7 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based graphical interfaces for presenting technical information

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    Designing effective presentations of technical information is extremely difficult and time-consuming. Moreover, the combination of increasing task complexity and declining job skills makes the need for high-quality technical presentations especially urgent. We believe that this need can ultimately be met through the development of knowledge-based graphical interfaces that can design and present technical information. Since much material is most naturally communicated through pictures, our work has stressed the importance of well-designed graphics, concentrating on generating pictures and laying out displays containing them. We describe APEX, a testbed picture generation system that creates sequences of pictures that depict the performance of simple actions in a world of 3D objects. Our system supports rules for determining automatically the objects to be shown in a picture, the style and level of detail with which they should be rendered, the method by which the action itself should be indicated, and the picture's camera specification. We then describe work on GRIDS, an experimental display layout system that addresses some of the problems in designing displays containing these pictures, determining the position and size of the material to be presented

    A methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for interactive information systems

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    The definition of proposed research addressing the development and validation of a methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for interactive information systems is given. The major objectives of this research are: the development of a comprehensive, objective, and generalizable methodology for the design and evaluation of user interfaces for information systems; the development of equations and/or analytical models to characterize user behavior and the performance of a designed interface; the design of a prototype system for the development and administration of user interfaces; and the design and use of controlled experiments to support the research and test/validate the proposed methodology. The proposed design methodology views the user interface as a virtual machine composed of three layers: an interactive layer, a dialogue manager layer, and an application interface layer. A command language model of user system interactions is presented because of its inherent simplicity and structured approach based on interaction events. All interaction events have a common structure based on common generic elements necessary for a successful dialogue. It is shown that, using this model, various types of interfaces could be designed and implemented to accommodate various categories of users. The implementation methodology is discussed in terms of how to store and organize the information

    User Interface Management Systems: A Survey and a Proposed Design

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    The growth of interactive computing has resulted in increasingly more complex styles of interaction between user and computer. To facilitate the creation of highly interactive systems, the concept of the User Interface Management System (UIMS) has been developed. Following the definition of the term 'UIMS' and a consideration of the putative advantages of the UIMS approach, a number of User Interface Management Systems are examined. This examination focuses in turn on the run-time execution system, the specification notation and the design environment, with a view to establishing the features which an "ideal" UIMS should possess. On the basis of this examination, a proposal for the design of a new UIMS is presented, and progress reported towards the implementation of a prototype based on this design

    A User Interface Management System Generator

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    Much recent research has been focused on user interfaces. A major advance in interface design is the User Interface Management System (UIMS), which mediates between the application and the user. Our research has resulted in a conceptual framework for interaction which permits the design and implementation of a UIMS generator system. This system, called Graphical User Interface Development Environment or GUIDE, allows an interface designer to specify interactively the user interface for an application. The major issues addressed by this methodology are making interfaces implementable, modifiable and flexible, allowing for user variability, making interfaces consistent and allowing for application diversity within a user community. The underlying goal of GUIDE is that interface designers should be able to specify interfaces as broadly as is possible with a manually-coded system. The specific goals of GUIDE are: The designer need not write any interface code. Action routines are provided by the designer or application implementator which implement the actions or operations of the application system. Action routines may have parameters. The designer is able to specify multiple control paths based on the state of the system and a profile of the user. Inclusion of help and prompt messages is as easy as possible. GUIDE\u27s own interface may be generated with GUIDE. GUIDE goes beyond previous efforts in UIMS design in the full parameter specification provided in the interface for application actions, in the ability to reference application global items in the interface, and in the pervasiveness of conditions throughout the system. A parser is built into GUIDE to parse conditions and provide type-checking. The GUIDE framework describes interfaces in terms of three components: what the user sees of the application world (user-defined pictures and user-defined picture classes) what the user can do (tasks and tools) what happens when the user does something (actions and decisions) These three are combined to form contexts which describe the state of the interface at any time

    Generating Multiple User Interfaces for Multiple Application Domains

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    This Ph.D. dissertation presents a classification scheme for User Interface Development Environments (UIDEs) based on the multiplicity of user interfaces and application domains that can be supported. The SISD, SIMD and MISD [S= Single, I= user Interface(s), M= Multiple, D= application Domain(s)] generator classes encompass most of the UIDEs described in the literature. A major goal of this research is to allow any user to develop a personalized interface for any interactive application, that is, the development of an MIMD UIDE. Fundamental to the development of such a UIDE is the complete separation of the user interface component from the application component. This separation necessitates devising less tightly coupled models of the application and user interface than have been reported to date. The main features of the MIMD UIDE model are as follows. [1] Interactive applications are modeled as editors providing a set of functions that manipulate 2-dimensional graphical objects. [2] Interactive data structures are introduced for maintaining and manipulating both the internal and external representation(s) of application information as a single unit. These external representations form the basis for presenting internal information to the user. [3] Since interaction with the user must be the sole responsibility of the user interface component, function interaction is modeled as follows. Application functions are modeled as a set of services. Each service processes a (set of) parameter(s) independently. For each service in the application, a corresponding service Interface object is defined in the user interface component. The service interface object interacts with the user to specify the required (set of) parameter(s), calls the associated service within the application, and displays the result of the service to the user. Using the above model, the user interface component is modeled to allow personalized specifications at all levels; including the internal entities of the interactive system, the characteristics of the display of information, and the interaction tasks, techniques and devices used for parameter specification

    Second Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and Robotics (SOAR 1988)

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    Papers presented at the Second Annual Workshop on Space Operation Automation and Robotics (SOAR '88), hosted by Wright State University at Dayton, Ohio, on July 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1988, are documented herein. During the 4 days, approximately 100 technical papers were presented by experts from NASA, the USAF, universities, and technical companies. Panel discussions on Human Factors, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Space Systems were held but are not documented herein. Technical topics addressed included knowledge-based systems, human factors, and robotics