardware part comprised of the development of unmanned aerial vehicle (Quadcopter). The main components that were used in this project are KK2 flight controller board, outrunner brushless DC motor, Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC), GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver, video transmitter and receiver, HD (High Definition) camera, RC (Radio Controlled) transmitter and receiver. Software part comprised of real-time object detection and tracking algorithm for detecting and tracking of human beings that were done with the help of Matlab software. After achieving the stable flight, the camera installed on the quadcopter would transmit a video signal to the receiver placed on the ground station. Video signal from the receiver would then be transferred to Matlab software for further processing or for tracking human beings using real-time object detection and tracking algorith

    MPC-LTV per il controllo leader-follower distribuito di una formazione di UAV

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    The focus of present work is the development of a formation control algorithm for small RUAV (rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle). We considered a leader-follower hierarchical structure, where one of the vehicles flies independently and the others try to acquire and hold a required position in the formation, ensuring at each time a relative safety distance. The aim has been achieved through a distributed MPC-LTV (Model Predictive Control) where the followers are able to plan autonomously there control action, on the basis of the information exchanged between UAVs. The uncommon choice of Model Predictive Control has proved successful for its ability to obtain control action by a cyclic optimization process, performed along a finite time horizon. In the optimization process we explicitly considered the future dynamics of the RUAV and a complementary set of constraints for the problem, where the main point is represented by the requirement of collision avoidance. Some simulations were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the developed strategy, paying particular attention on situations that may be critical for collisions

    Uso de drones como Tecnologia pedagogica em disciplinas steam : um enfoque voltado ao aprendizado significativo com metodologias ativas

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    Vislumbra-se na atualidade uma escassez de profissionais na área de exatas. Entra aí a importância do ensino em áreas STEAM (acrônimo do Inglês Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) com intuito de impulsionar o processo criativo, o pensamento crítico, a investigação e a experimentação por meio da educação científica. Buscando meios de motivar esse engajamento, verificou-se que no Brasil e no mundo os drones estão se tornando uma realidade cada vez mais presente, com inúmeras aplicações na área civil. Entretanto, mesmo com o surgimento de drones comerciais com fins didáticos, são escassos estudos científicos de tal aplicação no ambiente pedagógico e sua inserção é ainda praticamente nula no ambiente escolar. Assim, este estudo visa a análise da viabilidade do uso de um conjunto de tecnologias baseado em drones, pensadas com base em aspectos de aprendizagem significativa mediante metodologia ABP (Aprendizado Baseado em Problemas). O estudo foi realizado com alunos de um curso de técnico em informática integrado ao ensino médio de uma instituição pública federal. A pesquisa seguiu uma linha de análise quali-quanti, na qual os dados foram coletados a partir dos resultados obtidos em um pré e um pós-teste – sobre os quais foram efetuadas análises com estatística descritiva – além de gravações dos alunos durante as intervenções, observações realizadas pelo pesquisador e uma entrevista coletiva semiestruturada – sobre as quais incidiram análises qualitativas. Ao final foi realizada uma triangulação entre as metodologias, buscando aspectos congruentes entre as diferentes técnicas utilizadas que pudessem fornecer resposta à questão deste estudo. Como resultado, constatou-se que as oficinas ministradas pela metodologia ABP em associação com a plataforma baseada em drones auxiliaram na compreensão, construção e interpretação do conteúdo abordado, possibilitando concluir favoravelmente à questão central deste trabalho, de que há uma relação significativa entre o uso do conjunto tecnológico proposto no processo pedagógico e a possibilidade de aprendizado significativo em áreas STEAM pelos estudantes.Currently, there is a shortage of professionals in the exact area. Here comes the importance of teaching in STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) to boost the creative process, critical thinking, research and experimentation through science education. Seeking ways to motivate this engagement, it was found that in Brazil and the world, drones are becoming an increasingly present reality, with numerous applications in the civil area. However, even with the emergence of commercial drones for educational purposes, there are few scientific studies of such application in the educational environment and their insertion is still practically nil in the school environment. Thus, this study aims to analyze the feasibility of using a set of technologies based on drones, thought based on aspects of significant learning by solving problems using the PBL (Problem Based Learning) methodology. The study was carried out with students from a computer technician course integrated with high school at a federal public institution. The study was carried out with students of a computer technician course integrated with the high school of a federal public institution. The research followed a line of quali-quantitative analysis, in which the data were collected from the results obtained in a pre and a post-test - on which analyzes were performed with descriptive statistics; in addition to student recordings during the interventions, observations made by the researcher and a semi-structured interview - on which qualitative analyzes were focused. Finally, a triangulation between the methodologies was carried out, looking for congruent aspects between the different techniques used that could provide an answer to the question of this study. As a result, it was found that the workshops given by the PBL methodology in association with the platform based on drones helped in the understanding, construction and interpretation of the content covered, allowing to conclude favorably to the central question of this work, that there is a significant relationship between the use the technological set proposed in the pedagogical process and the possibility of significant learning in STEAM areas by students

    Clube de Robótica da Escola Secundária Francisco Franco: estudo etnográfico

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    Este estudo incide sobre a atividade de um clube escolar de robótica de uma escola localizada no centro urbano da cidade do Funchal, a Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco. Através de uma metodologia etnográfica, procurou-se caracterizar a cultura e a dinâmica pedagógica emergentes deste ambiente de aprendizagem saturado de tecnologia e de ideias criativas. A discussão subjacente teve como pano de fundo a criação de contextos de aprendizagem construtivistas / construcionistas, bem como o papel que a tecnologia pode ter enquanto motor da inovação pedagógica. A tese divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira faz-se a revisão da literatura, discutindo-se os temas da aprendizagem, da inovação pedagógica e do papel das tecnologias avançadas na criação de novos contextos de aprendizagem. Na segunda parte discute-se a metodologia do estudo empírico, caracteriza-se o locus da investigação (a escola e o clube) e descreve-se e interpreta-se a cultura emergente da dinâmica dos participantes daquele projeto de natureza extracurricular.This study focuses on the activity of a robotics school club of a school located in the urban center of Funchal, Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco. Through an ethnographic methodology, we sought to characterize the culture and the pedagogical dynamics emerging from this learning environment saturated with technology and creative ideas. The underlying discussion was set against the background of constructivist / constructionist learning contexts, as well as the role that technology can play as a driver of pedagogical innovation. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, the literature is reviewed, discussing the themes of learning, pedagogical innovation and the role of advanced technologies in the creation of new learning contexts. The second part discusses the methodology of the empirical study, characterizes the locus of the investigation (the school and the club) and describes and interprets the emerging culture of the dynamics of the participants of that extracurricular project