5,649 research outputs found

    A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale

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    In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry remains surprisingly sparse. Such knowledge is however critical both for basic and clinical research into brain function. Here we advocate for a concerted effort to fill this gap, through systematic, experimental mapping of neural circuits at a mesoscopic scale of resolution suitable for comprehensive, brain-wide coverage, using injections of tracers or viral vectors. We detail the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and experimental techniques. We define a set of desiderata, including brain-wide coverage; validated and extensible experimental techniques suitable for standardization and automation; centralized, open access data repository; compatibility with existing resources, and tractability with current informatics technology. We discuss a hypothetical but tractable plan for mouse, additional efforts for the macaque, and technique development for human. We estimate that the mouse connectivity project could be completed within five years with a comparatively modest budget.Comment: 41 page

    RAS mutation status predicts survival and patterns of recurrence in patients undergoing hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases.

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    ObjectiveTo determine the impact of RAS mutation status on survival and patterns of recurrence in patients undergoing curative resection of colorectal liver metastases (CLM) after preoperative modern chemotherapy.BackgroundRAS mutation has been reported to be associated with aggressive tumor biology. However, the effect of RAS mutation on survival and patterns of recurrence after resection of CLM remains unclear.MethodsSomatic mutations were analyzed using mass spectroscopy in 193 patients who underwent single-regimen modern chemotherapy before resection of CLM. The relationship between RAS mutation status and survival outcomes was investigated.ResultsDetected somatic mutations included RAS (KRAS/NRAS) in 34 (18%), PIK3CA in 13 (7%), and BRAF in 2 (1%) patients. At a median follow-up of 33 months, 3-year overall survival (OS) rates were 81% in patients with wild-type versus 52.2% in patients with mutant RAS (P = 0.002); 3-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates were 33.5% with wild-type versus 13.5% with mutant RAS (P = 0.001). Liver and lung recurrences were observed in 89 and 83 patients, respectively. Patients with RAS mutation had a lower 3-year lung RFS rate (34.6% vs 59.3%, P < 0.001) but not a lower 3-year liver RFS rate (43.8% vs 50.2%, P = 0.181). In multivariate analyses, RAS mutation predicted worse OS [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.3, P = 0.002), overall RFS (HR = 1.9, P = 0.005), and lung RFS (HR = 2.0, P = 0.01), but not liver RFS (P = 0.181).ConclusionsRAS mutation predicts early lung recurrence and worse survival after curative resection of CLM. This information may be used to individualize systemic and local tumor-directed therapies and follow-up strategies

    A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of cortical development: update 2012.

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    Malformations of cerebral cortical development include a wide range of developmental disorders that are common causes of neurodevelopmental delay and epilepsy. In addition, study of these disorders contributes greatly to the understanding of normal brain development and its perturbations. The rapid recent evolution of molecular biology, genetics and imaging has resulted in an explosive increase in our knowledge of cerebral cortex development and in the number and types of malformations of cortical development that have been reported. These advances continue to modify our perception of these malformations. This review addresses recent changes in our perception of these disorders and proposes a modified classification based upon updates in our knowledge of cerebral cortical development


