21 research outputs found

    Proving Correctness of Highly-Concurrent Linearisable Objects

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    International audienceWe study a family of implementations for linked lists using fine-grain synchronisation. This approach enables greater concurrency, but correctness is a greater challenge than for classical, coarse-grain synchronisation. Our examples are demonstrative of common design patterns such as lock coupling, optimistic, and lazy synchronisation. Although they are are highly concurrent, we prove that they are linearisable, safe, and they correctly implement a high-level abstraction. Our proofs illustrate the power and applicability of rely-guarantee reasoning, as well of some of its limitations. The examples of the paper establish a benchmark challenge for other reasoning techniques

    On Correctness of Data Structures under Reads-Write Concurrency

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    Abstract. We study the correctness of shared data structures under reads-write concurrency. A popular approach to ensuring correctness of read-only operations in the presence of concurrent update, is read-set validation, which checks that all read variables have not changed since they were first read. In practice, this approach is often too conserva-tive, which adversely affects performance. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for reasoning about correctness of data structures under reads-write concurrency, which replaces validation of the entire read-set with more general criteria. Namely, instead of verifying that all read conditions over the shared variables, which we call base conditions. We show that reading values that satisfy some base condition at every point in time implies correctness of read-only operations executing in parallel with updates. Somewhat surprisingly, the resulting correctness guarantee is not equivalent to linearizability, and is instead captured through two new conditions: validity and regularity. Roughly speaking, the former re-quires that a read-only operation never reaches a state unreachable in a sequential execution; the latter generalizes Lamport’s notion of regular-ity for arbitrary data structures, and is weaker than linearizability. We further extend our framework to capture also linearizability. We illus-trate how our framework can be applied for reasoning about correctness of a variety of implementations of data structures such as linked lists.

    A Constructive Approach for Proving Data Structures’ Linearizability

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    Abstract. We present a comprehensive methodology for proving cor-rectness of concurrent data structures. We exemplify our methodology by using it to give a roadmap for proving linearizability of the popular Lazy List implementation of the concurrent set abstraction. Correctness is based on our key theorem, which captures sufficient conditions for lin-earizability. In contrast to prior work, our conditions are derived directly from the properties of the data structure in sequential runs, without requiring the linearization points to be explicitly identified.


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    Concurrent accesses to shared data structures must be synchronized to avoid data races. Coarse-grained synchronization, which locks the entire data structure, is easy to implement but does not scale. Fine-grained synchronization can scale well, but can be hard to reason about. Hand-over-hand locking, in which operations are pipelined as they traverse the data structure, combines fine-grained synchronization with ease of use. However, the traditional implementation suffers from inherent overheads. This paper introduces snapshot-based synchronization (SBS), a novel hand-over-hand locking mechanism. SBS decouples the synchronization state from the data, significantly improving cache utilization. Further, it relies on guarantees provided by pipelining to minimize synchronization that requires cross-thread communication. Snapshot-based synchronization thus scales much better than traditional hand-over-hand locking, while maintaining the same ease of use

    Bounded Model Checking of Concurrent Data Types on Relaxed Memory Models: A Case Study

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    Many multithreaded programs employ concurrent data types to safely share data among threads. However, highly-concurrent algorithms for even seemingly simple data types are difficult to implement correctly, especially when considering the relaxed memory ordering models commonly employed by today’s multiprocessors. The formal verification of such implementations is challenging as well because the high degree of concurrency leads to a large number of possible executions. In this case study, we develop a SAT-based bounded verification method and apply it to a representative example, a well-known two-lock concurrent queue algorithm. We first formulate a correctness criterion that specifically targets failures caused by concurrency; it demands that all concurrent executions be observationally equivalent to some serial execution. Next, we define a relaxed memory model that conservatively approximates several common shared-memory multiprocessors. Using commit point specifications, a suite of finite symbolic tests, a prototype encoder, and a standard SAT solver, we successfully identify two failures of a naive implementation that can be observed only under relaxed memory models. We eliminate these failures by inserting appropriate memory ordering fences into the code. The experiments confirm that our approach provides a valuable aid for desigining and implementing concurrent data types

