7 research outputs found

    Pedagogical approaches for e-assessment with authentication and authorship verification in Higher Education

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    Checking the identity of students and authorship of their online submissions is a major concern in Higher Education due to the increasing amount of plagiarism and cheating using the Internet. The literature on the effects of e-authentication systems for teaching staff is very limited because it is a novel procedure for them. A considerable gap is to understand teaching staff’ views regarding the use of e-authentication instruments and how they impact trust in e-assessment. This mixed-method study examines the concerns and practices of 108 teaching staff who used the TeSLA - Adaptive Trust-based e-Assessment System in six countries: UK, Spain, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Finland and Turkey. The findings revealed some technological, organisational and pedagogical issues related to accessibility, security, privacy and e-assessment design and feedback. Recommendations are to provide: a FAQ and an audit report with results, to raise awareness about data security and privacy, to develop policies and guidelines about fraud detection and prevention, e-assessment best practices and course team support

    Acceptability of the e-authentication in higher education studies: views of students with special educational needs and disabilities

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    Trust-based e-assessment systems are increasingly important in the digital age for both academic institutions and students, including students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Recent literature indicates a growing number of studies about e-authentication and authorship verification for quality assurance with more flexible modes of assessment. Yet understanding the acceptability of e-authentication systems among SEND students is underexplored. This study examines SEND students’ views about the use of e-authentication systems, including perceived advantages and disadvantages of new technology-enhanced assessment. This study aims to shed light on this area by examining the attitudes of 267 SEND students who used, or were aware of, an authentication system known as adaptive trust-based e-assessment system for learning (TeSLA). The results suggest a broadly positive acceptability of these e-authentication technologies by SEND students. In the view of these students, the key advantages are the ability of proving the originality of their work, and trust-based e-assessment results; the key disadvantages are the possibility that the technology might not work or present wrong outputs in terms of cheating


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    ABSTRAK Dinda Messy Nur Anisa (2022): kepraktisan Dari Google Form Sebagai Aplikasi Penilaian Siswa Di Kelas Delapan SMP N 1 kampar Penelitian ini dilakukan karena kesulitan siswa terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepraktisan penggunaan Google fom pada saat evaluasi pembelajaran. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif yang berfokus pada satu variable. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas delapan SMPN 1 Kampar. Jumlah total populasi adalah 57 siswa. Untuk memilih sample, peneliti menggunakan teknik census sampling, dimana teknik ini memeiliki populasi dibawah 200. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner sebanyak 20 item dengan poin skala Likert untuk mngumpulkan data melalui program SPSS.16.00. Yang mana hasil dari responden 74% dengan menggunakan Google form mudah dan praktis untuk siswa, 68% media pembelajaran (Google form) mudah digunakan pada saat pengumpulan tugas (evaluasi), 67% degan membuat Google form juga dapat mendukung program penghematan kertas, 70% dengan menggunakan media (internet) berfunngsi dengan mudah, cepat dan murah dalam megumpulkan tugas.hasil dari penelitian ini yang sebagian besar responden sadari bahwa Google form praktis digunakan pada saat evaluasi pembelajaran.. selain itu Google form fleksible digunakan oleh siswa pada saat mengerjakan tugas (evaluasi). Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Media Google form , penilaian sisw

    Hubungan Antara Desain Visual Media Teknologi Informasi dengan Psikomotor, Kognitif, Afektif, dan Kinerja Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (Studi Kasus: Website E-Government)

