23,023 research outputs found

    The impact of artificial intelligence on innovation management: a case study of Aveiro region

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    In a highly globalized and competitive marketplace, companies have started to bet more on innovation as a source of competitive advantage. Innovation is no longer an isolated and residual agent, but a crucial mindset that should be embedded in all workers and all activities of a company, as innovation has the potential to improve not only an organization's performance but also employees’ well-being and working conditions. Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction, but a reality present in the value chain of companies. The purpose of this research is to understand how AI systems are impacting innovation management processes within companies. The analysis methodology is based on a qualitative study supported by interviews directed to a sample of 5 companies based in Aveiro region. The results obtained led to the conclusion that Artificial Intelligence is being progressively included in firms’ activities, changing the way how managers develop solutions and innovation management processes. AI systems are also raising the awareness of improving some of the most important indicators of an innovative economy such as: productivity; qualification; cooperation; entrepreneurial mindset and stakeholder’s satisfaction.No mundo altamente globalizado em que vivemos, as empresas apostam cada vez mais na inovação como uma estratégia para aumentar a competitividade. A Inovação não é mais um agente residual e isolado, mas considerada um mindset que deve ser incutida em todos os trabalhadores e todas as atividades de uma empresa, pois a inovação tem o potencial de melhorar não só a performance da empresa, mas também as condições de trabalho. A Inteligência Artificial já não é ficção científica, mas sim realidade presente na cadeia de valor das empresas. O propósito desta pesquisa é perceber como é que os sistemas de inteligência artificial estão a influenciar os processos de gestão de inovação das empresas. A metodologia de análise baseia-se num estudo de caso qualitativo e está suportada em entrevistas aplicadas a uma amostra de 5 empresas, localizadas na região de Aveiro. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a Inteligência Artificial está progressivamente a ser incluída nas diversas atividades das empresas, alterando a forma como os gestores desenvolvem soluções e formulam os processos de gestão de inovação. A Inteligência Artificial está também a ter o papel de consciencializar para a necessidade de melhorar alguns dos mais importantes indicadores de uma economia inovadora como a produtividade, a qualificação, a cooperação, forma de pensar inovadora e bem-estar dos trabalhadores e consumidores

    An Evaluation Schema for the Ethical Use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Applications

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    We propose a multi-step evaluation schema designed to help procurement agencies and others to examine the ethical dimensions of autonomous systems to be applied in the security sector, including autonomous weapons systems


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    Autonomous Systems as Legal Agents: Directly by the Recognition of Personhood or Indirectly by the Alchemy of Algorithmic Entities

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    The clinical manifestations of platelet dense (δ) granule defects are easy bruising, as well as epistaxis and bleeding after delivery, tooth extractions and surgical procedures. The observed symptoms may be explained either by a decreased number of granules or by a defect in the uptake/release of granule contents. We have developed a method to study platelet dense granule storage and release. The uptake of the fluorescent marker, mepacrine, into the platelet dense granule was measured using flow cytometry. The platelet population was identified by the size and binding of a phycoerythrin-conjugated antibody against GPIb. Cells within the discrimination frame were analysed for green (mepacrine) fluorescence. Both resting platelets and platelets previously stimulated with collagen and the thrombin receptor agonist peptide SFLLRN was analysed for mepacrine uptake. By subtracting the value for mepacrine uptake after stimulation from the value for uptake without stimulation for each individual, the platelet dense granule release capacity could be estimated. Whole blood samples from 22 healthy individuals were analysed. Mepacrine incubation without previous stimulation gave mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) values of 83±6 (mean ± 1 SD, range 69–91). The difference in MFI between resting and stimulated platelets was 28±7 (range 17–40). Six members of a family, of whom one had a known δ-storage pool disease, were analysed. The two members (mother and son) who had prolonged bleeding times also had MFI values disparate from the normal population in this analysis. The values of one daughter with mild bleeding problems but a normal bleeding time were in the lower part of the reference interval

    Initiating organizational memories using ontology-based network analysis as a bootstrapping tool

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    An important problem for many kinds of knowledge systems is their initial set-up. It is difficult to choose the right information to include in such systems, and the right information is also a prerequisite for maximizing the uptake and relevance. To tackle this problem, most developers adopt heavyweight solutions and rely on a faithful continuous interaction with users to create and improve content. In this paper, we explore the use of an automatic, lightweight ontology-based solution to the bootstrapping problem, in which domain-describing ontologies are analysed to uncover significant yet implicit relationships between instances. We illustrate the approach by using such an analysis to provide content automatically for the initial set-up of an organizational memory

    Clarify Artificial Intelligence (AI) decisions models rights in Intelectual Property (IP) system

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    The paper explores the relationships between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property (IP) system of rights protection. The discussion clarify the characteristics of IP system, who is the registered owner, what is the registration object, and where the registration takes place. The research seeks WIPO's advice and the general trend of AI experts' discussions and tries to dig deep into definitions and meanings. The research also shows the mainstream explication why AIs not entitled as owner of an IP. In other case AI’s integrated into a process or a digital product a AI tool to solve a well-known problem, it is part of the organization's management and resources. Thus, innovation's certification belongs to the company or the public organization that sponsored it. The result of the research shows a summary framework of all the rights when used as a tool for decisions and risk of assuming AI as a system or as a model to support decisions specially for Public Administration.The paper explores the relationships between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property (IP) system of rights protection. The discussion clarify the characteristics of IP system, who is the registered owner, what is the registration object, and where the registration takes place. The research seeks WIPO's advice and the general trend of AI experts' discussions and tries to dig deep into definitions and meanings. The research also shows the mainstream explication why AIs not entitled as owner of an IP. In other case AI’s integrated into a process or a digital product a AI tool to solve a well-known problem, it is part of the organization's management and resources. Thus, innovation's certification belongs to the company or the public organization that sponsored it. The result of the research shows a summary framework of all the rights when used as a tool for decisions and risk of assuming AI as a system or as a model to support decisions specially for Public Administration