8 research outputs found

    Puettavaan teknologiaan liittyvät tiedontarpeet:Reddit -verkkoyhteisön jäsenten tiedontarpeita Oura-älysormuksen unenseurannasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Erilaiset unenseurantaan tarkoitetut puettavat älylaitteet ovat yleistyneet nopeasti väestön keskuudessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli lisätä tietoutta siitä, millaisia tiedontarpeita Oura-älysormuksen käyttäjillä liittyy unenseurantaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto on koottu Reddit-keskustelufoorumilta ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Oura-älysormuksen unenseurantaan liittyvä tiedonhaku voitiin jaotella kolmeen pääluokkaan. Nämä olivat tiedon tarkkuus ja luotettavuus, tiedon tulkinta ja tiedon käytettävyys. Näistä useimmin esiintyi tiedon tarkkuutta ja luotettavuutta koskevia tiedontarpeita. Näitä tiedontarpeita yhdisti yksittäisen yön ja yksittäisen unenlaadun parametria koskevat aiheet kokonaisuuden sijasta. Tiedon käytettävyydestä nousi esille tarve konkreettisille neuvoille ja ohjeille unenlaadun parantamiseksi. Yksittäisistä univaiheista eniten kiinnostusta oli REM-unen lisäämiselle. Tiedon visualisointiin liittyviä tiedontarpeita ei aineistosta noussut esille

    A Child-Driven Metadata Schema: A Holistic Analysis of Children\u27s Cognitive Processes During Book Selection

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    The purpose of this study was to construct a child-driven metadata schema by understanding children\u27s cognitive processes and behaviors during book selection. Existing knowledge organization systems including metadata schemas and previous literature in the metadata domain have shown that there is a no specialized metadata schema that describes children\u27s resources that also is developed by children. It is clear that children require a new or alternative child-driven metadata schema. Child-driven metadata elements reflected the children\u27s cognitive perceptions that could allow children to intuitively and easily find books in an online cataloging system. The literature of development of literacy skills claims that the positive experiences of selecting books empower children\u27s motivation for developing literacy skills. Therefore, creating a child-driven metadata schema not only contributes to the improvement of knowledge organization systems reflecting children\u27s information behavior and cognitive process, but also improves children\u27s literacy and reading skills. Broader research questions included what metadata elements do children like to use? What elements should a child-driven metadata schema include? In order to answer these research questions, a triangulated qualitative research design consisting of questionnaires, paired think-aloud, interview, and diaries were used with 22 child participants between the ages of 6 and 9. A holistic understanding of the children\u27s cognitive processes during book selection as a foundation of a child-driven metadata schema displays an early stage of an ontological contour for a children\u27s knowledge organization system. A child-driven metadata schema constructed in this study is apt to include different metadata elements from those metadata elements existing in current cataloging standards. A child-driven metadata schema includes five classes such as story/subject, character, illustration, physical characteristics, and understandability, and thirty three metadata elements such as character\u27s names and images, book cover\u27s color, shape, textured materials, engagement element, and tone. In addition, the analysis of the relationship between emergent emotional vocabularies and cognitive factors and facets illustrated the important role of emotion and attention in children\u27s information processing and seeking behaviors

    Towards a model of information behaviour of a information provider: a mixed methods study.

