436 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms for robot path planning, task allocation and collision avoidance in an automated warehouse

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research with regard to path planning, task allocation and collision avoidance is important for improving the field of warehouse automation. The dissertation addresses the topic of routing warehouse picking and binning robots. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a single objective and multi-objective algorithm framework that can sequence products to be picked or binned, allocate the products to robots and optimise the routing through the warehouse. The sequence of the picking and binning tasks ultimately determines the total time for picking and binning all of the parts. The objectives of the algorithm framework are to minimise the total time for travelling as well as the total time idling, given the number of robots available to perform the picking and binning functions. The algorithm framework incorporates collision avoidance since the aisle width does not allow two robots to pass each other. The routing problem sets the foundation for solving the sequencing and allocation problem. The best heuristic from the routing problem is used as the strategy for routing the robots in the sequencing and allocation problem. The routing heuristics used to test the framework in this dissertation include the return heuristic, the s-shape heuristic, the midpoint heuristic and the largest gap heuristic. The metaheuristic solution strategies for single objective part sequencing and allocating problem include the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm, the genetic algorithm (GA), the guaranteed convergence particle swarm optimisation (GCPSO) algorithm, and the self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with neighbourhood search (SaNSDE). The evolutionary multi-objective algorithms considered in this dissertation are the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III (NSGA-III), the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEAD), the multiple objective particle swarm optimisation (MOPSO), and the multi-objective covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (MO-CMA-ES). Solving the robot routing problem showed that the return routing heuristic outperformed the s-shape, largest gap and midpoint heuristics with a significant margin. The return heuristic was thus used for solving the routing of robots in the part sequencing and allocation problem. The framework was able to create feasible real-world solutions for the part sequencing and allocation problem. The results from the single objective problem showed that the CMA-ES algorithm outperformed the other metaheuristics on the part sequencing and allocation problem. The second best performing metaheuristic was the SaNSDE. The GA was the third best metaheuristic and the worst performing metaheuristic was the GCPSO. The multi-objective framework was able to produce feasible trade-off solutions and MOPSO was shown to be the best EMO algorithm to use for accuracy. If a large spread and number of Pareto solutions are the most important concern, MOEAD should be used. The research contributions include the incorporation of collision avoidance in the robot routing problem when using single and multi-objective algorithms as solution strategies. This dissertation contributes to the research relating to the performance of metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms on routing, sequencing, and allocation problems. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this dissertation is the first where these four metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms have been tested for solving the robot picking and binning problem, given that all collisions must be avoided. It is also the first time that this specific variation of the part sequencing and allocation problem has been solved using metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms, taking into account that all collisions must be avoided.