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    I tumori maligni del distretto testa-collo rappresentano un insieme di lesioni dalle diverse caratteristiche patologiche, epidemiologiche e prognostiche. Per una porzione considerevole di tali patologie, l’intervento chirurgico finalizzato all’asportazione completa del tumore rappresenta l’elemento chiave del trattamento, quand’anche esso includa altre modalità quali la radioterapia e la terapia sistemica. La qualità dell’atto chirurgico ablativo è pertanto essenziale al fine di garantire le massime chance di cura al paziente. Nell’ambito della chirurgia oncologica, la qualità delle ablazioni viene misurata attraverso l’analisi dello stato dei margini di resezione. Oltre a rappresentare un surrogato della qualità della resezione chirurgica, lo stato dei margini di resezione ha notevoli implicazioni da un punto di vista clinico e prognostico. Infatti, il coinvolgimento dei margini di resezione da parte della neoplasia rappresenta invariabilmente un fattore prognostico sfavorevole, oltre che implicare la necessità di intensificare i trattamenti postchirurgici (e.g., ponendo indicazione alla chemioradioterapia adiuvante), comportando una maggiore tossicità per il paziente. La proporzione di resezioni con margini positivi (i.e., coinvolti dalla neoplasia) nel distretto testa-collo è tra le più elevate in ambito di chirurgia oncologica. In tale contesto si pone l’obiettivo del dottorato di cui questa tesi riporta i risultati. Le due tecnologie di cui si è analizzata l’utilità in termini di ottimizzazione dello stato dei margini di resezione sono la navigazione chirurgica con rendering tridimensionale e la realtà aumentata basata sulla videoproiezione di immagini. Le sperimentazioni sono state svolte parzialmente presso l’Università degli Studi di Brescia, parzialmente presso l’Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova e parzialmente presso l’University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). I risultati delle sperimentazioni incluse in questo elaborato dimostrano che l'impiego della navigazione chirurgica con rendering tridimensionale nel contesto di procedure oncologiche ablative cervico-cefaliche risulta associata ad un vantaggio significativo in termini di riduzione della frequenza di margini positivi. Al contrario, le tecniche di realtà aumentata basata sulla videoproiezione, nell'ambito della sperimentazione preclinica effettuata, non sono risultate associate a vantaggi sufficienti per poter considerare tale tecnologia per la traslazione clinica.Head and neck malignancies are an heterogeneous group of tumors. Surgery represents the mainstay of treatment for the large majority of head and neck cancers, with ablation being aimed at removing completely the tumor. Radiotherapy and systemic therapy have also a substantial role in the multidisciplinary management of head and neck cancers. The quality of surgical ablation is intimately related to margin status evaluated at a microscopic level. Indeed, margin involvement has a remarkably negative effect on prognosis of patients and mandates the escalation of postoperative treatment by adding concomitant chemotherapy to radiotherapy and accordingly increasing the toxicity of overall treatment. The rate of margin involvement in the head and neck is among the highest in the entire field of surgical oncology. In this context, the present PhD project was aimed at testing the utility of 2 technologies, namely surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering and pico projector-based augmented reality, in decreasing the rate of involved margins during oncologic surgical ablations in the craniofacial area. Experiments were performed in the University of Brescia, University of Padua, and University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). The research activities completed in the context of this PhD course demonstrated that surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering confers a higher quality to oncologic ablations in the head and neck, irrespective of the open or endoscopic surgical technique. The benefits deriving from this implementation come with no relevant drawbacks from a logistical and practical standpoint, nor were major adverse events observed. Thus, implementation of this technology into the standard care is the logical proposed step forward. However, the genuine presence of a prognostic advantage needs longer and larger study to be formally addressed. On the other hand, pico projector-based augmented reality showed no sufficient advantages to encourage translation into the clinical setting. Although observing a clear practical advantage deriving from the projection of osteotomy lines onto the surgical field, no substantial benefits were measured when comparing this technology with surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering. Yet recognizing a potential value of this technology from an educational standpoint, the performance displayed in the preclinical setting in terms of surgical margins optimization is not in favor of a clinical translation with this specific aim

    Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for comprehensive treatment of oligometastatic tumors (SABR-COMET): Study protocol for a randomized phase II trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) has emerged as a new treatment option for patients with oligometastatic disease. SABR delivers precise, high-dose, hypofractionated radiotherapy, and achieves excellent rates of local control. Survival outcomes for patients with oligometastatic disease treated with SABR appear promising, but conclusions are limited by patient selection, and the lack of adequate controls in most studies. The goal of this multicenter randomized phase II trial is to assess the impact of a comprehensive oligometastatic SABR treatment program on overall survival and quality of life in patients with up to 5 metastatic cancer lesions, compared to patients who receive standard of care treatment alone.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After stratification by the number of metastases (1-3 vs. 4-5), patients will be randomized between Arm 1: current standard of care treatment, and Arm 2: standard of care treatment + SABR to all sites of known disease. Patients will be randomized in a 1:2 ratio to Arm 1:Arm 2, respectively. For patients receiving SABR, radiotherapy dose and fractionation depends on the site of metastasis and the proximity to critical normal structures. This study aims to accrue a total of 99 patients within four years. The primary endpoint is overall survival, and secondary endpoints include quality of life, toxicity, progression-free survival, lesion control rate, and number of cycles of further chemotherapy/systemic therapy.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will provide an assessment of the impact of SABR on clinical outcomes and quality of life, to determine if long-term survival can be achieved for selected patients with oligometastatic disease, and will inform the design of a possible phase III study.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01446744</p

    Canine presumed glial brain tumours treated with radiotherapy: Is there an inferior outcome in tumours contacting the subventricular zone?

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    Post-treatment outcome in canine glial tumours is described with a broad range of survival times between 2 and 28 months. After surgery or radiation therapy, the tumours may progress locally or spread within the central nervous system. It is unknown if tumour- or patient-specific factors influence prognosis. In humans, glioblastoma involving the subventricular zone has been found to recur distantly, with shortened time to progression and overall survival. We included 32 dogs irradiated for a presumptive primary glial brain tumour in this retrospective cohort study. Tumours were grouped relative to subventricular zone contact and overt ventricular invasion assessing pre-treatment magnetic resonance images. Median time to progression (TTP) for all cases was 534 days (95%CI, 310–758), with a significantly shorter TTP in dogs with lesions at the subventricular zone (median TTP, 260 vs. 687 days; p&nbsp;=.049). Tumours at the subventricular zone progressed more often (p&nbsp;=.001), and more likely as CNS-metastasis (52.9% vs. 13.3%, p&nbsp;=.028). Median overall survival (OS) was 489 days (95%CI, 147–831) and median tumour-specific survival 609 days (95%CI, 382–835). Involvement of the subventricular zone was significantly associated with a shorter tumour-specific survival (median, 306 vs. 719 days; p&nbsp;=.044). Glial tumours contacting the subventricular zone in dogs have a shorter tumour-specific survival and a higher rate of progression and CNS-metastasis. Despite local tumour control, metastasis must be considered and should prompt further treatment approaches