29 research outputs found

    Evaluating the performance of Colombian banks by hybrid multicriteria decision making methods

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    The aim of the study in this paper is to show how the performance of banks can be evaluated by ranking them based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Nowadays, assessing the performance of companies is a vital work for finding their weaknesses and strengths. The banking sector is an important area in the service sector. Many people want to know which bank performs best when entrusting their money to them. For assessing the performance of banks, BSC can be used. This method helps to translate strategic issues to meaningful insights for the respective financial institutions. After that, the banks will be ranked based on performance indicators by the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method. Because this method is based on a decision matrix, weights are required. To find such weights, the Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method is applied. The results show that the International Bank of Colombia has a much better performance than other Colombian banks. Besides, further insights regarding the evaluation process based on BSC, SWARA, and WASPAS are obtained

    Critical factors of the application of nanotechnology in construction industry by using ANP technique under fuzzy intuitionistic environment

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    Nanotechnology plays a significant role in construction industry. The construction industry has been employed nanomaterials to improve the performance of construction components and the safety of the structure and to reduce the energy consuming and the cost of maintenance. In other words, nanotechnology has a substantial impact on the construc­tion industry. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and evaluate the critical factors of the application of nanotechnology in construction in order to concentrate on the most critical factors. However, several techniques have been developed to prioritize the evaluation criteria. Analytical network process (ANP) technique, a branch of multi criteria decision mak­ing (MCDM) methods, is a powerful tool to rank a limited number of criteria. This technique takes into account both tangible and intangible criteria in the process of formulation of a decision making problem. This method is capable of handling all types of independence and dependence relationships. On the other hand, intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) is a well-known technique in considering the inherent uncertainty involved in the process of modelling a decision making problem. In this paper, a new model based on the IFS and ANP technique is proposed to evaluate the critical factors of the application of nanotechnology in the construction industry. The results demonstrate that the proposed model has a high potential for taking into account the uncertainty in the form of a three dimension function, including membership, non-membership, and non-determinacy

    Do Performance Measurement Systems Matters to Vitalize Green Intellectual Capital and Sustainable Performance? A Conceptual Framework

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to propose a conceptual framework in which performance measurement systems potentially play a role in transforming knowledge based resources, e.g., green intellectual capital for sustainable performance in this information intensive economy. The emerging relevance of sustainability creates phenomena to think about green intellectual capital, while little is known about the function of performance management systems to achieve sustainable-based performance.   Theoretical framework: The underlying premise of the "contingency view" from the "fit as mediation" approach signifies that organizational systems are generated and structured by knowledge-based characteristics, which significantly influence organizational outcomes (Drazin & de Ven, 1985; Venkatraman, 1989).   Design/methodology/approach:  The conceptual framework articulates three components of green intellectual capital, i.e., green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital, from the ground of performance measurement systems adding social and environmental measures to contribute to sustainable performance (economic, social and environmental) extracted from the preceding literature.   Findings: The expected results of the study suggest that green-based intellectual capital can foster business sustainability, while a quantitative method will be employed based on prior studies to extract the study's real consequences.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study may inspire senior management to exhibit how green intellectual capital is linked in internal operations for dealing with non-financial concerns for economic lineup and to bridge research gaps from different study areas into a holistic model to contribute to the literature.   Originality/value: The value of the study is to give logical hints about emerging literature that green intellectual capital is significant to achieve sustainable performance. This study contributes to the sphere of accounting and sustainability by suggesting a research framework for practitioners and academicians

    Innovation management in Portuguese and Cameroon micro and small companies – implementation of balanced scorecard management tool

