1,282 research outputs found

    A Note on the Title of Walter Burley' s On the Purity of the Art of Logic

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    Philotheus Boehner suggested in 1955 that the puzzling title of Walter Burley's treatise "On the Purity of the Art of Logic" was an indication of Burley's intention to rid logic of what he regarded as Ockhamist contaminations. A closer look, however, shows that this conjecture cannot be right. We argue that Burley's title is simply an allusion to a phrase in Avicenna, and go on to explain why this explanation was not realized before

    La fruición de lo múltiple: la retórica de la impureza en la poesía de Tato Laviera / The Delight of Multiplicity: The Rhetoric of Impurity in Tato Laviera's Poetry

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     one of the key elements of the rhetorics of Antiquity was puritas. Puritas consists of grammatical correctness in linguistic expression, it is the locutionary quality which tends to maintain the uncontaminated purity of language. This linguistic phenomenon presents from the end of the twentieth century an untimely normative effort in the context of a postmodern era marked by the uncontrollable flows of persons and languages, a phenomenon that is clearly reflected in all its complexity and its constitutive tensions in the gestation and evolution of hybrid languages such as Spanglish and the subsequent production of marginal literary systems like nuyorican poetry. The nuyorican poetry of authors such as Tato Laviera (1951 -) sets a rhetoric of Spanglish as a language of extraterritoriality and interstitiality, a rhetoric of impurity and delight that becomes a "minor literature" in its Deleuzian sense.Keywords: Literature; Nuyorican Poetry; Tato Laviera; Spanglish: Twentieth Century  Uno de los elementos centrales de las Retóricas de la Antigüedad era la puritas. La puritas consiste en la corrección gramatical de la expresión lingüística; es la cualidad elocutiva que tiende a mantener la pureza incontaminada de la lengua. Este fenómeno lingüístico presenta a partir de fines del siglo XX un esfuerzo normativo extemporáneo en el marco de una posmodernidad marcada por los flujos incontrolables de sujetos y lenguas, fenómeno que se refleja claramente en toda su complejidad y en sus tensiones constitutivas, en la gestación y evolución de lenguas híbridas como el spanglish y en la consecuente producción literaria de sistemas literarios marginales como el de la poesía niuyorriqueña. La poética niuyorriqueña de autores como Tato Laviera (1951-) configura una retórica del spanglish como lengua de la extraterritorialidad y la intersticialidad, una retórica de la impureza y la fruición que deviene una “literatura menor” en su sentido deleuzeano.  Palabras Clave: Literatura; Poesía niuyorriqueña; Tato Laviera; Spanglish; Siglo XX

    Mapping Adult Migration in Cleveland, Ohio

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    The creation of Basque oral poetry by four American Bertsolaris

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    In this article I analyze Basque oral poetry, or bertsolaritza, by four poets who live in the United States. We start with a remarkable fact: all four bertsolaris come from the Spanish region of Navarre. They include Jesus "Jess" Goni, born in Oronoz in 1947; Martin Goikoetxea, born in Gorriti in 1948; Jesus "Jess" Arriada, born in Arizkun in 1935; and Johnny Kurutxet, born in San Francisco in 1946 but raised in Esterenzubi and resident there until the age of 20. The overall situation in the USA has been well described by the researcher Joxe Mallea in several publications (2003, 2005). Within that context this paper specifically examines the production of the American bertsolaris.1 The corpus I will use for this analysis consists of a selection of 237 bertsos composed by these four oral poets and recorded and transcribed in the USA./

    The Orbit, March 1962

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    A newsletter published for Deaf Catholics in Cleveland, O

    Grundlagenwissen NDL : Glossar

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    Das folgende Glossar ist aus mehreren Einführungskursen in die Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft hervorgegangen. Dort hat es im Anhang des Seminar-Readers der raschen Orientierung im Seminar, aber auch für die Vor- und Nachbereitung gedient. Daher seine Gliederung entsprechend der Seminarsitzungen. Seine Begriffe sind einer Liste entnommen, auf die sich die Dozentinnen und Dozenten des Instituts für Deutsche Philologie an der Universität München verständigt haben. Diese Liste ist als Orientierungswissen für das Grundstudium der Neueren deutschen Literaturwissenschaft konzipiert worden