85 research outputs found

    Colección ictiológica del Museo de La Plata: la Familia Trichomycteridae

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    En este número de la Serie Técnica y Didáctica de ProBiota se comienza a difundir los materiales que se encuentran depositados en la Colección Ictiológica del Museo de La Plata, cuyos antecedentes se pueden ver en Miquelarena y Nadalin 2014. En este caso tratamos a la Familia Trichomycteridae la cual está muy bien representada en nuestro país. Como dato histórico podemos mencionar que entre los colectores de los materiales señalados en el texto, se encuentran figuras de las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina, comenzando con el fundador del propio Museo, Francisco P. Moreno, así como otros directores: Joaquín Frenguelli y Emiliano Mac Donagh. Además de otros científicos de renombre como Carlos Spegazzini, Ángel Cabrera, Raúl A. Ringuelet, Alberto Rex González y Argentino A. Bonetto. En el material mencionado se contabilizan cuatro especies tipo y otras provenientes de Brasil producto de un reciente intercambio con el Museo Nacional de Río Janeiro (MNRJ).Fil: Fernandez, Luis Alfredo. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nadalin, Diego O.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: López, Hugo L.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Serio, Ma. Josefina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; Argentin

    Evolutionary morphology of trichomycterid catfishes: about hanging on and digging in

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    The catfi shes (Siluriformes) comprise a particularly diverse teleost clade, from a taxonomic, morphological, biogeographical, ecological and behavioural perspective. The Neotropical Trichomycteridae (the “parasitic” catfi shes) are emblematic of this diversity, including fi shes with some of the most specialized habits and habitats among teleosts (e. g. hematophagy, lepidophagy, miniaturization, fossorial habitats, altitudinal extremes). Relatively little information is available on general trichomycterid morphology, as most work so far has concentrated on phylogenetically informative characters, with little concern about general descriptive anatomy. In this paper we provide a synthesis of new and previously-available data in order to build a general picture of basal crown group trichomycterid morphology and of its main modifi cations. We focus on the evolutionary morphology in two relatively distal trichomycterid lineages, i. e. the hematophagous Vandelliinae and the miniature, substrate dwelling Glanapteryginae. New evidence is discussed in relation to the evolution of the opercular system as well as morphological modifi cations in miniature species exhibiting an interstitial life style

    A Character-Index for the taxonomy of Siluriform fishes of the families <i>Pygidiidae</i> and <i>Diplomystidae</i>

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    The Character-Index applied to genus Hatcheria (Pygidiidae) from Argentina, is useful for differentiation of specific and infraspccific units. Combines the predorsal distance, the preventral distance, the dorsal base and head length (all in thousands of standard length) with the interocular distance (in thousands of head Iength) and the peduncle depth. For Diplomystidae or "otunos" the Character-Index combines head depth + body depth + adipose length + peduncle length, divided by 0.1 mouth breadth + peduncle depth. Its application is significative for Diplomystes viedmensis viedmensis Mac Donagh (Cl: 13 in both holotype and topotype) and for a new suspecies, in press, from Mendoza and San Juan (CI: 11.0 and 11.4).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Breves comentarios sobre un pez cavernícola de Bolivia (<i>Pygidium chaberti</i> Durand, 1968)

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    J. P. Durand describió (1968) una especie nueva de bagre anguila (Siluriformes, Pygidiidae) con el nombre de Trichomycterus chaberti basándose en 30 ejemplares “poco pigmentados, con ojos reducidos” capturados en un río subterráneo de la gruta de Umajalanta, cerca de Toro Toro, en el departamento de Potosí de la república de Bolivia. En realidad el arroyo se sumerge a una profundidad de 140 m durante un recorrido de 1620 m, para resurgir más tarde.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Hatcheria macraei (Girard, 1855) (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae): new record from northwestern Argentina

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    The geographic distribution of Hatcheria macraei (Girard 1855), the Patagonian Catfish, is herein extended north of the Río Colorado headwaters, the previous northernmost record for the species. H. macraei is registered from the Río Jagüé, in the headwaters of the Río Desaguadero basin (Northwestern Argentina). Morphometric and meristic data of collected specimens are included.Fil: Fernandez, Luis Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Tucuman. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Andreoli Bize, Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    The zoogeography and ecology of fresh water fishes from Argentina and comments on ichthyogeography of South America

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    This study comprises a critical review of relevant literature on the fish fauna, genocentres, means of dispersal, barriers, ecological groups, coactions, and ecological causality of distribution, including an analysis of allotopic species in the lame lake or pond, the application of indexes of diversity of severa¡ biotopes and comments on historical factors. Its wide scope allows to clarify several aspects of South American Ichthyogeography. The location of Argentina ichthyological fauna according to the above mentioned distributional scheme as well as its relation with the most important hydrography systems are also provided, followed by additional information on its distribution in the Argentine Republic, including an analysis through the application of Simpson's similitude test in several localities.Contribución científica Nº 52 al Instituto de Limnología.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A Character-Index for the taxonomy of Siluriform fishes of the families <i>Pygidiidae</i> and <i>Diplomystidae</i>

