156,205 research outputs found

    Exploiting code mobility for dynamic binary obfuscation

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    Software protection aims at protecting the integrity of software applications deployed on un-trusted hosts and being subject to illegal analysis. Within an un-trusted environment a possibly malicious user has complete access to system resources and tools in order to analyze and tamper with the application code. To address this research problem, we propose a novel binary obfuscation approach based on the deployment of an incomplete application whose code arrives from a trusted network entity as a flow of mobile code blocks which are arranged in memory with a different customized memory layout. This paper presents our approach to contrast reverse engineering by defeating static and dynamic analysis, and discusses its effectivenes

    AndroShield:automated Android applications vulnerability detection, a hybrid static and dynamic analysis approach

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    The security of mobile applications has become a major research field which is associated with a lot of challenges. The high rate of developing mobile applications has resulted in less secure applications. This is due to what is called the “rush to release” as defined by Ponemon Institute. Security testing—which is considered one of the main phases of the development life cycle—is either not performed or given minimal time; hence, there is a need for security testing automation. One of the techniques used is Automated Vulnerability Detection. Vulnerability detection is one of the security tests that aims at pinpointing potential security leaks. Fixing those leaks results in protecting smart-phones and tablet mobile device users against attacks. This paper focuses on building a hybrid approach of static and dynamic analysis for detecting the vulnerabilities of Android applications. This approach is capsuled in a usable platform (web application) to make it easy to use for both public users and professional developers. Static analysis, on one hand, performs code analysis. It does not require running the application to detect vulnerabilities. Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, detects the vulnerabilities that are dependent on the run-time behaviour of the application and cannot be detected using static analysis. The model is evaluated against different applications with different security vulnerabilities. Compared with other detection platforms, our model detects information leaks as well as insecure network requests alongside other commonly detected flaws that harm users’ privacy. The code is available through a GitHub repository for public contribution

    Proof-Carrying Code for Verifying Confidentiality of Mobile Code through Secure Information Flow Analysis

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    The growing dependence of our society and economy on networked information systems makes it essential to protect our confidential data from being leaked by malicious code. Downloading and executing code (possibly from untrusted sources) has become a daily event. Modern operating systems load code for adding new functionalities; web browsers download plug-ins and applets; end-users download untrusted code for doing some useful tasks. Certification that the untrusted code respects the confidentiality of data it manipulates is essential in these situations. Thus it is necessary to analyze how information flows within that program. This thesis presents an approach to enable end-users to determine whether untrusted mobile code will respect pre-specified confidentiality policies by statically analyzing the untrusted code for secure information flow. The approach is based on adapting of a well-known approach, proof-carrying code (PCC) to information flow security and basing the security policy of PCC on a security-type system, which enforces information flow policy, namely noninterference security policy in RISC-style assembly programs. The untrusted code is then analyzed for secure information flow based on the idea of PCC. The proofs that untrusted code does not leak confidential information are generated by the code producer and checked by the code consumer. If the proofs are valid, then the end-users (code consumer) can install and execute the untrusted mobile code safely. The proposed approach benefits from distinctive features that make it a very appropriate for security checking. First, it operates directly on object code produced by general-purpose off-the-shelf compilers. Second, it exploits the benefits that both type systems and proof-carrying code approaches offer and combines their strengths. Type systems provide an appealing option for implementing security policies, and thus represent a natural enabling technology of proof-carrying code. Meanwhile, proof-carrying code is an efficient approach for assembly code verification. Third, the explicit machine-checkable proofs serve as a certificate to distrustful users and give them more confidence in the security approach. The proposed security approach represents one point in the design space for mobile code security systems; it is well suited to typical Internet users. It enforces information flow policy with low preparation cost on the part of the code producer and no runtime overhead cost on the part of the code consumer. The security approach provides end-users with an adequate assurance of protecting the confidentiality of their confidential data

    Integrity protection for code-on-demand mobile agents in e-commerce

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    The mobile agent paradigm has been proposed as a promising solution to facilitate distributed computing over open and heterogeneous networks. Mobility, autonomy, and intelligence are identified as key features of mobile agent systems and enabling characteristics for the next-generation smart electronic commerce on the Internet. However, security-related issues, especially integrity protection in mobile agent technology, still hinder the widespread use of software agents: from the agent’s perspective, mobile agent integrity should be protected against attacks from malicious hosts and other agents. In this paper, we present Code-on-Demand(CoD) mobile agents and a corresponding agent integrity protection scheme. Compared to the traditional assumption that mobile agents consist of invariant code parts, we propose the use of dynamically upgradeable agent code, in which new agent function modules can be added and redundant ones can be deleted at runtime. This approach will reduce the weight of agent programs, equip mobile agents with more flexibility, enhance code privacy and help the recoverability of agents after attack. In order to meet the security challenges for agent integrity protection, we propose agent code change authorization protocols and a double integrity verification scheme. Finally, we discuss the Java implementation of CoD mobile agents and integrity protection

    Securing dynamic itineraries for mobile agent applications

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    In this paper we present a novel mechanism for the protection of dynamic itineraries for mobile agent applications. Itineraries that are decided as the agent goes are essential in complex applications based on mobile agents, but no approach has been presented until now to protect them. We have conceived a cryptographic scheme for shielding dynamic itineraries from tampering, impersonation and disclosure. By using trust strategically, our scheme provides a balanced trade-off between flexibility and security. Our protection scheme has been thought always bearing in mind a feasible implementation, and thus facilitates the development of applications that make use of it. An example application based on a real healthcare scenario is also presented to show its operation

    Going Rogue: Mobile Research Applications and the Right to Privacy

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    This Article investigates whether nonsectoral state laws may serve as a viable source of privacy and security standards for mobile health research participants and other health data subjects until new federal laws are created or enforced. In particular, this Article (1) catalogues and analyzes the nonsectoral data privacy, security, and breach notification statutes of all fifty states and the District of Columbia; (2) applies these statutes to mobile-app-mediated health research conducted by independent scientists, citizen scientists, and patient researchers; and (3) proposes substantive amendments to state law that could help protect the privacy and security of all health data subjects, including mobile-app-mediated health research participants

    The Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller to Compute a Trust Level for Mobile Agents in a Smart Home

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    Agents that travel through many hosts may cause a threat on the security of the visited hosts. Assets, system resources, and the reputation of the host are few possible targets for such an attack. The possibility for multi-hop agents to be malicious is higher compared to the one-hop or two-hop boomerang agents. The travel history is one of the factors that may allow a server to evaluate the trustworthiness of an agent. This paper proposes a technique to define levels of trust for multi-hop agents that are roaming in a smart home environment. These levels of trust are used later to determine actions taken by a host at the arrival of an agent. This technique uses fuzzy logic as a method to calculate levels of trust and to define protective actions in regard to those levels