158 research outputs found

    Proper Hamiltonian Cycles in Edge-Colored Multigraphs

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    A cc-edge-colored multigraph has each edge colored with one of the cc available colors and no two parallel edges have the same color. A proper Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle containing all the vertices of the multigraph such that no two adjacent edges have the same color. In this work we establish sufficient conditions for a multigraph to have a proper Hamiltonian cycle, depending on several parameters such as the number of edges and the rainbow degree.Comment: 13 page

    Odd properly colored cycles in edge-colored graphs

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    It is well-known that an undirected graph has no odd cycle if and only if it is bipartite. A less obvious, but similar result holds for directed graphs: a strongly connected digraph has no odd cycle if and only if it is bipartite. Can this result be further generalized to more general graphs such as edge-colored graphs? In this paper, we study this problem and show how to decide if there exists an odd properly colored cycle in a given edge-colored graph. As a by-product, we show how to detect if there is a perfect matching in a graph with even (or odd) number of edges in a given edge set

    Enclosings of Decompositions of Complete Multigraphs in 22-Edge-Connected rr-Factorizations

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    A decomposition of a multigraph GG is a partition of its edges into subgraphs G(1),,G(k)G(1), \ldots , G(k). It is called an rr-factorization if every G(i)G(i) is rr-regular and spanning. If GG is a subgraph of HH, a decomposition of GG is said to be enclosed in a decomposition of HH if, for every 1ik1 \leq i \leq k, G(i)G(i) is a subgraph of H(i)H(i). Feghali and Johnson gave necessary and sufficient conditions for a given decomposition of λKn\lambda K_n to be enclosed in some 22-edge-connected rr-factorization of μKm\mu K_{m} for some range of values for the parameters nn, mm, λ\lambda, μ\mu, rr: r=2r=2, μ>λ\mu>\lambda and either m2n1m \geq 2n-1, or m=2n2m=2n-2 and μ=2\mu = 2 and λ=1\lambda=1, or n=3n=3 and m=4m=4. We generalize their result to every r2r \geq 2 and m2n2m \geq 2n - 2. We also give some sufficient conditions for enclosing a given decomposition of λKn\lambda K_n in some 22-edge-connected rr-factorization of μKm\mu K_{m} for every r3r \geq 3 and m=(2C)nm = (2 - C)n, where CC is a constant that depends only on rr, λ\lambda and~μ\mu.Comment: 17 pages; fixed the proof of Theorem 1.4 and other minor change

    Assessing the Computational Complexity of Multi-Layer Subgraph Detection

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    Multi-layer graphs consist of several graphs (layers) over the same vertex set. They are motivated by real-world problems where entities (vertices) are associated via multiple types of relationships (edges in different layers). We chart the border of computational (in)tractability for the class of subgraph detection problems on multi-layer graphs, including fundamental problems such as maximum matching, finding certain clique relaxations (motivated by community detection), or path problems. Mostly encountering hardness results, sometimes even for two or three layers, we can also spot some islands of tractability

    Spotting Trees with Few Leaves

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    We show two results related to the Hamiltonicity and kk-Path algorithms in undirected graphs by Bj\"orklund [FOCS'10], and Bj\"orklund et al., [arXiv'10]. First, we demonstrate that the technique used can be generalized to finding some kk-vertex tree with ll leaves in an nn-vertex undirected graph in O(1.657k2l/2)O^*(1.657^k2^{l/2}) time. It can be applied as a subroutine to solve the kk-Internal Spanning Tree (kk-IST) problem in O(min(3.455k,1.946n))O^*(\min(3.455^k, 1.946^n)) time using polynomial space, improving upon previous algorithms for this problem. In particular, for the first time we break the natural barrier of O(2n)O^*(2^n). Second, we show that the iterated random bipartition employed by the algorithm can be improved whenever the host graph admits a vertex coloring with few colors; it can be an ordinary proper vertex coloring, a fractional vertex coloring, or a vector coloring. In effect, we show improved bounds for kk-Path and Hamiltonicity in any graph of maximum degree Δ=4,,12\Delta=4,\ldots,12 or with vector chromatic number at most 8