135 research outputs found

    IoT-Based Automatic Hydro-Organic Smart Farming System in Greenhouse with Solar Panels for Khok Nong Na

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    In this research, we propose IoT-Based Automatic Hydro-Organic Smart Farming System (AHOSFS) in Greenhouse with Solar Panels for Khok Nong Na, design and development with Internet of Things and solar energy. Data is collected from sensors for the following factors that affect plant growth: humidity, temperature, light, pH, EC, air quality, water temperature, and water level. The Firebase cloud-based application was used to collect all the data, and it enables farmers to monitor and control the system using their smartphones. The results showed AHOSFS can mix water and nutrient solution, which measure pH of 6.61 and EC of 1.23, control water level and mix nutrient solution in appropriate quantities. Green oak can thrive at pH levels between 6.0 and 7.0, EC levels between 1.1 and 1.7, and humidity level between 75 and 85. The sensor measured temperature value between 18 and 25 °C, which was adequate for the growth of green oak. Sensor also measured water temperature between 25 and 28 °C. The comparative value of cultivation in a hydro-organic system deployed between AB solution, organic fertilizer Formula 1 and Formula 2 found that organic fertilizer formula 1 has an effective and approximate AB solution at 81.64%. The fertilizer formula 2 has AB solution at 89.72%, which was more secure at a comparable level

    Water IoT monitoring system for aquaponics health and fishery applications

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    Aquaponic health is a very important in the food industry field, as currently there is a huge amount of fishing farms, and the demands are growing in the whole world. This work examines the process of developing an innovative aquaponics health monitoring system that incorporates high-tech back-end innovation sensors to examine fish and crop health and a data analytics framework with a low-tech front-end approach to feedback actions to farmers. The developed system improves the state-of-the-art in terms of aquaponics life cycle monitoring metrics and communication technologies, and the energy consumption has been reduced to make a sustainable system

    Environmental Parameters Monitoring And Control System In Horticulture Greenhouse Using The Internet Of Things: Case Of IPRC Musanze

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    Efficient management of greenhouse farming is a challenge to ensure high yield production. This is a great challenge to farmers who do not have a reliable mechanism to ensure the optimum environmental conditions for their crops. Farmers are opting to look for solutions from technologies such as Machine to Machine and Internet of Things. This paper proposes a wireless sensor network architecture for real-time greenhouse environmental parameters monitoring to achieve technology- based farming at a low management cost. Uncontrolled temperature, humidity, light intensity and soil moisture content, are among the major parameters that contribute to the deterioration of plants in the green house. The system employs the temperature and Humidity sensor DHT11, a light sensor LDR and soil moisture sensor to detect the environment parameters inside the greenhouse. A low-cost Wi-Fi microchip, with built -in TCP/IP networking software called as ESP8266, has been used to help connect the microntroller with the internet wirelessly. Sensed data is monitored on-site using a Liquid Crystal Display. The ThingSpeak Cloud platform has been used to assure the remote monitoring of the sensed data, and further analytics can be done through it. Actuators namely the solenoid valve, cooling fan, and heating bulb are immediately triggered in case the limit level of the environmental parameters been sensed, has been exceeded. The Global System for Mobile Communication has been used to provide notification to the farmers cell phone farmers in case of critical conditions.  The results of the system are provided in form of waveforms observed through the ThingSpeak for the sensed parameters, others are in form of notification through LCD and GSM, and the actions performed by the solenoid valve, cooling fan and Heating bulb in case the sensed environment data goes beyond the required level


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    pH stands for the power of Hydrogen, which is an important factor in hydroponic systems. The hydrogen ion concentration determines the value of the acidity in the solution. If the pH value of the solution is below 7.0, then it is called acidic, and if the pH value is above 7.0, it is called alkaline. The pH value can change, so it is necessary to pay attention to the acidity of the water so that the roots absorb nutrients properly that farmers often find it difficult to take measurements. Mustard plants have a pH range of 5.5 – 6.5. Based on the pH range, it is necessary to have a tool to monitor the quality of the pH in mustard plants. This monitoring is carried out by creating a hydroponic nutrient water disposal system by combining agriculture and mechatronics. Mechatronics will control the nutrient distribution system so that it can be monitored with a smartphone via wireless connectivity such as the GSM module (800L. The water quality monitoring system works by using ultrasonic sensors, sensor probes and TDS sensors, as well as the GSM 800L module. monitoring of water quality in hydroponic mustard plants) using an Arduino microcontroller and detecting pH conditions and solute content. As for the disposal of nutrient water, using a water pump connected to the microcontroller via a relay. Based on the prototype carried out on June 26, 2021, the condition of water quality has decreased in nutritional quality with the first data (pH 6.31 solute 529 ppm) and the latest data (pH 9.09 and solute 662 ppm). When the water quality is below the nutritional standard, the water pump turns on to remove the nutrient water. The results of the prototype that has been carried out have succeeded in monitoring water quality hydroponics and can be used by farmers

