3,251 research outputs found

    Propositional Encoding of Constraints over Tree-Shaped Data

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    We present a functional programming language for specifying constraints over tree-shaped data. The language allows for Haskell-like algebraic data types and pattern matching. Our constraint compiler CO4 translates these programs into satisfiability problems in propositional logic. We present an application from the area of automated analysis of (non-)termination of rewrite systems

    On the Succinctness of Query Rewriting over OWL 2 QL Ontologies with Shallow Chases

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    We investigate the size of first-order rewritings of conjunctive queries over OWL 2 QL ontologies of depth 1 and 2 by means of hypergraph programs computing Boolean functions. Both positive and negative results are obtained. Conjunctive queries over ontologies of depth 1 have polynomial-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings; tree-shaped queries have polynomial positive existential rewritings; however, in the worst case, positive existential rewritings can only be of superpolynomial size. Positive existential and nonrecursive datalog rewritings of queries over ontologies of depth 2 suffer an exponential blowup in the worst case, while first-order rewritings are superpolynomial unless NP⊆P/poly\text{NP} \subseteq \text{P}/\text{poly}. We also analyse rewritings of tree-shaped queries over arbitrary ontologies and observe that the query entailment problem for such queries is fixed-parameter tractable

    On the succinctness of query rewriting over shallow ontologies

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    We investigate the succinctness problem for conjunctive query rewritings over OWL2QL ontologies of depth 1 and 2 by means of hypergraph programs computing Boolean functions. Both positive and negative results are obtained. We show that, over ontologies of depth 1, conjunctive queries have polynomial-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings; tree-shaped queries have polynomial positive existential rewritings; however, in the worst case, positive existential rewritings can be superpolynomial. Over ontologies of depth 2, positive existential and nonrecursive datalog rewritings of conjunctive queries can suffer an exponential blowup, while first-order rewritings can be superpolynomial unless NP ïżœis included in P/poly. We also analyse rewritings of tree-shaped queries over arbitrary ontologies and note that query entailment for such queries is fixed-parameter tractable

    On Algorithms and Complexity for Sets with Cardinality Constraints

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    Typestate systems ensure many desirable properties of imperative programs, including initialization of object fields and correct use of stateful library interfaces. Abstract sets with cardinality constraints naturally generalize typestate properties: relationships between the typestates of objects can be expressed as subset and disjointness relations on sets, and elements of sets can be represented as sets of cardinality one. Motivated by these applications, this paper presents new algorithms and new complexity results for constraints on sets and their cardinalities. We study several classes of constraints and demonstrate a trade-off between their expressive power and their complexity. Our first result concerns a quantifier-free fragment of Boolean Algebra with Presburger Arithmetic. We give a nondeterministic polynomial-time algorithm for reducing the satisfiability of sets with symbolic cardinalities to constraints on constant cardinalities, and give a polynomial-space algorithm for the resulting problem. In a quest for more efficient fragments, we identify several subclasses of sets with cardinality constraints whose satisfiability is NP-hard. Finally, we identify a class of constraints that has polynomial-time satisfiability and entailment problems and can serve as a foundation for efficient program analysis.Comment: 20 pages. 12 figure

    Learning Linear Temporal Properties

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    We present two novel algorithms for learning formulas in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from examples. The first learning algorithm reduces the learning task to a series of satisfiability problems in propositional Boolean logic and produces a smallest LTL formula (in terms of the number of subformulas) that is consistent with the given data. Our second learning algorithm, on the other hand, combines the SAT-based learning algorithm with classical algorithms for learning decision trees. The result is a learning algorithm that scales to real-world scenarios with hundreds of examples, but can no longer guarantee to produce minimal consistent LTL formulas. We compare both learning algorithms and demonstrate their performance on a wide range of synthetic benchmarks. Additionally, we illustrate their usefulness on the task of understanding executions of a leader election protocol

    Model Checking Parse Trees

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    Parse trees are fundamental syntactic structures in both computational linguistics and compilers construction. We argue in this paper that, in both fields, there are good incentives for model-checking sets of parse trees for some word according to a context-free grammar. We put forward the adequacy of propositional dynamic logic (PDL) on trees in these applications, and study as a sanity check the complexity of the corresponding model-checking problem: although complete for exponential time in the general case, we find natural restrictions on grammars for our applications and establish complexities ranging from nondeterministic polynomial time to polynomial space in the relevant cases.Comment: 21 + x page

    A Short Counterexample Property for Safety and Liveness Verification of Fault-tolerant Distributed Algorithms

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    Distributed algorithms have many mission-critical applications ranging from embedded systems and replicated databases to cloud computing. Due to asynchronous communication, process faults, or network failures, these algorithms are difficult to design and verify. Many algorithms achieve fault tolerance by using threshold guards that, for instance, ensure that a process waits until it has received an acknowledgment from a majority of its peers. Consequently, domain-specific languages for fault-tolerant distributed systems offer language support for threshold guards. We introduce an automated method for model checking of safety and liveness of threshold-guarded distributed algorithms in systems where the number of processes and the fraction of faulty processes are parameters. Our method is based on a short counterexample property: if a distributed algorithm violates a temporal specification (in a fragment of LTL), then there is a counterexample whose length is bounded and independent of the parameters. We prove this property by (i) characterizing executions depending on the structure of the temporal formula, and (ii) using commutativity of transitions to accelerate and shorten executions. We extended the ByMC toolset (Byzantine Model Checker) with our technique, and verified liveness and safety of 10 prominent fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, most of which were out of reach for existing techniques.Comment: 16 pages, 11 pages appendi

    DL-lite with attributes and datatypes

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    We extend the DL-Lite languages by means of attributes and datatypes. Attributes -- a notion borrowed from data models -- associate concrete values from datatypes to abstract objects and in this way complement roles, which describe relationships between abstract objects. The extended languages remain tractable (with a notable exception) even though they contain both existential and (a limited form of) universal quantification. We present complexity results for two most important reasoning problems in DL-Lite: combined complexity of knowledge base satisfiability and data complexity of positive existential query answering

    Bigraphical Logics for XML

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    Bigraphs have been recently proposed as a meta-model for global computing resources; they are built orthogonally on two structures: a hierarchical ‘place’ graph for locations and a ‘link’ (hyper-)graph for connections. XML is now the standard meta-language for the data exchange and storage on the web. In this paper we address the similarities between bigraphs and XML and we propose bigraphs as a rich model for XML (and XML contexts). Building on this idea we proceed by investigating how the recently proposed logic of BiLog can be instantiated to describe, query and reason about web data (and web contexts)

    A SAT-Based Encoding of the One-Pass and Tree-Shaped Tableau System for LTL

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    A new one-pass and tree-shaped tableau system for LTL sat- isfiability checking has been recently proposed, where each branch can be explored independently from others and, furthermore, directly cor- responds to a potential model of the formula. Despite its simplicity, it proved itself to be effective in practice. In this paper, we provide a SAT-based encoding of such a tableau system, based on the technique of bounded satisfiability checking. Starting with a single-node tableau, i.e., depth k of the tree-shaped tableau equal to zero, we proceed in an incremental fashion. At each iteration, the tableau rules are encoded in a Boolean formula, representing all branches of the tableau up to the current depth k. A typical downside of such bounded techniques is the effort needed to understand when to stop incrementing the bound, to guarantee the completeness of the procedure. In contrast, termination and completeness of the proposed algorithm is guaranteed without com- puting any upper bound to the length of candidate models, thanks to the Boolean encoding of the PRUNE rule of the original tableau system. We conclude the paper by describing a tool that implements our procedure, and comparing its performance with other state-of-the-art LTL solvers