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Navorsing in verband met roete beplanning, part allokasie en botsing vermyding is belangrik vir die bevordering van die pakhuis automatisering veld. Die verhandeling handel oor die onderwerp van parte wat gestoor en gehaal moet word en die verkillende parte moet ook gealokeer word aan ’n spesifieke robot. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om ’n enkele doelwit en ’n multidoelwit algoritme raamwerk te ontwikkel wat parte in ’n volgorde rangskik en ook die parte aan ’n robot alokeer. Die roete wat die robot moet volg deur die pakhuis moet ook geoptimeer word om die minste tyd te verg. Die volgorde van die parte bepaal uiteindelik die totale tyd wat dit neem vir die robot om al die parte te stoor en te gaan haal. Die doelwitte van die algoritme raamwerk is om die totale reistyd en die totale ledige tyd te minimeer, gegewe die aantal beskikbare robotte in die sisteem om die stoor en gaan haal funksies uit te voer. Die algoritme raamwerk bevat botsingsvermyding, aangesien die gangbreedte van die pakhuis nie toelaat dat twee robotte mekaar kan verbygaan nie. Die roete probleem lˆe die grondslag vir die oplossing van die volgorde en allokerings probleem. Die beste heuristiek vir die roete probleem word verder gebruik in die volgorde en allokerings probleem. Die verskillende roete heuristieke wat in hierdie verhandeling oorweeg was, sluit in die terugkeer heuristiek, die s-vorm heuristiek, die middelpunt heuristiek en die grootste gaping heuristiek. Die metaheuristieke vir die volgorde en allokerings probleem sluit die volgende algoritmes in: die kovariansie matriks aanpassing evolusie algoritme (CMA-ES), die genetiese algoritme (GA), die gewaarborgde konvergerende deeltjie swermoptimerings (GCPSO) algoritme, en laastens die selfaanpassende differensi¨ele evolusie algoritme met die teenwoordigheid van buurtsoek (SaNSDE). Die evolusionêre multidoelwit algoritmes wat oorweeg was vir die volgorde en allokerings probleem sluit die volgende algoritmes in: die multidoelwit kovariansie matriks aanpassing evolusie algoritme (MO-CMA-ES), die nie-dominerende sortering genetiese algoritme III (NSGA-III), die multidoelwit evolusionˆere algoritme gebaseer op ontbinding (MOEAD) en laastens die multidoelwit deeltjie swermoptimering algoritme (MOPSO) Oplossings van die robot roete probleem het gewys dat die terugkeer heuristiek die s-vorm, grootste gaping en middelpunt heuristiek met ’n beduidende marge oortref het. Die terugkeer heuristiek is dus gebruik vir die oplossing van die roete beplanning van robotte in die volgorde en allokasie probleem. Die raamwerk was doeltreffend en die resultate het getoon, vir die enkel doelwit probleem, dat die CMA-ES algoritme beter gevaar het as die ander metaheuristieke vir die volgorde en allokasie probleem. Die SaNSDE was die naas beste presterende metaheuristiek. Die GA was die derde beste metaheuristiek, en die metaheuristiek wat die slegste gevaar het, was die GCPSO. Vir die multidoelwit probleem het die MOPSO die beste gevaar, as akkuraatheid die belangrikste doelwit is. As ’n grootter verskeidenheid die belangrikste is, is die MOEAD meer geskik om ’n oplossing te vind. Die navorsingsbydraes sluit in dat vermyding van botsings in ag geneem word in die robot roete probleem. Hierdie verhandeling dra by tot die navorsing oor die oplossing van roete beplanning, volgorde en allokasie probleme met metaheuristieke. Na die beste van die outeur se kennis is hierdie die eerste keer dat al vier metaheuristieke getoets was om die robot stoor-en-gaan haal probleem op te los, onder die kondisie dat alle botsings vermy moet word. Dit is ook die eerste keer dat hierdie spesifieke variant, enkel-en-multidoelwit probleem van die volgorde en allokasie van parte met behulp van metaheuristieke en multidoelwit evolusionˆere algoritmes opgelos was, met die inagneming dat alle botsings vermy moet word.Doctora

