44 research outputs found

    Engineering of Communication Systems and Protocols

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    The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    The 2nd Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Simple Framework for Efficient Development of the Functional Requirement Verification-specific Language

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    Докторска теза анализира предлог за имплементацију верификације функционалних програмских захтева. Предмет истраживања је проналажење свих релевантних стандарда, препорука и најбољих пракси, а затим особина и функционалности прате дате стандарде и препоруке у области верификације. Истраживање потом проналази постојећа релевантна решења и њихову усклађеност са датим особинама и функционалностима. Резултат истраживања је развој доменски-специфичног језика за верификацију функсионалних програмских захтјева који имплементира све особине и функционалности чиме потврђује исправност концепта.Doktorska teza analizira predlog za implementaciju verifikacije funkcionalnih programskih zahteva. Predmet istraživanja je pronalaženje svih relevantnih standarda, preporuka i najboljih praksi, a zatim osobina i funkcionalnosti prate date standarde i preporuke u oblasti verifikacije. Istraživanje potom pronalazi postojeća relevantna rešenja i njihovu usklađenost sa datim osobinama i funkcionalnostima. Rezultat istraživanja je razvoj domenski-specifičnog jezika za verifikaciju funksionalnih programskih zahtjeva koji implementira sve osobine i funkcionalnosti čime potvrđuje ispravnost koncepta.The doctoral thesis analyzes the proposal for implementing the verification of functional software requirements. The subject of the research is to find all relevant standards, recommendations, and best practices, and then to examine the features and functionalities that follow the given standards and recommendations in the field of verification. The research then identifies existing relevant solutions and their compatibility with the given features and functionalities. The result of the research is the development of a domain-specific programming language for the verification of functional requitements that implements all the features and functionalities, thus confirming the correctness of the concept

    JTorX: Exploring Model-Based Testing

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    The overall goal of the work described in this thesis is: ``To design a flexible tool for state-of-the-art model-based derivation and automatic application of black-box tests for reactive systems, usable both for education and outside an academic context.'' From this goal, we derive functional and non-functional design requirements. The core of the thesis is a discussion of the design, in which we show how the functional requirements are fulfilled. In addition, we provide evidence to validate the non-functional requirements, in the form of case studies and responses to a tool user questionnaire. We describe the overall architecture of our tool, and discuss three usage scenarios which are necessary to fulfill the functional requirements: random on-line testing, guided on-line testing, and off-line test derivation and execution. With on-line testing, test derivation and test execution takes place in an integrated manner: a next test step is only derived when it is necessary for execution. With random testing, during test derivation a random walk through the model is done. With guided testing, during test derivation additional (guidance) information is used, to guide the derivation through specific paths in the model. With off-line testing, test derivation and test execution take place as separate activities. In our architecture we identify two major components: a test derivation engine, which synthesizes test primitives from a given model and from optional test guidance information, and a test execution engine, which contains the functionality to connect the test tool to the system under test. We refer to this latter functionality as the ``adapter''. In the description of the test derivation engine, we look at the same three usage scenarios, and we discuss support for visualization, and for dealing with divergence in the model. In the description of the test execution engine, we discuss three example adapter instances, and then generalise this to a general adapter design. We conclude with a description of extensions to deal with symbolic treatment of data and time

    Model-Based Scenario Testing and Model Checking with Applications in the Railway Domain

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    This thesis introduces Timed Moore Automata, a specification formalism, which extends the classical Moore Automata by adding the concept of abstract timers without concrete delay time values, which can be started and reset, and which can change their state from running to elapsed. The formalism is used in real-world railway domain applications, and algorithms for the automated test data generation and explicit model checking of Timed Moore Automata models are presented. In addition, this thesis deals with test data generation for larger scale test models using standardized modeling formalisms. An existing framework for the automated test data generation is presented, and its underlying work-flow is extended and modified in order to allow user interaction and guidance within the generation process. As opposed to specifying generation constraints for entire test scenarios, the modified work flow then allows for an iterative approach to elaborating and formalizing test generation goals

    Is CADP an Applicable Formal Method?

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    International audienceCADP is a comprehensive toolbox implementing results of concurrency theory. This paper addresses the question, whether CADP qualifies as an applicable formal method, based on the experience of the authors and feedback reported by users