7 research outputs found

    Gerenciamento de índices produtivos em lotes de postura comercial através do uso de redes neurais artificiais

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    O presente estudo utilizou Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) elaboradas pelos programas computacionais NeuroShell®Predictor e NeuroShell®Classifier para avaliar dados zootécnicos de 42 lotes de aves produtoras de ovos comerciais provenientes de uma empresa localizada na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram gerados de 2010 a 2018 abrangendo um total de 600.000 poedeiras comerciais. As variáveis objeto desta avaliação foram fase de criação, local de alojamento, linhagem, cor das aves, peso semanal, uniformidade, percentual de produção semanal, ovo/ave alojada, grama/ave/dia, número de aves mortas por semana, percentual de mortalidade semanal, idade em semanas, identidade e saldo de aves. Os programas identificaram variáveis de entrada para montagem das redes buscando a predição das variáveis chamadas de saída que foram posteriormente validadas. O processo inicial de treinamento das redes utilizou 50% dos dados disponíveis no banco de dados da granja e o restante 50% foi usado para validação das predições realizadas. Os resultados do Coeficiente de Determinação Múltipla nos processos de validação das redes foram os que seguem: rede Aves Mortas Semanal R²=0,933, rede Grama/Ave/Dia R²=0,738, rede Ovo/Ave Alojada R²=0,990, rede Peso Semanal R²=0,971, rede Produção Média Semanal R²=0,801 sendo que todas essas tiveram capacidade de predição. A rede Uniformidade apresentou R²=-2,995 e não obteve sucesso nas previsões. Conclui-se que as Redes Neurais Artificiais são um instrumento de grande capacidade de predição dos dados zootécnicos em Produção de Ovos Comerciais e que a constante qualificação dos dados deste processo produtivo proporcionará avanços no gerenciamento da atividade.The present study used Artificial Neural Networks (RNAs) developed by the computer programs NeuroShell®Predictor and NeuroShell®Classifier to evaluate zootechnical data of 42 flocks of commercial layers from a company located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The data were generated from 2010 to 2018 covering a total of 600,000 commercial egg producing birds. The variables object of this evaluation were the breeding phase, place of housing , commercial strain, color of the birds, weekly weight, uniformity, percentage of weekly production, egg / bird housed, grams / bird / day, weekly mortality, percentage of weekly mortality, age in weeks, identity and number of birds. The programs identified input variables for assembling the networks in order to predict the variables called output that were later validated. The initial training process of the networks used 50% of the data available in the farm's database and the remaining 50% was used to validate the predictions made. The results of the Multiple Determination Coefficient in the validation processes of the networks were as follows: weekly mortality R² = 0.933, gram/ bird/ day R² = 0.738, egg/bird housed R² = 0.990, weekly weight R² = 0.971, percentage of weekly production R² = 0.801, all of which had predictive capacity. The uniformity presented R² = -2.995 and was not successful in forecasting. It is concluded that the Artificial Neural Networks are an instrument of great capacity for prediction of the zootechnical data in production of commercial eggs and that the constant qualification of the data of this productive process will provide advances in the management of the activity

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema automático de suministro trifásico permanente y optimización del consumo energético para la Avícola “Flor María”.