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    Not much is not known about the totality of information behaviours of information providers from among the plethora of library and information science literature. This research aims to describe, categorise and devise a representation of information workers experiences as they engage in information behaviours in a health information provider organisation in Scotland. The organisation is a typical example of an information services provider where decision makers constantly strive to improve the quality of their information outputs by attempting to understand the information behaviours of their employees and respond to changes in the external information environment. A model of information behaviour becomes a useful tool for understanding what goes on within the information provider organisation. With pragmatism as its philosophical tether, the qualitatively-driven sequential mixed methods study uses critical incident interviewing within Heideggerian phenomenology and then a questionnaire survey to capture value-adding information behaviours, feeling states as outcomes of information behaviour, and perceptions of internal impact of information behaviour. The research subjects are invited to participate in a respondent validation workshop where a model of provider information behaviour is co-created. The findings reveal 3 core information behaviour types (information acquisition behaviour, information production behaviour and information dissemination behaviour) and 2 associated information behaviour types (multitasking and collaborative information behaviours) in a non-linear relationship. Several positive and negative feelings are identified together with information workers perceptions of how their information behaviours impact on the internal information environment of their organisation. The core and associated information behaviours are further categorised and their subtypes are validated on returning to the research participants. Recommendations for practice and further research include introducing Web 2.0 technologies in the provider organisation to enhance information dissemination, reviewing the value of some information activities in the provider organisation, investigating the mechanism of the information behaviour trigger, and further research on the role of feelings and individual characteristics before and after information interactions. The findings provide insights of information interactions of an information provider that make a significant contribution to LIS knowledge

    IT professionals' use a microblogs : a study of their information behaviours and information experience on Twitter

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    This thesis is a study of IT professional’s use of the microblog Twitter. The study shows that, Twitter is more useful for IT experts to connect, communicate and sharing information. Furthermore, the results gave the researcher an overview on the information behaviour and information experience on Twitter, where co-experience occurs by choice rather than by chance. Twitter is not only used for information-seeking and information-sharing, but it is also used as an information ground where the users meet and socialise with others

    Motivation and behaviour in green consumerism: Empirical evidence from China

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    In light of an increasing demand for environmentally friendly and safe food products and the growing market for green products, there is a need for research that examines how Chinese consumers view and make decisions about buying green food products. Despite the growth in green consumerism, few studies have explored Chinese consumers’ green purchase intentions and real buying behaviour. The purpose of this study is to develop and test a conceptual model that explains the constructs that influence consumers’ real buying behaviour and intention to purchase green products. The data for this study was gathered via a self-completed questionnaire that sought to capture the perception of 720 Chinese consumers located in Beijing and Xi’an. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling have been used to analyse this primary data. The findings reveal that consumers’ attitudes towards green purchases, subjective norms, moral obligation, and ecological affects have significant positive influence on their purchase intention for green foods, while only purchase intention and consumers’ subjective knowledge have significant positive impact on their actual purchase behaviour for green food. This study fills in knowledge gaps to focus on Chinese green consumption through applying goal-framing theory to examine consumer behaviour towards green foods. This research’s findings emphasize consumers’ subjective knowledge about green consumption which extends goal-framing theory and theory of planned behaviour applying to green food consumerism in the context of China. Meanwhile, this study examined the goal-framing theory’s external validity and testing this theory’s assumptions. This study also provided justification for using the TPB model in explaining the green food buying behaviour. So, the empirical results and findings from this study will be helpful in making a contribution to further expand research in consumers’ behaviour in relation to food consumption. Through better understanding consumer purchase intention and actual buying behaviour toward green food products, the results offered more practical information to policy makers and business leaders to better promote the idea of a green market programme

    Psychodynamic Perspectives in Information Behaviour

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    Introduction. There are a number of theories regarding information behaviour, most of which reflect a cognitive perspective, focusing on the role of conscious thought and feeling. Despite the recent interest in emotional aspects of users in their information behaviour, the role of cognition in information behaviour is constrained and does not consider the underlying motivations and emotions that lie outside the realm of conscious awareness and thought. Argument. There has been a shift in psychological theory, incorporating stronger psychodynamic perspectives that consider the role of the unconscious in affect daily life. It has been estimated that 85-95% of thought takes place in the unconscious outside of our awareness, including most of our decision making. This suggests a fertile theoretical ground for investigating information behaviour. Conclusion. Psychodynamic theories offer fertile ground for investigating the interaction between information and human behaviour. If library and information science is to advance its understanding of information behaviour, it needs to include other theories and methodological tools available to us, particularly from psychology, whose aim it is to investigate human behaviour and behaviour change. Projective tests are one method that can be used in conjunction with sources and services to evaluate their usefulness