6,213 research outputs found

    The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning

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    This monograph is an overview of Institute of HeartMath's research on the physiological correlates of positive emotions and the science underlying two core HeartMath techniques which supports Heart-Based Living. The heart's connection with love and other positive emotions has survived throughout millennia and across many diverse cultures. New empirical research is providing scientific validation for this age-old association. This 21-page monograph offers a comprehensive understanding of the Institute of HeartMath's cutting-edge research exploring the heart's central role in emotional experience. Described in detail is physiological coherence, a distinct mode of physiological functioning, which is generated during sustained positive emotions and linked with beneficial health and performance-related outcomes. The monograph also provides steps and applications of two HeartMath techniques, Freeze-Frame(R) and Heart Lock-In(R), which engage the heart to help transform stress and produce sustained states of coherence. Data from outcome studies are presented, which suggest that these techniques facilitate a beneficial repatterning process at the mental, emotional and physiological levels

    Naturalistic monitoring of the affect-heart rate relationship: A Day Reconstruction Study

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    Objective: Prospective studies have linked both negative affective states and trait neuroticism with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. However, identifying how fluctuations in cardiovascular activity in day-to-day settings are related to changes in affect and stable personality characteristics has remained a methodological and logistical challenge. Design - In the present study, we tested the association between affect, affect variability, personality and heart rate (HR) in daily life. Measures: We utilized an online day reconstruction survey to produce a continuous account of affect, interaction, and activity patterns during waking hours. Ambulatory HR was assessed during the same period. Consumption, activity, and baseline physiological characteristics were assessed in order to isolate the relationships between affect, personality and heart rate. Results: Negative affect and variability in positive affect predicted an elevated ambulatory HR and tiredness a lower HR. Emotional stability was inversely related to HR, whereas agreeableness predicted a higher HR. Baseline resting HR was unrelated to either affect or personality. Conclusion: The results suggest that both state and trait factors implicated in negative affectivity may be risk factors for increased cardiovascular reactivity in everyday life. Combining day reconstruction with psychophysiological and environmental monitoring is discussed as a minimally invasive method with promising interdisciplinary relevance.heart rate, negative affect, affect variability, Big Five, Day Reconstruction Method

    On the primacy and irreducible nature of first-person versus third-person information

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    In\ua0this\ua0essay,\ua0we\ua0will\ua0support\ua0the\ua0claim\ua0that\ua0at\ua0the\ua0current\ua0level\ua0of\ua0scientific advancement\ua0a)\ua0some\ua0first-person\ua0accounts\ua0cannot\ua0be\ua0reduced\ua0to\ua0their third-person\ua0neural\ua0and\ua0psychophysiological\ua0correlates\ua0and\ua0b)\ua0that\ua0these first-person\ua0accounts\ua0are\ua0the\ua0only\ua0information\ua0to\ua0reckon\ua0when\ua0it\ua0is\ua0necessary\ua0to analyse\ua0qualia\ua0contents. Consequently,\ua0for\ua0many\ua0phenomena,\ua0first-person\ua0accounts\ua0are\ua0the\ua0only\ua0reliable source\ua0of\ua0information\ua0available\ua0and\ua0the\ua0knowledge\ua0of\ua0their\ua0neural\ua0and psychophysical\ua0correlates\ua0don\u2019t\ua0offer\ua0any\ua0additional\ua0information\ua0about\ua0them

    Frontal Lobe and Psychopathy

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    This research paper presents an analysis of the functions of the frontal lobe and how damage to the frontal lobe correlates to psychopathy. Initially, it will look at how damage to the frontal lobe obstructs frontal lobe functions. The decrease in executive function, due to a reduction of blood flow to the frontal lobe following a subarachnoid hemorrhage, is explored. The correlation between cortical thickness and impulsiveness in adolescence is examined. Subsequently, the issue is then examined through the observation of groups with psychopathy and how the diagnosis relates to their frontal lobes. One study compares individuals with psychopathy to individuals who suffered lesions to their frontal cortex. Another study discusses the correlation between cortical thickness and frontal information processing; it also compares the location of where the information processing occurs for individuals with psychopathy versus non-psychopathic individuals. Lastly, the functions of the frontal lobe are compared with the characteristics of psychopathy to further understand their correlation

    Psychophysiological assessment of stress under ecological settings: A systematic review

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    Stress can negatively impact one’s health and well-being, however despite the recent evolution in stress assessment research methodologies, little agreement still exist about stress conceptualization and assessment. In an attempt to summarize and reflect on this evolution this paper aimed to systematically review research evidence of ecological approaches on psycho-physiological stress assessment. Thus, a literature search of electronic databases was conducted spanning 22 years (1990 – 2012) and 55 studies were reviewed. Studies were considered for inclusion if they contemplated both psychological and physiological measures of stress under ecological settings. This review focused on five themes: methodologies terminology; research population; study design; measurement and technology. Findings support the need to use a common methodology terminology in order to increase scientific rigor. Additionally, there seems to be an increasing tendency for the use of these methods by multidisciplinary teams among both clinical and non-clinical populations aiming to understand the relationship between stress and disease. Most of the studies reviewed contemplated a time-based protocol and different conceptualizations of stress were found resulting in the use of different subjective measures. Findings reinforce the importance of combining subjective and objective measures while also controlling for possible time or situation dependent confounders. Advances in technology were evident and different assessment techniques were found. The benefits and challenges of ecological protocols to assess stress are discussed and recommendations for future research are provided, aiming to overcome previous limitations and advance scientific knowledge in the area