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    Adanya landasan hukum yang merumuskan terkait pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk kepentingan pelayanan publik dan administrasi pemerintahan membuat pemerintah pusat maupun daerah berlomba dalam membuat e-Government. Namun, pesatnya perkembangan e-Government tidak serta merta diikuti oleh tingkat penerimaan oleh penggunanya. Rendahnya penerimaan e-government oleh pengguna internal pemerintahan maupun masyarakat dipengaruhi dari tingkat kemudahan penggunaanya (perceive ease of use atau usability). Berdasarkan aspek kemudahan penggunaan tersebut, penting bagi perancang atau pengembang teknologi informasi untuk memahami dan menyesuaikan desain visual dari media teknologi informasi dengan target penggunanya. Dalam merancang sebuah desain visual, perancang juga diminta untuk mempertimbangkan aspek psikomotor, kognitif, dan afektif pengguna guna mengoptimalkan kinerja penggunaan media teknologi informasi khususnya website. Ketiga aspek tersebut yang umum digunakan pengguna untuk mengevaluasi apakah sebuah inovasi teknologi dapat diterima. Penelitian yang dilakukan kepada 41 responden dalam enam rangkaian eksperimen menggunakan alat MindWave (gelombang otak) dan The Eye Tribe Tracker (gerak mata) serta Ogama (gerak tangan) menunjukkan bahwa setiap komponen desain visual memiliki pengaruh berbeda terhadap aspek psikomotor, kognitif, dan afektif pengguna. Namun komponen desain berupa warna merupakan komponen yang paling mempengaruhi penilaian pengguna terhadap sebuah desain website. Berdasarkan, hasil pengujian model struktural dan model pengukuran dengan SmartPLS menunjukkan bahwa aspek afektif merupakan human aspect yang mempengaruhi kinerja penggunaan website. Sedangkan kedua aspek lainnya yaitu psikomotor dan kognitif tidak mempengaruhi kinerja penggunaan website secara signifikan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh juga belum dapat menemukan bukti pengaruh afektif terhadap kognitif. Komponen desain visual berupa layout, warna dan tipografi mampu memoderasi secara positif dan signifikan terhadap hubungan aspek afektif dengan kinerja penggunaan website. Namun, tidak memiliki efek moderasi terhadap hubungan psikomotor dan kognitif terhadap kinerja penggunaan website. ======================================================================================== The existence of constitutions that related to the utilization of information technology for the benefit of public service and government administration make the central and regional government compete in making e-Government. However, the rapid development of e-Government is not necessarily followed by the level of acceptance by its users. The low acceptance of e-government by internal users of government and society is influenced from the ease of use of e-government. Based on this aspect, it is important for the designer or developer of information technology to understand and adjust the visual design of the information technology medium to target users. In designing a visual design, the designer is also asked to consider the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of the user in order to optimize the performance of the use of information technology medium especially website. These three aspects are commonly used by users to evaluate whether a technological innovation is acceptable. A study conducted on 41 respondents of six experiments using MindWave (brain wave) and The Eye Tribe Tracker (gaze movement), and OGAMA (hand movement) show that each component of visual design has a different effect on the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of the user. Color are the components that most influence the user's assessment of a website design. Based on the results of structural model testing and measurement model with SmartPLS shows that the affective is a human aspect that affect the performance of information technology usage especially website. While the other aspects, psychomotor and cognitive, does not affect the performance of the use of information technology significantly. The results obtained also have not been able to find evidence of affective relations with cognitive. Visual design components such as layout, color and typography can moderate positively and significantly to affective aspect relationship with performance of information technology media usage. However, it does not have a moderating effect on psychomotor and cognitive relationships on performance

    "Make sense of it!": The Role of Mediation and Perceived-Benefit in an Online Learning Environment

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    The use of online learning platforms has significantly influenced critical understanding on the role of mediation and perceived-benefit. Those who are involved in an online learning environment have to expend effort to make sense of their virtual interaction. The goal in any online learning environment is to achieve authentic interaction. This conceptual research proposes two pillars in the rationalisation of virtual interaction. First, the existence of mediation should be based on its function as a medium to trigger active participation. Within this perspective the concept of involvement is explored. Second, there should be a mechanism to develop perceived-benefit orientation through which all parties involved in the interaction can achieve collective agreement, i.e. they can satisfy their own interests. Some Practical implication are also discussed