6,982 research outputs found

    River Health in Puyo, Ecuador The Use of Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality and Alternatives to Chlorine for Whitening Clothes in the Puyo River Watershed

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    Fresh water is an important resource in Puyo, Ecuador, a city named after the Kichwa word for ‘cloudy’ in reference to its overcast weather. However, the Puyo River watershed is the most contaminated in all of Pastaza Province. The objective of this investigation was first to evaluate the health of the Puyo River using macroinvertebrate analyses and measurements of chlorine concentrations, temperature, pH, turbidity, velocity, and flow rate. The second objective was to learn about practices used to whiten clothes in Puyo and perceptions of water quality in order to understand the magnitude of bleach pollution and the population’s awareness of its effects. Lastly, the study investigated alternative stain-removal techniques in the hopes of identifying a biodegradable and nontoxic yet effective substitute for chlorine-based bleach to help improve local water quality. Macroinvertebrates as well as physical and chemical stream data were collected from 11 sites along the Puyo River and its tributaries. Morphospecies richness, exponential Shannon-Weiner diversity, % EPT, % abundance of the dominant taxon, the BMWP/Col Index, and a Principal Component Analysis were used to evaluate the response of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities to pollution and thus to infer the quality of the water. Surveys were conducted (n=37) of both Puyo Residents and visitors along the Paseo Turístico del Río Puyo and in the Parque Central Doce de Mayo. Nine fabric-whitening methods were tested on 6 types of stains and rated based on the completeness of stain removal. Macroinvertebrate diversity, especially in the order Ephemeroptera, and other bioassessment metrics identified three small tributaries of the Puyo River as critically polluted, and confirmed that water quality deteriorates with distance downstream along the Puyo River. Of Puyo residents surveyed, 84% used chlorine-based bleach and 88% disposed of residual whitening or cleaning water down the drain or directly into the river, meaning bleach contributes to water pollution. Chlorine impairs water quality more than other whiteners because it reacts with organic matter in aquatic environments to form toxic disinfection by-products. Blue soap and a mixture of plants and wood ash were more successful than chlorine at removing the assortment of stains. Soap was more time-efficient, while the mixture of plants and ash offered the most environmentally friendly laundry option

    Endotracheal tube-induced sore throat pain and inflammation is coupled to the release of mitochondrial DNA

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    In the absence of infection, the pathophysiology of endotracheal tube-induced sore throat pain is unclear. Activated neutrophils release elastase, reactive oxygen species, and inflammatory cytokines known to contribute to neuropathic pain. Sterile tissue injury can cause the release of damage-associated molecular patterns such as mitochondrial DNA that promote neutrophil activation. We hypothesized that endotracheal tube-induced sore throat pain is linked to mitochondrial DNA-mediated neutrophil inflammation. A nonrandomized prospective survey for sore throat pain was conducted in 31 patients who required short-term intubation and had no evidence of upper airway infection. Patterns of neutrophil abundance, activation, and mitochondrial DNA levels were analyzed in tracheal lavage fluid following intubation and prior to extubation. Thirteen of 31 patients reported sore throat pain. Sore throat patients had high neutrophilia with elevated adhesion molecule and TLR9 expression and constitutive reactive oxygen species generation. Tracheal lavage fluid from sore throat patients accumulated mitochondrial DNA and stimulated neutrophils to release mediators associated with pain in a TLR9- and DNAse-dependent fashion. Endotracheal tube-induced sore throat is linked to the release of mitochondrial DNA and can drive TLR9-mediated inflammatory responses by neutrophils reported to cause pain. Mitigating the effects of cell-free mitochondrial DNA may prove beneficial for the prevention of endotracheal tube-mediated sore throat pain

    On the name of the lepidophagous characid fish Roeboexodon guyanensis (Puyo) (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae)