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 204

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    This bibliography lists 140 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in February 1980

    Spotlight on dream recall. The ages of dreams

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    Brain and sleep maturation covary across different stages of life. At the same time, dream generation and dream recall are intrinsically dependent on the development of neural systems. The aim of this paper is to review the existing studies about dreaming in infancy, adulthood, and the elderly stage of life, assessing whether dream mentation may reflect changes of the underlying cerebral activity and cognitive processes. It should be mentioned that some evidence from childhood investigations, albeit still weak and contrasting, revealed a certain correlation between cognitive skills and specific features of dream reports. In this respect, infantile amnesia, confabulatory reports, dream-reality discerning, and limitation in language production and emotional comprehension should be considered as important confounding factors. Differently, growing evidence in adults suggests that the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the encoding and retrieval of episodic memories may remain the same across different states of consciousness. More directly, some studies on adults point to shared neural mechanisms between waking cognition and corresponding dream features. A general decline in the dream recall frequency is commonly reported in the elderly, and it is explained in terms of a diminished interest in dreaming and in its emotional salience. Although empirical evidence is not yet available, an alternative hypothesis associates this reduction to an age-related cognitive decline. The state of the art of the existing knowledge is partially due to the variety of methods used to investigate dream experience. Very few studies in elderly and no investigations in childhood have been performed to understand whether dream recall is related to specific electrophysiological pattern at different ages. Most of all, the lack of longitudinal psychophysiological studies seems to be the main issue. As a main message, we suggest that future longitudinal studies should collect dream reports upon awakening from different sleep states and include neurobiological measures with cognitive performance

    How Does the Body Affect the Mind? Role of Cardiorespiratory Coherence in the Spectrum of Emotions

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    The brain is considered to be the primary generator and regulator of emotions; however, afferent signals originating throughout the body are detected by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and brainstem, and, in turn, can modulate emotional processes. During stress and negative emotional states, levels of cardiorespiratory coherence (CRC) decrease, and a shift occurs toward sympathetic dominance. In contrast, CRC levels increase during more positive emotional states, and a shift occurs toward parasympathetic dominance. Te dynamic changes in CRC that accompany different emotions can provide insights into how the activity of the limbic system and afferent feedback manifest as emotions. The authors propose that the brainstem and CRC are involved in important feedback mechanisms that modulate emotions and higher cortical areas. That mechanism may be one of many mechanisms that underlie the physiological and neurological changes that are experienced during pranayama and meditation and may support the use of those techniques to treat various mood disorders and reduce stress

    Affect Recognition using Psychophysiological Correlates in High Intensity VR Exergaming

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    User experience estimation of VR exergame players by recognising their affective state could enable us to personalise and optimise their experience. Affect recognition based on psychophysiological measurements has been successful for moderate intensity activities. High intensity VR exergames pose challenges as the effects of exercise and VR headsets interfere with those measurements. We present two experiments that investigate the use of different sensors for affect recognition in a VR exergame. The first experiment compares the impact of physical exertion and gamification on psychophysiological measurements during rest, conventional exercise, VR exergaming, and sedentary VR gaming. The second experiment compares underwhelming, overwhelming and optimal VR exergaming scenarios. We identify gaze fixations, eye blinks, pupil diameter and skin conductivity as psychophysiological measures suitable for affect recognition in VR exergaming and analyse their utility in determining affective valence and arousal. Our findings provide guidelines for researchers of affective VR exergames.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 665992 </p

    At the heart of optimal reading experiences: Cardiovascular activity and flow experiences in fiction reading

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    Fiction reading is a popular leisure activity associated with a variety of pleasurable experiences, including suspense, narrative transportation, and—as indicated by recent empirical studies—also flow. In the context of fiction reading, flow—generally defined as a pleasurable state of mind experienced during an optimally stimulating activity—is specifically related to an optimal balance between text-driven challenges and the reader’s capabilities in constructing a mental story model. The experimental study reported here focused on the psychophysiological underpinnings of flow in the reading context. Cardiovascular data were collected from 84 participants both during a relaxation baseline prior to reading and during reading. Participants were randomly assigned to read one of three versions of a chapter from Homer’s Odyssey. According to statistical readability indices, these versions were low, intermediate, or high in readability, and hence in cognitive challenge. Flow was measured immediately after reading with a self-report scale that was tailored to assess reading-specific flow experiences. Regression analyses revealed that cardiovascular activation patterns measured before reading that are reflective of parasympathetic dominance—that is, an inner state associated with relaxation and cognitive fluency—moderated flow experiences during reading. In line with the stipulations of flow theory in regard to matching challenge levels being the key determinant for flow, this pattern supported subsequent flow experiences only in response to text versions of high or intermediate, but not of low cognitive challenge. Differences in cardiac vagal tone during reading were, however, not sensitive to our experimental modifications and not predictive of flow experiences
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