887 research outputs found

    Psychophysical investigation of facial expressions using computer animated faces

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    The human face is capable of producing a large variety of facial expressions that supply important information for communication. As was shown in previous studies using unmanipulated video sequences, movements of single regions like mouth, eyes, and eyebrows as well as rigid head motion play a decisive role in the recognition of conversational facial expressions. Here, flexible but at the same time realistic computer animated faces were used to investigate the spatiotemporal coaction of facial movements systematically. For three psychophysical experiments, spatiotemporal properties were manipulated in a highly controlled manner. First, single regions (mouth, eyes, and eyebrows) of a computer animated face performing seven basic facial expressions were selected. These single regions, as well as combinations of these regions, were animated for each of the seven chosen facial expressions. Participants were then asked to recognize these animated expressions in the experiments. The findings show that the animated avatar in general is a useful tool for the investigation of facial expressions, although improvements have to be made to reach a higher recognition accuracy of certain expressions. Furthermore, the results shed light on the importance and interplay of individual facial regions for recognition. With this knowledge the perceptual quality of computer animations can be improved in order to reach a higher level of realism and effectiveness

    Toward a social psychophysics of face communication

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    As a highly social species, humans are equipped with a powerful tool for social communication—the face, which can elicit multiple social perceptions in others due to the rich and complex variations of its movements, morphology, and complexion. Consequently, identifying precisely what face information elicits different social perceptions is a complex empirical challenge that has largely remained beyond the reach of traditional research methods. More recently, the emerging field of social psychophysics has developed new methods designed to address this challenge. Here, we introduce and review the foundational methodological developments of social psychophysics, present recent work that has advanced our understanding of the face as a tool for social communication, and discuss the main challenges that lie ahead

    The Evaluation of Stylized Facial Expressions

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    Stylized rendering aims to abstract information in an image making it useful not only for artistic but also for visualization purposes. Recent advances in computer graphics techniques have made it possible to render many varieties of stylized imagery efficiently. So far, however, few attempts have been made to characterize the perceptual impact and effectiveness of stylization. In this paper, we report several experiments that evaluate three different stylization techniques in the context of dynamic facial expressions. Going beyond the usual questionnaire approach, the experiments compare the techniques according to several criteria ranging from introspective measures (subjective preference) to task-dependent measures (recognizability, intensity). Our results shed light on how stylization of image contents affects the perception and subjective evaluation of facial expressions

    Computational Modeling of Facial Response for Detecting Differential Traits in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This dissertation proposes novel computational modeling and computer vision methods for the analysis and discovery of differential traits in subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) using video and three-dimensional (3D) images of face and facial expressions. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impairs an individual’s nonverbal communication skills. This work studies ASD from the pathophysiology of facial expressions which may manifest atypical responses in the face. State-of-the-art psychophysical studies mostly employ na¨ıve human raters to visually score atypical facial responses of individuals with ASD, which may be subjective, tedious, and error prone. A few quantitative studies use intrusive sensors on the face of the subjects with ASD, which in turn, may inhibit or bias the natural facial responses of these subjects. This dissertation proposes non-intrusive computer vision methods to alleviate these limitations in the investigation for differential traits from the spontaneous facial responses of individuals with ASD. Two IRB-approved psychophysical studies are performed involving two groups of age-matched subjects: one for subjects diagnosed with ASD and the other for subjects who are typically-developing (TD). The facial responses of the subjects are computed from their facial images using the proposed computational models and then statistically analyzed to infer about the differential traits for the group with ASD. A novel computational model is proposed to represent the large volume of 3D facial data in a small pose-invariant Frenet frame-based feature space. The inherent pose-invariant property of the proposed features alleviates the need for an expensive 3D face registration in the pre-processing step. The proposed modeling framework is not only computationally efficient but also offers competitive performance in 3D face and facial expression recognition tasks when compared with that of the state-ofthe-art methods. This computational model is applied in the first experiment to quantify subtle facial muscle response from the geometry of 3D facial data. Results show a statistically significant asymmetry in specific pair of facial muscle activation (p\u3c0.05) for the group with ASD, which suggests the presence of a psychophysical trait (also known as an ’oddity’) in the facial expressions. For the first time in the ASD literature, the facial action coding system (FACS) is employed to classify the spontaneous facial responses based on facial action units (FAUs). Statistical analyses reveal significantly (p\u3c0.01) higher prevalence of smile expression (FAU 12) for the ASD group when compared with the TD group. The high prevalence of smile has co-occurred with significantly averted gaze (p\u3c0.05) in the group with ASD, which is indicative of an impaired reciprocal communication. The metric associated with incongruent facial and visual responses suggests a behavioral biomarker for ASD. The second experiment shows a higher prevalence of mouth frown (FAU 15) and significantly lower correlations between the activation of several FAU pairs (p\u3c0.05) in the group with ASD when compared with the TD group. The proposed computational modeling in this dissertation offers promising biomarkers, which may aid in early detection of subtle ASD-related traits, and thus enable an effective intervention strategy in the future

    Photorealistic retrieval of occluded facial information using a performance-driven face model

