19 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah generasi milenial masih mempertimbangkan privasi saat melakukan social commerce. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah pengguna media sosia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan kriteria (1) pengguna media sosial yang minimal dua kali sudah melakukan pembelian melalui media sosial yang dimiliki, dan (2) pengguna media sosial yang tergolong generasi milenial, yaitu rentang tahun kelahiran 1980 sampai dengan 2000. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan dengan bantuan internet, yaitu melalui google form. Penelitian ini memiliki responden berjumlah 150 responden. Alat statistik yang digunakan adalah warpPLS. Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil bahwa kepercayaan pada situs social commerce dipengaruhi oleh persepsi keefektifan kebijakan privasi dan persepsi keefektifan regulasi mandiri. Kepercayaan tehadap situs social commerce berpengaruh terhadap valensi WOM (baik positif maupun negatif), konten WOM, dan pengamatan konsumen lain. Sedangkan, niat untuk melakukan pembelian melalui medis sosial ditentukan oleh valensi WOM (baik positif maupun negatif), sedangkan konten WOM dan pengamatan konsumen lain tidak berpengaruh terhadap niat untuk melakukan pembelian melalui media sosial.Kata Kunci :     Kepercayaan, Konten WOM, Pengamatan Konsumen Lain,  Social Commerce, Valensi WO

    Online payments strategy: how third-party internet seals of approval and payment provider reputation influence the millennial consumers’ online transactions

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    With the recent increase in online purchases, organizations have been able to improve their capacity to collect, store and profit from personal and financial data gathering. Online purchases occur in an environment characterized by higher risk levels surrounding the transaction. Several payment strategies can be applied in order to mitigate the consumers’ perceived risk and increase trust levels. The present study intends to understand how the presence of internet seals of approval, and the reputation of the payment provider impacts consumer trust and online payment perceived risk. The study uses four randomized experimental setups to manipulate the independent variables, on a sample size of 324 valid responses, the majority of responses are from people between the ages of 18 and 25 years old. The study results demonstrate that new online vendors can mitigate these variables by investing in a payment strategy that combines the presence of internet seals of approval logos together with the presence of payment providers with low reputation

    Emma colchão: how to grow in the Portuguese market?

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    Emma is a German mattress startup that is already present in 13 European countries, including Portugal since November 2017. This thesis is the result of a Directed Research Internship at Emma for five months. Currently, Emma Colchão sells online and the Emma mattress is a winning-award product in Portugal. The main purpose of this internship was to understand the profile of the Portuguese customer regarding the online purchase of a mattress and identify some strategic actions to boost Emma’s growth in Portugal. Analysis of secondary data helped to identify CONFIO as the best trust logo for the Portuguese ecommerce page and to conclude that Emma should not make a partnership with magazine X. Finally, primary data collected through a survey to the Portuguese community, with 116 valid responses, helped to derive useful insights about the Portuguese customer behavior in ecommerce. The general findings show that Emma should also “go offline” by partnering with reputable retailers to increase the customer’s reach. Moreover, it should take advantage of the winning-award to overcome the competition, increase sales and grow in Portugal

    Transforming of traditional commerce into e-commerce: Trends in the world and in Ukraine

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    Given the current circumstances of the late 2010s-early 2020s (pandemic, war) in Ukraine, e-commerce has received a stable basis for even greater growth rates, so the implementation of e-commerce tools in businesses of all levels is especially relevant. The goal of the study was the analysis of the development of commerce in the world and Ukraine and analysis of the current state of e-commerce. To achieve the goal, the methods of analysis, synthesis, projection, expert opinions were used. So, the evolutionary nature of transformational processes in commerce in the world is substantiated, the importance of introduction of e-commerce tools in businesses of all levels is proved. A comprehensive analysis of the latest research on the development of e-commerce, dedicated to the improvement of all stages of online commerce is performed. Reasons for the current formation of global world commerce are identified and structured by social, economic and technological nature, the trend of further development of the trade, namely the growing share of online commerce, is highlighted and substantiated. The assessment of the results of impact of COVID-19 pandemic shock on the state of both traditional and e-commerce is carried out, a forecasted state of commerce in the coming years after the pandemic and the perspective tools to be used in e-commerce are projected. The main factors and features of global processes of transformation of traditional commerce into e-commerce are determined. A comparative analysis of the state of e-commerce in the world and in Ukraine, as well as in different product categories, is carried out. Trends in the development of commerce in the South Korean cosmetics market have been identified on the example of the Ukrainian company Lovely Bunny Group LLC. The functional up-to-date trends which allow increase of traffic and sales are described. The advisability of implementation of innovative tools in e-commerce marketing is substantiated. Study results may be interesting for the businesses of different levels to significantly increase sales efficiency in both the short and medium term

    Technological mediation of social interaction and the risks of its instrumentalization. The case of the Facebook platform

