1,621 research outputs found

    Integration of heterogeneous devices and communication models via the cloud in the constrained internet of things

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    As the Internet of Things continues to expand in the coming years, the need for services that span multiple IoT application domains will continue to increase in order to realize the efficiency gains promised by the IoT. Today, however, service developers looking to add value on top of existing IoT systems are faced with very heterogeneous devices and systems. These systems implement a wide variety of network connectivity options, protocols (proprietary or standards-based), and communication methods all of which are unknown to a service developer that is new to the IoT. Even within one IoT standard, a device typically has multiple options for communicating with others. In order to alleviate service developers from these concerns, this paper presents a cloud-based platform for integrating heterogeneous constrained IoT devices and communication models into services. Our evaluation shows that the impact of our approach on the operation of constrained devices is minimal while providing a tangible benefit in service integration of low-resource IoT devices. A proof of concept demonstrates the latter by means of a control and management dashboard for constrained devices that was implemented on top of the presented platform. The results of our work enable service developers to more easily implement and deploy services that span a wide variety of IoT application domains

    A mobile fitness companion

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    The paper introduces a Mobile Companion prototype, which helps users to plan and keep track of their exercise activities via an interface based mainly on speech input and output. The Mobile Companion runs on a PDA and is based on a stand-alone, speaker-independent solution, making it fairly unique among mobile spoken dialogue systems, where the common solution is to run the ASR on a separate server or to restrict the speech input to some specific set of users. The prototype uses a GPS receiver to collect position, distance and speed data while the user is exercising, and allows the data to be compared to previous exercises. It communicates over the mobile network with a stationary system, placed in the user’s home. This allows plans for exercise activities to be downloaded from the stationary to the mobile system, and exercise result data to be uploaded once an exercise has been completed

    Reliable communication across ad hoc networks

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    This paper presents a fully decentralised peer-topeer voice communication tool intended for use across mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) by distributed groups who desired collaboration. We examined the synergy between MANETs and peer-to-peer virtual overlay networks which allowed the creation of ad hoc applications. One style of communication considered suitable for task oriented distributed group collaboration was push-to-talk. This research was focused on providing a push-to-talk communication platform suitable for deployment across MANETs. The research methodology employed was a proof of concept approach within a classical experimental computer science paradigm. We developed a prototype which used JXTA, a peer-to-peer virtual overlay network, to provide push-to-talk functionality across MANETs. Guaranteed delivery of messages was provided via a peer-to-peer voicemail delivery system. While the system did what intended we show that JXTA had a problem with the efficient delivery of voice samples.Telkom, Cisco, THRI

    WLAN Hot Spot services for the automotive and oil industries :a business analysis Or : "Refuel the car with petrol and information, both ways at the gas station"

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    While you refuel for gas ,why not refuel for information or download vehicle data ? This paper analyzes in extensive detail the user segmentation by vehicle usage , service offering , and full business models from WLAN hot spot services delivered to vehicles (private, professional , public) around gas stations . Are also analyzed the parties which play a role in such service authorization, provisioning and delivery , with all the dependencies modelled by attributed digraphs . Sevice planning is included as to WLAN base station capabilities . Five year financial models (CAPEX,OPEX) , and data pertain to two possible service suppliers : multi-service oil companies, and mobile service operators (or MVNO) . Model optimization on the return-on-investment (ROI) is carried out for different deployment scenarios ,geographical coverage assumptions, as well as tariff structures . Comparison is also being made with public GPRS data services ,as precursors for 3G services,and the effect of WLAN roaming is analyzed .Analysis shows that due to manpower costs and marketing costs , suitable ROI will not be achieved unless externalities are accounted for and innovative tariff structures are introduced . Open issues and further research are outlined . Further work is carried out,also with automotive electronics sector , wireless systems providers , wireless terminals platform suppliers , and vehicle manufacturers .WLAN services;WLAN;business models;fuel stations;mobile operator;oil company;professional vehicles