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    Facial occlusions can cause both human observers and computer algorithms to fail in a variety of important tasks such as facial action analysis and expression classification. This is because the missing information is not reconstructed accurately enough for the purpose of the task in hand. Most current computer methods that are used to tackle this problem implement complex three-dimensional polygonal face models that are generally timeconsuming to produce and unsuitable for photorealistic reconstruction of missing facial features and behaviour. In this thesis, an image-based approach is adopted to solve the occlusion problem. A dynamic computer model of the face is used to retrieve the occluded facial information from the driver faces. The model consists of a set of orthogonal basis actions obtained by application of principal component analysis (PCA) on image changes and motion fields extracted from a sequence of natural facial motion (Cowe 2003). Examples of occlusion affected facial behaviour can then be projected onto the model to compute coefficients of the basis actions and thus produce photorealistic performance-driven animations. Visual inspection shows that the PCA face model recovers aspects of expressions in those areas occluded in the driver sequence, but the expression is generally muted. To further investigate this finding, a database of test sequences affected by a considerable set of artificial and natural occlusions is created. A number of suitable metrics is developed to measure the accuracy of the reconstructions. Regions of the face that are most important for performance-driven mimicry and that seem to carry the best information about global facial configurations are revealed using Bubbles, thus in effect identifying facial areas that are most sensitive to occlusions. Recovery of occluded facial information is enhanced by applying an appropriate scaling factor to the respective coefficients of the basis actions obtained by PCA. This method improves the reconstruction of the facial actions emanating from the occluded areas of the face. However, due to the fact that PCA produces bases that encode composite, correlated actions, such an enhancement also tends to affect actions in non-occluded areas of the face. To avoid this, more localised controls for facial actions are produced using independent component analysis (ICA). Simple projection of the data onto an ICA model is not viable due to the non-orthogonality of the extracted bases. Thus occlusion-affected mimicry is first generated using the PCA model and then enhanced by accordingly manipulating the independent components that are subsequently extracted from the mimicry. This combination of methods yields significant improvements and results in photorealistic reconstructions of occluded facial actions

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Effects of Dynamic Attributes of Smiles in Human and Synthetic Faces: A Simulated Job Interview Setting

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    We examined the effects of the temporal quality of smile displays on impressions and decisions made in a simulated job interview. We also investigated whether similar judgments were made in response to synthetic (Study 1) and human facial stimuli (Study 2). Participants viewed short video excerpts of female interviewees exhibiting dynamic authentic smiles, dynamic fake smiles, or neutral expressions, and rated them with respect to a number of attributes. In both studies, perceivers' judgments and employment decisions were significantly shaped by the temporal quality of smiles, with dynamic authentic smiles generally leading to more favorable job, person, and expression ratings than dynamic fake smiles or neutral expressions. Furthermore, authentically smiling interviewees were judged to be more suitable and were more likely to be short-listed and selected for the job. The findings show a high degree of correspondence in the effects created by synthetic and human facial stimuli, suggesting that temporal features of smiles similarly influence perceivers' judgments and decisions across the two types of stimulu

    Seeing Music? What musicians need to know about vision

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    Music is inherently an auditory art form, rooted in sound, and generally analyzed in terms of its acoustic properties. However, as the process of hearing is affected by seeing, visual information does in fact play an important role in the musical experience. Vision influences many aspects of music – from evaluations of performance quality and audience interest to the perception of loudness, timbre, and note duration. Moreover, it can be used to achieve musical goals that are in fact acoustically impossible. As such, understanding the benefits of embracing (and the costs of ignoring) vision’s role is essential for all musicians. Furthermore, since music represents a pervasive and ubiquitous human practice, this topic serves as an ideal case study for understanding how auditory and visual information are integrated. Given that some musically-based studies have challenged and even contributed to updating psychological theories of sensory integration, this topic represents a rich area of research, relevant to musicians and psychologists alike

    Is it the real deal? Perception of virtual characters versus humans: an affective cognitive neuroscience perspective

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    Recent developments in neuroimaging research support the increased use of naturalistic stimulus material such as film, animations, or androids. These stimuli allow for a better understanding of how the brain processes information in complex situations while maintaining experimental control. While avatars and androids are well suited to study human cognition, they should not be equated to human stimuli. For example, the Uncanny Valley hypothesis theorizes that artificial agents with high human-likeness may evoke feelings of eeriness in the human observer. Here we review if, when, and how the perception of human-like avatars and androids differs from the perception of humans and consider how this influences their utilization as stimulus material in social and affective neuroimaging studies. First, we discuss how the appearance of virtual characters affects perception. When stimuli are morphed across categories from non-human to human, the most ambiguous stimuli, rather than the most human-like stimuli, show prolonged classification times and increased eeriness. Human-like to human stimuli show a positive linear relationship with familiarity. Secondly, we show that expressions of emotions in human-like avatars can be perceived similarly to human emotions, with corresponding behavioral, physiological and neuronal activations, with exception of physical dissimilarities. Subsequently, we consider if and when one perceives differences in action representation by artificial agents versus humans. Motor resonance and predictive coding models may account for empirical findings, such as an interference effect on action for observed human-like, natural moving characters. However, the expansion of these models to explain more complex behavior, such as empathy, still needs to be investigated in more detail. Finally, we broaden our outlook to social interaction, where virtual reality stimuli can be utilized to imitate complex social situations
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