1,368 research outputs found

    Industry 4.0 Competencies as the Core of Online Engineering Laboratories

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    Online laboratories are widely used in higher engineering education and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have taken on an even greater relevance. At Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, well-established techniques such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Project-Oriented Learning (POL) and Research-Based Learning (RBL) have been implemented over the years, and over the past year, have been successfully incorporated into the students’ learning process within online and remote laboratories. Nevertheless, these learning techniques do not include an element which is crucial in today’s industrialized world: Industry 4.0 competencies. Therefore, this work aims to describe a pedagogical approach in which the development of Industry based competencies complements the aforementioned learning techniques. The use and creation of virtual environments and products is merged with the understanding of fundamental engineering concepts. Further, a measurement of the students’ perceived self-efficacy related to this pedagogical approach is carried out, focusing on the physiological states and mastery experiences of the students. An analysis of its results is presented as well as a discussion on these findings, coupled with the perspectives from different key stakeholders on the importance of the educational institutions’ involvement in developing Industry 4.0 competencies in engineering students. Finally, comments regarding additional factors which play a role in the educational process, but were not studied at this time, as well as additional areas of interest are given

    Characterizing smart environments as interactive and collective platforms: A review of the key behaviors of responsive architecture

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    Since architect Nicholas Negroponte first proposed a vision of responsive architecture smart environments have been widely investigated, especially in the fields of computer science and engineering. Despite growing interest in the topic, a comprehensive review of research about smart environments from the architectural perspective is largely missing. In order to provide a formal understanding of smart environments in architecture, this paper conducts a systematic literature review of scholarly sources over the last decade, focusing on four related subjects: (1) responsive architecture, (2) kinetic architecture, (3) adaptive architecture and (4) intelligent buildings. Through this review, the paper identifies and examines interactive and collective behaviors in smart environments, thereby contributing to defining the properties of creative, smart spaces in the contemporary digital ecosystem. In addition, this research offers a means of systematically characterizing and constructing smart environments as interactive and collective platforms, enabling occupants to sense, experience and understand smart spaces

    Development and implementation of technologies for physical telerehabilitation in Latin America:

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    La telerehabilitation ha surgido debido a la inclusión de tecnologías emergentes para la captura, transmisión, análisis y visualización de patrones de movimiento asociados a pacientes con trastornos músculo-esqueléticos. Esta estrategia permite llevar a cabo procesos de diagnóstico y tratamientos de rehabilitación a distancia. Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática del desarrollo e implementación actual de las tecnologías de telerehabilitación en la región latinoamericana. El objetivo principal es explorar, a partir de la literatura científica reportada y fuentes divulgativas, si las tecnologías de telerehabilitación han logrado ser introducidas en esta región. Asimismo, este trabajo revela los prototipos actuales o sistemas que están en desarrollo o que ya están siendo usados. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática, mediante dos búsquedas diferentes. La primera implicó una búsqueda bibliográfica rigurosa en los repositorios digitales científicos más relevantes en el área y la segunda incluyó proyectos y programas de telerehabilitación implementados en la región, encontrados a partir de una búsqueda avanzada en Google. Se encontró un total de 53 documentos de seis países (Colombia, Brasil, México, Ecuador, Chile y Argentina); la mayoría de ellos estaban enfocados en iniciativas académicas y de investigación para el desarrollo de prototipos tecnológicos para telerehabilitación de pacientes pediátricos y adultos mayores, afectados por deficiencias motoras o funcionales, parálisis cerebral, enfermedades neurocognitivas y accidente cerebrovascular. El análisis de estos documentos reveló la necesidad de un extenso enfoque integrado de salud y sistema social para aumentar la disponibilidad actual de iniciativas de telerehabilitación en la región latinoamericana.Telerehabilitation has arised by the inclusion of emerging technologies for capturing, transmitting, analyzing and visualizing movement patterns associated to musculoskeletal disorders. This therapeutic strategy enables to carry out diagnosis processes and provide rehabilitation treatments. This paper presents a systematic review of the current development and implementation of telerehabilitation technologies in Latin America. The main goal is to explore the scientific literature and dissemination sources to establish if such technologies have been introduced in this region. Likewise, this work highlights existing prototypes or systems that are to being used or that are still under development. A systematic search strategy was conducted by two different searches: the first one involves a rigorous literature search from the most relevant scientific digital repositories; the second one included telerehabilitation projects and programs retrieved by an advanced Google search. A total of 53 documents from six countries (Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina) were found. Most of them were focused on academic and research initiatives to develop in-home telerehabilitation technologies for pediatric and elderly populations affected by motor and functional impairment, cerebral palsy, neurocognitive disorders and stroke. The analysis of the findings revealed the need for a comprehensive approach that integrates health care and the social system to increase the current availability of telerehabilitation initiatives in Latin America

