10 research outputs found

    Explicitly Modeling Importance and Coherence for Timeline Summarization

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 岩田 覚, 東京大学教授 定兼 邦彦, 東京大学教授 山本 博資, 東京大学准教授 武田 朗子, 東京大学准教授 平井 広志University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters


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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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    Sparse Methods for Learning Multiple Subspaces from Large-scale, Corrupted and Imbalanced Data

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    In many practical applications in machine learning, computer vision, data mining and information retrieval one is confronted with datasets whose intrinsic dimension is much smaller than the dimension of the ambient space. This has given rise to the challenge of effectively learning multiple low-dimensional subspaces from such data. Multi-subspace learning methods based on sparse representation, such as sparse representation based classification (SRC) and sparse subspace clustering (SSC) have become very popular due to their conceptual simplicity and empirical success. However, there have been very limited theoretical explanations for the correctness of such approaches in the literature. Moreover, the applicability of existing algorithms to real world datasets is limited due to their high computational and memory complexity, sensitivity to data corruptions as well as sensitivity to imbalanced data distributions. This thesis attempts to advance our theoretical understanding of sparse representation based multi-subspace learning methods, as well as develop new algorithms for handling large-scale, corrupted and imbalanced data. The first contribution of this thesis is a theoretical analysis of the correctness of such methods. In our geometric and randomized analysis, we answer important theoretical questions such as the effect of subspace arrangement, data distribution, subspace dimension, data sampling density, and so on. The second contribution of this thesis is the development of practical subspace clustering algorithms that are able to deal with large-scale, corrupted and imbalanced datasets. To deal with large-scale data, we study different approaches based on active support and divide-and-conquer ideas, and show that these approaches offer a good tradeoff between high accuracy and low running time. To deal with corrupted data, we construct a Markov chain whose stationary distribution can be used to separate between inliers and outliers. Finally, we propose an efficient exemplar selection and subspace clustering method that outperforms traditional methods on imbalanced data

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum