77,242 research outputs found

    Student’s attendance system using QR code

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    The purpose of this project is to develop a system that can record the presence of students using QR code. Previously, teachers needed to use paper to record student attendance. There are many problems that arise when teachers use paper as a record of student attendance such as a loss of attendance record and have been taken a long time. The objective of the study is to design a prototype interface of student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner, to build up the design the prototype interface of student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner and test the functionality the prototype of interface student attendance system using QR code and casing of QR code scanner. The interface for this system will be integrated with the LabVIEW Software to develop a database. This system can record the attendance of the student to school and a warning letter will be automatically generated when the student does not come to school in 2 days repeatedly. The development process of the Student Attendance System Using QR Code is based on the Prototype Development Model that consists of a five-phase model, that is planning, analysis, design, Prototype development, and testing. The design of casing for QR code scanner was developed using Sketchup software. LabVIEW Software is used to generate interface displays and built-in databases using Microsoft Excel. Overall, the system that has been developed can work well and achieves the objectives set

    Macro Stress Testing of Credit Risk Focused on the Tails

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    This paper investigates macro stress testing of system-wide credit risk with special focus on the tails of the credit risk distributions conditional on bad macroeconomic scenarios. These tails determine the ex-post solvency probabilities derived from the scenarios. This paper estimates the macro-credit risk link by the traditional Wilson (1997) model as well as by an alternative proposed quantile regression (QR) method (Koenker and Xiao, 2002), in which the relative importance of the macro variables can vary along the credit risk distribution, conceptually incorporating uncertainty in default correlations. Stress-testing exercises on the Brazilian household sector at the one-quarter horizon indicate that unemployment rate distress produces the most harmful effect, whereas distressed inflation and distressed interest rate show higher impacts at longer periods. Determining which of the two stress-testing approaches perceives the scenarios more severely depends on the type of comparison employed. The QR approach is revealed more conservative based on a suggested comparison of vertical distances between the tails of the conditional and unconditional credit risk cumulative distributions.

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Komik Berbasis Qr Code pada Mata Pelajaran PPKn Kelas III SD

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    This study aims to develop a comic learning media design based on Qr Code. Testing the validity and practicality of Qr Code based comic media in Class III PPKn lessons at SD N 1 Marga Sakti. This type of research is Research and Development with a 4-D (Four-D) development model. The subjects of this study were media experts, linguist, material expert, teachers, third grade students at SD N 1 Marga Sakti. Data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires. Based on the results of the validity assessment conducted by the three experts, namely media experts who scored 0.76 with the classification "Quite high", linguists who scored 0.85 with the classification "High", and material experts who scored 0.84 with the classification “Tall”. These results shows that the Or Code-based comic learning media meets the valid criteria with an average score of 0.83. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the practicality assessment sheet for teachers and students show that the Qr Code-based comic learning media meets the practical criteria with an average score of 92%. Based on the results from the validity and practicality trials, it can be concluded that Qr Code-based comic media meets the validity and practical criteria and can be used in learning activities   Keywords: PPKn, Qr Code, Learning Media, Development, Comic

    Development of Rubita Media Based on QR Code with Strengthening the Character of Hard Work of Class IV Elementary School