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Virtual laboratories for education in science, technology, and engineering: A review

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    Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and Engineering are still relatively behind when using new technological approaches (particularly for online distance learning). The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that these fields often require laboratory exercises to provide effective skill acquisition and hands-on experience. Often it is difficult to make these laboratories accessible for online access. Either the real lab needs to be enabled for remote access or it needs to be replicated as a fully software-based virtual lab. We argue for the latter concept since it offers some advantages over remotely controlled real labs, which will be elaborated further in this paper. We are now seeing new emerging technologies that can overcome some of the potential difficulties in this area. These include: computer graphics, augmented reality, computational dynamics, and virtual worlds. This paper summarizes the state of the art in virtual laboratories and virtual worlds in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. The main research activity in these fields is discussed but special emphasis is put on the field of robotics due to the maturity of this area within the virtual-education community. This is not a coincidence; starting from its widely multidisciplinary character, robotics is a perfect example where all the other fields of engineering and physics can contribute. Thus, the use of virtual labs for other scientific and non-robotic engineering uses can be seen to share many of the same learning processes. This can include supporting the introduction of new concepts as part of learning about science and technology, and introducing more general engineering knowledge, through to supporting more constructive (and collaborative) education and training activities in a more complex engineering topic such as robotics. The objective of this paper is to outline this problem space in more detail and to create a valuable source of information that can help to define the starting position for future research

    Effects of sensory cueing in virtual motor rehabilitation. A review.

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    Objectives To critically identify studies that evaluate the effects of cueing in virtual motor rehabilitation in patients having different neurological disorders and to make recommendations for future studies. Methods Data from MEDLINE®, IEEExplore, Science Direct, Cochrane library and Web of Science was searched until February 2015. We included studies that investigate the effects of cueing in virtual motor rehabilitation related to interventions for upper or lower extremities using auditory, visual, and tactile cues on motor performance in non-immersive, semi-immersive, or fully immersive virtual environments. These studies compared virtual cueing with an alternative or no intervention. Results Ten studies with a total number of 153 patients were included in the review. All of them refer to the impact of cueing in virtual motor rehabilitation, regardless of the pathological condition. After selecting the articles, the following variables were extracted: year of publication, sample size, study design, type of cueing, intervention procedures, outcome measures, and main findings. The outcome evaluation was done at baseline and end of the treatment in most of the studies. All of studies except one showed improvements in some or all outcomes after intervention, or, in some cases, in favor of the virtual rehabilitation group compared to the control group. Conclusions Virtual cueing seems to be a promising approach to improve motor learning, providing a channel for non-pharmacological therapeutic intervention in different neurological disorders. However, further studies using larger and more homogeneous groups of patients are required to confirm these findings

    Software Systems Engineering for Cyber Physical Production Systems

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    This project solves the problem of easy adaption and usage of CPPS by small scale industries, With this project it has been tried to develop a methodology of requirement engineering for CPPS system and finally the whole system. We have developed the approach right from requirement engineering to mapping into IEC61499 function blocks and then to deployment to a physical devices. This work can be a good foundation and support for scientific communities or industialist to easily implement requirement engineering of a small scale systems for CPPS and thus build a 21st century production system with this and reap its enormous benefits.Cyber physical production systems are the future of production systems not only in europe but in the entire world. It brings with itself huge benefits and popularly attributes to Industry 4.0 also. These are automated systems where physical systems are monitored and controlled by computer based algorithms in real time. Traditional systems have certain disadvantages and are limited in terms of hours of operation as it is governed by manpowers and the type of products that can be produced without making much changes in the production configuration and the speed of production of products. In europe, a lot of research is going on, particularly in germany and in the United states too for upgrading major physical systems and manufacturing systems. Some examples of such systems are smart factory, smart grid, autonomous automobile systems, automatic pilot avionics, robotics systems etc. The main goal of this thesis is to define a set of methodologies for easing the process of implementation of the CPPS(cyber physical production systems) system on small and medium industries so that the adoption rate for such industries can be high. There is no methodology yet particularly for CPPS systems for small and medium industries, although we have methodologies in place for large industries. In order to do so, first study was done for challenges in developing a requirement engineering process in section 3 and how it is different from a typical software system. An approach has been developed based on existing information available on large systems and CPPS and some software engineering frameworks like MODAF and TOGAF. A proposal for the process and some diagrams and tools has been made in section 4. To validate the proposed approach we have taken a synthetic test case of a pizza production system and implemented all the approaches to transform it into a cyber physical production system right from requirement and UML diagrams to the final function block approach. With this set of approaches,there is now a basis for software development methodology for small and medium industries particularly. With these approaches the adoption rate can be really high for such industries bringing out traditional industries more to the 21st century forefront
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