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    The arguments for the usage of the names Gnathoplax, Roeboexodon, R. geryi, and R. guyanensis are revised. Based on the literature and museum specimens, we recommend that the neotype of Exodon guyanensis should be considered valid; that the genus Gnathoplax should be considered an objective junior synonym of Roeboexodon; and that Roeboexodon geryi should be considered an objective junior synonym of Exodonguyanensis.Os argumentos para o uso dos nomes Gnathoplax, Roeboexodon, R. geryi e R. guyanensis são reavaliados. Baseados na literatura e em espécimes de museu, recomendamos que o neótipo de Exodonguyanensis seja considerado válido, que o gênero Gnathoplax seja considerado sinônimo objetivo júnior de Roeboexodon e que Roeboexodon geryi seja considerado sinônimo objetivo júnior de Exodon guyanensis.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências BiológicasUniversidade de São Paulo Museu de ZoologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências BiológicasSciEL

    La Ley de Sociedades Anónimas. Otra forma de manifestación de la injerencia norteamericana en asuntos internos de Panamá

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    [ES] Panamá se independiza de España en 1821 sin guerras ni enfrentamientos y se une voluntariamente a Colombia. Esta unión no tuvo los resultados esperados por los comerciantes panameños que esperaban una mejora económica para el istmo. Colombia era la única en sacar provecho de la situación geográfica del país. Durante todo el siglo XIX los enfrentamientos entre las dos naciones fueron numerosos hasta llegar a la independencia en 1903 propiciada por los Estados Unidos. Durante la segunda mitad de ese siglo los Estados Unidos construyen el ferrocarril que une el océano Atlántico con el Pacifico. Cuando a finales de siglo quiebra la Compañía Francesa del Canal interoceánico los Estados Unidos necesitan el Canal para abrir nuevos mercados hacia Extremo Oriente y extender su influencia en toda América. Cuando el Parlamento colombiano se niega a ratificar el tratado Herrán Hay en agosto de 1903 que les permitiera seguir con la construcción del Canal, se van a desarrollar toda una serie de acontecimientos propiciados por los Estados Unidos que van a conducir a la independencia de Panamá en noviembre de 1903. A partir de esa fecha Panamá se va a convertir en un estado dependiente económica y políticamente de Estados Unidos.[EN] Panama became independent from Spain in 1821 with neither wars nor confrontations and voluntarily joins Colombia. This union did not have the expected results by the Panamanian merchants who expected an economic improvement for the isthmus. Colombia was the only stake at play to take advantage of the geographical situation of the country. Throughout the nineteenth century the clashes between the two nations were numerous until the independence was obtained in 1903 propitiated by the United States of America (USA). During the second half of that century the USA built the railroad linking the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific. When, at the end of the century, the French Company of the Interoceanic Channel broke down, the USA needed the Canal to open new markets to the Far East and spread its influence throughout the Americas. When the Colombian Parliament refuses to ratify the Heran Hay Treaty in August 1903 to allow continuing with the construction of the Canal, a series of events will be developed by the USA that will lead to the independence of Panama in November 1903. From that date onwards, Panama will become an economically and politically dependent state for the USA

    ‘In the game’? Embodied subjectivity in gaming environments

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    Human-computer interactions are increasingly using more (or all) of the body as a control device. We identify a convergence between everyday bodily actions and activity within digital environments, and a trend towards incorporating natural or mimetic form of movement into gaming devices. We go on to reflect on the nature of player ‘embodiment’ in digital gaming environments by applying insights from the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Three conditions for digital embodiment are proposed, with implications for Calleja’s (2011) Player Involvement Model (PIM) of gaming discussed

    Proyecto de análisis de mercado y desarrollo de estrategias de marketing para la comercialización de melcocha en la ciudad de puyo – provincia de pastaza