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    Abstract. Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture, each region has cultural characteristics that make the diversity of the nation, one of which is the archipelago dance. However, the archipelago dance is less attractive to students and begin to be ignored and even forgotten by the younger generation, they are more familiar with modern dance than the archipelago dance. This development research aims to test the feasibility of a QR Code-based Rubita media in terms of attractiveness, validity, and practicality. The research method used is a modification of the Borg and Gall development model that includes stages (1) potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) testing try the product, (7) product revision, (8) trial use. The results of the research and development of QR Code-based Rubita media show the level of validity of the material experts by 94%, validation of media experts by 98%, and validation from users (teachers) by 96% percentage of QR Code-based Rubita media including highly valid media. The results of product trials in the field show that the appearance of instructional media is very compatible with learning in elementary schools, with the combination of shapes and colors on the QR Code-based Rubita makes students very interested in participating in learning with these media.Keywords: Rubita based on QR Code; Cultural Diversity; Elementary SchoolAbstrak.  Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya akan budaya, setiap daerah memiliki ciri khas budaya yang menjadikan keanekaragaman bangsa, salah satunya adalah tari nusantara. Namun, tari nusantara kurang diminati oleh siswa dan mulai diabaikan bahkan dilupakan oleh generasi muda, mereka lebih mengenal tari modern daripada tari nusantara. Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji kelayakan media Rubita berbasis QR Code dari segi kemenarikan, kevalidan, dan kepraktisan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah modifikasi dari model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang meliputi tahap (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) uji coba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba pemakaian. Hasil penelitian  dan pengembangan media Rubita berbasis QR Code menunjukkan tingkat kevalidan dari ahli materi sebesar 94%, validasi ahli media sebesar 98%, dan validasi dari pengguna (guru) sebesar 96% persentase media Rubita berbasis QR Code termasuk media yang sangat valid. Hasil uji coba produk di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa tampilan media pembelajaran sangat sesuai dengan pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar, dengan perpaduan bentuk dan warna-warni pada Rubita berbasis QR Code  membuat siswa sangat tertarik untuk mengikuti pembelajaran dengan media tersebut.Kata Kunci: Rubita Berbasis QR Code; Keberagaman Budaya; Sekolah Dasa


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    Abstrak: Salah satu faktor rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa adalah kurangnya keterlibatan aktif siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, karena model pembelajaran yang digunakan kurang variatif. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan ketertarikan dan keterlibatan belajar siswa adalah melalui pembelajaran dengan memadukan unsur permainan, yakni melalui model pembelajaran gamification dengan bantuan QR code. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar efektivitas model pembelajaran gamification berbantuan QR Code dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Palembang dengan kelas XI IPS 3 sebagai sampelnya yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data motivssi belajar diperoleh dari angket yang diberikan sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran gamification. Dilakukan juga observasi guna menilai penerapan model pembelajaran gamification. Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa nilai  dengan  dan  sehingga  ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa model pembelajaran gamification berbantuan QR code efektif untuk diterapkan dalam rangka meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa sehingga penerapannya sangat disarankan. Abstract: One of the factors of low student learning motivation is the lack of active involvement of students in the learning process because the learning models used are less varied. One learning model that can be used to increase student interest and involvement in learning is through learning that combines game elements, namely through the learning model gamification with the help of QR code. This research aims to see how effective the learning model is gamification help QR Code in increasing student learning motivation. This research is an experimentalquantitative research with one group pretest-posttest designThe population in this research are all XI IPS students in SMA Negeri 2 Palembang with XI IPS 3 as the sample selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data on learning motivation are obtained from questionnaires given before and after learning using the gamification learning model. Observations are also carried out to assess the application of the gamification learning model. The result of hypothesis testing using the paired sample t-test shows that  with  and  hence is rejected. Based on this result, it can be concluded that the gamification learning model assisted by QR codes is effective to apply in order to increase students' learning motivation so its application is highly recommended

    Network Model Selection Using Task-Focused Minimum Description Length

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    Networks are fundamental models for data used in practically every application domain. In most instances, several implicit or explicit choices about the network definition impact the translation of underlying data to a network representation, and the subsequent question(s) about the underlying system being represented. Users of downstream network data may not even be aware of these choices or their impacts. We propose a task-focused network model selection methodology which addresses several key challenges. Our approach constructs network models from underlying data and uses minimum description length (MDL) criteria for selection. Our methodology measures efficiency, a general and comparable measure of the network's performance of a local (i.e. node-level) predictive task of interest. Selection on efficiency favors parsimonious (e.g. sparse) models to avoid overfitting and can be applied across arbitrary tasks and representations. We show stability, sensitivity, and significance testing in our methodology
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