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    En la Avícola “Flor María” se diseñó e implementó un sistema de transferencia automático para el sumistro eléctrico trifásico permanente, en el consumo energético proveniente de la red pública, Empresa Eléctrica Riobamba (EERSA). Se utilizó un tablero de transferencia automática comandado por un controlador lovato ATL 610 que garantizó el suministro eléctrico de la EERSA o del Generador (MODASA MP- 1 10), un controlador lovato DCRL 8 que corrigió el bajo factor de potencia presente en la red, debido a la alta carga variable e inductiva y una pantalla HMI que monitorea la generación de energía en horas pico sobre los 50 kw. Como resultado se obtuvo un factor de potencia de 0.98, tiempo de respuesta de 5 segundos, reducción de consumo de potencias activa 18.80%, potencia aparente 23.81%, potencia reactiva 53.21%. La implementación mejoró el factor de potencia en diferentes consumos, permitió la generación de energía eléctrica en horas pico y redujo los costos de consumo energético anual a un 20.26 %, un ahorro energético anual del 7.13% y una disminución del consumo anual de diésel en un 80 %. La realización de los mantenimientos pertinentes en el sistema autónomo, permitió el correcto balance de cargas dando un funcionamiento ideal, erradicando posibles fallos.In the "Flor María" Avicola, an automatic transfer system for permanent three-phase electricity supply was designed and implemented, in energy consumption from the public network. Empresa E1éctrica Riobamba (EERSA). An automatic transfer board commanded by a Lovato ATL 610 controller was used that guaranteed the power supply of the EERSA or the Generator (MODASA MP- 110), a Lovato DCRL 8 controller that corrected the low power factor present in the network, due to the high variable and inductive load, and an HMI screen that monitored the generation of energy in peak hours over 50 kw. As a result, a power factor of 0.98, response time of 5 seconds, reduction of active power consumption 18.80%, apparent power 23.81%, reactive power 53.21 % was obtained. The implementation improved the power factor in different consumptions, allowed the generation of electricity during peak hours and reduced annual energy consumption costs to 20.26%, an annual energy saving of 7.13% and a decrease in annual diesel consumption by 80% The realization of the relevant maintenance in the autonomous system, allowed the correct balance of loads giving an ideal operation, eradicating possible failures

    The drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility in the supply chain. A case study.

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    Purpose: The paper studies the way in which a SME integrates CSR into its corporate strategy, the practices it puts in place and how its CSR strategies reflect on its suppliers and customers relations. Methodology/Research limitations: A qualitative case study methodology is used. The use of a single case study limits the generalizing capacity of these findings. Findings: The entrepreneur’s ethical beliefs and value system play a fundamental role in shaping sustainable corporate strategy. Furthermore, the type of competitive strategy selected based on innovation, quality and responsibility clearly emerges both in terms of well defined management procedures and supply chain relations as a whole aimed at involving partners in the process of sustainable innovation. Originality/value: The paper presents a SME that has devised an original innovative business model. The study pivots on the issues of innovation and eco-sustainability in a context of drivers for CRS and business ethics. These values are considered fundamental at International level; the United Nations has declared 2011 the “International Year of Forestry”

    The emperor\u27s new clothes: how the new atheists are reminding the humanities of their place and purpose in society.

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    This dissertation will examine the social and intellectual impact of the so-called “New Atheism” as evidenced by the writings and public careers of its four principal protagonists: evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, philosopher Daniel Dennett, journalist Christopher Hitchens, and neuroscientist Sam Harris. I will argue that the New Atheists together provide an account of reality philosophically superior to that of theism, including those superficially sophisticated variations espoused in the writings of scholars William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Allister McGrath, Alvin Plantinga, etc. Yet, even if this were not so, I would still contend that the accessible, informative, and provocative style of the New Atheists’ prose nevertheless epitomizes precisely what academic writing could and should be. Their commitment to the Enlightenment principles of philosophical objectivity, reason, and the successes of the scientific method stands in stark contrast not only to the more malleable methodology of their religious opponents, but also to the prevailing (and ideologically-conflicting) traditions of deconstructive postmodernism and post-structuralism (as exemplified in the works of Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and others) which have greatly influenced humanities’ scholarship in recent decades. Therefore, while I very much intend to defend the substance of the New Atheists’ arguments against the various objections of their philosophical, religious, and scientific critics, I simultaneously mean to defend their stylistic choices as well (not only against their critics but also as compared to the obscurant, equivocal, and highly subjective style so often employed by postmodernists). It is my fervent hope that even those who should ultimately disagree with either the New Atheists’ assertions or my defense of them will still be able to see the value of their (and hopefully my) clear, concise brand of communication. For theirs is a style no longer widely employed within the confines of the academy. That said, I believe that the humanities disciplines of history, literary theory, cultural studies, and philosophy would greatly benefit, were they to adopt (or perhaps re-embrace) the communicative model and underlying realist epistemology of the New Atheists

    Religious Individualisation

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    This volume brings together key findings of the research project ‘Religious Individualisation in Historical Perspective’ at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies. Combining a wide range of disciplinary approaches, methods and theories, the volume assembles over 50 contributions that explore and compare processes of religious individualisation in Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe from antiquity to the recent past