336 research outputs found

    Diseño de aprendizaje de un MOOC de programación y robótica para profesores y educadores/as de infantil

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    In early childhood, the curricular integration of computational thinking, programming, and robotics topics is ever more pressing. Therefore, preparing teachers and educators to implement this integration in the curriculum is fundamental. In the project «Laboratory of Technologies and Learning of Programming and Robotics in basic and pre-school education in Portugal», the proposal of a MOOC was designed to meet this demand. This paper discusses aspects of the architecture of MOOCs, and their typologies, in the context of the challenges that the researchers encountered in the design process of the present MOOC. To do so, the Interaction Equivalency Theorem was considered, which equates the fundamental types of interaction to be considered in course design (learner-instructor; learner-content; learner-learner). Considering that learning design is both a process and a product the design of the MOOC is analysed in terms of its socio-technical context and systemic tensions present in work-based learning. Through a qualitative analysis of an individual interview and of a focus group, the paper describes formal and informal interactions and attempts to define a common vision, consensus, and divergences and contradictions that are part of the learning design process. Finally, the MOOC is presented, and its pedagogical design is substantiated.En la primera infancia, la integración curricular del pensamiento computacional, la programación y la robótica es cada vez más urgente, y es esencial preparar a los profesores y educadores para aplicarla. En el proyecto "Laboratório de Tecnologias e Aprendizagem de Programação e Robótica no Ensino Primário e Pré-Escolar em Portugal", se diseñó un MOOC para responder a esta demanda. Este artículo analiza aspectos de la arquitectura de los MOOC y sus tipologías, en el contexto de los retos encontrados durante el diseño de este MOOC. Se tuvo en cuenta el Teorema de la Equivalencia de la Interacción, que considera los tipos de interacción que deben tenerse en cuenta al diseñar un curso (alumnoinstructor; alumno-contenido; alumno-aprendizaje). Considerando que el diseño del aprendizaje es tanto un proceso como un producto, el diseño de los MOOC se analiza en función de su contexto sociotécnico y de las tensiones sistémicas del aprendizaje en contexto de trabajo. Mediante el análisis cualitativo de una entrevista individual y de un grupo de discusión, se describen las interacciones y se intenta definir una visión común, las divergencias y las contradicciones que forman parte del proceso de aprendizaje. Por último, se presenta el MOOC y se fundamenta su diseño pedagógico.Research performed in the scope of the Project “KML II - Laboratory of technologies and learning of programming and robotics for preschool and primary school”. Co-financed by FEDER through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) and national funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under project reference number PTDC/CEDEDG/28710/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feasibility of visualization and simulation applications to improve work zone safety and mobility

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    Visualization is a relatively recent tool available to engineers for enhancing transportation project design through improved communication, decision making, and stakeholder feedback. Current visualization techniques include image composites, video composites, 2-D drawings, drive-through or fly-through animations, three-dimensional (3-D) rendering models, virtual reality, and four-dimensional (4-D) CAD. These methods are used mainly to communicate within the design and construction team and between the team and external stakeholders. Use of visualization improves understanding of design intent and project concepts, and facilitates effective decision making. Visualization tools, however, typically are used for presentation only in large-scale urban projects. Visualization is not accepted widely due to a lack of demonstrated engineering benefits for typical agency projects, such as small and medium size projects, rural projects, and projects where external stakeholder communication is not a major issue. Furthermore, there is a perceived high cost of investment of both financial and human capital in adopting visualization tools. The most advanced visualization technique of virtual reality has been used only in academic research settings, and 4-D CAD has been used on a very limited basis for highly complicated specialty projects. However, there are a number of less technically sophisticated visualization methods available that may provide some benefit to many agency projects. Survey results show that respondents have neutral ideas of adopting visualization techniques used in work zone construction. However, t-test analyses of survey results show that the younger generation and persons familiar with technology believe visualization techniques can be useful more so than people of older generations or those who are not familiar with technology. In this dissertation, a work zone visualization model was developed by creating 3-D models linked with scheduling data. The visualization file was saved as a .kmz format file to be used and sent over the Internet. After viewing the developed work zone visualization, a focus group and project team members of the 24th Street Bridge Project believed the visualization would be useful as a low cost technique for communicating during construction and was adopted as an alternative visualization tool on the construction project website. In this dissertation, results of a feasibility study are presented examining the use of visualization applications for improving work zone planning, design, construction, safety, and mobility

    Integrating case based reasoning and geographic information systems in a planing support system: Çeşme Peninsula study

