462 research outputs found

    I-care-an interaction system for the individual activation of people with dementia

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    I-CARE is a hand-held activation system that allows professional and informal caregivers to cognitively and socially activate people with dementia in joint activation sessions without special training or expertise. I-CARE consists of an easy-to-use tablet application that presents activation content and a server-based backend system that securely manages the contents and events of activation sessions. It tracks various sources of explicit and implicit feedback from user interactions and different sensors to estimate which content is successful in activating individual users. Over the course of use, I-CARE’s recommendation system learns about the individual needs and resources of its users and automatically personalizes the activation content. In addition, information about past sessions can be retrieved such that activations seamlessly build on previous sessions while eligible stakeholders are informed about the current state of care and daily form of their protegees. In addition, caregivers can connect with supervisors and professionals through the I-CARE remote calling feature, to get activation sessions tracked in real time via audio and video support. In this way, I-CARE provides technical support for a decentralized and spontaneous formation of ad hoc activation groups and fosters tight engagement of the social network and caring community. By these means, I-CARE promotes new care infrastructures in the community and the neighborhood as well as relieves professional and informal caregivers

    Generic adaptation framework for unifying adaptive web-based systems

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    The Generic Adaptation Framework (GAF) research project first and foremost creates a common formal framework for describing current and future adaptive hypermedia (AHS) and adaptive webbased systems in general. It provides a commonly agreed upon taxonomy and a reference model that encompasses the most general architectures of the present and future, including conventional AHS, and different types of personalization-enabling systems and applications such as recommender systems (RS) personalized web search, semantic web enabled applications used in personalized information delivery, adaptive e-Learning applications and many more. At the same time GAF is trying to bring together two (seemingly not intersecting) views on the adaptation: a classical pre-authored type, with conventional domain and overlay user models and data-driven adaptation which includes a set of data mining, machine learning and information retrieval tools. To bring these research fields together we conducted a number GAF compliance studies including RS, AHS, and other applications combining adaptation, recommendation and search. We also performed a number of real systems’ case-studies to prove the point and perform a detailed analysis and evaluation of the framework. Secondly it introduces a number of new ideas in the field of AH, such as the Generic Adaptation Process (GAP) which aligns with a layered (data-oriented) architecture and serves as a reference adaptation process. This also helps to understand the compliance features mentioned earlier. Besides that GAF deals with important and novel aspects of adaptation enabling and leveraging technologies such as provenance and versioning. The existence of such a reference basis should stimulate AHS research and enable researchers to demonstrate ideas for new adaptation methods much more quickly than if they had to start from scratch. GAF will thus help bootstrap any adaptive web-based system research, design, analysis and evaluation

    Simulating social relations in multi-agent systems

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    Open distributed systems are comprised of a large number of heterogeneous nodes with disparate requirements and objectives, a number of which may not conform to the system specification. This thesis argues that activity in such systems can be regulated by using distributed mechanisms inspired by social science theories regarding similarity /kinship, trust, reputation, recommendation and economics. This makes it possible to create scalable and robust agent societies which can adapt to overcome structural impediments and provide inherent defence against malicious and incompetent action, without detriment to system functionality and performance. In particular this thesis describes: • an agent based simulation and animation platform (PreSage), which offers the agent developer and society designer a suite of powerful tools for creating, simulating and visualising agent societies from both a local and global perspective. • a social information dissemination system (SID) based on principles of self organisation which personalises recommendation and directs information dissemination. • a computational socio-cognitive and economic framework (CScEF) which integrates and extends socio-cognitive theories of trust, reputation and recommendation with basic economic theory. • results from two simulation studies investigating the performance of SID and the CScEF. The results show the production of a generic, reusable and scalable platform for developing and animating agent societies, and its contribution to the community as an open source tool. Secondly specific results, regarding the application of SID and CScEF, show that revealing outcomes of using socio-technical mechanisms to condition agent interactions can be demonstrated and identified by using Presage.Open Acces


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    Collaboration has been an area of interest in many domains including education, research, healthcare supply chain, Internet of things, and music etc. It enhances problem solving through expertise sharing, ideas sharing, learning and resource sharing, and improved decision making. To address the limitations in the existing literature, this dissertation presents a design science artifact and a conceptual model for collaborative environment. The first artifact is a blockchain based collaborative information exchange system that utilizes blockchain technology and semi-automated ontology mappings to enable secure and interoperable health information exchange among different health care institutions. The conceptual model proposed in this dissertation explores the factors that influences professionals continued use of video- conferencing applications. The conceptual model investigates the role the perceived risks and benefits play in influencing professionals’ attitude towards VC apps and consequently its active and automatic use

    Developing and Facilitating Temporary Team Mental Models Through an Information-Sharing Recommender System