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    The Character-Index applied to genus Hatcheria (Pygidiidae) from Argentina, is useful for differentiation of specific and infraspccific units. Combines the predorsal distance, the preventral distance, the dorsal base and head length (all in thousands of standard length) with the interocular distance (in thousands of head Iength) and the peduncle depth. For Diplomystidae or "otunos" the Character-Index combines head depth + body depth + adipose length + peduncle length, divided by 0.1 mouth breadth + peduncle depth. Its application is significative for Diplomystes viedmensis viedmensis Mac Donagh (Cl: 13 in both holotype and topotype) and for a new suspecies, in press, from Mendoza and San Juan (CI: 11.0 and 11.4).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The zoogeography and ecology of fresh water fishes from Argentina and comments on ichthyogeography of South America

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    This study comprises a critical review of relevant literature on the fish fauna, genocentres, means of dispersal, barriers, ecological groups, coactions, and ecological causality of distribution, including an analysis of allotopic species in the lame lake or pond, the application of indexes of diversity of severa¡ biotopes and comments on historical factors. Its wide scope allows to clarify several aspects of South American Ichthyogeography. The location of Argentina ichthyological fauna according to the above mentioned distributional scheme as well as its relation with the most important hydrography systems are also provided, followed by additional information on its distribution in the Argentine Republic, including an analysis through the application of Simpson's similitude test in several localities.Contribución científica Nº 52 al Instituto de Limnología.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new subterranean species of Phreatobius Goeldi, 1905 (Siluriformes, Incertae sedis) from the Southwestern Amazon basin

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    A new species of the previously monotypic catfish genus Phreatobius is described from an artificial well in the village of Rio Pardo, located 90 km south of the city of Porto Velho, State of Rondônia, Brazil, in the drainage area of the Rio Branco (Rio Madeira system, Amazon basin). Phreatobius dracunculus n. sp. differs from its only congener, P. cisternarum, by the absence of eyes (vs. present), the lack of dark integumentary pigmentation (vs. faint dark pigment always present), the presence of five pectoral-fin rays (vs. four), ventral procurrent rays 11-13 (vs. 22 to 26), dorsal procurrent rays 29-31 (vs. 42 to 50), fewer vertebrae (52 or 53 vs. 59 to 64) and the larger pseudotympanus. The new species shows all diagnostic characters so far proposed for Phreatobius, including an unusual red coloration in life. The localities of the two species of Phreatobius are approximately 1900 km apart. That, in association with their peculiar and mostly inaccessible habitats, indicates that the genus may be widely distributed in the Amazon basin.Uma nova espécie do gênero previamente monotípico Phreatobius é descrita de um poço artificial no Povoado de Rio Pardo, localizado 90 km ao sul da cidade de Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil, na área de drenagem do rio Branco (sistema do Rio Madeira, bacia Amazônica). Phreatobius dracunculus sp. n. difere da única espécie congênere, P. cisternarum, pela ausência de olhos (vs. presente), ausência de pigmentação na pele (vs. algum pigmento escuro sempre presente), presença de cinco raios na nadadeira peitoral (vs. 4), menor número de raios procorrentes ventrais 11-13 (vs. 22 a 26), e menor número de raios procorrentes dorsais 29-31 (vs. 42 a 50), menor número de vértebras (52 ou 53 vs. 59 a 64) e pseudotímpano maior. A nova espécie apresenta todos os caracteres diagnósticos propostos para Phreatobius, incluindo a conspícua coloração vermelha em vida. As localidades das duas espécies de Phreatobius estão aproximadamente a 1900 km de distância. A presença desta espécie em região tão distante da ocorrência de P. cisternarum em associação com o ambiente freático peculiar, evidenciam que o grupo pode estar amplamente distribuído na bacia amazônica

    Validade, Relações Filogenéticas e Redescrição de Eremophilus Candidus Ribeiro, 1949 (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae)

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    Trichomycterus candidus (Ribeiro, 1949), originally described in Eremophilus Humboldt, 1805, is redescribed based on the examination of recently collected specimens and type material. The species is diagnosed based on four autapomorphies: enlarged dorsal projection of interopercular patch of odontodes, lack of pelvic fins and girdle, head small and color pattern presenting very small dark brown round spots. The new combination for T. candidus is proposed on the basis of its close relationships with a clade of Trichomycterus from southeastern Brazil, with which it shares four synapomorphies (posterior ceratohyal tip reduced in depth, ventro-posterior process of the posterior ceratohyal absent or vestigial, smaller depth of the posterior projection of opercular patch of odontodes, and color pattern presenting dark brown round spots). Trichomycterus candidus shares with E. mutisii the absence of pelvic fins and girdle, but not the apomorphic pattern of sensorial pores recently established for Eremophilus.Trichomycterus candidus (Ribeiro, 1949), descrita originalmente em Eremophilus Humboldt, 1805, é redescrita com base no exame dos tipos e material recém-coletado. A espécie é diagnosticada com base em quatro autapomorfias: placa interopercular de odontódeos com projeção dorsal alongada, cabeça reduzida, ausência de nadadeiras pélvicas e padrão de colorido apresentando pintas arredondadas castanho-escuro muito pequenas. A nova combinação T. candidus é proposta com base no seu relacionamento próximo a um clado de Trichomycterus do sudeste do Brasil, com o qual compartilha quatro sinapomorfias (extremidade do ceratohial posterior reduzida, processo póstero-ventral do ceratohial posterior ausente ou vestigial, projeção posterior da placa opercular de odontódeos com altura reduzida, padrão de colorido com pintas arredondadas castanho-escuro, sobre o corpo castanho-claro). Trichomycterus candidus compartilha com E. mutisii apenas a ausência de nadadeiras pélvicas, mas não o padrão apomórfico de poros do sistema sensorial recentemente estabelecido para o gênero