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    Thesis (Doctoral)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 110-121)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxii, 140 leavesUrban and regional planning is experiencing fundamental changes on the use of of computer-based models in planning practice and education. However, with this increased use, .Geographic Information Systems. (GIS) or .Computer Aided Design.(CAD) alone cannot serve all of the needs of planning. Computational approaches should be modified to deal better with the imperatives of contemporary planning by using artificial intelligence techniques in city planning process.The main aim of this study is to develop an integrated .Planning Support System. (PSS) tool for supporting the planning process. In this research, .Case Based Reasoning. (CBR) .an artificial intelligence technique- and .Geographic Information Systems. (GIS) .geographic analysis, data management and visualization techniqueare used as a major PSS tools to build a .Case Based System. (CBS) for knowledge representation on an operational study. Other targets of the research are to discuss the benefits of CBR method in city planning domain and to demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of this technique in a PSS. .Çeşme Peninsula. case study which applied under the desired methodology is presented as an experimental and operational stage of the thesis.This dissertation tried to find out whether an integrated model which employing CBR&GIS could support human decision making in a city planning task. While the CBS model met many of predefined goals of the thesis, both advantages and limitations have been realized from findings when applied to the complex domain such as city planning

    3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives

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    Considering sustainable development of cities implies investigating cities in a holistic way taking into account many interrelations between various urban or environmental issues. 3D city models are increasingly used in different cities and countries for an intended wide range of applications beyond mere visualization. Could these 3D City models be used to integrate urban and environmental knowledge? How could they be improved to fulfill such role? We believe that enriching the semantics of current 3D city models, would extend their functionality and usability; therefore, they could serve as integration platforms of the knowledge related to urban and environmental issues allowing a huge and significant improvement of city sustainable management and development. But which elements need to be added to 3D city models? What are the most efficient ways to realize such improvement / enrichment? How to evaluate the usability of these improved 3D city models? These were the questions tackled by the COST Action TU0801 “Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development”. This book gathers various materials developed all along the four year of the Action and the significant breakthroughs

    Representing and manipulating spatial data in interoperable systems and its industrial applications

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 123-126).Introduction: The amount of information available nowadays is staggering and increases exponentially. Making sense of this data has become increasingly difficult because of the two factors: · The sheer volume of data · The lack of interoperability between disparate data sources and models While one can do little about the former factor, the latter one can be mitigated by advancing solutions that make data easy to work with and ensure the interoperability among data sources and models in intelligent networks. One way to achieve interoperability is to force every entity involved in the data exchange to adopt the same standard. However, organizations have heavily invested in proprietary data standards and are unlikely to replace their existing standards with a new one. Therefore, another solution is to create a standard, through which organizations can translate their data sources and share them with their customers or general community. The MIT Data Center is spearheading an initiative to create M - a language that is capable to provide the much needed interoperability between divergent data sources and models with an ultimate goal of creating a new intelligent information infrastructure (Brock, Schuster and Kutz 2006).by Marat Zborovskiy.S.M

    Mission aware fligth planning for unmanned aerial systems

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    Assessment of OGC Web Processing Services for REST principles

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    Recent distributed computing trends advocate the use of REpresentational State Transfer (REST) to alleviate the inherent complexity of the web services standards in building service-oriented web applications. In this paper we focus on the particular case of geospatial services interfaced by the OGC web processing service (WPS) specification in order to assess whether WPS-based geospatial services can be viewed from the architectural principles exposed in REST. Our concluding remarks suggest that the adoption of REST principles, to specially harness the built-in mechanisms of the HTTP application protocol, may be beneficial in scenarios where ad hoc composition of geoprocessing services are required, common for most non-expert users of geospatial information infrastructures

    Designing a generic user interface for distribution of open geodata : based on FME server technology