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    Mestrado APNORThe requirements of an increasing globalized and competitive economy lead managers to make comparison across countries in different continents in different markets which can rapidly bridge the gap of their lacking skills, knowledge and problems faced. To assert the adequate management skills and success of micro and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), this study elaborates and diagnoses both micro and SMEs in Cameroon (Africa) and Portugal (Europe). It is safe to say that the micro and SMEs sector has been the engine of economic growth in many countries and not just to both the economies of Portugal and Cameroon. As a result of its ability to create jobs, generate revenue, reduce poverty and drive economic growth. The management of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to a large extent depends on the organizational structure and development of innovative practices. This study focuses on comparing the management structure, innovative practices and evaluating the economic-financial arm and the competitive strengths in Micro and SMEs in Portugal, Europe and Cameroon, Africa. This study was necessitated in order to make compares between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in two countries in two different continents. The study also looks at how the introduction and importance of innovation enhances performance and better management of SMEs. In the present work, a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for both enterprises were successfully developed as a management control system with several indicators identified that will effectively clarify the objectives and strategic mission within both organizations. These qualitative findings may help strengthen innovation strategies of these small businesses, which could produce greater profitability and growth. Thus, after analysis, it can be proved that the performance of the enterprises and its employees can be improved by implementing the BSC model. Finally, the study concludes by proposing recommendations for future Balanced Scorecard initiative in both enterprises in order to overcome the potential barriers to ensure its beneficial use.As crescentes exigências de uma economia globalizada e competitiva conduzem os gestores e empresários à necessidade de realizar comparações entre diferentes mercados, para colmatar algumas lacunas de informação. Neste trabalho desenvolve-se uma análise entre duas empresas, classificadas como micro e pequenas empresas (PMEs), estando uma delas sedeada em Portugal e a outra nos Camarões. A escolha das empresas para a realização desta investigação recaiu em empresas desta dimensão, dada a sua representatividade no tecido empresarial de cada um dos mercados em análise. Efetivamente, tanto as micro como as PMEs constituem o motor do crescimento económico em muitos países, uma vez que são um veículo para a criação de emprego (muitas vezes o próprio emprego), geram receita e contribuem para a redução da pobreza. No entanto, a sua gestão e o seu sucesso dependem, em grande medida, da sua estrutura organizacional, que muitas vezes é reduzida, e do desenvolvimento e implementação de práticas de inovação. Neste sentido, este estudo concentra-se na comparação da estrutura de gestão, na avaliação económico-financeira e da competitividade (realizada na fase do diagnóstico) e nas práticas associadas à inovação, através da implementação do instrumento de gestão estratégica Balanced Scorecard (BSC), das empresas participantes, que se situam em dois continentes diferentes, e que por isso, têm caraterísticas muito distintas. Desta forma, foi desenvolvido um sistema de controlo de gestão, com a identificação de vários indicadores, devidamente alinhados com a missão, visão e estratégia das empresas, permitindo a integração e o fortalecimento de estratégias de inovação em ambas as organizações, o que se poderá traduzir num potencial de crescimento e num aumento do lucro esperado. Constata-se que o desempenho das empresas e dos seus colaboradores se encontra aprimorado com a implementação deste instrumento, uma vez passaram a existir indicadores e objetivos escritos e mensuráveis, reportados ao ano, e passíveis de serem revistos periodicamente

    Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment

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    [EN] Within the current context, the Intellectual Capital has been unveiled as one of the Key drivers for companies¿ long-term profitability and sustainability. This paper proposes a new methodology using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the Balanced Scorecard of a Manufacturing Company to confirm the impact of Learning and Development Programs in the actual performance of the organization. Statistical Multivariate and Multiple Regression techniques are applied as a systemic approach using KPIs to firstly analyze and confirm the impact of Learning & Development and secondly to design the best strategy for short term financial results and long term sustainability. The proposed methodology was applied in a Manufacturing Company to confirm its validity in practical terms.[ES] En el contexto actual, el Capital Intelectual ha resultado ser uno de los factores clave para la sostenibilidad y viabilidad de las compañías a largo plazo. En este documento se propone una nueva metodología que usa Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento del Cuadro Integral de Mando de una compañía manufacturera para confirmar el impacto de Programas de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje en la eficiencia real de la organización. Métodos Estadísticos Multivariantes y de Regresión Múltiple se han aplicado como técnica sistémica para primero analizar y confirmar dicho impacto y seguidamente diseñar la mejor estrategia para los resultados a corto plazo y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo. La metodología propuesta fue aplicada en una compañía manufacturera para confirmar y validar el método de forma práctica.Sánchez-Márquez, R.; Albarracín Guillem, JM.; Vicens Salort, E.; Jabaloyes Vivas, JM. (2018). Intellectual Capital and Balanced Scorecard: impact of Learning and Development Programs using Key Performance Indicators in Manufacturing Environment. Direccion y Organizacion. 66(diciembre 2018):34-49. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/122578S344966diciembre 201