    Simplifying proofs of linearisability using layers of abstraction

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    Linearisability has become the standard correctness criterion for concurrent data structures, ensuring that every history of invocations and responses of concurrent operations has a matching sequential history. Existing proofs of linearisability require one to identify so-called linearisation points within the operations under consideration, which are atomic statements whose execution causes the effect of an operation to be felt. However, identification of linearisation points is a non-trivial task, requiring a high degree of expertise. For sophisticated algorithms such as Heller et al's lazy set, it even is possible for an operation to be linearised by the concurrent execution of a statement outside the operation being verified. This paper proposes an alternative method for verifying linearisability that does not require identification of linearisation points. Instead, using an interval-based logic, we show that every behaviour of each concrete operation over any interval is a possible behaviour of a corresponding abstraction that executes with coarse-grained atomicity. This approach is applied to Heller et al's lazy set to show that verification of linearisability is possible without having to consider linearisation points within the program code

    Concurrent Data Structures Linked in Time

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    Arguments about correctness of a concurrent data structure are typically carried out by using the notion of linearizability and specifying the linearization points of the data structure's procedures. Such arguments are often cumbersome as the linearization points' position in time can be dynamic (depend on the interference, run-time values and events from the past, or even future), non-local (appear in procedures other than the one considered), and whose position in the execution trace may only be determined after the considered procedure has already terminated. In this paper we propose a new method, based on a separation-style logic, for reasoning about concurrent objects with such linearization points. We embrace the dynamic nature of linearization points, and encode it as part of the data structure's auxiliary state, so that it can be dynamically modified in place by auxiliary code, as needed when some appropriate run-time event occurs. We name the idea linking-in-time, because it reduces temporal reasoning to spatial reasoning. For example, modifying a temporal position of a linearization point can be modeled similarly to a pointer update in separation logic. Furthermore, the auxiliary state provides a convenient way to concisely express the properties essential for reasoning about clients of such concurrent objects. We illustrate the method by verifying (mechanically in Coq) an intricate optimal snapshot algorithm due to Jayanti, as well as some clients

    Order out of Chaos: Proving Linearizability Using Local Views

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    Proving the linearizability of highly concurrent data structures, such as those using optimistic concurrency control, is a challenging task. The main difficulty is in reasoning about the view of the memory obtained by the threads, because as they execute, threads observe different fragments of memory from different points in time. Until today, every linearizability proof has tackled this challenge from scratch. We present a unifying proof argument for the correctness of unsynchronized traversals, and apply it to prove the linearizability of several highly concurrent search data structures, including an optimistic self-balancing binary search tree, the Lazy List and a lock-free skip list. Our framework harnesses sequential reasoning about the view of a thread, considering the thread as if it traverses the data structure without interference from other operations. Our key contribution is showing that properties of reachability along search paths can be deduced for concurrent traversals from such interference-free traversals, when certain intuitive conditions are met. Basing the correctness of traversals on such local view arguments greatly simplifies linearizability proofs. At the heart of our result lies a notion of order on the memory, corresponding to the order in which locations in memory are read by the threads, which guarantees a certain notion of consistency between the view of the thread and the actual memory. To apply our framework, the user proves that the data structure satisfies two conditions: (1) acyclicity of the order on memory, even when it is considered across intermediate memory states, and (2) preservation of search paths to locations modified by interfering writes. Establishing the conditions, as well as the full linearizability proof utilizing our proof argument, reduces to simple concurrent reasoning. The result is a clear and comprehensible correctness proof, and elucidates common patterns underlying several existing data structures

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    Concurrent data structures with fine-grained synchronization are notoriously difficult to implement correctly. The difficulty of reasoning about these implementations does not stem from the number of variables or the program size, but rather from the large number of possible interleavings. These implementations are therefore prime candidates for model checking. We introduce an algorithm for verifying linearizability of singly-linked heap-based concurrent data structures. We consider a model consisting of an unbounded heap where each node consists an element from an unbounded data domain, with a restricted set of operations for testing and updating pointers and data elements. Our main result is that linearizability is decidable for programs that invoke a fixed number of methods, possibly in parallel. This decidable fragment covers many of the common implementation techniques — fine-grained locking, lazy synchronization, and lock-free synchronization. We also show how the technique can be used to verify optimistic implementations with the help of programmer annotations. We developed a verification tool CoLT and evaluated it on a representative sample of Java implementations of the concurrent set data structure. The tool verified linearizability of a number of implementations, found a known error in a lock-free imple- mentation and proved that the corrected version is linearizable