    Strawberry Cultivation Techniques

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    Among the berries, strawberries are the most commercially produced and consumed and their production and consumption are increasing in the world due to their enthusiastic aroma, taste, and biochemical properties. Strawberry is belonging to the genus Fragaria, from the family Rosaceae. It is indicated that the homeland of the strawberry is South America (Chile). It is well-known that people living in Asia, Europe, and America commonly use the wild F. vesca. In other regions such as Japan, North China and Manchuria, Europe-Siberia, and America there are different ecogeographic zones where alternative species are clustered. Despite its origins in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, F. ananassa is now grown all over the world. Strawberry is one of the most widespread berry species grown in almost every country including high altitudes of tropical regions, and subtropical and temperate areas. In this chapter, we aimed to offer new perspectives on the future of strawberry cultivation techniques by analyzing recent academic studies on strawberry production

    Recent Advancements in Prevalent Practices for Plant Cultivation by Hydroponics

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    Many plant-derived products are well known to possess therapeutic properties along with minimum side effectsand relatively competitive efficacies as compared to other chemical counterparts/analogs. Herbal drugs are therefore now widely accepted owing to their long-lasting impact. However, the role of cultivation conditions and associated biotic and abiotic parameters are paramount in affecting the yield of phytocompounds among cultivated plants. Moreover, with the increasing burden on cultivable land available for the production of cash crops, medicinal plants require alternative techniques of propagation for meeting commercial demands without adversely affecting their yield of phytocompounds and their therapeutic potential. Regulating the biotic and abiotic parameters using several methods of propagation (viz. vegetative and plant tissue culture) is instrumental in attaining the desired yield in the harvest. The major drawbacks of these techniques are lack of skilled labour and high monetary expense. Alternative techniques, such as hydroponics and aeroponics are pivotal to overcoming these disadvantages. The ‘Hydroponics’ technique involves plant cultivation in a soil-less nutrient medium. This method offers major advantages over the conventional techniques being more economical and independent of seasonal variations besides eliminating the influence of soil-microbe interactions on the development of plants. This technique is under continuous investigation and improvement with recent advances being made in the inter-disciplinary approaches for improving the technique by the addition of IoT and cloud computing along with other conventional techniques such as vertical farming forhydroponic systems and the development of hybrid models

    Solar Based Hydroponics Cultivation

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    The main aim of the project is to grow a plant without a soil by using solar supply. It uses the 90% of water efficiently. As compared to soil cultivation, the production increases by 3 to 10 times. Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil by using mineral nutrients solution in water solvents usually an inorganic substrate with rock wool to be the most common worldwide. Agriculture in the growing countries faces some serious challenges in the coming decades that include: competition for water, energy resources, rising costs,increased world population, competition for international markets, changes in climate,environmental impact and uncertainties in the effectiveness of the current European policies as regards adaptation strategies. Controlled environments become an important tool in agriculture production and study chains. Hydroponics is a promising technology and becomes very popular in the area of agriculture, specifically in urban farming. Hydroponic systems have found a rapid development and widespread use in recent years. In hydroponicscultivation, the recording of several parameters helps cultivators to develop optimal conditions for the growth of plants. In this paper, we present a low-cost, high-reliability prototype for real-time measurements in hydroponics cultivation

    Design and Build Hydroponic Installations and Applications Using IoT-Based Multisensors with Solar Panel Electrical Energy

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     This research designs an IoT-based hydroponic installation using a NodeMCU 8266 microcontroller equipped with multi-sensors such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, flow, pH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), and EC (Electrical Conductivity) sensors that will be wirelessly connected to controlling devices using Arduino IDE, Firebase, and MIT APP Converter software and using renewable energy in the form of Solar Panels. The expected result is the creation of innovation in the field of agricultural technology, especially in plant cultivation techniques with hydroponics. With this tool, the user can fully monitor all information about the state of the plant-growing environment. From the tests that will be carried out later, researchers hope to produce test data on every sensor reading, pump motor activation, and data delivery response from application from tool and otherwise