    Updated discussions on ‘Hybrid multiple criteria decisionmaking methods: a review of applications for sustainability issues’

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    A recent review discussed a variety of hybrid multiple criteria decision-making (H.M.C.D.M.) methods on the subject of sustainability issues. Some soft computing techniques, such as the fuzzy set, have contributed significantly to H.M.C.D.M. studies, emulating the imprecise or uncertain judgments of experts/decision makers in a complex environment. Nevertheless, a new rising trend in H.M.C.D.M., known as multiple rule-based decision-making (M.R.D.M.), which has the advantage of revealing understandable knowledge for supporting systematic improvements based on influential network relation maps (I.N.R.M.), was not discussed in the review. This study therefore attempts to extend the review by introducing recent developments and the associated work on M.R.D.M. for solving practical problems, updating the discussion

    Mobilising management control systems to manage stakeholder relationship and sustainability challenges: an empirical case study of a major construction product company

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    An emerging stream of management accounting research has investigated how management accounting techniques can be used to manage sustainability. Because of the transformative nature of sustainability, the subject area embraces a significant breadth of issues across different research disciplines. While literature suggests there is a lack of definitive texts for thinking about sustainability in management accounting studies, scholars see potential to help organisations identify social and environmental risks and opportunities by using extant accounting mechanisms and engaging with business. The research identifies literature that borrows insights from Professor Freeman s Stakeholder Theory (1984) and recognises its potential to enrich the current understanding of accounting for sustainability. Therefore, the aim of this research is to augment Simons Levers of Control (LOC) framework to incorporate greater depth on the role of interactions between managers and stakeholders in the implementation of (sustainability) management control systems. The research undertakes a qualitative approach that uses empirical case study data from a major construction product company. Using interview data from 29 semi- structured interviews (where 7 interviews were conducted with external stakeholders) and documentary evidence (such as sustainability reports and policy) to provide a useful track of what has happened within the case organisation. LOC is employed as the theoretical lens to investigate how managers use management control systems (MCS) for sustainability-related, strategic decision-making. The research provides empirical findings that indicate Stakeholder Theory can augment Simons LOC framework, as an analytic framework that used by the managers. The research responds to calls to investigate the potential of using extant accounting mechanisms to cope with sustainability challenges through exploring the relationships between: (a) sustainability, (b) MCS, and (c) strategic decision-making. The empirical material is an example used to illustrate the theoretical framework in one case study organisation. Firstly, the research identifies organisational use of MCS to address stakeholders sustainability requirement for stakeholder management. This study explores a range of MCS used by the case organisation to consider and weigh stakeholders concerns and expectations in the process of stakeholder management. Aligning with Simons LOC literature, strong evidence is found to suggest MCS can be used in a dynamic and multi-layered way in managing stakeholders sustainability requirements. Secondly, the influences of the external use of MCS on the case organisation s sustainability strategy have been revealed. Empirical evidence provides comprehensive understanding of three key stakeholders levels of influence (i) top- down, (ii) mediated and (iii) collaborative relationship, to case organisation s sustainability strategy. Each is provided with specific strategic motivation(s) and is achieved through the mobilisation of MCS between the case organisation and stakeholders. Lastly, the research comprehends the use of MCS by the managers to manage sustainability-related strategic decision-making. Findings show that MCS are used in a variety of ways to manage strategy formation and strategy implementation. Both positive and negative controls are important for an intended sustainability strategy to be successful. The academic literature suggests that interactive control systems can be deployed to manage strategy formation, as originated by Simons (1995). This research suggests that such systems are also used by external stakeholders, namely for strategic decision-making; and this allows managers to cope with both the fluidity of a sustainability strategy, as well as responding to external changes