1,074 research outputs found


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    Recent years have witnessed an active research on cryptographic primitives with complex functionality beyond simple encryption or authentication. A cryptographic primitive is required to be proposed together with a formal model of its usage and a rigorous proof of security under that model.This approach has suffered from the two drawbacks: (1) security models are defined in a very specific manner for each primitive, which situation causes the relationship between these security models not to be very clear, and (2) no comprehensive ways to confirm that a formal model of security really captures every possible scenarios in practice.This research relaxes these two drawbacks by the following approach: (1) By observing the fact that a cryptographic primitive A should be crucial for constructing another primitive B, we identify an easy-to-understand approach for constructing various cryptographic primitives.(2) Consider a situation in which there are closely related cryptographic primitives A and B, and the primitive A has no known security requirement that corresponds to some wellknown security requirement (b) for the latter primitive B.We argue that this situation suggests that this unknown security requirement for A can capture some practical attack. This enables us to detect unknown threats for various cryptographic primitives that have been missed bythe current security models.Following this approach, we identify an overlooked security threat for a cryptographic primitive called group signature. Furthermore, we apply the methodology (2) to the “revocable”group signature and obtain a new extension of public-key encryption which allows to restrict a plaintext that can be securely encrypted.通常の暗号化や認証にとどまらず, 複雑な機能を備えた暗号要素技術の提案が活発になっている. 暗号要素技術の安全性は利用形態に応じて, セキュリティ上の脅威をモデル化して安全性要件を定め, 新方式はそれぞれ安全性定義を満たすことの証明と共に提案される.既存研究では, 次の問題があった: (1) 要素技術ごとに個別に安全性の定義を与えているため, 理論的な体系化が不十分であった. (2) 安全性定義が実用上の脅威を完全に捉えきれているかの検証が難しかった.本研究は上記の問題を次の考え方で解決する. (1) ある要素技術(A) を構成するには別の要素技術(B) を部品として用いることが不可欠であることに注目し, 各要素技術の安全性要件の関連を整理・体系化して, 新方式を見通し良く構成可能とする. (2) 要素技術(B)で考慮されていた安全性要件(b) に対応する要素技術(A) の安全性要件が未定義なら, それを(A) の新たな安全性要件(a) として定式化する. これにより未知の脅威の検出が容易になる.グループ署名と非対話開示機能付き公開鍵暗号という2 つの要素技術について上記の考え方を適用して, グループ署名について未知の脅威を指摘する.また, 証明書失効機能と呼ばれる拡張機能を持つグループ署名に上記の考え方を適用して, 公開鍵暗号についての新たな拡張機能である, 暗号化できる平文を制限できる公開鍵暗号の効率的な構成法を明らかにする.電気通信大学201

    Blockchain consensus and transaction layer adaptation for inter-domain security applications

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    This document analyzes how blockchain technology can be used to generate random- ness decentralized beacons, in a distributed way, to secure the allocation, delegation and binding to topological information of the IP address space

    Enhancements for distributed certificate authority approaches for mobile wireless ad hoc networks.

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    CALYPSO: Private Data Management for Decentralized Ledgers

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    Distributed ledgers provide high availability and integrity, making them a key enabler for practical and secure computation of distributed workloads among mutually distrustful parties. Many practical applications also require strong confidentiality, however. This work enhances permissioned and permissionless blockchains with the ability to manage confidential data without forfeiting availability or decentralization. The proposed Calypso architecture addresses two orthogonal challenges confronting modern distributed ledgers: (a) enabling the auditable management of secrets and (b) protecting distributed computations against arbitrage attacks when their results depend on the ordering and secrecy of inputs. Calypso introduces on-chain secrets, a novel abstraction that enforces atomic deposition of an auditable trace whenever users access confidential data. Calypso provides user-controlled consent management that ensures revocation atomicity and accountable anonymity. To enable permissionless deployment, we introduce an incentive scheme and provide users with the option to select their preferred trustees. We evaluated our Calypso prototype with a confidential document-sharing application and a decentralized lottery. Our benchmarks show that transaction-processing latency increases linearly in terms of security (number of trustees) and is in the range of 0.2 to 8 seconds for 16 to 128 trustees

    Efficient distributed tag-based encryption and its application to group signatures with efficient distributed traceability

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    In this work, we first formalize the notion of dynamic group signatures with distributed traceability, where the capability to trace signatures is distributed among n managers without requiring any interaction. This ensures that only the participation of all tracing managers permits tracing a signature, which reduces the trust placed in a single tracing manager. The threshold variant follows easily from our definitions and constructions. Our model offers strong security requirements. Our second contribution is a generic construction for the notion which has a concurrent join protocol, meets strong security requirements, and offers efficient traceability, i.e. without requiring tracing managers to produce expensive zero-knowledge proofs for tracing correctness. To dispense with the expensive zero-knowledge proofs required in the tracing, we deploy a distributed tag-based encryption with public verifiability. Finally, we provide some concrete instantiations, which, to the best of our knowledge, are the first efficient provably secure realizations in the standard model simultaneously offering all the aforementioned properties. To realize our constructions efficiently, we construct an efficient distributed (and threshold) tag-based encryption scheme that works in the efficient Type-III asymmetric bilinear groups. Our distributed tag-based encryption scheme yields short ciphertexts (only 1280 bits at 128-bit security), and is secure under an existing variant of the standard decisional linear assumption. Our tag-based encryption scheme is of independent interest and is useful for many applications beyond the scope of this paper. As a special case of our distributed tag-based encryption scheme, we get an efficient tag-based encryption scheme in Type-III asymmetric bilinear groups that is secure in the standard model

    Unified architecture of mobile ad hoc network security (MANS) system

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    In this dissertation, a unified architecture of Mobile Ad-hoc Network Security (MANS) system is proposed, under which IDS agent, authentication, recovery policy and other policies can be defined formally and explicitly, and are enforced by a uniform architecture. A new authentication model for high-value transactions in cluster-based MANET is also designed in MANS system. This model is motivated by previous works but try to use their beauties and avoid their shortcomings, by using threshold sharing of the certificate signing key within each cluster to distribute the certificate services, and using certificate chain and certificate repository to achieve better scalability, less overhead and better security performance. An Intrusion Detection System is installed in every node, which is responsible for colleting local data from its host node and neighbor nodes within its communication range, pro-processing raw data and periodically broadcasting to its neighborhood, classifying normal or abnormal based on pro-processed data from its host node and neighbor nodes. Security recovery policy in ad hoc networks is the procedure of making a global decision according to messages received from distributed IDS and restore to operational health the whole system if any user or host that conducts the inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous activities that threaten the connectivity or reliability of the networks and the authenticity of the data traffic in the networks. Finally, quantitative risk assessment model is proposed to numerically evaluate MANS security

    Society-oriented cryptographic techniques for information protection

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    Groups play an important role in our modern world. They are more reliable and more trustworthy than individuals. This is the reason why, in an organisation, crucial decisions are left to a group of people rather than to an individual. Cryptography supports group activity by offering a wide range of cryptographic operations which can only be successfully executed if a well-defined group of people agrees to co-operate. This thesis looks at two fundamental cryptographic tools that are useful for the management of secret information. The first part looks in detail at secret sharing schemes. The second part focuses on society-oriented cryptographic systems, which are the application of secret sharing schemes in cryptography. The outline of thesis is as follows