53 research outputs found

    Three hierarchies of transducers

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    Composition of top-down tree transducers yields a proper hierarchy of transductions and of output languages. The same is true for ETOL systems (viewed as transducers) and for two-way generalized sequential machines

    Tree transducers, L systems, and two-way machines

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    A relationship between parallel rewriting systems and two-way machines is investigated. Restrictions on the “copying power” of these devices endow them with rich structuring and give insight into the issues of determinism, parallelism, and copying. Among the parallel rewriting systems considered are the top-down tree transducer; the generalized syntax-directed translation scheme and the ETOL system, and among the two-way machines are the tree-walking automaton, the two-way finite-state transducer, and (generalizations of) the one-way checking stack automaton. The. relationship of these devices to macro grammars is also considered. An effort is made .to provide a systematic survey of a number of existing results

    Word Blending and Other Formal Models of Bio-operations

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    As part of ongoing efforts to view biological processes as computations, several formal models of DNA-based processes have been proposed and studied in the formal language literature. In this thesis, we survey some classical formal language word and language operations, as well as several bio-operations, and we propose a new operation inspired by a DNA recombination lab protocol known as Cross-pairing Polymerase Chain Reaction, or XPCR. More precisely, we define and study a word operation called word blending which models a special case of XPCR, where two words x w p and q w y sharing a non-empty overlap part w generate the word x w y. Properties of word blending that we study include closure properties of the Chomsky families of languages under this operation and its iterated version, existence of solution to equations involving this operation, and its state complexity

    On the Boundedness Problem for Higher-Order Pushdown Vector Addition Systems

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    International audienceKarp and Miller's algorithm is a well-known decision procedure that solves the termination and boundedness problems for vector addition systems with states (VASS), or equivalently Petri nets. This procedure was later extended to a general class of models, well-structured transition systems, and, more recently, to pushdown VASS. In this paper, we extend pushdown VASS to higher-order pushdown VASS (called HOPVASS), and we investigate whether an approach Ă  la Karp and Miller can still be used to solve termination and boundedness.We provide a decidable characterisation of runs that can be iterated arbitrarily many times, which is the main ingredient of Karp and Miller's approach. However, the resulting Karp and Miller procedure only gives a semi-algorithm for HOPVASS. In fact, we show that coverability, termination and boundedness are all undecidable for HOPVASS, even in the restricted subcase of one counter and an order 2 stack. On the bright side, we prove that this semi-algorithm is in fact an algorithm for higher-order pushdown automata

    The word problem and combinatorial methods for groups and semigroups

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    The subject matter of this thesis is combinatorial semigroup theory. It includes material, in no particular order, from combinatorial and geometric group theory, formal language theory, theoretical computer science, the history of mathematics, formal logic, model theory, graph theory, and decidability theory. In Chapter 1, we will give an overview of the mathematical background required to state the results of the remaining chapters. The only originality therein lies in the exposition of special monoids presented in §1.3, which uni.es the approaches by several authors. In Chapter 2, we introduce some general algebraic and language-theoretic constructions which will be useful in subsequent chapters. As a corollary of these general methods, we recover and generalise a recent result by Brough, Cain & Pfei.er that the class of monoids with context-free word problem is closed under taking free products. In Chapter 3, we study language-theoretic and algebraic properties of special monoids, and completely classify this theory in terms of the group of units. As a result, we generalise the Muller-Schupp theorem to special monoids, and answer a question posed by Zhang in 1992. In Chapter 4, we give a similar treatment to weakly compressible monoids, and characterise their language-theoretic properties. As a corollary, we deduce many new results for one-relation monoids, including solving the rational subset membership problem for many such monoids. We also prove, among many other results, that it is decidable whether a one-relation monoid containing a non-trivial idempotent has context-free word problem. In Chapter 5, we study context-free graphs, and connect the algebraic theory of special monoids with the geometric behaviour of their Cayley graphs. This generalises the geometric aspects of the Muller-Schupp theorem for groups to special monoids. We study the growth rate of special monoids, and prove that a special monoid of intermediate growth is a group

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first

    Characterizing Formality

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    Complexity classes are defined by quantitative restrictions of resources available to a computational model, like for instance the Turing machine. Contrarily, there is no obvious commonality in the definition of families of formal languages - instead they are described by example. This thesis is about the characterization of what makes a set of languages a family of formal languages. Families of formal languages, like for example the regular, context-free languages and their sub-families exhibit properties that are contrasted by the ones of complexity classes. Two of the properties families of formal languages seem to have is closure of intersection with regular languages, another is the existence of pumping or iteration arguments which yield the decidability of the emptiness. Complexity classes do not generally have a decidable emptiness, which lead us to a first candidate for the notion of formality - the decidability of the emptiness of regular intersection (intreg). We refute the decidability of intreg as a criterion by hiding the difficulty of deciding the emptiness of regular intersection: We show that for every decidable language L there is a language L' of essentially the same complexity such that intreg(L') is decidable. This implies that every complexity class contains complete languages for which the emptiness of regular intersection is decidable. An intermediate result we show is that the set of true quantified Boolean formulae has a decidable emptiness of regular intersection. As the known families of formal languages are all contained in NP, this yields a language (probably) outside of NP for which intreg is decidable, which additionally is a natural language in contrast to the artificial ones obtained by the hiding process. We introduce the notion of protocol languages which capture in some sense the behavior of a data-structure underlying the model of a formal language. They are defined in a fragment of second order logic, where the second order variables are uniquely determined by each word in the language and each letter implies a determined sub-structure of a word. Viewing the letters of a word as vertices and the successor as edges between them, each word can be seen as a path. The binary second order variables can be viewed as additional edges between word positions. Therefore, each word in a protocol language defines some unique graph. These graphs can be recognized by covering them with a predefined set of tiles which are node and edge-labeld graphs. Additional numerical constraints on the amount of each tile-type yields shrinking-arguments for protocol languages. If a word w in a protocol language exceeds a certain length such that the numerical constraints are (over-)satisfied, one can constuctively generate a shorter word w' from w that is also contained in the protocol language. We define logical extensions of protocol languages by allowing the conjunction of additional first order or monadic second order definable formulae and analyze the extensions in regard to trio operations. Protocol languages for the regular, context-free and indexed languages are exhibited -- for the first two we give protocol languages which act as generators for the respective family of formal languages. Finally, we show that the emptiness of protocol languages is decidable
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