    Wireless communication, identification and sensing technologies enabling integrated logistics: a study in the harbor environment

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    In the last decade, integrated logistics has become an important challenge in the development of wireless communication, identification and sensing technology, due to the growing complexity of logistics processes and the increasing demand for adapting systems to new requirements. The advancement of wireless technology provides a wide range of options for the maritime container terminals. Electronic devices employed in container terminals reduce the manual effort, facilitating timely information flow and enhancing control and quality of service and decision made. In this paper, we examine the technology that can be used to support integration in harbor's logistics. In the literature, most systems have been developed to address specific needs of particular harbors, but a systematic study is missing. The purpose is to provide an overview to the reader about which technology of integrated logistics can be implemented and what remains to be addressed in the future

    Feasibility study of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) based Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) for public safety and security communications

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    Feasibility of IMS based PoC over public cellular network, specifically over commercial GPRS network, has been studied for public safety and security communication. Both day-to-day routine work and emergency operation handling capability of the PoC service as well as of the network have been considered. The requirements of PSS communication have been taken as the basis for analysing the technical viability of PoC service for PSS communication. The study is based on publicly available specification documents and related literature. The technical data and factual information have been collected from technical papers, reports and news articles posted into the Internet. The thesis also included a case study comparing over-aged analogue PMR systems and possible PoC service over a nationwide commercial GSM/GPRS network for PSS communication. The key findings in favour of using PoC over commercial GPRS networks include already existed nation-wide radio coverage and roaming across the nation boarder, ease of use, special group call functionality, advanced IMS based multimedia services. The study has identified some challenges of using PoC for PSS communication, which are mainly due to the inherent latency of GPRS access network and lack of prioritisation of special groups of users in commercial networks. Though the PoC service over commercial network does not fulfil all the requirements strictly but taking into account the suggested measures, it can be a good alternative to PMR networks. Use of PoC for PSS communication requires zero initial as well as less operational expenses for the respective PSS organizations. At the same time PSS sector is a potential revenue generating market segment for the operator as well

    Analysis of WIMAX/BWA Licensing in India: A real option approach

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    Indian Internet and broadband market has experienced very slow growth and limited penetration till now. The introduction of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) is expected to aid in increasing the penetration of internet and broadband in India. The report sheds light on the guidelines and procedure used in 4G/BWA spectrum auction and presents comparative analysis of the competing technologies, providing the information about suitability of each technology available. Recently held 4G/ BWA spectrum auction saw enthusiastic participation by the industry and even saw some new entrants in Indian broadband market. Government benefited by Rs, 385bn that it earned as revenue from the auction of the spectrum and projected it as successful auction. However, the question remains if the auctions were efficient and whether they led to creation of value or will it prove to be burden to the telecom operators and will depress their balance sheet for years to come. The report uses both traditional valuation methods such as Discounted Cash Flow as well as Real Option approach to answer such questions. Using DCF analysis, the broadband subscribers have been forecasted to grow from present 13.77mn to 544mn by the end of 2025. The wireless subscribers are forecasted to be 70% of the total broadband subscribers after 5 years of roll out as it will be difficult to replace all wireline subscribers with wireless subscribers in India due to the high cost of wireless broadband and new technology. WiMAX is expected to increase its presence with time and reach 90mn subscribers from meager 0.35mn subscribers by 2025. Using industry wide cost of capital as 12.05%, the Net Present Value has been found Rs 221bn aggregate with an IRR of 17.1%. Using Real option approach, the value of license has been calculated as Rs 437bn which is 13.5% more than the spectrum fees paid by the operators. This mismatch, between the auction value and the correct value that should have been discovered by supply-demand dynamics, can be due to limited participants in BWA spectrum auctions and companies such as TATA and Reliance opting out of the auction process midway as well as uncertainty about acceptance of new technology with Indian subscribers.WiMAX, broadband, 3G spectrum, 4G,broadband wireless access, valuation, licensing, real option

    Radio frequency optimization of a Global System for Mobile (GSM) network

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    Includes bibliographical references