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    It is well understood that teams are essential and common in many aspects of life, both work and leisure. Due to the importance of teams, much research attention has focused on how to improve team processes and outcomes. Of particular interest are the cognitive aspects of teamwork including team mental models (TMMs). Among many other benefits, TMMs involve team members forming a compatible understanding of the task and team in order to more efficiently make decisions. This understanding is sometimes classified using four TMM domains: equipment (e.g., operating procedures), task (e.g., strategies), team interactions (e.g., interdependencies) and teammates (e.g., tendencies). Of particular interest to this dissertation is accelerating the development of teammate TMMs which include members understanding the knowledge, skills, attitudes, preferences, and tendencies of their teammates. An accurate teammate TMM allows teams to predict and account for the needs and behaviors of their teammates. Although much research has highlighted how the development of the four TMM domains can be supported, promoting the development of teammate TMMs is particularly challenging for a specific type of team: temporary teams. Temporary teams, in contrast to ongoing teams, involve unknown teammates, novel tasks, short task times (alternatively limited interactions), and members disbanding after completing their task. These teams are increasingly used by organizations as they can be agilely formed with individual members selected to accomplish a specific task. Such teams are commonly used in contexts such as film production, the military, emergency response, and software development, just to name a few. Importantly, although these teams benefit greatly from teammate TMMs due to the efficiencies gained in decision making while working under limited deadlines, the literature is severely limited in understanding how to support temporary teams in this way. As prior research has suggested, an opportunity to accelerate teammate TMM development on temporary teams is through the use of technology to selectively share teammate information to support these TMMs. However, this solution poses numerous privacy concerns. This dissertation uses four studies to create a foundational and thorough understanding of how recommender system technology can be used to promote teammate TMMs through information sharing while limiting privacy concerns. Study 1 takes a highly exploratory approach to set a foundation for future dissertation studies. This study investigates what information is perceived to be helpful for promoting teammate TMMs on actual temporary teams. Qualitative data suggests that sharing teammate information related to skills/preferences, conflict management styles, and work ethic/reliability is perceived as beneficial to supporting teammate TMMs. Also, this data provides a foundational understanding for what should be involved in information-sharing recommendations for promoting teammate TMMs. Quantitative results indicate that conflict management data is perceived as more helpful and appropriate to share than personality data. Study 2 investigates the presentation of these recommendations through the factors of anonymity and explanations. Although explanations did not improve trust or satisfaction in the system, providing recommendations associated with a specific teammate name significantly improved several team measures associated with TMMs for actual temporary teams compared to teams who received anonymous recommendations. This study also sheds light on what temporary team members perceive as the benefits to sharing this information and what they perceive as concerns to their privacy. Study 3 investigates how the group/team context and individual differences can influence disclosure behavior when using an information-sharing recommender system. Findings suggest that members of teams who are fully assessed as a team are more willing to unconditionally disclose personal information than members who are assessed as an individual or members who are mixed assessed as an individual and a team. The results also show how different individual differences and different information types are associated with disclosure behavior. Finally, Study 4 investigates how the occurrence and content of explanations can influence disclosure behavior and system perceptions of an information-sharing recommender system. Data from this study highlights how benefit explanations provided during disclosure can increase disclosure and explanations provided during recommendations can influence perceptions of trust competence. Meanwhile, benefit-related explanations can decrease privacy concerns. The aforementioned studies fill numerous research gaps relating to teamwork literature (i.e., TMMs and temporary teams) and recommender system research. In addition to contributions to these fields, this dissertation results in design recommendations that inform both the design of group recommender systems and the novel technology conceptualized through this dissertation, information-sharing recommender systems

    SHELDON Smart habitat for the elderly.

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    An insightful document concerning active and assisted living under different perspectives: Furniture and habitat, ICT solutions and Healthcare

    User Perceived Qualities and Acceptance of Recommender Systems:The Role of Diversity

