30 research outputs found

    Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Handwritten character recognition is one of the practically important issues in pattern recognition applications. The applications of digit recognition includes in postal mail sorting, bank check processing, form data entry, etc. The heart of the problem lies within the ability to develop an efficient algorithm that can recognize hand written digits and which is submitted by users by the way of a scanner, tablet, and other digital devices. This paper presents an approach to off-line handwritten digit recognition based on different machine learning technique. The main objective of this paper is to ensure effective and reliable approaches for recognition of handwritten digits. Several machines learning algorithm namely, Multilayer Perceptron, Support Vector Machine, NaFDA5; Bayes, Bayes Net, Random Forest, J48 and Random Tree has been used for the recognition of digits using WEKA. The result of this paper shows that highest 90.37% accuracy has been obtained for Multilayer Perceptron

    Probabilistic Inference from Arbitrary Uncertainty using Mixtures of Factorized Generalized Gaussians

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    This paper presents a general and efficient framework for probabilistic inference and learning from arbitrary uncertain information. It exploits the calculation properties of finite mixture models, conjugate families and factorization. Both the joint probability density of the variables and the likelihood function of the (objective or subjective) observation are approximated by a special mixture model, in such a way that any desired conditional distribution can be directly obtained without numerical integration. We have developed an extended version of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the parameters of mixture models from uncertain training examples (indirect observations). As a consequence, any piece of exact or uncertain information about both input and output values is consistently handled in the inference and learning stages. This ability, extremely useful in certain situations, is not found in most alternative methods. The proposed framework is formally justified from standard probabilistic principles and illustrative examples are provided in the fields of nonparametric pattern classification, nonlinear regression and pattern completion. Finally, experiments on a real application and comparative results over standard databases provide empirical evidence of the utility of the method in a wide range of applications

    Inferring Coupling of Distributed Dynamical Systems via Transfer Entropy

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    In this work, we are interested in structure learning for a set of spatially distributed dynamical systems, where individual subsystems are coupled via latent variables and observed through a filter. We represent this model as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that characterises the unidirectional coupling between subsystems. Standard approaches to structure learning are not applicable in this framework due to the hidden variables, however we can exploit the properties of certain dynamical systems to formulate exact methods based on state space reconstruction. We approach the problem by using reconstruction theorems to analytically derive a tractable expression for the KL-divergence of a candidate DAG from the observed dataset. We show this measure can be decomposed as a function of two information-theoretic measures, transfer entropy and stochastic interaction. We then present two mathematically robust scoring functions based on transfer entropy and statistical independence tests. These results support the previously held conjecture that transfer entropy can be used to infer effective connectivity in complex networks

    Being Bayesian about learning Gaussian Bayesian networks from incomplete data

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    We propose a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach for inferring the structure of Gaussian Bayesian networks (BNs) from incomplete data, i.e. from data with missing values. Our method builds on the ‘Bayesian metric for Gaussian networks having score equivalence’ (BGe score) and we make the assumption that the unobserved data points are ‘missing completely at random’. We present a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm that allows for simultaneously sampling directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) as well as the values of the unobserved data points. We empirically cross-compare the network reconstruction accuracy of the new BMA approach with two non-Bayesian approaches for dealing with incomplete BN data, namely the classical structural Expectation Maximisation (EM) approach and the more recently proposed node average likelihood (NAL) method. For the empirical evaluation we use synthetic data from a benchmark Gaussian BN and real wet-lab protein phosphorylation data from the RAF signalling pathway.</p