    Push-to-Talk över Bluetooth

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    Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) Àr en teknologi som möjliggör en radiotelefonlik service över GPRS vilken vÀckt ökande popularitet. I skrivande stund pÄgÄr specifiering av en öppen PoC-standard inom Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). OMA planerar att baser PoC pÄ en IP/UDP/RTP protokollstack samt en server-clientarkitektur. Systemet utnyttjar Àven SIP-signaleringsegenskaperna hos IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). PoC-nÀtelement handhar bl.a. gruppförvaltning och taltursfördelning. Forskningsproblemet för denna avhandling Àr: "Hur kan en PoC-liknande service erbjudas gratis Ät mobiltelefonsanvÀndare med hjÀlp av Bluetooth-teknologi?" Den primÀra mÄlsÀttningen för detta arbete Àr dÀrmed att skissa upp ett förslag för hur man kunde utveckla en Push-to-Talk (PTT)-funktion som utnyttjar ett Bluetooth scatternet-nÀt samt PAN-profilen för att överföra data. En mÄttlig rÀckvidd kan uppnÄs med hjÀlp av Bluetooth apparater av effektklass 1 vars rÀckvidd kan vara t.o.m. 100 m. En sekundÀr mÄlsÀttning Àr att beskriva PoC samt de protokoll PoC utnyttjar (t.ex. SIP och SDP). Denna beskrivning utgör bÄde en utgÄngspunkt för att uppnÄ den primÀra mÄlsÀttningen och erbjuder Àven en introduktion till OMA PoC som lÀmpar sig för bÄde studeranden och yrkesmÀn. Det uppskissade förslaget för Push-to-Talk över Bluetooth (PoB) innefattar metoder för skapande av grupper och nÀt, dataöverföring samt taltursfördelning. Metoden för nÀtskapande (som kan vara anvÀndbar Àven för andra ÀndamÄl) baserar sig pÄ att skapa ett scatternet emellan apparater som tillhör en pÄ förhand specifierad grupp av apparater samt pÄ att undvika slingor. Detta möjliggör enkel kommunikation genom att skicka data till alla apparater inom nÀtet, förutsatt att de apparater som sammanbinder piconet-nÀten till ett scatternet fungerar som repeterare. Ytterligare uppskissas en metod för att kombinera PoB och PoC. Avsikten med detta Àr att möjliggöra PTT-kommunikation med bÄde lokalt och avlÀgset belÀgna gruppmedlemmar med hjÀlp av Bluetooth respektive GPRS.Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) is an emerging technology enabling a walkie-talkie-like service over GPRS. At the time of writing, an open standard for PoC is being specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA). As specified by the OMA standard drafts, PoC is based on an IP/UDP/RTP protocol stack and a client-server based architecture. The systems exploits the SIP signalling capabilities of the the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Group management, floor control etc are administered by the network elements of PoC. The research problem of this thesis is: "How can mobile phone users be provided with a free-of-charge PTT-feature with PoC-like user experience by means of Bluetooth technology?" The primary objective of the study is thus to propose an outline for developing a Push-to-Talk (PTT) feature that utilizes a Bluetooth scatternet and the PAN profile for data communications. A reasonable range can be obtained with Bluetooth class 1 devices, which provide a range of up to 100 m. A subsidiary objective is to provide a description of OMA PoC and the protocols it relies upon. The description serves both as a basis for pursuing the primary objective and as a tutorial, which is suitable for students or professionals desiring to acquaint themselves with OMA PoC. The proposed outline for Push-to-Talk over Bluetooth (PoB) comprises e.g. methods for group formation, network formation, communication, and floor control. The network formation method, which can be utilized in other applications as well, is based on creating a scatternet among a predefined set of devices and on avoiding loops. This approach enables usage of a simple broadcasting based communication method, in which the devices bridging the piconets into a scatternet act as repeaters. A method for combining PoB and PoC is also outlined. It is intended for enabling PTT-communication with both local and distant group members over Bluetooth and GPRS respectively