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    Este proyecto pretende principalmente que el Sector Agrícola de la Provincia de Pastaza, específicamente el Puyo, aproveche al máximo sus recursos agrícolas con la finalidad de contribuir al incremento y desarrollo económico del País. Al crear una Microempresa Alimenticia en Puyo, se vendería producto final en este caso La Melcocha y no materia prima a otras ciudades que la elaboran como Baños y así el producto se entregaría con valor agregado, aumentando de esta manera la productividad y actividad turística de la ciudad de Puyo. El proceso de elaboración de la melcocha se trata de un proceso tradicional, en la microempresa se realizarán operaciones de forma manual (artesanalmente), siendo una ventaja competitiva frente a nuestros competidores quienes son las empresas que fabrican dulces, ya que el producto se elaborará de forma natural. La demanda local de dulces artesanales es constante durante todo el año, lo cual incentiva a la ejecución del producto antes mencionado. El Proyecto debe enfocarse en satisfacer una demanda local, para sacar relación de las materias primas a adquirir y se tendrá en cuenta además la mano de obra que se contratará. Dentro de la Microempresa Alimenticia se podrá destacar sabores tradicionales. Pero por que no incursionar en sabores exóticos, sabores que no se han explotado aun haciendo de esto un atractivo en el segmento. Ofreciéndole al consumidor una nueva posibilidad de placer con la variedad. Con respecto al análisis financiero se pudo notar que el proyecto económicamente es rentable debido a que el VAN es mayor a 0 y la TIR es mayor a la tasa de descuento

    In vivo laser Doppler holography of the human retina

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    The eye offers a unique opportunity for non-invasive exploration of cardiovascular diseases. Optical angiography in the retina requires sensitive measurements, which hinders conventional full-field laser Doppler imaging schemes. To overcome this limitation, we used digital holography to perform laser Doppler perfusion imaging of the human retina in vivo with near-infrared light. Wideband measurements of the beat frequency spectrum of optical interferograms recorded with a 39 kHz CMOS camera are analyzed by short-time Fourier transformation. Power Doppler images and movies drawn from the zeroth moment of the power spectrum density reveal blood flows in retinal and choroidal vessels over 512 ×\times 512 pixels covering 2.4 ×\times 2.4 mm2^2 on the retina with a 13 ms temporal resolution.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    L'Amérique : une " nouvelle Europe " ? Imaginaires nationaux, migrations et mélanges en Amérique du Sud dans la géographie d'Élisée Reclus (1865-1905)

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    Según Eliseo Reclus, uno de los geógrafos más célebres del siglo XIX, la región sudamericana correspondiente a Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay y parte del Brasil, es la parte del continente que más merece la definición de "nueva Europa". ¿Cuál es la significación de este símil en el pensamiento de un geógrafo que ha sido también uno de los fundadores del movimiento anarquista? ¿Cuál es su visión de la América Latina de su época? Analizaremos su comparación euro-americana partiendo de la lucha ente instituciones imperiales e instancias republicanas, analizada en una serie de artículos publicados en la Revue des Deux Mondes desde 1865 hasta 1868. Después, analizaremos los volúmenes de la Nouvelle Géographie Universelle dedicados a América Latina, para clarificar su visión de los procesos sociales y demográficos en curso en el continente como consecuencia de la nueva inmigración de trabajadores europeos y de la creciente mezcla de creoles, indígenas, africanos y nuevos europeos. Esto nos llevará a comprender más exhaustivamente la fuente constituida por esta obra, muy conocida por el público europeo de su época.D'après l'un des géographes les plus célèbres du 19e siècle, Élisée Reclus, l'aire sud-américaine correspondant à l'Argentine, l'Uruguay, le Paraguay et partie du Brésil est le " morceau " du continent qui ressemble le plus à la définition d'une " nouvelle Europe ". Mais quelle est la signification de ce parallèle dans la pensée d'un géographe qui était aussi l'un des fondateurs du mouvement anarchiste ? Quelle vision propose-t-il de l'Amérique du Sud de son époque ? Nous analyserons sa comparaison euro-américaine en partant de la lutte entre institutions impériales et instances républicaines, abordée dans une série d'articles sur la guerre du Paraguay, parue entre 1865 et 1868 dans la Revue des Deux Mondes. Nous aborderons ensuite les volumes consacrés à l'Amérique du Sud dans la Nouvelle Géographie Universelle, pour éclaircir sa vision des processus sociaux et démographiques en cours dans le continent suite à la nouvelle immigration de travailleurs européens et au mélange progressif de créoles, indigènes, africains et derniers arrivés. Cela nous portera à mieux évaluer la source représentée par cet ouvrage, très connu par le public européen de son époque