    Simulating the Integration of Urban Air Mobility into Existing Transportation Systems: A Survey

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    Urban air mobility (UAM) has the potential to revolutionize transportation in metropolitan areas, providing a new mode of transportation that could alleviate congestion and improve accessibility. However, the integration of UAM into existing transportation systems is a complex task that requires a thorough understanding of its impact on traffic flow and capacity. In this paper, we conduct a survey to investigate the current state of research on UAM in metropolitan-scale traffic using simulation techniques. We identify key challenges and opportunities for the integration of UAM into urban transportation systems, including impacts on existing traffic patterns and congestion; safety analysis and risk assessment; potential economic and environmental benefits; and the development of shared infrastructure and routes for UAM and ground-based transportation. We also discuss the potential benefits of UAM, such as reduced travel times and improved accessibility for underserved areas. Our survey provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on UAM in metropolitan-scale traffic using simulation and highlights key areas for future research and development

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Design and optimization of an explosive storage policy in internet fulfillment warehouses

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    This research investigates the warehousing operations of internet retailers. The primary physical process in internet retail is fulfillment, which typically involves a large internet fulfillment warehouse (IFW) that has been built and designed exclusively for online sales and an accompanying parcel delivery network. Based on observational studies of IFW operations at a leading internet retailer, the investigations find that traditional warehousing methods are being replaced by new methods which better leverage information technology and efficiently serve the new internet retail driven supply chain economy. Traditional methods assume a warehouse moves bulk volumes to retail points where the bulks get broken down into individual items and sold. But in internet retail all the middle elements of a supply chain are combined into the IFW. Specifically, six key structural differentiations between traditional and IFW operations are identified: (i) explosive storage policy (ii) very large number of beehive storage locations (iii) bins with commingled SKUs (iv) immediate order fulfillment (v) short picking routes with single unit picks and (vi) high transaction volumes with total digital control. In combination, these have the effect of organizing the entire IFW warehouse like a forward picking area. Several models to describe and control IFW operations are developed and optimized. For IFWs the primary performance metric is order fulfillment time, the interval between order receipt and shipment, with a target of less than four hours to allow for same day shipment. Central to achieving this objective is an explosive storage policy which is defined as: An incoming bulk SKU is exploded into E storage lots such that no lot contains more than 10% of the received quantity, the lots are then stored in E locations anywhere in the warehouse without preset restrictions. The explosion ratio Ψo is introduced that measures the dispersion density, and show that in a randomized storage warehouse Ψoo\u3e0.40. Specific research objectives that are accomplished: (i) Develope a descriptive and prescriptive model for the control of IFW product flows identifying control variables and parameters and their relationship to the fulfillment time performance objective, (ii) Use a simulation analysis and baseline or greedy storage and picking algorithms to confirm that fulfillment time is a convex function of E and sensitive to Ǩ, the pick list size. For an experimental problem the fulfillment time decrease by 7% and 16% for explosion ratios ranging between Ψo=0.1 and 0.8, confirming the benefits of an explosive strategy, (iii) Develope the Bin Weighted Order Fillability (BWOF) heuristic, a fast order picking algorithm which estimates the number of pending orders than can be filled from a specific bin location. For small problems (120 orders) the BWOF performes well against an optimal assignment. For 45 test problems the BWOF matches the optimal in 28 cases and within 10% in five cases. For the large simulation experimental problems the BWOF heuristic further reduces fulfillment time by 18% for Ǩ =13, 27% for Ǩ =15 and 39% for Ǩ =17. The best fulfillment times are achieved at Ψo=0.5, allowing for additional benefits from faster storage times and reduced storage costs

    Modelling of interactions between rail service and travel demand: a passenger-oriented analysis