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    Las redes sociales en línea (OSN) se han constituido en mediadores ineludibles de las dinámicas de interacción social. Plataformas como Facebook han crecido integrando servicios que las convierten en ecosistemas de ocio, consumo y negocio en la práctica imprescindibles para un tercio de la población humana. Partiendo de un estudio contextualizado de las brechas de seguridad e incidentes conocidos entre 2014 y 2018, mi trabajo analiza los riesgos de una instrumentalización de Facebook a gran escala por actores privados y estatales bajo una triple hipótesis: (1) se agravaron o materializaron en gran parte como resultado del diseño y características implementadas en la plataforma Facebook; (2) dichas características iban estrechamente ligadas a su núcleo de negocio, una vez definido y explotado con éxito; y (3) la política de adquisiciones de empresas o servicios de terceros —Instagram y WhatsApp, entre otros— reforzó su orientación como servicio global bajo criterios de rentabilidad, en detrimento de las garantías para la privacidad de los usuarios y la fiabilidad de la plataforma. Entre otros resultados, se identifican aspectos ligados al diseño/gestión de las OSN que pueden condicionar negativamente la calidad del debate público a diversas escalas y demandarían ajustes en el marco regulador.Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become inescapable mediators of social interaction dynamics. Platforms such as Facebook have grown integrating services that turn them into ecosystems of leisure, consumption and business, in practice essential for a third of the human population. Based on a contextualized study of known security breaches and incidents between 2014 and 2018, my work analyzes the risks of a large-scale instrumentalization of Facebook by private and state actors under a triple hypothesis: (1) such risks worsened or materialized largely as a result of the design and features implemented in the Facebook platform; (2) those features were closely linked to its core business, once defined and successfully exploited; and (3) the policy of acquisitions of companies or services from third parties -Instagram and WhatsApp, among others- reinforced its orientation as a global service under profitability criteria, in detriment of the guarantees for users' privacy and the platform's reliability. Among other results, some aspects linked to the design/management of OSNs with broad social implications are identified, and would require substantial adjustments in the regulatory framework.Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada.Departamento de Antropología, Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Jaén.Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    O Impacto do Acesso a Dados na Concorrência em Plataformas Digitais

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    The aim of this article is to present to what extent the broad access to data by dominant platforms affects competition in the market and if this access reinforces their positions as incumbents. For this purpose, economic theories will be reviewed with emphasis on three ways in which access to data affects competition, namely: (i) price customization, (ii) recommendations and (iii) product and service customization. The article concludes with a discussion on antitrust analysis from the perspective of access to data from two merger cases that involved horizontal and vertical overlaps: the international acquisition of FitBit by Google (2020) and the national merger case between Stone and Linx (2021).O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar em que medida o amplo acesso a dados por plataformas dominantes afeta a concorrência no mercado e, em particular, se este acesso reforça suas posições como incumbentes. Para tanto, serão revisadas as teorias econômicas com ênfase em três formas pelas quais o acesso a dados afeta a concorrência, quais sejam: (i) personalização de preços, (ii) recomendações e (iii) customização de produtos e serviços. O artigo conclui com uma discussão sobre a análise antitruste sob a ótica do acesso a dados de dois casos de fusão que envolveram sobreposições horizontais e verticais: o caso internacional ‘Google e FitBit’ (2020) e o caso nacional da fusão entre a Stone e a Linx (2021).&nbsp

    AEP-M: Practical Anonymous E-Payment for Mobile Devices using ARM TrustZone and Divisible E-Cash (Full Version)

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    Electronic payment (e-payment) has been widely applied to electronic commerce and has especially attracted a large number of mobile users. However, current solutions often focus on protecting users\u27 money security without concerning the issue of users\u27 privacy leakage. In this paper, we propose AEP-M, a practical anonymous e-payment scheme specifically designed for mobile devices using TrustZone. On account of the limited resources on mobile devices and time constraints of electronic transactions, we construct our scheme based on efficient divisible e-cash system. Precisely, AEP-M allows users to withdraw a large coin of value 2n2^{n} at once, and then spend it in several times by dividing it without revealing users\u27 identities to others, including banks and merchants. Users\u27 payments cannot be linked either. AEP-M utilizes bit-decomposition technique and pre-computation to further increase the flexibility and efficiency of spending phase for mobile users. As a consequence, the frequent online spending process just needs at most nn exponentiations on elliptic curve on mobile devices. Moreover, we elaborately adapt AEP-M to TrustZone architecture for the sake of protecting users\u27 money and critical data. The methods about key derivation and sensitive data management relying on a root of trust from SRAM Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) are presented. We implement a prototype system and evaluate AEP-M using Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curve with 128-bit security level. The security analysis and experimental results indicate that our scheme could meet the practical requirement of mobile users in respects of security and efficiency

    Privacy Rarely Considered: Exploring Considerations in the Adoption of Third-Party Services by Websites

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    Modern websites frequently use and embed third-party services to facilitate web development, connect to social media, or for monetization. This often introduces privacy issues as the inclusion of third-party services on a website can allow the third party to collect personal data about the website’s visitors. While the prevalence and mechanisms of third-party web tracking have been widely studied, little is known about the decision processes that lead to websites using third-party functionality and whether efforts are being made to protect their visitors' privacy. We report results from an online survey with 395 participants involved in the creation and maintenance of websites. For ten common website functionalities we investigated if privacy has played a role in decisions about how the functionality is integrated, if specific efforts for privacy protection have been made during integration, and to what degree people are aware of data collection through third parties. We find that ease of integration drives third-party adoption but visitor privacy is considered if there are legal requirements or respective guidelines. Awareness of data collection and privacy risks is higher if the collection is directly associated with the purpose for which the third-party service is used