39 research outputs found

    Prediction of 8-state protein secondary structures by a novel deep learning architecture

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: Protein secondary structure can be regarded as an information bridge that links the primary sequence and tertiary structure. Accurate 8-state secondary structure prediction can significantly give more precise and high resolution on structure-based properties analysis. Results: We present a novel deep learning architecture which exploits an integrative synergy of prediction by a convolutional neural network, residual network, and bidirectional recurrent neural network to improve the performance of protein secondary structure prediction. A local block comprised of convolutional filters and original input is designed for capturing local sequence features. The subsequent bidirectional recurrent neural network consisting of gated recurrent units can capture global context features. Furthermore, the residual network can improve the information flow between the hidden layers and the cascaded recurrent neural network. Our proposed deep network achieved 71.4% accuracy on the benchmark CB513 dataset for the 8-state prediction; and the ensemble learning by our model achieved 74% accuracy. Our model generalization capability is also evaluated on other three independent datasets CASP10, CASP11 and CASP12 for both 8- and 3-state prediction. These prediction performances are superior to the state-of-the-art methods. Conclusion: Our experiment demonstrates that it is a valuable method for predicting protein secondary structure, and capturing local and global features concurrently is very useful in deep learning

    An analysis and evaluation of the WeFold collaborative for protein structure prediction and its pipelines in CASP11 and CASP12

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    Every two years groups worldwide participate in the Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) experiment to blindly test the strengths and weaknesses of their computational methods. CASP has significantly advanced the field but many hurdles still remain, which may require new ideas and collaborations. In 2012 a web-based effort called WeFold, was initiated to promote collaboration within the CASP community and attract researchers from other fields to contribute new ideas to CASP. Members of the WeFold coopetition (cooperation and competition) participated in CASP as individual teams, but also shared components of their methods to create hybrid pipelines and actively contributed to this effort. We assert that the scale and diversity of integrative prediction pipelines could not have been achieved by any individual lab or even by any collaboration among a few partners. The models contributed by the participating groups and generated by the pipelines are publicly available at the WeFold website providing a wealth of data that remains to be tapped. Here, we analyze the results of the 2014 and 2016 pipelines showing improvements according to the CASP assessment as well as areas that require further adjustments and research

    Computational protein structure prediction using deep learning

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    Protein structure prediction is of great importance in bioinformatics and computational biology. Over the past 30 years, many machine learning methods have been developed for this problem in homology-based and ab-initio approaches. Recently, deep learning has been successfully applied and has outperformed previous methods. Deep learning methods could effectively handle high dimensional feature inputs in modeling the complex mapping from protein primary amino acid sequences to protein 2-D or 3-D structures. In this dissertation, new deep learning methods and deep learning networks have been proposed for three problems in protein structure prediction: loop modeling, contact map prediction, and contact map refinement. They have been implemented in the state-of-the-art MUFOLD software and obtained significant performance improvement. The goal of loop modeling is to predict the conformation of a relatively short stretch of protein backbone. A new method based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), called MUFOLD-LM, is proposed. The protein 3-D structure can be represented using the 2-D distance map of C [subscript alpha] atoms. The missing region in the structure will be a missing region in the distance map correspondingly. Our network uses the Generator Network to fill in the missing regions in the distance map based on the context, and the Discriminator Network will take both the predicted complete distance map and the ground truth as input to distinguish between them. The method utilizes both the features and context of the missing loop region to make better prediction of the 3-D structure of the loop region. In experiments using commonly used benchmark datasets 8-Res and 12-Res, MUFOLD-LM outperformed previous methods significantly, up to 43.9 [percent] and 4.13 [percent] in RMSD, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first successful GAN application in protein structure prediction. The goal of contact map prediction is to predict whether the distance between two C [subscript beta] atoms (C [subscript alpha] for Glycine) in a protein falls within a certain threshold. It can help to determine the global s"tructure of a protein in order to assist the 3D modeling process. In this work, a new two-stage multi-branch neural network based on Fully Convolutional Network and Dilated Residual Network, called MUFOLD_Contact, is proposed. It formulates the problem as a pixel-wise regression and classification problem. The first stage predicts distance maps for short-, medium-, and long-range residue pairs. The second stage takes the predicted distances from stage 1 along with other features as input to predict a binary contact map. The method utilizes the distance distribution information in the feature set to improve the binary prediction results. In experiments using CASP13 targets, the new method outperformed single stage networks and is comparable with the best existing tools. In addition to predicting contact directly using deep neural networks, a new method, called TPCref (Template Prediction Correction refinement), is proposed to refine and improve the prediction results of a contact predictor using protein templates. Based on the idea of collaborative filtering from recommendation system, TPCref first finds multiple template sequences based on the target sequence and uses the templates' structures and the templates' predicted contact map generated by a contact predictor to form a target contact map filter using the idea of collaborative filtering. Then the contact-map filter is used to refine the predicted contact map. In experimental results using recently released PDB proteins, TPCref significantly improved the contact prediction results of existing predictors, improving MUFOLD_Contact, MetaPSICOV, and CCMPred by 5.0 [percent], 12.8 [percent], and 37.2 [percent], respectively. The proposed new methods have been implemented in MUFOLD, a comprehensive platform for protein structure prediction. It provides a rich set of functions, including database generation, secondary and supersecondary structure prediction, beta-turn and gamma-turn prediction, contact map prediction and refinement, protein 3D structure prediction, loop modeling, model quality assessment, and model refinement. In this work, a new modularized MUFOLD pipeline has been designed and developed. Each module is decoupled from each other and provides standard communication protocol interfaces for other programs to call. The modularization provides the capability to easily integrate new algorithms and tools to have a fast iteration during research. In addition, a new web portal for MUFOLD has been designed and implemented to provide online services or APIs of our tools to the community