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    There are currently numerous web services that provide the user with the opportunity to download geodata. These services are often different regarding what type of data they provide and the way they distribute the data. Another aspect that differs between these services is if the download of geodata is free of charge (open) or subject to a fee. There is currently a trend in the society striving towards more and better public access to open geodata. Hence, the number of open geodata distribution services on the web will increase. Considering the expected future of open geodata and open geodata distribution services, it is of high importance for the society to be able to establish numerous new download services in a short amount of time. In this project, a generic user interface is developed that with slight modifications can be used in several different types of open geodata distribution systems. One goal is to design and develop the user interface in a way that makes it applicable in many future projects. A number of available open geodata distribution services are studied and analyzed to be able to draw some conclusions regarding the best way to manage and distribute open geodata. Different services present different features and opportunities to assist the user in finding the wanted data sets. Some different components, user parameters, and download processes of the studied services are described and compared. Furthermore, the open geodata situation of different countries is discussed, as well as the consequences that can follow a release of open geodata. A proper design of any type of interactive product is essential, not only for pure aesthetic reasons but also for the usability of it. When developing a web application the main goal should be to improve efficiency for the user. The concept of user-centered design is to take the user into account in every part of the development. Considerations regarding usability and user centered design have to be taken during the implementation phase of this project to reach the goal of a user-friendly design and efficient download procedure. Based on feedback from the application, the user should know what to do now, but also in the next step. In this study, a generic user interface for open geodata distribution is developed. The design of the user interface is based on the comparative study of open geodata portals and on general design theories. The application was implemented in JavaScript and HTML. Developed application is considered generic since it can handle most data types and any combination of user parameters. It is working properly, and the system can because of its generic nature be used to establish many new open geodata distribution services in the future. According to a number of test persons, the application is simple and self-explanatory. The application thereby satisfies the goal of a generic and user-friendly design. This project is conducted in cooperation with Sweco Position AB in Malmö.Mängden kostnadsfria kartor som finns tillgängliga genom nedladdningstjänster på internet kommer enligt trenden i samhället att öka. I och med det kommer även antalet nedladdningstjänster öka. Att fler kan tillgå kostnadsfria kartor kommer troligtvis leda till nya produkter och tjänster som kan öka effektiviteten för både privat och offentlig sektor. Nya tjänster kan även leda till bättre service, bättre beslutsfattande och bättre samarbete mellan myndigheter och privatpersoner. Till slut kan allt leda till mindre miljöpåverkan, mindre föroreningar, bättre hälsa och vissa tidsbesparingar. Det finns i dagsläget många webbtjänster som ger användaren möjlighet att ladda ned kartor. En del av dessa erbjuder dessa mot en kostnad medan andra tjänster distribuerar sina kartor gratis. De tjänster som finns tillgängliga är ofta olika både när det gäller vilken typ av kartor som erbjuds, men också hur de distribueras. En del nedladdningsprocesser är komplicerade medan andra är mycket enkla att förstå. För att underlätta etableringen av många nya tjänster har en standardiserad applikation för ändamålet utvecklats i det här projektet. Applikationen ska med mindre ändringar kunna användas för etablerandet av flera olika typer av enkla nedladdningstjänster. Den ska automatiskt kunna anpassa sig beroende på hur man som distributör av kartdata vill utforma applikationen, och den ska dynamiskt kunna skapa listan med tillgängliga kartdata beroende på vilket område användaren är intresserad av. Utvecklandet av applikationen Interaktionsdesign innebär design av produkter som en människa kan interagera med, till exempel en kaffekokare eller en mobiltelefon. Det finns väldigt mycket teori och principer kring det här ämnet, men det blir lätt väldigt komplext eftersom alla produkter och även användare är olika. Det är svårt att utforma generella instruktioner att följa. Designen av en interaktiv produkt ska vara estetiskt tilltalande, men främst underlätta användandet av produkten. Personen som designar måste förstå hur användaren interagerar med produkten för att kunna utveckla den på ett användarvänligt sätt. Webbprodukter är exempel på interaktiva produkter, och designen av dessa är väldigt viktig för framgången för dem. För att sticka ut och attrahera användare på internet behöver produkterna vara enkla, effektiva och engagerande. Eftersom webbprodukter är mer komplicerade än till exempel kaffekokare, bör utvecklare prioritera användarvänligheten högt. Produkten ska fungera som användaren förväntar sig att den ska, helst helt självförklarande. Applikationen som utvecklas i det här projektet är ett exempel på en interaktiv produkt på internet, en bra design av den kan underlätta användandet och därmed attrahera fler användare. Syftet med applikationen är att kunna ladda ned kartor, och det ska framgå av designen. Med hjälp av designen ska användaren förstå vad hon ska göra nu, men även i nästa steg. Distributören av kartdata ska kunna addera vilken parameter som helst utan att applikationen i sig behöver ändras, designen ska därför vara anpassningsbar. Användning av applikationen Figur 7.1 i rapporten visar den framtagna applikationen som ger användaren möjlighet att ladda ned olika kartor. I panelen till vänster syns de fyra steg som användaren måste gå igenom för att tillslut komma till nedladdningen. Det första som krävs av användaren är att hon specificerar det område hon är intresserad av. När det är gjort kommer steg 2 att utökas, nu kan användaren välja vilka kartlager hon vill ladda ned. Listan som dyker upp i steg 2 skapas dynamiskt beroende på vilka lager som finns tillgängliga inom det område användaren har specificerat. I steg 3 kan användaren sedan ange inställningar för ett antal parametrar, antalet och vilka parametrar som erbjuds bestäms av distributören. I steg 4 sker nedladdningen direkt till användarens dator. Diskussion och slutsatser Mängden kostnadsfri kartdata ökar i samhället. Det innebär både positiva och negativa konsekvenser, men de positiva verkar enligt de flesta överväga de negativa. För att lättare kunna tillgå dessa kartor krävs många och enkla nedladdningstjänster. Applikationen som utvecklats i det här projektet skulle kunna användas för att förenkla etableringen av många nya nedladdningstjänster på internet. Eftersom att utvecklad applikation skulle kunna användas för att etablera många nedladdningstjänster i framtiden har det huvudsakliga målet uppnåtts. Applikationen är också användarvänlig enligt ett antal testpersoner. Applikationen är lätt att förstå och komma ihåg på grund av dess enkelhet. Den är också effektiv, nedladdningsprocessen är snabb och det går snabbt att förstå vad man som användare förväntas göra. Om man är ute efter en enkel tjänst bör denna applikation också vara tillfredsställande för användaren