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    The proposed research is situated in the field of design, management and optimisation in railway network operations. Rail transport has in its favour several specific features which make it a key factor in public transport management, above all in high-density contexts. Indeed, such a system is environmentally friendly (reduced pollutant emissions), high-performing (high travel speeds and low values of headways), competitive (low unitary costs per seat-km or carried passenger-km) and presents a high degree of adaptability to intermodality. However, it manifests high vulnerability in the case of breakdowns. This occurs because a faulty convoy cannot be easily overtaken and, sometimes, cannot be easily removed from the line, especially in the case of isolated systems (i.e. systems which are not integrated into an effective network) or when a breakdown occurs on open tracks. Thus, re-establishing ordinary operational conditions may require excessive amounts of time and, as a consequence, an inevitable increase in inconvenience (user generalised cost) for passengers, who might decide to abandon the system or, if already on board, to exclude the railway system from their choice set for the future. It follows that developing appropriate techniques and decision support tools for optimising rail system management, both in ordinary and disruption conditions, would consent a clear influence of the modal split in favour of public transport and, therefore, encourage an important reduction in the externalities caused by the use of private transport, such as air and noise pollution, traffic congestion and accidents, bringing clear benefits to the quality of life for both transport users and non-users (i.e. individuals who are not system users). Managing to model such a complex context, based on numerous interactions among the various components (i.e. infrastructure, signalling system, rolling stock and timetables) is no mean feat. Moreover, in many cases, a fundamental element, which is the inclusion of the modelling of travel demand features in the simulation of railway operations, is neglected. Railway transport, just as any other transport system, is not finalised to itself, but its task is to move people or goods around, and, therefore, a realistic and accurate cost-benefit analysis cannot ignore involved flows features. In particular, considering travel demand into the analysis framework presents a two-sided effect. Primarily, it leads to introduce elements such as convoy capacity constraints and the assessment of dwell times as flow-dependent factors which make the simulation as close as possible to the reality. Specifically, the former allows to take into account the eventuality that not all passengers can board the first arriving train, but only a part of them, due to overcrowded conditions, with a consequent increase in waiting times. Due consideration of this factor is fundamental because, if it were to be repeated, it would make a further contribution to passengers’ discontent. While, as regards the estimate of dwell times on the basis of flows, it becomes fundamental in the planning phase. In fact, estimating dwell times as fixed values, ideally equal for all runs and all stations, can induce differences between actual and planned operations, with a subsequent deterioration in system performance. Thus, neglecting these aspects, above all in crowded contexts, would render the simulation distorted, both in terms of costs and benefits. The second aspect, on the other hand, concerns the correct assessment of effects of the strategies put in place, both in planning phases (strategic decisions such as the realisation of a new infrastructure, the improvement of the current signalling system or the purchasing of new rolling stock) and in operational phases (operational decisions such as the definition of intervention strategies for addressing disruption conditions). In fact, in the management of failures, to date, there are operational procedures which are based on hypothetical times for re-establishing ordinary conditions, estimated by the train driver or by the staff of the operation centre, who, generally, tend to minimise the impact exclusively from the company’s point of view (minimisation of operational costs), rather than from the standpoint of passengers. Additionally, in the definition of intervention strategies, passenger flow and its variation in time (different temporal intervals) and space (different points in the railway network) are rarely considered. It appears obvious, therefore, how the proposed re-examination of the dispatching and rescheduling tasks in a passenger-orientated perspective, should be accompanied by the development of estimation and forecasting techniques for travel demand, aimed at correctly taking into account the peculiarities of the railway system; as well as by the generation of ad-hoc tools designed to simulate the behaviour of passengers in the various phases of the trip (turnstile access, transfer from the turnstiles to the platform, waiting on platform, boarding and alighting process, etc.). The latest workstream in this present study concerns the analysis of the energy problems associated to rail transport. This is closely linked to what has so far been described. Indeed, in order to implement proper energy saving policies, it is, above all, necessary to obtain a reliable estimate of the involved operational times (recovery times, inversion times, buffer times, etc.). Moreover, as the adoption of eco-driving strategies generates an increase in passenger travel times, with everything that this involves, it is important to investigate the trade-off between energy efficiency and increase in user generalised costs. Within this framework, the present study aims at providing a DSS (Decision Support System) for all phases of planning and management of rail transport systems, from that of timetabling to dispatching and rescheduling, also considering space-time travel demand variability as well as the definition of suitable energy-saving policies, by adopting a passenger-orientated perspective