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    Recommender systems have become important, as users are faced with an ever-increasing amount of information available on internet. Much of the research work on the topic has been focused on recommendation techniques, aiming at improving the accuracy of recommended items. Today, researchers use accuracy-metrics for evaluating goodness, when in fact these do not capture users' expectations and criteria for evaluating recommendation usefulness. We must ask ourselves whether a less accurate recommendation is necessarily a less valuable one for the user. To support this, we centre our investigations in this thesis on users, and explore their acceptance behaviours when using recommendations, and their perceived qualities. We present results in four areas. First, we study users' perceptions leading to the acceptance of recommendations and the possible long-term adoption of the system. We run two user studies using two online music recommenders relying on different recommendation techniques. Our results show that the perceived usefulness in terms of quality, and the perceived ease of use in terms of effort, are directly correlated with the users' acceptance of the recommendations. The results also show the necessity for low-involvement recommenders to be highly reactive, helping to take the users' search context into account. Secondly, we evaluate a behavioural recommender, where recommendations are made from implicitly expressed user preferences. We take profile sizes into account and compare such recommendations to an explicit search & browse interface. Our experiment reveals that users perceive the smaller effort required to use a behavioural recommender, but find the explicit solution to yield more diverse suggestions and gives them more control. Overall, users perceive both approaches as being satisfactory, providing the profile size is big enough. Thirdly, we analyse the impact on users' perceptions of a visual rendering. We designed an iconised representation of compound critiques, usually textual, and observed the differences in users' appreciation. Our results reveal that users prefer the visual interface, that it reduces their interaction efforts, and that users are attracted to apply the critiques more frequently in complex product domains, which have more product-features. In a fourth area, we examine the role of diversity of recommendations in users' acceptance. A first study shows that diversity is the dimension which most influences users' satisfaction. We also highlight that users have more confidence in their choice using an organised layout interface for the same perceived ease of use as with a list view, even though the organised layout creates longer interactions. For the first time in a study, we show that diversity correlates with the trust of users. In a second study, we use an eye-tracker to carry out an in-depth study of users' decision process. We show how the influence of a recommender increases throughout a user's purchase decision process until the decision is close to being taken. At this moment, we observed that users rely on the recommender to enhance their confidence in the purchase decision, and that they need diversity to prioritise the suggestions. To end our work, we propose a theoretical diversity-model for maximising users' overall satisfaction by balancing users' needs for recommendation accuracy and diversity throughout the decision process. In addition, we derive a set of design guidelines from all of the experimental results. They are elaborated around four primary axes: user effort, purchase intentions, complex systems and diversity

    Modeling and debiasing feedback loops in collaborative filtering recommender systems.

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven recommender systems have been gaining increasing ubiquity and influence in our daily lives, especially during time spent online on the World Wide Web or smart devices. The influence of recommender systems on who and what we can find and discover, our choices, and our behavior, has thus never been more concrete. AI can now predict and anticipate, with varying degrees of accuracy, the news article we will read, the music we will listen to, the movies we will watch, the transactions we will make, the restaurants we will eat in, the online courses we will be interested in, and the people we will connect with for various ends and purposes. For all these reasons, the automated predictions and recommendations made by AI can lead to influencing and changing human opinions, behavior, and decision making. When the AI predictions are biased, the influences can have unfair consequences on society, ranging from social polarization to the amplification of misinformation and hate speech. For instance, bias in recommender systems can affect the decision making and shift consumer behavior in an unfair way due to a phenomenon known as the feedback loop. The feedback loop is an inherent component of recommender systems because the latter are dynamic systems that involve continuous interactions with the users, whereby data collected to train a recommender system model is usually affected by the outputs of a previously trained model. This feedback loop is expected to affect the performance of the system. For instance, it can amplify initial bias in the data or model and can lead to other phenomena such as filter bubbles, polarization, and popularity bias. Up to now, it has been difficult to understand the dynamics of recommender system feedback loops, and equally challenging to evaluate the bias and filter bubbles emerging from recommender system models within such an iterative closed loop environment. In this dissertation, we study the feedback loop in the context of Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommender systems. CF systems comprise the leading family of recommender systems that rely mainly on mining the patterns of interaction between the users and items to train models that aim to predict future user interactions. Our research contributions target three aspects of recommendation, namely modeling, debiasing and evaluating feedback loops. Our research advances the state of the art in Fairness in Artificial Intelligence on several fronts: (1) We propose and validate a new theoretical model, based on Martingale differences, to model the recommender system feedback loop, and allow a better understanding of the dynamics of filter bubbles and user discovery. (2) We propose a Transformer-based deep learning architecture and algorithm to learn diverse representations for users and items in order to increase the diversity in the recommendations. Our evaluation experiments on real world datasets demonstrate that our transformer model recommends 14\% more diverse items and improves the novelty of the recommendation by more than 20\%. (3) We propose a new simulation and experimentation framework that allows studying and tracking the evolution of bias metrics in a feedback loop setting, for a variety of recommendation modeling algorithms. Our preliminary findings, using the new simulation framework show that recommender systems are deeply affected by the feedback loop, and that without an adequate debiasing or exploration strategy, this feedback loop limits the discovery of the user and increases the disparity in exposure between items that can be recommended. To help the research and practice community in studying recommender system fairness, all the tools developed to model, debias, and evaluate recommender systems are made available to the public as open source software libraries \footnote{https://github.com/samikhenissi/TheoretUserModeling}. (4) We propose a novel learnable dynamic debiasing strategy that learns an optimal rescaling parameter for the predicted rating and achieves a better trade-off between accuracy and debiasing. We focus on solving the popularity bias of the items and test our method using our proposed simulation framework and show the effectiveness of using a learnable debiasing degree to produce better results
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