72,492 research outputs found

    Proposal for an Object Oriented Process Modeling Language

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    Processes are very important for the success within many business fields. They define the proper application of methods, technologies and company structures in order to reach business goals. Not only manufacturing processes have to be defined from the start point to their end, also other processes like product development processes need a proper description to gain success. For example in automotive industries complex product development processes are necessary and defined prior to product development. Over the last decades several product modeling languages have been developed moving to object oriented modeling languages, such as UML, but the used process modeling languages are still procedural. The paradigm shift caused by object oriented description within product modeling languages has to be transferred to process modeling languages. This paper introduces an object oriented approach for process modeling. Using UML as a starting point an object oriented process modeling method is differentiated. The basic concepts which are needed for process modeling are put into an object oriented context and are explained. The paper also deals with the most important methods behind object oriented process modeling and gives an outlook, what can be achieved by this approach

    V3CMM: a 3-view component meta-model for model-driven robotic software development

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    There are many voices in the robotics community demanding a qualitative improvement in the robotics software development process and tools, in order to increase product flexibility, adaptability, and overall quality, while reducing its cost and time-to-market. This article describes a first step towards a model-driven approach to robotics software development, based on the definition of highly reusable and platform-independent component-based design models. The proposed approach revolves around the V3CMM modeling language and the definition of different model transformations for deriving both special purpose models (e.g., models suited for analysis or simulation purposes) and lower-level design models, in which platform-specific and application-dependent details can be progressively included. The article describes the tool-chain implemented to support the different stages of the proposed MDE process, including (1) the definition of component-based architectural models, defined using the V3CMM platform-independent modeling language, (2) the automatic transformation of the V3CMM component-based models into equivalent object-oriented designs, described in terms of the UML standard, and (3) the transformation of the UML models into an the Ada 2005 object-oriented programming language. In order to show the feasibility and the benefits of the proposal, a simple (yet complete) case study regarding the design of a Cartesian robot is presented.This research has been funded by the Spanish CICYT Project EXPLORE (ref. TIN2009-08572), the Fundación Séneca Regional Project COMPAS-R (ref. 11994/PI/09), and the Spanish Research Network on Model-Driven Software Development (ref. TIN2008-00889-E)


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    Abstract—In a corporate environment the computer is an absolute tool used for the implementation of computerbased information systems become an absolute necessity and can provide a competitive advantage, so it gets high priorities. With the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to support the description and design of software systems, especially systems that are built using object-oriented programming. To achieve progress in terms of services and facilitate the work, it is necessary to repair, especially in companies engaged in services as one of the security services. Start of the process of securing approval of a proposal by the company's service users, Recruitment security (security), selection, training, job placement company security personnel to service users through the reporting process. Intisari—Didalam lingkungan perusahaan komputer adalah alat mutlak yang dipergunakan untuk penerapan sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer menjadi kebutuhan yang mutlak dan dapat memberikan keunggulan kompetitif, sehingga mendapat perioritas yang tinggi. Dengan adanya Unified Modeling Language (UML) dapat membantu pendeskripsian dan desain sistem perangkat lunak, khususnya sistem yang dibangun menggunakan pemrograman berorientasi objek. Untuk mencapai kemajuan dalam hal pelayanan dan mempermudah pekerjaan, maka perlu diadakan perbaikan terutama pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa seperti salah satunya jasa pengamanan. Mulai dari proses disetujuinya proposal pengamanan oleh perusahaan pengguna jasa, penerimaan tenaga pengamanan (security), seleksi, pelatihan, penempatan tugas tenaga pengamanan ke perusahaan pengguna jasa sampai dengan proses pembuatan laporan.Abstract—In a corporate environment the computer is an absolute tool used for the implementation of computerbased information systems become an absolute necessity and can provide a competitive advantage, so it gets high priorities. With the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to support the description and design of software systems, especially systems that are built using object-oriented programming. To achieve progress in terms of services and facilitate the work, it is necessary to repair, especially in companies engaged in services as one of the security services. Start of the process of securing approval of a proposal by the company's service users, Recruitment security (security), selection, training, job placement company security personnel to service users through the reporting process

    Conceptual Spaces in Object-Oriented Framework

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    The aim of this paper is to show that the middle level of mental representations in a conceptual spaces framework is consistent with the OOP paradigm. We argue that conceptual spaces framework together with vague prototype theory of categorization appears to be the most suitable solution for modeling the cognitive apparatus of humans, and that the OOP paradigm can be easily and intuitively reconciled with this framework. First, we show that the prototypebased OOP approach is consistent with Gärdenfors’ model in terms of structural coherence. Second, we argue that the product of cloning process in a prototype-based model is in line with the structure of categories in Gärdenfors’ proposal. Finally, in order to make the fuzzy object-oriented model consistent with conceptual space, we demonstrate how to define membership function in a more cognitive manner, i.e. in terms of similarity to prototype

    The i* framework for goal-oriented modeling

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39417-6i* is a widespread framework in the software engineering field that supports goal-oriented modeling of socio-technical systems and organizations. At its heart lies a language offering concepts such as actor, dependency, goal and decomposition. i* models resemble a network of interconnected, autonomous, collaborative and dependable strategic actors. Around this language, several analysis techniques have emerged, e.g. goal satisfaction analysis and metrics computation. In this work, we present a consolidated version of the i* language based on the most adopted versions of the language. We define the main constructs of the language and we articulate them in the form of a metamodel. Then, we implement this version and a concrete technique, goal satisfaction analys is based on goal propagation, using ADOxx. Throughout the chapter, we used an example based on open source software adoption to illustrate the concepts and test the implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft