25,018 research outputs found

    Planetary explorer liquid propulsion study

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    An analytical evaluation of several candidate monopropellant hydrazine propulsion system approaches is conducted in order to define the most suitable configuration for the combined velocity and attitude control system for the Planetary Explorer spacecraft. Both orbiter and probe-type missions to the planet Venus are considered. The spacecraft concept is that of a Delta launched spin-stabilized vehicle. Velocity control is obtained through preprogrammed pulse-mode firing of the thrusters in synchronism with the spacecraft spin rate. Configuration selection is found to be strongly influenced by the possible error torques induced by uncertainties in thruster operation and installation. The propulsion systems defined are based on maximum use of existing, qualified components. Ground support equipment requirements are defined and system development testing outlined

    Rotor systems research aircraft predesign study. Volume 4: Preliminary draft detail specification

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    The RSRA requirements are presented in a detail specification format. Coverage of the requirements includes the following headings: (1) aircraft characteristics, (2) general features of design and construction, (3) aerodynamics, (4) structural design criteria, (5) flight control system, (6) propulsion subsystem, and (7) secondary power and distribution subsystem

    Application of Unified Power Flow Controller to Improve the Performance of Wind Energy Conversion System

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    This research introduces the unified power flow controller (UPFC) as a means to improve the overall performance of wind energy conversion system (WECS) through the development of an appropriate control algorithm. Also, application of the proposed UPFC control algorithm has been extended in this research to overcome some problems associated with the internal faults associated with WECS- voltage source converter (VSC), such as miss-fire, fire-through and dc-link faults

    Guidance and Control System (GC) - Malfunction Procedure Symptoms - March 1, 1968

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    Diagrams and blueprints for malfunction procedures symptoms of Guidance and Control System (GC); dated March 1, 1968. Full set.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/apollo/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Improving skills in rounding off the whole number

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    This study was conducted to address teaching and learning skills in rounding off a whole number. This study consisted of 15 years 4 students from the Kong Nan Chinese Primary School, Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia. Initial survey to identify this problem was carried out by analyzing the exercise books and exercises in pre-test. Based on these analyses, a large number of students were not proficient in relevant skills. A ‘q’ technique was introduced as an approach in teaching and learning to help students master the skills of rounding whole numbers. In summary, this technique helps students to remember the sequence of processes and process in rounding numbers. A total of four sessions of teaching and learning activities that take less than an hour have been implemented specifically to help students to master this technique. Results of the implementation of these activities have shown very positive results among the students. Two post tests were carried out to see the effectiveness of techniques and the results shows that 100% of students were able to answer correctly at least three questions correctly. The t-test analysis was clearly showed the effectiveness of ‘q’ technique. This technique also indirectly helps to maintain and increase student interest in learning Mathematics. This is shown with the active involvement of students in answering questions given by the teacher

    Requirements for a transformerless power conditioning system

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    Requirements for development of a Transformerless Power Conditioning Subsystem (TPCS) that will meet utility, manufacturer, and customer needs are detailed. Issues analyzed include current utility guidelines, safety and grounding issues that appear as local codes, various kinds of TPCS connections that can be developed, dc injection, and a brief survey of TPCS circuit topologies that will meet requirements. The major result is that a finite time exists for control operation before dc injection into the distribution transformer causes customer outage (on the order of seconds). This time permits the control system to sense a dc injection condition and remove the TPCS from the utility system. Requirements for such a control system are specified. A three wire connection will ensure balanced operation for customer loads and two wire connections caused average value dc to be injected into single phase loads. This type of connection also allows for the lowest array voltage. The conclusion is that requirements for a TPCS can be determined and that there are not showstopping issues preventing implementation. The actual design and topology of the TPCS was left for further study

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1967

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    Technological innovations for January-June 1967, abstracts and subject inde

    Magnetic Actuators and Suspension for Space Vibration Control

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    The research on microgravity vibration isolation performed at the University of Virginia is summarized. This research on microgravity vibration isolation was focused in three areas: (1) the development of new actuators for use in microgravity isolation; (2) the design of controllers for multiple-degree-of-freedom active isolation; and (3) the construction of a single-degree-of-freedom test rig with umbilicals. Described are the design and testing of a large stroke linear actuator; the conceptual design and analysis of a redundant coarse-fine six-degree-of-freedom actuator; an investigation of the control issues of active microgravity isolation; a methodology for the design of multiple-degree-of-freedom isolation control systems using modern control theory; and the design and testing of a single-degree-of-freedom test rig with umbilicals

    Solid-Fuel Ramjet Assisted Gun-Launched Projectiles

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    The principles of construction and operation of a solid-fuel ramjet assisted gun- launched projectile are briefly explained. A concise global-survey of the projects on solid-fuel ramjet powered missiles is presented. Pseudovacuum trajectory is a ballistic trajectory in air of a powered projectile where the thrust always balances the drag. Easy and accurate predictability and insensitiveness to external disturbances are the two major advantages of the pseudovacuum trajectory. This trajectory can be easily achieved for gun-launched projectiles by the use of solid fuel ramjets. A preliminary-sizing procedure for solid fuel ramjet powered gun launched projectile is presented. Supersonic spillage and its momentum, bypass-air momentum, real time variations of stagnation pressure losses at the two rearward steps (one at the inlet to and the other at the exit of the combustion chamber), heat addition losses, and combustion efficiency are included in the procedure. Also, presented are the ramjet-control requirements for a typical 155-mm gun launched projectile. The control requirements are minimal, demonstrating the "self throttling characteristics" of solid fuel ramjets. For the typical 155-mm gun launched projectiles, following pseudovacuum trajectories using solid fuel ramjets, the maximum range is found to be in excess of 40 km

    Viking '75 spacecraft design and test summary. Volume 1: Lander design

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    The Viking Mars program is summarized. The design of the Viking lander spacecraft is described