    Applications of deep neural networks to protein structure prediction

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    Professor Yi Shang, Dissertation Advisor; Professor Dong Xu, Dissertation Co-advisor.Includes vita.Field of Study: Computer science."July 2018."Protein secondary structure, backbone torsion angle and other secondary structure features can provide useful information for protein 3D structure prediction and protein functions. Deep learning offers a new opportunity to significantly improve prediction accuracy. In this dissertation, several new deep neural network architectures are proposed for protein secondary structure prediction: deep inception-inside-inception (Deep3I) networks and deep neighbor residual (DeepNRN) networks for secondary structure prediction; deep residual inception networks (DeepRIN) for backbone torsion angle prediction; deep dense inception networks (DeepDIN) for beta turn prediction; deep inception capsule networks (DeepICN) for gamma turn prediction. Every tool was then implemented as a standalone tool integrated into MUFold package and freely available to research community. A webserver called MUFold-SS-Angle is also developed for protein property prediction. The input feature to those deep neural networks is a carefully designed feature matrix corresponding to the primary amino acid sequence of a protein, which consists of a rich set of information derived from individual amino acid, as well as the context of the protein sequence. Specifically, the feature matrix is a composition of physio-chemical properties of amino acids, PSI-BLAST profile, HHBlits profile and/or predicted shape string. The deep architecture enables effective processing of local and global interactions between amino acids in making accurate prediction. In extensive experiments on multiple datasets, the proposed deep neural architectures outperformed the best existing methods and other deep neural networks significantly: The proposed DeepNRN achieved highest Q8 75.33, 72.9, 70.8 on CASP 10, 11, 12 higher than previous state-of-the-art DeepCNF-SS with 71.8, 72.3, and 69.76. The proposed MUFold-SS (Deep3I) achieved highest Q8 76.47, 74.51, 72.1 on CASP 10, 11, 12. Compared to the recently released state-of-the-art tool, SPIDER3, DeepRIN reduced the Psi angle prediction error by more than 5 degrees and the Phi angle prediction error by more than 2 degrees on average. DeepDIN outperformed significantly BetaTPred3 in both two-class and nine-class beta turn prediction on benchmark BT426 and BT6376. DeepICN is the first application of using capsule network to biological sequence analysis and outperformed all previous gamma-turn predictors on benchmark GT320.Includes bibliographical references (pages 114-131)