    Developing Police Patrol Strategies Based on the Urban Street Network

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    In urban areas, crime and disorder have been long-lasting problems that spoil the economic and emotional well-being of residents. A significant way to deter crime, and maintain public safety is through police patrolling. So far, the deployment of police forces in patrolling has relied mainly on expert knowledge, and is usually based on two-dimensional spatial units, giving insufficient consideration to the underlying urban structure and collaboration among patrol officers. This approach has led to impractical and inefficient police patrol strategies, as well as a workload imbalance among officers. Therefore, it is of essential importance to devise advanced police patrol strategies that incorporate urban structure, the collaboration of the patrol officers, and a workload balance. This study aims to develop police patrol strategies that would make intelligent use of the street network layout in urban areas. The street network is a key component in urban structure and is the domain in which crime and policing take place. By explicitly considering street network configurations in their operations, police forces are enabled to provide timely responses to emergency calls and essential coverage to crime hotspots. Although some models have considered street networks in patrolling to some extent, challenges remain. First, most existing methods for the design of police districts use two-dimensional units, such as grid cells, as basic units, but using streets as basic units would lead to districts that are more accessible and usable. Second, the routing problem in police patrolling has several unique characteristics, such as patrollers potentially starting from different stations, but most existing routing strategies have failed to consider these. Third, police patrolling strategies should be validated using real-world scenarios, whilst most existing strategies in the literature have only been tested in small hypothetical instances without realistic settings. In this thesis, a framework for developing police patrol strategies based on the urban street network is proposed, to effectively cover crime hotspots, as well as the rest of the territory. This framework consists of three strategies, including a districting model, a patrol routing strategy for repeated coverage, and a patrol routing strategy for infrequent coverage. Various relevant factors have been considered in the strategy design, including the underlying structure of the street network and the collaboration among patrollers belonging to different stations. Moreover, these strategies have been validated by the patrolling scenarios in London. The results demonstrate that these strategies outperform the current corresponding benchmark strategies, which indicates that they may have considerable potential in future police operations

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Modelling and Solving Mixed-model Parallel Two-sided Assembly Line Problems

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    The global competitive environment and the growing demand for personalised products have increased the interest of companies in producing similar product models on the same assembly line. Companies are forced to make significant structural changes to rapidly respond to diversified demands and convert their existing single-model lines into mixed-model lines in order to avoid unnecessary new line construction cost for each new product model. Mixed-model assembly lines play a key role in increasing productivity without compromising quality for manufacturing enterprises. The literature is extensive on assembling small-sized products in an intermixed sequence and assembling large-sized products in large volumes on single-model lines. However, a mixed-model parallel two-sided line system, where two or more similar products or similar models of a large-sized product are assembled on each of the parallel two-sided lines in an intermixed sequence, has not been of interest to academia so far. Moreover, taking model sequencing problem into consideration on a mixed-model parallel two-sided line system is a novel research topic in this domain. Within this context, the problem of simultaneous balancing and sequencing of mixed-model parallel two-sided lines is defined and described using illustrative examples for the first time in the literature. The mathematical model of the problem is also developed to exhibit the main characteristics of the problem and to explore the logic underlying the algorithms developed. The benefits of utilising multi-line stations between two adjacent lines are discussed and numerical examples are provided. An agent-based ant colony optimisation algorithm (called ABACO) is developed to obtain a generic solution that conforms to any model sequence and it is enhanced step-by-step to increase the quality of the solutions obtained. Then, the algorithm is modified with the integration of a model sequencing procedure (where the modified version is called ABACO/S) to balance lines by tracking the product model changes on each workstation in a complex production environment where each of the parallel lines may a have different cycle time. Finally, a genetic algorithm based model sequencing mechanism is integrated to the algorithm to increase the robustness of the obtained solutions. Computational tests are performed using test cases to observe the performances of the developed algorithms. Statistical tests are conducted through obtained results and test results establish that balancing mixed-model parallel two-sided lines together has a significant effect on the sought performance measures (a weighted summation of line length and the number of workstations) in comparison with balancing those lines separately. Another important finding of the research is that considering model sequencing problem along with the line balancing problem helps algorithm find better line balances with better performance measures. The results also indicate that the developed ABACO and ABACO/S algorithms outperform other test heuristics commonly used in the literature in solving various line balancing problems; and integrating a genetic algorithm based model sequencing mechanism into ABACO/S helps the algorithm find better solutions with less amount of computational effort
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